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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 173 KB, 800x1000, rfid-implant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2643996 No.2643996 [Reply] [Original]

say the technology becomes more affordable and has several applications (identification, banking, medical, advertising, etc)

does /sci/ get chipped?

>> No.2644005

Why the hell not, I have a good life. No one is fucking with me, will make paying for things easie and I don't have to carry documents around with me.

>> No.2644011

what is it?

>> No.2644013

I'm a hacktivist that identifies as very much pro-privacy and is adamantly against this technology. I would it would be my duty to do everything I can to sabotage this technology by poisoning the data somehow or coming up with tools to anonymize.

I'm already fighting on the social networking/facebook front.

>> No.2644022


Its already bad enough they have not made it illegal to plaster the internet with adverts, why would I want a chip helping those bastards try and sell their crap to me?

>> No.2644026

I used to be into the whole NWO fantasy. I was never into the masonic / devil worshiper crap, but politics can still get pretty scary. Take fusion centers, for instance. If you don't know what they are, look them up. For all we know, they have eyes on everyone on 4chan (b for is perfect for terrorist threats)

the problem is sacrificing privacy for security / convenience. i know a time is gonna come, and I'd certainly consider it. not a Luddite, but worried for obvious reasons

>> No.2644029

I would get one without any real personal data, just orders for lights to turn on when I raise my arms, automatic doors to open when I make a grand opening gesture, and other silly abuses of power.

>> No.2644030


well, targeted advertising should be the least of your concerns. say you could opt out. there's all sorts of other things i'd be worried about...like remote scanning / disruption of your info, identity theft, bums / thieves cutting your chip out etc

>> No.2644031

these are already in credit cards and passports. what makes you think people will be like, fuck having to pull my credit card out of wallet, just stick the damn thing in my hand.

makes sense man?.jpg

>> No.2644035

More on that
Go to page 45
Shit bricks

>> No.2644037

You're a bit paranoid, arn't you?

Every bit of informaion about you is already out there already.

>I'm already fighting on the social networking/facebook front.

What for? Let people do as they please.

>> No.2644038


haha the implants won't be that advanced. at first they definitely would not be attached to nervous systems. they'd be passive and carry a small amount of data.

>> No.2644040

>implying anything you're doing in your "fight" is significant

>> No.2644045


look up RFID. it's a chip we might be able to easily put in our bodies pretty soon. could become controversial government mandate (think how you can't get a US job w/o social security)

>> No.2644053

what is that?

>> No.2644055

I would be adamantly opposed to their normalization and social acceptance. The same way I still don't take facebook seriously even though it's now a staple of college 20-something life and to not have one is now stigmatized.

>> No.2644063

Then why would I want one?

If I can't do nifty shit with it, it doesn't interest me.

>> No.2644064

Anybody who tries that can enjoy not being elected and causing both the liberals and the right wing gun nuts to be after them.

>> No.2644067


I feel just my google / wikipedia searches, facebook chats and 4chan posts would get me at least a ping on their radar. sad...

>> No.2644077

Not if they spin it the right way or somehow generate a political or social climate that would accept them.

>> No.2644086
File: 87 KB, 400x279, mfw old man laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw anonymous is ranked with violent jihadists and such

>> No.2644098



all we need is another 9/11

>> No.2644105

anybody that fights facebook is a hero in my book that has nothing to with faces

>> No.2644118

its gonna be the economic 9/11

just around the corner, i'd bet it hits before 2012 election

>> No.2644134


why so soon? or why not tomorrow?

>> No.2644140

Heh. Prophets of doom.

I love prophets of doom.

>> No.2644144

