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File: 24 KB, 500x313, large_aderall_Mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2639287 No.2639287 [Reply] [Original]

Does Aderall really help /sci/?

>> No.2639292

yes, but dependence or long term use is cautioned

>> No.2639306

And dependence and long term use is awesome.

>> No.2639315


yes it does, but op be careful of dependency issues. good for nights when you have a bunch of finals the next day, but bad if you're taking it just to pass your psychology class.

>> No.2639324

where can one purchase said adderall

>> No.2639327

theres a secret website, which I will tell you about if someone agrees to send me some adderal (at least 2 pills)

because the website is pretty expensive

>> No.2639335

actually, you want to buy some?

how about this. I tell you the website. You purchase it. And then you send me at least 5 pills.

ill give you my email, if youre interested.

>> No.2639336

Go to your doctor and ask him to sell you some

>> No.2639338

why so expensive?

>> No.2639350

i am intrigued but what is the price?

>> No.2639365

the price was $5 a pill for 30 pills 30mg each. Instant release.

>> No.2639367

If you respond to it it helps.

I was prescribed 20mg Adderall XR+30mg Ritalin. I dosed myself to 40mg Adderall XR + 50mg ritalin. No change. I've been completely resistant to all the meds they put me on though

go to 420chan, and go to /stim/

>> No.2639376

that site also has hydrocodone, vicoden, and codeine.

>> No.2639379

its a controlled substance.
but usually ~$130 for 30mg WITH a prescription.

i expect the blackmarket to be markedly more expensive...

>> No.2639405

wow seriously?

that website i know its only $165 for 30x30mg, and I thought that was a ridicoulous price.
ill post a screenshot of the site. im leaving for a few minutes though, so don't expect it for like 10 minutes.

>> No.2639404

It does work, but given that it's a controlled substance, you might be better off looking at other study drugs.

Try looking into the various piracetam derivatives. Not piracetam itself, as it's pretty weak, but pramiracitam and oxiracitam supposedly work quite well. Not adderall well, but they also don't have adderall's side effects.

>> No.2639419


Sorry, I misspelled those, it's supposed to be pramiracetam and oxiracetam.

>> No.2639429

I pity the fool that doesn't have prescription drug coverage.

>> No.2639435
File: 20 KB, 764x366, untitledag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it. ill just post it right now. theres an email address in my email field, if you want to know the site name.

>> No.2639481

Wow why so damn expensive?

>> No.2639493

Because lazy kids are stupid enough to buy it.

>> No.2639500

1) controlled substance
2) prescription drug
That's pretty much it. Even generic shit costs like $90 before insurance, pharm companies gouge out the ass on prices.

>> No.2639514

Funny thing is, I get this stuff free from my parents' insurance. My mom says its for her then sends it to me, 'cause I'm ADHD. I shit you not, she does it for my grades. Helps like a boss.

>> No.2639545

Maybe. I have no idea, and no non-anecdotal evidence. I'd be interested to see a research article on its effects.

>> No.2639551

I'm sure the FDA could link you lots.

>> No.2639559

There's one of two things that'll happen if you buy from a website.
1. The pills are fake.
2. You get caught trying to import controlled substances and get arrested.
Have fun, OP

>> No.2639572

You're gonna fuck up your dopamine receptors, because you will abuse amphetamine and eventually will switch over to methamphetamine because of the price.

If you don't have ADD/ADHD, just get some goddamn discipline. YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN!

>> No.2639576

Depending on your physiology, it might enhance your ability to concentrate, but not to a tremendous extent (or one worth the risks of taking the drug).

You could also end up like >>2639367 and feel nothing. I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.2639593

You'd be shocked how little they actually find things. Customs runs through millions of packages per day, and even if they stop a shipment, they'll just detain it, since technically, they have no proof you intended to own it, without start a whole federal investigation, which is cost prohibitive.

You want to see crazy stuff, go to 420chan. Lots of people on /stim/ are ordering things like mephedrone, MDPV, 2C-B class chemicals, all things that CAN be prosecuted, but aren't.

