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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 789x680, intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2640699 No.2640699 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there virtually no [attractive] females in physics or mathematics? Even chemistry? They're almost non-existent on our science department.

>> No.2640704
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>> No.2640708

But that only answers the engineering version of this dilemma- you know what? Fuck it.

>> No.2640713

The clubs had their stands out today.

The Feminist Collective had (I kid you not) a table with muffins, tea and a handembroidered tablecloth. I'm not even kidding.

>> No.2640716

You know, I would be interested if that's what they had

Feminism != Misandry

>> No.2640719


Feminism is supposed to be fucking encouraging women to get into mathematics and shit. Not the fucking kitchen. We've had that before Feminism, remember?

>> No.2640743

doesn't matter. Those toys build logical and analytic thinking, and they've been associated with boys, while girls can only play dolls or else they'll get called weird.

>> No.2640748

Feminism is about women having the opportunity to do what they want.

If women want to gb2kitchen, then by golly, that's their right.

>> No.2640749



>> No.2640767

lol ITT: You realize why the actually more intelligent guys chose liberal arts majors.

>> No.2640776


>> No.2640786

I think it depends on the school... My undergrad institution has zero cute girls in the sciences... well close to zero.

I'm doing my graduate work at UCLA now and there's a lot of cute scientists/engineers. Not that those types of girls are easy to bag, that is.

>> No.2640796

Why are there virtually no attractive males in physics or mathematics? Even chemistry? They're almost non-existent on our science department.

>> No.2640895
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My physics department (just undergrads, less than 100 total students) has like 3 girls in it. One is horses genetalia ugly; another is kind of wide around the edges, bipolar, and generally insuferable; and another one is objectively a hotty, very intelligent, and when she isn't concentrated on something always has a smile on her face. The last one apparently had a crush on me (it started when she found out I was trying out vegetarianism for a week). I had never even dated before and I was completely oblivious to her affection. Two years later and I'm pretty sure we are in the "friend zone".

All my friends are amazed I have never dated before given I'm not half bad looking, I dress well, I'm very intelligent, and I'm funny. I believe my "problem" is the product of several things. The first reason would be that my standards are high enough to exclude a lot of girls but my own self-image is so low that I see all the other girls as "out of my league". Second would be aversion to change combined with procrastination leading to me usually putting little to no effort into friendships (I only hang out with people who invite me over).

Well, no more pscho-analyzing myself. I've been putting off my plasma assignment too long as it is. Off to spend the night with the only lady I will likely ever have, Mathematica.

>> No.2641142

Where in the hell did you get the idea that women are attracted to intelligence?
Women are attracted to money and abuse.

>> No.2641172

Because you guys don't even fucking try...

>> No.2641174

I often fear that I might have to resort to being the physically abusive type just so a woman would stay with me. Feels bad man.

>> No.2641177
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Exactly this.

Fuck bitches, I have a universe to explore.

>> No.2641178


and how does OP know most of us are still single? no stats has ever been carried out.

>> No.2641181
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Guilty as charged.

>> No.2641186


What are you afraid of?


>> No.2641190
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>> No.2641191

I don't think you understand. A hundred billion stars are far more intriguing and desirable to me than a vagina.

>> No.2641193

What about a hundred billion stars IN a vagina?

>> No.2641194
File: 21 KB, 600x474, face87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you presuming fear? Are you trying to demean me into being more proactive in my social/love life? Are you coming on to me?

>> No.2641195


>> No.2641210

I would die either from the imminent hypernova or the world would pretty much instantly be sucked inside a supermassive black hole.

>> No.2641213


He's trying to help you imagine a reason to explore vaginas retard.

>> No.2641221
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I'm already bi leaning to men, I really don't give a shit about bitches and whores anymore.

>> No.2641223


>> No.2641228


Implying that girls don't choose to play with dolls when given the choice between boys toys and girls toys.

>> No.2641238

Having a girlfriend, having sex is better for your education because if you have a girlfriend you're not distracted about getting a girlfriend and when you have sex you're not distracted about getting laid.

>> No.2641245

>implying they're ever given an actual choice
When all you have is dolls, it is inevitable that you will play with those dolls.

>> No.2642872
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women are in general much less interested in hard sciences. either because they are 'boring' or 'too hard'. that's totally fine except the part where feminists who chose to get liberal arts majors like to complain this is due to discrimination, when employers literally fight over females with hard science degrees.


feminism does equal misandry, claiming otherwise is either willful ignorance or deliberate deception.


feminism is not about female choice, it is about removing/reducing any advantages males may have in any 'male dominated' area while maintaining any and all female advantages in all others.

keep telling yourself that as you pursue that english degree there bro.

>> No.2642889


What exactly is this pic supposed to be?

>> No.2642895

In Europe, you get intelligent pussy in the Law department of Universities.

Some might be attractive in Lit/History, but they are inevitably retarded (pseudoscience etc.)

>> No.2642902

y r dere no women in science?

bcuz women hav vaginaz and boobz and birth thingz. dudes hav time 2 kill

>> No.2642904

Cause they can't pick up chicks outside of their class and are lazy faggots?

