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2642816 No.2642816 [Reply] [Original]

>Tesla was critical of Einstein's relativity work, calling it:
...[a] magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king ... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists ...[77]

u mad metaphysicists

>> No.2642830

tesla was an engineer


>> No.2642841

Tesla was right.
Today we know for a fact Einstein was full of shit.

After all, Kurt Gödel's sodomy of Albert's equations was a bad omen for relativity.

>> No.2642862

I was reading about this just last night. Tesla was WAY AHEAD of his time, and way ahead of Einstein.

He thought that the idea that "matter had energy" was ridiculous. Tesla thinks of energy just like he thinks about electricity: it comes from something else, not matter itself.

Why did they try to make Tesla forgotten? The man literally invented the modern age and few people know of him and his inventions.

>> No.2642867


>After all, Kurt Gödel's sodomy of Albert's equations was a bad omen for relativity.

Fucking truth.

>> No.2642929

I was not aware that Einstein's theories were disproved. Could someone tell me why relativity is bullshit? I know little of these things.

>> No.2642953


Einstein's theories are pretty but they don't fucking like any other theory and is a thorn in the balls.

>> No.2642955


Kurt was feeling like he should troll someone. He was bored in his office at Princeton. Being a lvl 9999+ mathematician, he felt like whipping his cock and thrusting in and out of someone else's equations.

He played Rick Astley in his Ipod while he proceeded to write a paper proving that Albert's equations allowed the possibility of time travel.

Alby's mind was blown so hard that it spread to his lacrymal ducts, and he cried himself to sleep until the end of his life.

True story.

>> No.2642974

I've done 6 years of engineering classes at University (BS and MS) and at no point did I use Relativity, even for my orbital mechanics...it's virtually useless in the real world.

>> No.2642978


E=mc² is useful, if only to know how nukes work.

>> No.2642998


Oh hai, u must be a civil douche.

Aerospace here, use it all the time when we send satellites to Andromeda.

>> No.2643005


Andromeda is one quadzillion light years away from the Milky Way =/

>> No.2643007

>Today we know for a fact Einstein was full of shit.

Um, no.

>way ahead of Einstein.

Also no.

>I was not aware that Einstein's theories were disproved.

They weren't.

>Einstein's theories are pretty

...and have yet to make an inaccurate prediction.

>> No.2643012


I AM aerospace...but I work with aircraft and road vehicle aerodynamics.

>> No.2643016


Kurt Gödel, do you speak it?

>> No.2643022


You...do realize GPS satellites are so accurate that they must take GR into account. Like, your car GPS wouldn't work if satellites used only classical physics.

>> No.2643025
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>> No.2643028

I have a lot of respect for Tesla, and I really wish he hadn't gone splat. I would have like to understand why exactly he was critical of Einstein's relativity work.

>> No.2643032

>it's virtually useless in the real world.

Almost, but not quite. For example, GPS wouldn't work properly if it didn't compensate for relativistic effects.

>> No.2643036


Butthurt detected.

>> No.2643041


Indeed. But that's about the only application I can think of it, really.

>> No.2643042

>Kurt Gödel, do you speak it?

I understand that you read an article or whatever, but the fact is that relativity has passed every experimental test we've been able to put to it.

>> No.2643046

What about the photoelectric effect? Useless, huh!??

>> No.2643048


Because any test is based on these very theories. How could it fail?

>> No.2643050

He went splat?

>> No.2643060


Read an article ?
I'm a physicist, I'd like to think I've read more than one article.

Einstein's relativity is flawed. Terribly flawed. Results that remain incoherent with his theory just get pretty names : dark energy, dark matter, etc.

>> No.2643064

>Indeed. But that's about the only application I can think of it, really.

Well sure, as far as practical applications go. It only matters when something is very fast and/or very massive. So it matters for space exploration and particle accelerators, but not much the average person will ever encounter in real life.

>> No.2643072
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This anon fucking PAWNS the world. MOAR!

>> No.2643078

no. tests use the theory to make predictions and then see if they match observation, they do.

>> No.2643081

>Because any test is based on these very theories. How could it fail?

Please tell me you're trolling, and you really do know what an experiment is.

>> No.2643088



>> No.2643097
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Your'e trollin'

>> No.2643102


Nope. I'm really a physicist and I don't quote myself. I don't like myself that much, to be honest.

>> No.2643107


Trolling? Do explain.

>> No.2643110


Name ONE experiment that proves Einstein was right. Just one.

>> No.2643112

he accomplished a lot, but he's not very well known and a lot of the stuff he did has kind of been forgotten

for example, I believe he thought that he could send very large amounts of energy through space without wires, but I don't think that this was every advanced, seeing as how we still use goddamn wires all over the place

>> No.2643119


I posted that, I'm not the physicist. We're not same fagging. I know nothing about physics.

