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2641453 No.2641453 [Reply] [Original]

reposting since its a SFW board

God damn…I find it fucking mind boggling how much we've progressed in such a relatively short time!

I mean, we take it all for granted, but remember when a mobile phone weighed 12 pounds? 0_o

Still astounds me what we've done in the last few hundred years.

Thoughts Gents?

Only shit I've heard about is how oil companies keep buying out renewable tech that would actually make this pie sweeter.

Have you heard about the capacitor batteries that would charge in 30 seconds, and then last your phone 4 weeks?

Or about solar panels that could be printed like paper at dirt cheap

Then there's the stuff of Nikola Tesla thats been sweeped under the rug, when his laboratory on the hill would make all the lights in the town light up by themselves?

I just think it's fucking grand, don't ya?


Tech Apreciation thread.

>> No.2641455

deleted the other thread coz faggots were complaining of nudity. FAGGOTS.

>> No.2641468

Why did you listen to them? Porn is posted here on a regular basis.

>> No.2641478

rate of advancement is increasing exponentially as well, shit is going to be off the hand in the next few decades

>> No.2641496

>Only shit I've heard about is how oil companies keep buying out renewable tech that would actually make this pie sweeter.

This does happen, but the main reason we use fossil fuels is because they're so incredibly cheap and efficient that none of the newer stuff we've invented really compares. The day someone invents an alternative that is at least as cheap and easy as importing oil, that shit will be all over the place, there is no big conspiracy keeping this stuff back.

>> No.2641662

Let's hear more about Tesla's lab, OP. That shit sounds interesting as fuck.

>> No.2641708


I find the "when" argument slightly frightening - humans are raping the earth of millions of years of geological process at a rate rapidly faster than we are finding alternative, cheaper and more renewable energy supplies.

Lower cost, lower emission and lower resource utilisation do not imply that we are somehow voilating thermodynamics.

>> No.2641715


Yes it's possible that when oil runs out our civilization will simply collapse to an earlier stage and never recover. However, existing technology is /probably/ good enough to replace fossil fuels, or at least good enough to prop us up at a lower (but still technologically evolving) level. Not being an expert in alternative energy, I really couldn't say which scenario is more probable.

>> No.2641716
File: 81 KB, 589x596, 1299129428063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats wrong with nuclear energy?

>> No.2641721


Very long period between investment and return makes it a poor choice for short-termist politicians, lots of bad publicity thanks to a couple of horrific accidents and decades of Green scaremongering, and it provides energy at such a reliable and consistent rate that in a free energy market it will always be sold at rock-bottom prices, ensuring a reactor takes decades just to break even, much less show any kind of profit.

>> No.2641731


Exactly how many miles will my Buick get on Rainbow Juice and Fuckwit Brand Happy Smiles Dr Stu Pidkuntz? Really; what alternative fuels will keep society from the eminent crumbling it sorely deserves?

I'm not even joking - I would like to sleep well at night and maybe even be encourage to raise children.

Some sort of Biofuel that is more efficient than the real diesel consumed in it's production and manufacture?

>> No.2641742

Exactly my thoughts on the matter, but you worded them much better.

Nuclear waste though...

>> No.2641753


>Really; what alternative fuels will keep society from the eminent crumbling it sorely deserves?

bio-based solar cells.


it deserves to crumble? fullretard.jpg

>> No.2641769


Op here. btw thats me in the OP.

Also, discuss science bitches not alternative fuel and current fuel shit

>> No.2641779

Yes; millions of years of evolution have produced the ultimate bio-solar cells - we call them... plants.

We deserve to crumble as much as we deserve to live - it's not a religious argument, i figure it's based more on entropy.

>> No.2641780 [DELETED] 


Biological solar cells break too easily.

>> No.2641807
File: 22 KB, 266x348, 201103031503116963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. Someone should harvest plants in some sort of plantation so we can obtain their energy.

>> No.2641811


Oh yeah, also nuclear waste. I'm not saying nuclear power is no good, imo it's a damn shame our current system makes it so impractical but them's the breaks.

>> No.2641820

Totally Bro, but we should use mechanised means to do so. Mechanised oxen don't even need to eat grass or oats or drink water.

>> No.2641821


You, sir, are one ruggedly handsome ape.


As I said, I'm not an expert. There is considerable promise in solar power, and while political pressure is intent on ultimately phasing biofuels out in favor of providing humanitarian aid, it's also possible we will simply say "fuck the world's starving poor" and keep refining them to the point where they are a viable substitute for fossil fuels, at least for some common applications (such as internal combustion engines)

>> No.2641827


aww thanks. i best be deleting me sandniggerish pic now.

>> No.2641836

The poor are starving because of politics, not food shortages.

>> No.2641840

Hi brewski

>> No.2641854


Potato, potahto. All human activity involving more than one person is politics.