>> No.2642980

I had a really hot Physiology prof a while back. Austrian name, nose and cheeks kinda halfway between sandnig and Eastern Euro, tremendous tits that somehow still looked good despite the size and age, some thick ass and thighs and hips... I drooled over her, but was cementing a really good relationship already... She also knew her shit down to the detail and could engage the class very well.

Of course, this is in the Biology department. I have only had ONE female instructor outside of the real sciences whom I could respect. All the rest were hacks, lacking for even an ounce of critical thinking. Most could not make precise sentences in English, even the native English-speakers. Most would not be able to define a key term, but instead do the grade-schooler trick of talking about it ("it's like when you...").

I think the lack of competent females in -any- discipline is the real problem, magnified by preferential hiring policies.

>> No.2643004

because intelligence enables males to scare away females who would be bad for them

>> No.2643079


preferential hiring policies are heavily biased towards mitigating the much lower rate that females choose to go into hard sciences, rather than contributing to the lower number of females teaching, working, and studying in those fields.

>> No.2643126 [DELETED] 
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This, forever

If I ever have a daughter, fuck polly pocket and barbie, the girl's getting my old lego robotics kit and models and shit

>> No.2643140 [DELETED] 

bitches be industrious, man, don't h8....... ~*++Appreciate++*~

>> No.2643236
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I've had two awesome chem teachers, one for gen chem and one for ochem now. Haters gonna hate

>> No.2643286
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if( women == attracted_to_intelligence ) {
} else {
return lonelyDeath;

>> No.2643323

>uses a C-based language

>> No.2643338


>> No.2643397

Their brains are structured differently in such a way that they have trouble with lots of abstract stuff in math and science.

Deal with it.

>> No.2643480

Oh, it's this thread again..

Females are self-centered and thus need to study something they can relate to, like psychology. And of course, this culture has gender roles that most females comply with (not intentionally though). Also, doesn't research say that females are better when it comes to language, while men perform better in math? (Or something similar to that.)

Personally though, I am attracted to intelligence as well as other things, I wouldn't date (let alone live with) a dude who I can't have a proper discussion with. Just that, if you're a fat neckbeard with nothing to say and a straight out aspie faggot, what the hell do you expect?

I also happen to know of fellas that many girls would date. They just never go anywhere near girls and in stead spends night bawwing about girls not liking them. I'm not any different though.

>> No.2643501


>And of course, this culture has gender roles that most females comply with (not intentionally though).


>> No.2643546


>> No.2643621

Girlfriend has a BS biochemistry. I'd consider her moderate to highly attractive. Is that good enough for a hard science?

>> No.2643632

Men formulate their interests in terms of desired goals. Women formulate their interests on the basis of the interests of other women. Since many women want children, they veer away from hard science jobs since it would conflict (or at least they think it would conflict) with raising a family. Even if this is true only for a small portion, the idea spreads amongst women, and as a result only very few maintain an interest in sciences.

tl;dr women need men to think for them.

>> No.2643634


the vast majority of females in the western world are not forced into any traditional gender role. the ones that end up in those gender roles are there by choice alone.


grats, you found one of the few exceptions.

>> No.2643644

Yes and no. It's true that men tend to do better at math, but that's because men and women are taught differently. When taught the same way, with women teaching women and men teaching men, women actually DO BETTER than men (who were taught by women) in math.

>> No.2643650


at what level of education?

>> No.2643653

what bizzaro world femi-nazi journal did you read that in?

or did you just make that up?

>> No.2643662
File: 8 KB, 251x230, 1297815886299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck?

>> No.2643659 [DELETED] 
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>this post

>> No.2643677

I'm not necessarily talking about extremely traditional roles or ones that are present in all fields of life. But females are expected to be into humanities and men more into hard sciences or engineering. That's why girls get dolls and boys get legos before they can choose for themselves (though I do remember reading that that's how they'd choose anyway, however that's beside the point as we're talking about expectations). I see or hear of all kinds of stereotypes pretty much every day when it comes to gender differences and they're usually pretty accurate. And yet there's no biological reason why they couldn't be turned around.

That's how it seems to me. I could be missing something.

>> No.2643685


Source: http://www.slate.com/id/2286671/

In short, girls will participate more and build more interest in sciences if OTHER WOMEN are doing the same.

OP, this is why it can be really hard to get a date. Women want men that are IN RELATIONSHIPS. Women base their desire for men based on how much OTHER women want that man. Men work a bit similarly, but if a guy like a girl, even if all his friends dislike her, he'll still want her. With women, if a girl likes a guy, but finds out her other female friends don't, she will STOP LIKING him.

>> No.2643728 [DELETED] 

>In short, girls will participate more and build more interest in sciences if OTHER WOMEN are doing the same.
So will men.

It's just that men might be more likely to be the first one to do it. Science-related fields might be saturated with men, but by no means does that mean that all men want to go into science-related fields.

>> No.2643758

>I don't know what I'm talking about

>> No.2643763

No, "first" doesn't matter. A man who has an interest in science will be more more likely to maintain that interest in science, even if the men and women around him lose interest. Meanwhile, a women with an interest in science will almost certainly lose interest if the majority of other women also loses interest.