>> No.2643132

I admire and respect Tesla but he was wrong
Relativity has been proven to be correct multiple times
Perhaps he disagreed with it for the same reason Einstein disagreed with Quantum theory
It was counter intuitive

>> No.2643133

Comparing apples to oranges all up in this bitch. This is a stupid argument from the very beginning, and you are all wasting your time.


Also, fucking samefag.

>> No.2643137


i smell jelly

>> No.2643142

He made a prediction that during a solar eclipse the sum the gravity of the moon and sun would bend light and make stars appear in a different position.
It was after this experiment that Einstein gained credibility and was launched into stardom

>> No.2643145


Tesla's material, confiscated by the FBI in 1940, after he died, containing more than a wagonload of notes and material, IS STILL CLASSIFIED.

Explain why this shit would be CLASSIFIED in 2011? What's so fucking amazing about Tesla's final works that the government should keep it a secret even 71 years later?

>> No.2643146

That one where they found the sun distorted light during a solar eclipse.

>> No.2643153

Take clock, put it on airplane, fly around the world. Clock ends up with slightly less time on it than one that sat still. Therefore: time dilation occurs, so special relativity fits.

What were tesla's ideas about spacetime? We're comparing Tesla as a scientist and dude we know and love to Einstein's predictions that pertain to general relativity... This is dumb.

>> No.2643154

bureaucratic inefficiency.

>> No.2643159

>What's so fucking amazing about Tesla's final works that the government should keep it a secret even 71 years later?

>> No.2643160


Proof of that?

>> No.2643162



>> No.2643167

I saw it on a documentary...

>> No.2643169


That's just silly.

>> No.2643180


What's MDH?

>> No.2643187


Awesome proof...

>> No.2643188


MHD => Magnetohydrodynamics, is a whole field of science that is classified, and where 99% of the research reports to the Pentagon (Russia still has some labs).

>> No.2643191


You're extremely naive if you think that. Why would they even classify the stuff to begin with, retard.

>> No.2643202
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>> No.2643204

They classified to begin with so the soviets wouldn't get a sneaky peek.

>> No.2643209

Because there was shit in there like a vibrator that could supposedly bring a building down. It's all worthless garbage, and the government doesn't care enough to declassify it. Nobody should.

>> No.2643211


If that were true, why weren't these documents declassified in 1991?

>> No.2643212

>Name ONE experiment that proves Einstein was right. Just one.

That's not how science works. You don't prove things right. You try to prove them wrong and fail. As for experiments, that's super easy to Google, but here ya go:


There's lots.

>> No.2643218
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CIA agent detected. (Or a massive faggot.)

>> No.2643224

i love this
every time gravity comes up
>but dark energy, dark matter so gravity is wrong
if any of you who do this were physicists you would know that since the discovery of dark matter in the 1930's people have been trying to correct Einstein's equations to compensate even star again, more so with dark energy
but to no success
and yet relativity is confirmed in more and more precise experiments (pulsar timing, the gravity probes...)
so yes dark energy and dark matter are annoying but that doesn't mean they aren't physical
much smarter people than you have been trying for a long time and haven't improved on Einstein

>> No.2643226


Prove this article says the truth.

>> No.2643229

>vibrator that could supposedly bring a building down

My cock can bring a building down, no batteries or classified secrets required.

>> No.2643231

Relativity fails on gravity waves

>> No.2643232


You guys know nothing of what's really going down. There is such a thing as hyperdimensional physics, and it is occulted by the powers that be for very good reasons (good to them).


>> No.2643239

>Prove this article says the truth.


Caught you. Nobody is that stupid.

>> No.2643242


Yeah, I said that earlier on. Your point?

>> No.2643250

magnetohydrodynamics isn't classified it's a huge part of plasma physics and solar astronomy
recently did a project using it

you can't just classify bits of a large topic in science like MHD or pretty quickly people notice its missing and more and more people publish

its not classified try again

>> No.2643251


Easier to go hominem than to actually prove this article is true.

>> No.2643262
File: 92 KB, 608x336, MythBusters-Season-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vibrator that could bring a building down
Source here.

>> No.2643273

no gravity waves have not been directly observed yet but that doesn't mean they aren't there
pulsar spin down rates are consistent with them
current detectors simply are not sensitive enough yet
give it a few years nobody expects to see them until LIGO is upgraded again so it can achieve it's design sensitivity

>> No.2643282


Well, it cites dozens of well known experiments. Are you suggesting it's all part of a massive conspiracy? What sort of proof are you looking for?

>> No.2643288

>No proof
>Still believe in them
>Creationist detected

>> No.2643291

shut the hell up
leave the crazy tinfoil shit out of this board please
if you have solid evidence of anything you're saying go ahead if no piss off

>> No.2643293


Wasn't precise enough, sorry.

Call it RMHD, R standing for Relevant.
That is, cold plasma MHD.

>> No.2643313

creationism has direct evidence against it and no theoretical backing

gravitational waves is based on a theory which has stood for 90 years and has indirect evidence of pulsar spin down in evidence

just because you haven't seen it yet doesn't mean it isn't there


>> No.2643317

>crazy tinfoil shit

Any mention of Tesla makes that inevitable. For some reason, he has become their patron saint.