That's another thing, depending on the country, it can be 100% legal to order things like even benzodiazapines, opiods, etc, if that country permits exporting drugs. It's the reason you can order lots of things from India. Some companies will even do like "give us your symptoms and suggest a drug, and we'll give it to you for $90, as our doctor will discern whether or not you could have an illness". That kind of diagnosis frequently happens for sites specializing in boner pills.

>> No.2639624

Drugs are expensive because the phamacies mark them up a shit ton. Walgreens marks up shit 10,000% in many cases.

If you try and buy some, nothing will happen to you. If they stop it at the post office, you committed no crime because you didn't actually recieve anything. If they stop you as you are accepting the package then you can easily deny that you knew you were accepting a controlled substance. The worst thing that happens is you lose your money.

>> No.2639643

Buy plain old dexamphetamine, not aderall.
Name brand stuff is always much more expensive.
For instance, I could buy a bottle of 100 dexamphetamine tablets for $30, or I could buy a bottle of 30 concerta for $60 (The price gap is also considerably larger if you don't have any kind of medical benefits scheme).

>> No.2639657

only ten percent? that's not too bad

>> No.2639676

Adderall is a dangerous drug. It is bad for your heart and bad for your mind. If you take it to become focused you will not learn to be focused without it, so you are in effect delaying your mental maturity.

>> No.2639701


Sorry, I am not some euro fag who can't use the right punctuation to format numbers.

>> No.2639702


Now that the patents for adderall have expired it should be easy to find cheap generics of the drug. That website is a rip off.

Look, I used to take adderall. It does work but up to a point. There are a lot of negative side effects associated with the drug and I feel that a lot of other stimulants, (Ritalin and caffeine) tend to allow you to concentrate without tweaking you out.

>> No.2639708


Which is fitting because it is supposed to be used by those tards who cannot learn to focus and does nothing to actually help them.

>> No.2639717

Drugs don't make you study, you make you study.
If you're undisciplined now, you'll still be undisciplined with drugs

>> No.2639881
File: 358 KB, 300x169, 1296373854470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong. This shit changed my life. This won't do your homework, but it definitely helps you with the ability AND motivation to do it.

>> No.2639899

Have any of you guys ever tried piracetam or aniracetam. Do they work?

>> No.2639901

Is there anything Aderall does that Marijuana doesn't?

If you're just trying to become a pseudo-autist, there are better alternatives.

>> No.2639911

I've used piracetam, without success, but I never responded to any of my meds (antiDs, stims, ambien, stabilizers)

>> No.2639929

In my experience, it kicks ass until it stops working.

I now only take it before exams or while working on major projects, as taking it regularly just builds my tolerance until the only effect it has a all is it's appetite suppressant side-effect (which my skinny ass could REALLY do without).

That reminds me, I need a refill...

>> No.2639933

Adderall gives you energy, stimulation and confidence.
Marijuana makes you lazy and paranoid.

>> No.2639944

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?
And the day before?
And the day before...
ad infinitum

>> No.2639948
File: 201 KB, 437x596, 1295690547444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marijuana makes you lazy and paranoid.
Smoke better weed bro.

>> No.2639953

Try Provigil (Modafinil). It has many of the same effects and is low risk.

>> No.2639962

this. it takes a higher dose of modafinil than caffeine to kill a man. y take amphetamine when there's modafinil?

>> No.2639969
File: 53 KB, 410x410, 1290564146996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2640038
File: 142 KB, 594x495, 1289333780426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen.

>> No.2640039

Also, double doubles!!!

Still sage though

>> No.2640044

Maybe you're the one not smoking good enough weed.

>> No.2640047

>complains about thread
>makes another post just to say he got doubles

>> No.2640051
File: 16 KB, 332x304, 1228753251607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw implying conspiracy theories
like anything doesn't get regurgitated around here/4chan

>> No.2640296

>>2639881 This shit changed my life. This won't do your homework, but it definitely helps you with the ability AND motivation to do it.


I finally went to the doctor to try and get help, he said Kay and referred me to a clinical psychologist. I got a letter saying to make a phone call to arrange an appointment but I never called and lost my chance. Fuck this shit.