This isn't a question of maintaining a male bias. That bias, at least externally, is gone. Instead, once a few women lose interest, the rest of the women follow.

>> No.2643771

I'll tell you now

They aren't attracted to intelligence, they're attracted to stability. At 30. You know, when they get tired of having sex with 3 different guys at the same time.

>> No.2643812
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I used to be like that. Then I realised I was just making excuses to cover my homosexuality and now I date men! Confident, can pick up easily, apparently good looking... You should try that.

>> No.2643831

Since sci thinks women are so stupid and hard to tolerate, why don't they live with bros and just fuck whores? Wouldn't that be perfect?

>> No.2643842

That might actually be true if it weren't for the whole girlfriend-upkeep thing. Time, money, etc., all goes into her.

>> No.2643849


Because physics and science are inherently anti-female and generally sexist and misogynistic.

Example read the link I posted. A fifteen minute writing exercise on values closed the female physics gap.

Shame on you lonely misogynistic nerds upholding the patriarchy.

>> No.2643855

see not everyone's life revolves around needing sex like women want men to believe.

>> No.2643857

r9k was deleted for a reason you fucking pathetic woman-hating virgins. die in a fire.

>> No.2643864


there are numerous biological differences between male and female brains. this is observable fact.

how those differences affect thought processes, problem solving, etc has not been conclusively proved though. i am not saying that these differences conclusively prove a biological disposition towards certain subjects, merely that there is a biological difference between the two and that as more information is researched about these differences, it is possible they will show a difference in average aptitude in different areas.

regardless, maintaining that 'expectations' being the sole explanation that females overwhelmingly choose to avoid these fields is not a viewpoint that is backed up by any serious research. the only thing that we can conclusively say is that they do prefer to avoid them, and no because of any institutional discrimination/discouragement.


again, this simply shows that females choose to avoid these fields of their own volition.

the conclusion of the slate 'study' is highly flawed, it tries to disprove the idea of females avoiding these subjects by choice by trying to show they choose not to seek help or answer questions in class. again, it comes down to choice, simply one more step removed.

>> No.2643866

Butt-mad feminist detected.

>> No.2643873
File: 32 KB, 600x246, Value_affirmation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck? obviously this expiriment is bullshit. the proffssoer probably unintentionally was discouraging to the males in the class where he did the exersize (i.e. didnt call on them in class, gave them simple boring answers to their questions, ect.) and unintentionally nice to the females (said "thats a great question" even when it wasnt, ect), why else would the exam scores go down for the guys?

bullshit, bullshit bullshit.

>> No.2643879

because physics and math and sciences are a defense mechanism, nobody goes into them if they are in the slightest way attractive because there are significantly easier ways to go through life, this goes 1000x for women.

why work when you can just fuck around and marry someone for money later on?

>> No.2643884


unfortunate that real physics and math are not done writing 'values affirmation' writing exercises.

i love the feminist position that any situation where women underperform or are at a disadvantage is evidence of systematic discrimination, yet any situation where women are advantaged or outperforming males is evidence of female superiority.

it's amazing that their heads don't explode from such massive amounts of hypocrisy.

take your typical feminist shaming language elsewhere, no one of any intelligence gives two shits about such histrionics. maybe one day you will realize that such language just reinforces negative stereotypes about you, but given the difficulty with cause and effect most feminist exhibit, i doubt it.


see above lol

>> No.2643886

women are attracted to status and unless the attraction of a guy is superiorly high then that too

>> No.2643894

oh yeah anyone who isn't as bitter and whiny and fuck up as you is a butt mad feminist. exactly.

>> No.2643898
File: 22 KB, 512x383, 1263147365931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't have to make retarded, illogical posts about hating women if you spent less time on the internet hating women and more time out there communicating with them. I've met plenty of smart, attractive women in the sciences that went on to do great things such as doctor, dentist, physics professor, etc. There are plenty out there. You will never get any of them if you just keep on hating them in your lonely little corner of your room at your computer.

What a shitty fucking thread.

>> No.2643908

So basically... Women are shit at science and need writing assignments to boost their grades? Women can't do math unless they're feeling good about themselves?

Also, in my own classes I've seen that generally the women do as well as the men if not slightly better. What a sorry country you must live in if an entire gender simply can't pass a physics course unless they... Write about what they like for fifteen minutes at the beginning of the class? Huh?

Also, they should probably look at why there's twice as many men in the course, or maybe do it more than once since it's not uncommon for two sections of a course to have different averages.

>> No.2643910
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Your response only serves to rectify my earlier stated deduction.

>> No.2643915

>women are attracted to status
or... you know... just someone who is fun to be with and enjoyable company

e.g. Nobody from this shithole board

>> No.2643927

Honestly, is it really that big a deal that your partner be in the same field? You can find something else in common like personality or lifestyle that's more important.

>> No.2643935

>just someone who is fun to be with and enjoyable company
women speak for fat wallet and abusive tendencies

>> No.2643938

This. For fuck sake people... there is more to life than studying science. Be attracted to someone for their personality and traits about them, not for what they study.

>> No.2643942
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Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy.

