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File: 170 KB, 1280x853, IMG_3323_2-769188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2636949 No.2636949 [Reply] [Original]

Jupiter shining about Spaceport America.

All rise for the anthem.

>> No.2636952



>> No.2636954


>> No.2636967
File: 18 KB, 200x269, gagarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw cosmonauts have a lower fatality rate than silly americans with their trillion dollar budgets

>> No.2636976
File: 15 KB, 337x352, sadsagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Americans spend 67% of their federal discretionary budget on the Department of 'Defense'

>> No.2637027

English spaceport for Virgin Galactic, God Save The Queen.

>> No.2637070
File: 121 KB, 200x141, 1298679537967 (00-25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2636976 mfw a strong military is required to stop other people coming in and ruining your shit

>> No.2637082


Because the USA are attacked all the time. Oh wait.

>> No.2637087

because canadian and mexican army pose such a threat.

>> No.2637090


Why is that I wonder? Is it because everyone just really loves amerifags?

>> No.2637096


No it's because they'll happily shoot a guided missile up your ass to an accuracy of within an inch.

>> No.2637104
File: 60 KB, 576x576, illegal-immigration[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9/11 happens
>13 of the 19 hijackers are Saudi
>INVADE IRAQ because lol why not?
>Loads of contracts with Halliburton etc
>Meanwhile, at the Mexican/American border...

>> No.2637131


Yeah and now everyone is a little fucked off with them but when the entire economy finally collapses properly everyone is going to be even more super fucked off with them but can't do anything about it because they have $700bn of weapons of their side.

>> No.2637139

That's 700 billion dollars of waste each year towards building a stronger country. Maybe a paradox to your feeble mind, but just give it some thought.

>> No.2637148


They are not angry at the Republicans, they are so stupid that they let Fox News delude them into thinking Bush's private war was lolright and it was the social-communist Obamacare conspiracy that really ruined the economy.

Meanwhile, zombie Reagan laughs in his grave.

>> No.2637150

ITT: OT posts claim US is invincible

jesus people, everybody has nukes nowadays

>> No.2637163

>your face when most of that money is going to private tech corporations, who will make profit of it, which will not go back to the public
>your face when capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich

>> No.2637174

> implying US is poor
> implying EU's economy isn't collapsing too, starting from the socialists

>> No.2637186


>capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich

Question: why do Americans vote like this? It makes no sense at all that the poorer states usually vote Republican and the wealthier ones usually vote Democratic.

Is it because American voters care more about the social/moral policies than about the economic ones? Is it because people are still butthurt about Johnson's civil rights acts? Is it because people are really easily brainwashed into voting for a party that will take advantage of them?

>> No.2637194

Nobody was claiming anything like that. Making such claims after a few posts just shows that it's your personal interpretation and not actually subject of the thread.

>> No.2637195

it is because what he said is exactly correct. The people are capitalists have got their blood sucked out.

>> No.2637196

>>2637150 everyone has nukes
>>2637150 never have a war again

Stop your fucking crying then

>> No.2637204

Doesn't really work like that. We were lucky that no one overreacted during the cold war, but when more parties have nukes there is a greater chance of escalation.

>> No.2637207


Especially when some of those parties are batshit insane fundamentalists.

>> No.2637214

No, US will be the first to go when the time comes. Meanwhile independent Switzerland will continue to be a wealthy tax haven of no worries.

>> No.2637220

may alson have something to do with the fact that wealthier states have higher IQs on average. The correlation between political leftness and intelligence is pretty strong.

>> No.2637234


But in Britain, it's the other way around; the places with higher educational achievement are more likely to vote Tory.

Then again, the British Conservative party is nowhere near as bad as the American Republican party and Labour are far worse than the Democrats.

Are you sure the correlation isn't simply between having a higher IQ and not voting for a party full of retards?

>> No.2637239

I don't think it's an issue of Republican versus Democrat. Historically, at least for the last 70+ years, it's made little difference: they serve the interests of the wealthy elite. Obviously, Republicans are worse (e.g. Reagan), but Democrats do the same. The differences are not as big as you might imagine.

>> No.2637250

it may indeed be. Then again, those with the highest IQs here vote green party, and the second highest (probably no longer) vote for the liberal democrats. In the UK the two main parties are both closer together and further left than in the US, and the conservatives are probably closer to the democrats than the republicans.

>> No.2637276

>lefties are more intelligent

it's not true. you might have gotten this idea from the fake (and several times debunked) propaganda poster, that is often posted here.

>> No.2637288


They're more like to vote Lib Dem, actually. It's the wealthy that vote Tory. However, there's such a big correlation between wealth and education here that it becomes very difficult to tell.

>> No.2637336

Care to post a rebuttal rather than an allusion to one?

>> No.2637351


"voter iq hoax" gives more results

>> No.2637364

Thanks, reading now.

>posted to MENSA newsgroup
>taken as fact without being checked

This is why I'm not in MENSA. Well, this and the fact they're pretentious money whores