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2645318 No.2645318 [Reply] [Original]

The most profound and interesting drugs are those most like those produced by our own brains.

>> No.2645760

Quiet you fool! Before the retarded people in government extend the "war on drugs" to our brains!

>> No.2645785

Is there a way to make ourselves "smarter." I'm tired of feeling so dumb all the time.

>> No.2645789

I feel like an idiot compared to everyone on /sci/. It's okay.

>> No.2645813

I want to use Salvia. Banned here in AU

>> No.2645816


its fucking wonderful stuff...

>> No.2645828

DMT is produced in the brain dude

>> No.2645840

stop drinking coffee/booze, drink water more often. eat better. dont fap more than 4 times a month. get at least 7 hours of sleep. regularly practice math (idk lol). take psychostimulants. exercise regularly but lightly. study in quiet environments without listening to music or any other distracting media.

diet: start your day off with carbs, eat a protein-heavy lunch. whatever for dinner. don't eat 3 hours before sleepy time.

avoid stress by finding humor. anything works.

in summary: live a mostly clean lifestyle, reach a balancing point, and stay on task. this conditions/prepares your brain to recognize patterns more easily. most of all: pursue something you're passionate about

>> No.2645842



I envy you

>> No.2645844

what about fucking more than 4 times a month.

same thing?

>> No.2645848

Yeah. I know this sounds like bullshit, and it may be the placebo effect, but it's worked for me:

Alpha GPC
Folic Acid
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12

Also look up nootropics. Mostly, just think

>> No.2645855

In what dosages did you take them. Also, did you take them all at once?

>> No.2645860


lol. Who cares how you feel. Look after yourself as >>2645840 said and be happy with what you have. You don't have to have an IQ of 160 in order to be happy.

Society currently sees intelligence as an admirable trait, this was different in the past and will be different in future. Also, society only cares about particular facets of 'intelligence'. Intelligence is one of the most contentious topics within psych.

In short, fuck society, look after yourself, be happy.

>> No.2645866

for the most part. same endocrine process or something.

this could undermine relationships. fuck, or don't fuck, at your own discretion, i guess. if i dont fap or fuck for a week, i can focus well

>> No.2645867


Nootropics do get expensive. Vinpocetine is a good starter. Piracetam can turn you into an angry a-social asshole.

>> No.2645870

how can you focus well? shouldn't that be the opposite? you get horny as fuck and dont think about anything except sex if you crave it and havent had any in a while, yes?

>> No.2645877


Oh and ALA- is good too. B vitamins will allow you to utilise your energy more effectively. Both of these are good for you overall

>> No.2645881

Honestly, I've used salvia four different times, and every time it was disappointing.

First three times was with 5x (with multiple hits each time), and none of them ever did anything to me at all. Then, I used 20x, and it was the most frightening experience of my life. I don't think you're missing out.

>> No.2645885

correct. if i go too long, my sex drive is stronger, and it becomes a distraction. that's why i included the 4 times a month part. testosterone cycle is about 7 days to peak after release.

>> No.2645888


Would you care to give me some detail?

>> No.2645897

I personally take all of them at once. In powder form if I can, I hate pills so goddamned much.

Here are my dosages. Note that what's right for me may not be right for you. Do your own research for the love of fucking god.

Vinpocetine - 12 mg
Alpha GPC - 30 mg
Phosphatidylserine - 130 4 times a day
Folic Acid - 400 mcg
Vitamin B6 - 1.5 mg
Vitamin B12 - 2.5 mcg

I think that's right.

>> No.2645900

Piracetam gave me synthesia, I shit you not.

>> No.2645908

20X is fucking awesome.
its always scary the first time, but the pleasure and wonder increases with each time it is taken, you learn not to fear it.

what about women? how often do we require sex?

>> No.2645911


Looks about right to me. It's been a while since I looked into it all, but AFAIK, the only two to look out for are Vinc and PS. The rest should be fine to take whenever. I do trust that you are taking Vinc more than once daily?

Also as you said LOOK IT UP. Don't do risky shit without experience. This shit can really mess with your heart if you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.2645931

>Also as you said LOOK IT UP.
This. So many times, this. It frustrates and scares me that people just throw themselves in front of trains by taking stuff they really shouldn't be taking.

Should I be? The research I've done suggested once daily

>> No.2645942


I'll have a quick Google. I may be wrong. The last time I looked at this stuff was about 4 years ago. I saw a lot of stories about people having serious issues due to interactions, ratios and usages of particular drugs.

>> No.2645944

Sure. But first off I should mention that I jumped from a low dose to a high one. I can't speak for 10x,

When I took it, a few seconds after I started laughing uncontrollably. That lasted for about 10 seconds. Then, everything I saw in front of me looked like it was 2-dimensional, like a picture. it was very strange. Seconds later, it felt like the world was crushing in on my body, and I was on the floor. At that point, I could no longer understand what was going on with me -- I was in a different world. I was sweating profusely, asking for help from everyone around me, but they didn't care because they understood that they couldn't do anything. I ended up crawling across the room for a little bit, and then I started to come back to my senses.

After that, I went back to where I was sitting, in a very confused daze for about 45 minutes. Even though the actual high only lasts for about 5-15 minutes, the after effects don't go away for about an hour.

Granted, this was my first real time using it, but I can safely say that I have no interest in ever using it again. I can't speak for those who used less-strong extractions.

>> No.2645952

Understand that nootropics and psychosimulants are not well researched. Most of the perceived effects, both negative and positive, could very well be imagined. Others might be expressions of other physiological mechanisms unrelated and unaffected by whatever you consumed.

In short, it's sort of a crapshoot.

>> No.2645957

Oh yeah. Too much vinpocetine can cause tachycardias in some people. It's mostly rare though, drug interactions are things that you always have to look out for..

>> No.2645975


Back. This is true but Vinposetine is one of the most well-known and has empirical support. Most nootropics have been tested, but largely on those who have cognitive defects. Healthy subjects are rarely investigated in relation to their responses to such drugs. There have been such studies though.


Also, from what a quick Google just told me, dosages around 20-40mg are effective. I couldn't find half-life info but it is rec'd to take 3 times daily. It depends on your activities I guess. If you just wanna focus during morning/lunch lectures that should be fine I guess.

>> No.2645980


So it was scary because it was confusing? Habituation should fix that.

>> No.2646040