>> No.2643943

Clearly, the most obvious answer to op's question is that women are stupid whores who are only good for fucking, and feminism is eroding the foundation of our society. Clearly. Obviously it has nothing to do with socialization like this:

hurr durr forever alone

>> No.2643945

Maybe we're just not intelligent enough?

>> No.2643947

Chemistry attracts a lot of hot girls at my uni. So does power & enviornmental engineering. Not that it's relevant to me Q.Q

>> No.2643953


actually, i love women. i feel more sorry for those that subscribe to feminist ideology than anything, because anyone that subscribes to a philosophy of being an eternal victim is bound to be unhappy.

i am 100% any discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. and agree that needs to be fixed if it pops up. the unfortunate thing, and where feminists get it so tragically wrong, is that equality of opportunity is fundamentally different than equality of outcome.

more typical shaming language incoming in 5...4...3...

>> No.2643963
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>Do Zoology
>Hot bitches who arent squeamish about cutting up dead animals

>> No.2643971

yo shirt look like a dishrag and yr hair is like big league chew

>> No.2643984

I 'm a girl, and i like nerds. Physics, chemistry and biology are amazing. I would love to have a boyfriend who had a masters in physics or something similar, so i can sit on his desk and learn stuff from him and at the same time, think about his little butt. Yes im werid. Dude are boring if they are not nerds. It's fact.

>> No.2643988

>victim mentality
positive thinking new age self-help bullshit. oh just stop complaining the world is a wonderful happy place if you just close your eyes and believe.
>equality of opportunity is fundamentally different than equality of outcome
right, women have the same opportunities as men, they're just inherently inferior to them. you love women though!

>> No.2643992
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>> No.2643998

i mean victimhood is not a mentality. that's fucking ridiculous. i don't know what stupid hippie came up with this idea that things only suck because you, like, think they do man, but it's annoying as hell.

>> No.2644004
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>study math
>quite a large number of attractive females in class
>girlfriend not interested in academia or science
>girl I'm into is studying English

>> No.2644006
File: 1.38 MB, 1329x1466, girlgamers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I 'm a girl, and i like nerds. .... Yes im werid.
no, you're not

you're an attention whore who doesn't know what a "nerd" is and thinks it means whatever asshole you find hot because he wears knitted beanies and has glasses.

>> No.2644023

Ha yeah, thanks dude. No im not kidding.

>> No.2644034
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>Physics, chemistry and biology are amazing
they're amazing alright

>> No.2644039

Whatever dude. Believe what you want. And knitted beanies and has glasses does not mean nerd.

>> No.2644046


>positive thinking new age self-help bullshit.
lol. you spend your whole life being told you are being discriminated against, and you are likely to believe it. that is not a situation anyone is going to be happy with, this is basic logic.

>right, women have the same opportunities as men, they're just inherently inferior to them. you love women though!

in the hard maths and sciences, yes. that is not to say that every female will do poorly in these fields, simply that on average, they are less interested in them and less likely to dedicate themselves to succeeding in them. this is despite multiple additional incentives for women to enter these fields and employers literally fighting over qualified female candidates for jobs in male dominated professions to try to meet gender quotas.

at any rate, i will begin to take feminist complaints about hard science inequalities seriously when they start talking about how there are many more females getting college degrees than males currently, when they start discussing about why 80% of suicides are male, why 90% of homeless are male, why 95% of workplace deaths are male, and ways to make those equal.

seriously, no one with half a brain buys your 'equality' bullshit. you simply want to eliminate the areas where men are out performing women yet keep all of the areas where women are advantaged.

>> No.2644047

>Major in Journalism
>Fuck buddy majors in Psychology
>Hard science majors forever alone

>> No.2644050
File: 2 KB, 126x85, 1298850662048s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>P.hd in mathematics
>any job I want
>300K starting
>bitches love money

>> No.2644054
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>> No.2644065


>i mean victimhood is not a mentality. that's fucking ridiculous.
>i don't know what stupid hippie came up with this idea that things only suck because you,
>like, think they do man, but it's annoying as hell.

when you are not actually a victim, it ceases to be a reality. choose to call it whatever you wish.

>> No.2644096
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>And knitted beanies and has glasses does not mean nerd.
That's the point. Thank you for not missing it.

>> No.2644107

Haha, good. We ahve both made our points. Now go do Hess's Law till you get bored.

>> No.2644151

Actually the biology department at my school (our strongest department by far, and top 20 in the nation according to the NRC) is dominated by women. I don't actually have the numbers to back that up, but whenever I go into a bio lab for whatever reason or walk through their building the majority of students are female. I'd be rather surprised if it wasn't at least 50/50.

The amount of women drops off sharply after that if you put the departments in a line of most to fewest women (
Biology > Chemistry > Physics > Math). Not really sure why this is, as I also know that the female students on average do better than the male students in the chemistry department.

>> No.2644158

OP here: The hell? This is still up?

>> No.2644169

math major here. there aren't many attractive males either, sadly. I got lucky though and my guy is extremely attractive. we're gonna have hot mathematician babies.

>> No.2644171

Hey OP, random question. Whats your degree, or what do you study?

>> No.2644180

Double Physics and Mathematics major right now.