>> No.2643322

All they proved is that vibration can be felt from one end of a bridge to the other, and then theorized that maybe it would have come down eventually but who knows.

Tesla's "earthquake machine" was notable because it was able to produce a very pure sinusoidal forcing function, but if really only had a magnitude of five pounds it couldn't bring down a building. At least as long as it wasn't made out of paper.

>> No.2643331


Pointing out that since I don't know these dozens of experiments, I have to take your word for it, and the words of the people who made them.

In other words, we must rely on faith.


>> No.2643343


You're the scientist, not me, you prove to me hyperdimensional physics is bullshit and why, and how.

If you can't, then you shut the fuck up and go away.

>> No.2643353


Time to look up scepticism, babby.

>> No.2643365


A skeptic doubts and asks questions. That's what I do. Prove me wrong, faggot.

>> No.2643368

there is plenty of work into MHD in cold plasma check arxiv

you can't censor science
after the first atomic bomb test a physicist calculated the yield of the blast using dimensional analysis and was correct to within 10%
the military tried to prevent him from publishing and it ended up on every news paper in the world

sections of science don't disappear
there are researchers in almost every country and many with private funding not everyone is under control
and scientists are a stubborn people

and whose word are we supposed to go on that this field is censored
tesla and his fanboys
the man was a serial liar and egomaniac he made up so much shit its unbelievable
he was brilliant ill give him that but some stuff was pure fantasy
even when he was alive people proved his inventions bullshit but he wouldn't have it

he was a liar there is no censored field of physics

>> No.2643381


How was Tesla a liar?

>> No.2643382

>Theory makes a prediction
>All evidence proves prediction wrong
>Other predictions are proved wrong
>Still believe in theory
>Creationist detected

>> No.2643383


Quit being so naive, will you.
Relevant MHD labs don't exist outside of military control.

You censor science by cutting funding.

>> No.2643389

>hyperdimensional physics
google search
>“Vortex atoms” -- tiny, self-sustaining “whirlpools” in the so-called ether
>envisioned by William Thompson and James Clerk Maxwell
both of whom abandoned the aether after the The Michelson–Morley experiment

there bullshit

>> No.2643395

yes and what i'm saying is not every one is funded by the us government now are they

>> No.2643400


Is it impossible that they abandoned something that was viable?

I'm reading science on aether currently. Shit has been doctored to sound retarded.

>> No.2643401

and which predictions of general relativity have been confirmed false?

>> No.2643403


Unless some major agency with major fundings can finance you, you won't be doing much in modern science.

>> No.2643413

bullshit on this whole no censored science.

there is a shit ton of censored science. most of it is private corporations, particularly pharmaceuticals, but also every other major industry as well. the public will never see the VAST majority of merck's research, or boeing's, or monsanto's or conagra's, or yum brands', or wal-mart's...it just won't happen. its all censored from the public

>> No.2643414

Gravity waves and >>2643060

>> No.2643421

no its was retarded then as well
the world is not a global conspiracy you can buy the books by these people on the aether and you can check they are the original text

and no the The Michelson–Morley experiment pretty much rules out the aether unless you reinterpret the aether as not a fluid in which case it is now space

>> No.2643437


I interpret the aether as not a fluid.

>> No.2643444

dark matter and dark energy do not violate relativity they may be awkward but so were the strong and weak forces it doesn't meant they aren't there

and as i said before gravity waves have not been directly observed but they have indirectly
there is no lack of results the instruments just aren't sensitive to detect the order of fluctuations predicted by relativity yet

try again

>> No.2643452
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What are "gravity waves"?

>> No.2643453


Okay, so being violated is just "awkward" sex for you? Luckily for you, there are no wimminz on /sci/.

>> No.2643457

then it's not the aether any more
the aether was theorized to give light a material to propagate in
it would have to be a fluid otherwise how could objects move
if you say it is not a fluid then it is nothing it is just ordinary space
like current theory

>> No.2643464


>> No.2643466

>Prediction fails
>GIEFS MOAR MONEES!!!!1!!@!@!!@11!!!!!@!@@2!!!!!!

>> No.2643481


Do you even know what the incompleteness theorems are? They have nothing to do with physics.

>> No.2643487


I'm refering to time travel within relativity.
Derp derp.

>> No.2643489

shut the fuck up
the instruments were designed to achieve a level of sensitivity which original they did not meet just like any other sensitive experiment
once they reach that level there will either be gravitational waves or there wont

then you can say relativity is false but not before

>> No.2643494


Shut up already. Einstein is invalid in 2011. End of discussion.

>> No.2643509

>Fail predictions
>Fanboys defend theory that has been shown to be wrong

Just accept the truth and start working on a theory that doesn't fail

>> No.2643533

You sci-guys like to rate each other.


>> No.2643579

I thread full of trolls and retards, a sad sight to behold...

>> No.2643616


Troll detected.