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2636973 No.2636973 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ what do you think life would be like if we lived in a Godless universe?
would chaos reign supreme?
what if God created us and the world and then just disappeared, what do you think the laws of physics would be like?
i know we'd have no Shakespeare or Milton or Newton or Einstein, but what do you think life would be like?

please only real answers

>> No.2636989

everything would be exactly as it is right now

>> No.2637011

i don't understand
god created the world out of chaos, how would it be the same if he wasn't here?

>> No.2637016
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>implying you need a god for reality to balance itself out

go back to suckling your preacher's penis, child

>> No.2637019

Well, religion was the inspiration for all of our early art and music, so we wouldn't have any of that. And without God there is no moral standard, so everyone would just go around doing whatever they wanted. This is the utopia atheists dream of.

>> No.2637026


>> No.2637039

but without god there is no order, no law, no morality, no beauty or grace. you can't have this without the Holy Lord.

i do not participate with homosexual fellatio.

just because the wind is invisible does not mean it isn't there

>> No.2637064

Prove there's a god and maybe I'll listen to you

>> No.2637097

>he still needs proof for a god

>> No.2637119

Air actually is observable, and wind measurable.
>no order, no law, no morality, no beauty or grace
Can you quantify order? How about law? Morality? Beauty or grace? Order and law can assume scientific definitions, but you are most assuredly using them in a useless and meaningless colloquial sense.

>> No.2637127

>Implying that god needs to exist for religion to exist.
>Implying that atheists "go around doing whatever they want."

The first reply in this thread answered the OP completely.

>> No.2637137

The inspiration for art was the Christian religion, which does require a god to exist. You lose.

>> No.2637144

I'm out of my element on /sci/ but I'll post this anyway. I'm sorry if I use the wrong terminology, this isn't something that I think about or discuss much in my everyday life.

People who ask for proof of God have always bothered me. It isn't because I'm upset that they would question his existence or whatever, but for other reasons entirely: they assume that human logic is flawless, that humans have the capacity to fully understand God (or gods), and that everything can be proven scientifically.

I mean, it has always been my belief that if such a being existed that he would be entirely outside the realm of our knowledge or our capacity to know. Like, we think/know he's there but we're much too primitive or whatever to know for sure.

Like I said, I apologize if I come off sounding retarded for using the wrong words in places. This isn't meant to be a troll post but a legitimate concern of mine.

>> No.2637154

So we can't possibly ever prove or disprove him? Then it's absolutely useless to even think about it.

>> No.2637157

It would be impossible. In the sense your that you're using however, it would be intolerable. Life would become pointless. Remember, most of the universe you will never physically explore. The question would be better phrased as, "in a Godless world." Without God, all change relies on the Government. With God, people have something to turn to, and can gain equal power to speak their mind and make their own decisions. A Godless world, would be okay, if Satan didn't exist. However, Satan does exist, it just has formality veiled on top. Its funny how quickly people forget that they're economic slaves, and if money didn't exist they wouldn't have to work a pointless 9-5; and if civilization didn't exist they would be in the harmony of nature, experiencing the true wonders of life.

Godless universe:
1. Okay if no Government.
2. Not okay if Government.

(Only in the sense you're using it thought. A Godless universe is impossible.)

>> No.2637158

The christian religion does not require the existance of a god. In most cases, it only requires the belief in one; the simple notion of a divine spirit. In the rest of the cases, it only requires an adherance to code of conduct belonging to christianity, but not so much of the belief in one. If those artists weren't christian, they would have done art anyway, and art has been done long before christianity, and even without an impetus of religion in many works.

>> No.2637156

bump for non idiotic answers

>> No.2637188

>The christian religion does not require the existance of a god

lol, yea it does retard, do you even know what christiniary is? lol

>> No.2637197

lol i geuss not dude
chirsitans: 5
gaythiests: faggots

>> No.2637199

>Ask idiotic question
>Expect non-idiotic responses

Great thread, OP.

>> No.2637221

What would be the difference between a religon in a world where God does not "prove" his existance, but require some leap of faith, in a Kierkegaard-ian sense, and religion in a world where there truly is no god, but where the believers still made the leap of faith. Would anyone know the difference?

>> No.2637222

You're an idiot. Satan is Humanity.

You'll never go to heaven because you are a human, and therefore evil.

You are a soulless abomination!

>> No.2637259

Wait, in your scenario you say he created the universe and disappeared. The universe appears to be doing just fine on its own right now without unexplained divine intervention. Either way, why would this prevent people who believed God from existing? Just because there are no such thing as imaginary friends doesn't mean that the kids who believe them no longer exist.

>> No.2637311

>the Christian religion, which does require a god to exist

No, it's actually Hinduism that is the true religion.

>> No.2637444

7/10, just because all these people fell for it.

>> No.2637495
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Please only real QUESTIONS

>> No.2637623


If perpetual energy is impossible in every system, than why does the totality of all physical existence (the universe) get a pass on this law of physics?

>> No.2638344

You are aware the universe will end, right?

As in, it doesn't get a pass, if anything it only slows it down.

>> No.2638949

I love it when theists claim to have a morality. It's the most amusing thing ever.