>> No.2644208
File: 32 KB, 402x257, spinning-coin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked my physics teacher about this and he was stupid, so maybe you can answer this. Why is it that when you spin a coin, it spins and doesnt just fall flat on its head/tail?

>> No.2644209


what exactly was your point other than claiming lack of females choosing hard sciences is evidence of oppression and how the patriarchy is keeping you down and not responding to any points made that counter that viewpoint?

>Now go do Hess's Law till you get bored.

actually studying OBGYN shit at the moment. extremely ironic heh.

>> No.2644214

Rotational inertia.

>> No.2644218


not OP, but here you go


>> No.2644223

Angular momentum.

>> No.2644230

>claiming lack of females choosing hard sciences is evidence of oppression
That was never my point. My point was, im a girl and i like nerds. End of. Now where is Mr.Bubbles....

>> No.2644238


surely you can see how it would be easy to confuse the two people on an anonymous message board.

>> No.2644244

Yay. Thank you!!!

>> No.2644255
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>> No.2644256

Yes I can.

>> No.2644268

more too it, most nerds bother to spend the time to neaten themselves up for a girl. I'm a nerd and I date a model, but the big thing I have found (most of my nerd friends have hooked up with other models because of the social ties) once the nerd discover that you have to put on a nice shirt (one that doesn't have stains on it from food and soft-drink as you sit on a computer all day and use it to wipe your hands on like a slob) each day, and keep your hygiene upto standard. Girls love nerds, they don't so much like it when you go off on a nerdy tangent, but they accept it when you do because you can talk to them and not just say "BOOOBIEEEEEES" every five minutes...

To the nerds who can't get some, clean yourselves up, go to where there are females and mingle, yes mingle it will not kill you, the worst that can happen is the girls turn you down... most girls like a mystery so keep what you are and do simple don't go telling them all about your job it will bore most of them...

>> No.2644293

Because women, like men, are attracted to looks and charisma.

Also, you're a fucking pussy.

>> No.2644299

I am clean, and no girls approach me. When I approach them, I either get bullshit excuses, or we go out once and then never speak to eachother again because I'm not prince fucking charming or some shit

>> No.2644300

"Shut up and suck my cock" is not a good way for a nerd to get on the good side of a girl

>> No.2644301


>most girls like a mystery so keep what you are and do simple don't go telling them all about your job it will bore most of them...

so many guys fail so fucking hard on this it's not even funny.

>> No.2644313

>I am clean, and no girls approach me. When I approach them, I either get bullshit excuses,
>or we go out once and then never speak to eachother again because I'm not prince fucking charming or some shit


chances are you are failing on many of those

>> No.2644330
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You would assume /sci/ is one of the most intellectual boards on 4chan yet there are still that do not understand the fundamental principles of evolution.


>> No.2644335

like I said, by slightly mysterious, girls have this habit of wanting to know all the gossip, so if you intrigue them they will go for you. Either that or you have no social skills, and will be destined to use a fleshlight until you study human body language and other social skills. Don't worry it does take time and most girls don't like most of the guys out there. The trick is to keep them interested, carrot and the stick...

>> No.2644337

Hahahahaha. I love nerds. Your all so amazing.

>> No.2644351

Why thank you :D

>> No.2644359
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These are all common sense things that most people do.

>II. Make her jealous
>Flirt with other women in front of her.
This is about the most hurtful thing ever.

>> No.2644377

agreed, and it also doesn't work, letting other girls try and flirt with you is effective, but doing it, makes her go "player"

>> No.2644378

So is that why the last time I took one of you people out for a fun night, my date decided to go fuck some guy she had met through me that night... that night?

Because that's what happened the last time I asked someone out who "likes nerds".

>> No.2644383

because we're not intelligent

>> No.2644391

that's a money whore, she doesn't like nerds she just says she does for the money the nerd earns

>> No.2644392


fuckkin bookmarked. thanks bro.

>> No.2644395

That was a poser. Someone who thought because you are a nerd you have a high paying job and she can sponge money out of you. Now i feel sorry for all of you. Gentlemen, really its not as hard as you make it.

>> No.2644396


women are naturally more attracted to men that other women are also attracted to, this should be obvious to just about anyone.

there is a massive difference between sticking your tongue down some skank's throat while at a bar with your girl and a slight bit of plausibly deniable playful flirting to keep your girl a bit off balance.

it's about finding the right action for a given situation, not about being a dumbass.

>> No.2644415


np dude, looking back on highschool and college when i first read the shit on that site, my successes and failures with women suddenly all made sense.

a good one for long term relationship advice-

people bitch about stuff like this, but properly applied it massively improves relationships.

>> No.2644433


>> No.2644435

Well, there was also the girl before that, who refused to talk to me while we were out eating. And the most recent girl who did the same thing, with the addition of glaring at me all night. Both supposedly loved nerds.

So uh, thanks nerd girls. Thanks for being assholes.

Hey, I'm not the one slinking off to go suck my date's friend's cocks as soon as I meet them.

>> No.2644449

Where you on a blind date? That does not sounds right.

>> No.2644452

Maybe you just don't know how to talk to a girl, said something that is offensive? Girls think differently to guys, saying they are fat equals your balls being cut off...

>> No.2644463

Interestingly enough, my "blind" dates have generally been better. It's when I ask out someone I've known for a while where they try to be as hurtful as possible in the short time of the date

>> No.2644467

seriously what they hell do you do to these women?

>> No.2644473

Seriously, what do you do to these women to piss them off that much? Recall what happened for us. Im interested in were you are going wrong, or she is.

>> No.2644491

Take them to eat, usually. Eating owns. Do it every day (but in moderation)

Talk to them, maybe share a story if I remember one that's appropriate. Pray that the girl responds. Try changing the subject when she inevitably doesn't. Stuff like that

>> No.2644495

Because you're all pseudointellectuals and have no respect for emotions

>> No.2644503

Try making things about them, not about you... Girls don't like hearing about your life until they start getting close they like to be flattered

>> No.2644511

I've accepted that I'm just not particularly attractive, and not particularly interesting. I would be happy with a homely girl that likes to study. The problem? I'm in the social sciences as I had planned to go into law. Generally all the women are out of my league.

>> No.2644513

also, try taking the girls out for something fun, build fun first then romance second

>> No.2644520

>What are you studying, again?
>... Is it much different than normal science? I guess you take something instead of Physics, but still have Chem and Math and shit, right?
>... Is there anything else going on--


>> No.2644523

What kind of social sciences?

>> No.2644527

looks mean nothing, I have a big scar on my face from what I used to do for a living, and I now date a model... women don't care if you are in a wheel chair as long as you make them laugh and can provide for them

>> No.2644536

Thumbs up, you awesome!

>> No.2644538


Political Science. The other major is philosophy. I'm considering making it a minor though and making my other minor either economics or mathematics - I find quantitative subjects more difficult but I enjoy studying them much more. The reward for having learned the concept is much greater in my opinion.

>> No.2644540
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>and can provide for them

>> No.2644545


I graduated in Poli sci. and trust me, it is very effective for getting pussy.

Just pretend you know everything about the world.
Like a journalist, except better.
Be subtle and humble.

>> No.2644553


No offense, but 'scar on face' is very different from ugly. Scar on face can't even be definitively positive or negative towards attractiveness, and it certainly doesn't automatically make you ugly. As I mentioned as well, I'm not a particularly exciting person. The real problem is variability though, since on some days I can be very outgoing and insightful, and others I'll be neither.

>> No.2644555

girls are only interested in fields that "help people". every woman who deludes herself into thinking she'll make a career out of her major field as opposed to just shitting out babies and watching soaps is doing so because she "wants to help people". unfortunately, a woman's idea of "helping people" is very subjective and inevitably ends up just being some form of social science.

tl;dr - women are convinced that serious science is only committed for the purpose of harming others

>> No.2644570

Dude!!!! I know "scar face" as you called him and he is an annoying ass-hole that is going bold!! Trust me, the looks is not the reason why she is with him.

>> No.2644572


>Take them to eat, usually. Eating owns. Do it every day (but in moderation)

there's your first mistake. why would you take her to dinner like every other guy who has ever asked her out? spending money on her and trying to force a connection over food is counterproductive.

>Talk to them, maybe share a story if I remember one that's appropriate. Pray that the girl responds. Try changing the subject when she inevitably doesn't. Stuff like that

you are engaging her as you would engage a man in conversation. you are projecting the way you would like someone to talk to you and assuming she is the same way.

it is much more effective to attempt to engage her emotionally and draw her in.

>> No.2644579

its an ugly scar, takes up most of my face, and looks like someone has taken to me with a branding iron. big scars equal ugly, small scars equal sexy

no women like men of knowledge it doesn't matter if you build bombs or save a puppy, if what you said was true the weapon designers would never get laid ever

>> No.2644583
File: 11 KB, 250x237, fukken blazed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you making fun of me

>> No.2644589

there was ment to be a comment in there between no and woman

>> No.2644591

comer even, shoot me now :P

>> No.2644598

commer... somebody kill me please

>> No.2644599

Try a comma on for size.

>> No.2644603

thank you, my brain just died I think

>> No.2644606

I will, I will!!!! Give me the gun, a few bullets and put yourself on a target, that moves around....FUN!!!

>> No.2644609

>will, I will!!!! Give me the gun, a few bullets and put yourself on a target, that moves around....FUN!!!

>> No.2644611
File: 216 KB, 1259x1259, 1298802857108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like you would enjoy one of these.

>> No.2644618

only if you shoot me with a 50 kal

>> No.2644621

That is a goos cartoon. Thanks.
Ohhhhh that looks like fun. I really need to get something like that. Thanks.

>> No.2644629

>lose the pistol
>alarms going off

>> No.2644630

You boobies dude!!!!

>> No.2644635

you the boobies girl

>> No.2644641

I know!!! And my boobies are awesome!!! So there!

>> No.2644644

I wonder how we got from getting nerds laid to guns and boobs?

>> No.2644646

Femanon here.

I would love to be a scientist or a mathematician, but my hormones can make logic and reason very difficult at times.

>> No.2644657

then just date a nerd... plenty here to choose from ;P

>> No.2644663

It probably has an off button as well, but depending on where you place the clock you may have to get out of bed to press it.

>> No.2644667

Yeah, because we're totally not all broken and angry people because of what happens when your homones get the best of you or whatever the fuck the excuse for being a horrendous bitch is these days

>> No.2644671

someone is agro

>> No.2644680

LOL this verification is "judges women" just thought you all should know this

>> No.2644693

Y'all postin' in a troll thread. This one gets pasted onto /sci/ almost every day.

>> No.2644694

You would be too, if you couldn't have nice things.

>> No.2644696

so? we did turn it into an actual conversation

>> No.2644702
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This thread died. Please leave a sympathetic comment for the death of this amazing thread. It lived a short, nerdy, life, with guns and boobs inseted at times.

>> No.2644720
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I scrolled through the whole damn thread and there were no tits

you lied

>> No.2644799

it was in words

>> No.2644819

Anyone who describes themselves as a nerd isn't a nerd.

>> No.2644830

I would only ever date a nerd/geek.

To add onto what I said earlier; I think my problem is that I focus more on theories than solid facts. I want to focus on facts, but it doesn't come as naturally to me.

I don't know about how other girls think. [I only hang out with guys with the same interests as me.] The only person I can speak for is myself.

>> No.2644846

Fine, I"m a nerd. Date me. I'm fat though. Can you deal with that or are you just out for the hipsters? SHUT UP

>> No.2644850

I work in a lab and I gotta tell you there are a few hot chicks here, they're from wealthier backgrounds than their aestheticly-disadvantaged colleagues but they're out there. They're usually cleverer and more fun to be around, too.

>> No.2644867

I'm only attracted to intelligent men. I can't stand it when I can't have a conversation with someone about something I'm really interested in, like chemistry. I consider myself to be pretty, or at least above average, based on compliments and reactions I receive from others. I know I'm not like drop dead gorgeous, but regardless, I don't think it matters. As long as the girl is smart and not hideously disfigured, I'd still dig her if I was a guy and we shared the same interests.

>> No.2644874

Post a picture?

Or describe yourself.

>> No.2644879

You really know how to impress the ladies.. Keep at it, and I'm sure you'll get eventually get laid.

>> No.2644880

You know what I can't stand? When I try to talk about something with a girl and instead of changing the subject to something she finds more interesting than whatever bullshit I'm spewing, she just gives me a cold shoulder and refuses to talk back until I miraculously stumble upon her one fucking interest in the entire world

That's what I can't stand in the opposite sex. A pet peeve of mine. It sets me off when women refuse to speak to me like an adult.

>I would only ever date a nerd/geek.
But why would they want to date you?

>> No.2644881

that's not where adverbs go

>> No.2644888
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The last thing i want to do is come across as conceited, by the way. I'm just so tired of girls who know they aren't ugly telling everyone they're ugly and fishing for compliments.
Anyway, this is what I look like, not that it matters much.

>> No.2644890 [DELETED] 
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because I'm gau

>> No.2644899

Well, I prefer listen to talking anyway. I'm quiet because if I feel I have nothing useful to interject I just wont say anything at all.

>> No.2644901

i noticed there's no dick in your mouth.

>> No.2644907

(different guy)
You're certainly easy on the eyes. I'd probably have difficulty bringing myself to converse with you despite any similar interests, sadly.

>> No.2644914

Yes there is, in eastern Asia
in our applied mathematics department the teaching assistants are hot as fuck

>> No.2644917

Ah, I can see us dating now.

>You ever come around here much? It's always fun to explore the neighborhood.
>I guess so.
>... There's a pretty cool hobby shop around the corner from here, wanna check it out when we're done here?
>... Sukhoi is making a neat new--

Fuck "Listeners".

>> No.2644922

I'm not a total bore. And I eat slowly too, so I wouldn't hate you for it haha

>> No.2644929

You shouldn't be shy. If you see a girl who has similar interests and is also "easy on the eyes", don't be afraid to talk to her. What's the worse that could happen? If she rejects you, than most likely she's a shallow bitch. It's why I hate most women.

>> No.2644949

>ask her out
>she says yes
>ditches you during the date
>to hook up with another guy
>only to get into a relationship with a third guy like a week later
>and show it off to you
>after having the balls to say "Hey [anon], I know you liked me, no hard feelings, right?"

>> No.2644951

Yeah, I know I shouldn't be, which is why it gets me down. Even if I manage to overcome my inhibitions and approach someone, I just end up lost for words.

>> No.2644965

>ask her out
>she says yes
> she ends up being great
>no longer forever alone

>> No.2644970

Except that never happens.

>> No.2644980

If she is into the same things as you, a smile can get you a long way. Don't be afraid to make the first move, because a lot of women are self conscious and in turn shy. If she just isn't interested, move on. Out of the almost 7 billion people on Earth, there's bound to be some one you're compatible with.

>> No.2644984

As much as I detest optimism, you have to hope for the best so you wont hesitate to take chances.

>> No.2644997

Do you put your hand on a hot stove whenever you cook lest the oven spit out candy for your efforts?

>> No.2645004

No, but I eat frozen French toast sticks and pee in the shower occasionally.

>> No.2645015

I realized the point I was trying to make wasn't that clear. I'm not stupid, I don't do stupid things (like putting my hand on a hot stove) but I do things that someone not might be comfortable with. Point is, do whatever makes you happy. Hoping for the best makes me happy. As well as French toast.

>> No.2645018

I've been up since five this morning and I feel like I'm spewing bull shit so feel free to ignore anything I've said.

>> No.2645021

>7 billion
Now that's just absurd. Divide it by a hundred million and it's a reasonable estimate of how many people I might actually be able to have contact with (disregarding all inhibitions and other psychological factors), then halve it to take one gender out of the equation. Even that's ludicrously optimistic since engineering classes are sausagefests.
Hang on, I forgot what point I was trying to make.

>> No.2645027

Nothing makes me happy anymore, because we Can't Have Nice Things

>> No.2645033


So do you play the lottery every week?

>> No.2645035


I don't understand why people have a problem with peeing in the shower, everything is going to come out clean anyways. That being said I rarely end up doing it.

>> No.2645037

I meant that out of everyone you will come in contact with in your entire life, there's bound to be someone who would enjoy being with you.

>> No.2645041

The hard part is finding the geeky guy that is also an adrenaline junkie. Why is it so difficult? I have no idea, but it depresses me at times.

>> No.2645042

met this cute iranian girl who loves physics. GUNNA GO OUT WITH HER YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.2645050

No, I'm too young. I'm actually a freshman in high school. I wouldn't though, my mother does occasionally and she loses far more money than she wins. She must have spent at least an accumulative $900 on tickets in her life, but has probably only won about $150. Besides that I don't like spending money unnecessarily.

>> No.2645051

were you here a while ago asking how to approach her something like that? cuz i remember that, if it was you

>> No.2645056

And what are the chances of that when one has such a low contact rate, and almost never engages anyone in conversation?

>> No.2645057

Let me finish these diff eqs, then we can go jump off a building.

Sound about right?

>> No.2645059

Thanks for pointing it out. I hate butchering the English language, but it can't be helped at the moment.

>> No.2645068


That's a good plan. But do you see where I am going with this?

>> No.2645079

Yeah, I get you. Selective optimism seems like if would be rational. You hope for the best in life, but make practical short-term decisions, like buying or not buying a lottery ticket.

>> No.2645087

Go meet people. /sci/ has some of the smartest people I've ever met, but sometimes they don't realize the most obvious of things.

>> No.2645094

When do we meet? ;)

>> No.2645095

People fucking suck.

Anything beyond being friends is asking for pain. You may as well just hit yourself with a hammer and save the time.

>> No.2645099
File: 75 KB, 600x399, ujellysci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a pure mathematician, but this is a man I knew a long time ago, not anymore

this is his wife


>> No.2645105


She looks like a cheater. I wish him the best of luck.

>> No.2645107

This just brings me back to my first (or was it second? either way they're the same) point - I have irrational difficulties with meeting people.

>> No.2645112


This is why I don't plan on meeting anyone/having a family. I don't really like people much. If it happens, it happens. I feel like I'm really not qualified to give you guys relationship advice. I'm a fourteen year old girl who has never had a boyfriend. If you're misanthropic, cool. Just don't bother with women. They suck anyway.

>> No.2645117
File: 26 KB, 429x287, marriagebigmistaketshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. within a few years she'll be beggin him to have kids, and it will all be downhill from there.

>> No.2645126

I don't have the answer for everything. Just step out of your comfort zone. Tell your fears to go fuck themselves. That's how I got over my fear of the dark when I was ten. I knew it was irrational, but one day I was just tired of being afraid. So I just ignored it. It took me four hours to fall asleep, but I was never scared again. Sorry for the sappy analogy.

>> No.2645132

i'm only going to have a kid if i can genetically engineer the fuck out of them

problem, society?

>> No.2645147
File: 34 KB, 482x354, poltergeist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can't just kill a fear. You can, however, replace it with something scarier so it doesn't seem as bad.

>> No.2645157


I can push my fears aside and approach someone, but I can't hold a conversation in that state.

Also, I used to be afraid of the dark (irrationally), and I got over that. I carry a pocket torch with me everywhere though, but I only ever use it when visibility is actually an issue.

>> No.2645172

What is it that makes you afraid to talk to people?

>> No.2645176

Just have sex with a smart (lol) female.

>> No.2645205

Been this way for so long I don't know the reason myslef, any more. I wouldn't be surprised if it came down to childhood bullying though, no matter how much I'd like to think that it didn't affect me.

>> No.2645254

I can totally identify with you. I was made fun of when I was in elementary school relentlessly. Did the whole cry everyday on the way home number. You just have to remember, people can be mean, especially kids. Just forgive and forget it, or if you can't therapy may help.

>> No.2645311

I'd like to think it's all in the past and that I hold no grudges to the individuals involved, but it would appear the damage has been done. Maybe therapy would work, idk. I'm pretty reluctant to seek help in anything.

>> No.2645329

Maybe you could talk to the actual individual from your childhood?

>> No.2645345

Too many, and I can't even remember the names of some of them.

>> No.2645407

I'm sorry then. I'm tired now though. Good night, and good luck.

>> No.2645412
