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2636265 No.2636265 [Reply] [Original]

During the lecture at British university:

Lecturer: As you can see, taking into account solution pH change the sacrificial nickel cathodes will degrade at 13.2 mph
Me: Excuse me, what is this unit exactly? meters per year? It's impossible.
Lecturer: Mils per year.
Me: ...milil...
Lecturer: This whole diagram is American. One mil is one thousandth of an inch.
Me: Fucking Americans...
Lecturer: Yes, fucking Americans.

Has anyone ever here heard about mil? Apparently now to avoid confusion with superior metric system they call it 'thou'.
Hey, Americunts- what will you do when you need smaller unit to operate on nanoscale? Invent new unit? Equivalent to one 2450th of an inch?

>> No.2636281

mph - Mil Per Year(!)
What the fuck is wrong with you?

And a "mil" is a prefix for 1/1000th. Like milimeters, you faggot.

>> No.2636280

Hey, it is a step in correct direction! They should now create unit equivalent to 1000 and 1000.0000 inches.
How about they call it kiloinch and megainch?

>> No.2636284

OP here, disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.2636283

>One mil is one thousandth of an inch.
Awww, americans are attempting metric.

>> No.2636287

Brits still measure weight in stones. What the fuck is a stone?

>> No.2636289



>> No.2636296


Exactly! Your first attempt at metric scale, after you realised that the same scale you use to measure your cock is not adequate to distances involved OP lecture.

>> No.2636304

If you look closely, the graph on the left is a Poisson distribution while the graph on the right is a Uniform distribution.

>> No.2636322

Normal Americans don't take scientific measurements.

American scientists use the metric system.

Problem op?

>> No.2636326

Goddamn it, americans. Get your shit together.

>> No.2636327

Disregarding OP's attempt on being dick, it is actually quite funny.

Some smart man in academia needs to deal with small measurements. Instead of thinking
>it's not like I am calculating this for general public, I will use metric instead. It's the only system that makes sense in engineering calculations.

he was like:
>0.00012 inch, divide by two is... 0.00006 inch... plus 0.0000034 inch. Ah fuck it. Let's make up a new arbitrary unit and do what smart people overseas do- make it 1000 times smaller! 0.06 mil, plus 0.0034 mil...

>> No.2636335

No it's not, the one on the left goes up and down and one of the measurements is ridiculously astronomical compared to the rest.

>> No.2636338

babbys first metric

>> No.2636340

whatever...eurofags still use Kilograms to measure weight. Kilogram is a measure of MASS YOU CHUCKLE FUCKS

>> No.2636344

Dude, I do physics in the U.S. We use metric, but the ****ing engineers all want to use English.

>> No.2636357

This, I die a little inside every time I see someone measure their weight in kg. At least lbs are a fucking unit of weight and not mass.

>> No.2636369

I... feel your pain.

>> No.2636370

Obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.2636392
File: 81 KB, 675x1024, 1297491716743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"chuckle fucks"

I like that. I think I'm going to steal it.

>> No.2636398

It's a fairly common insult.

>> No.2636425

fuck you, you chuckle fuck

>> No.2636427

>they don't use cunting fucknugget

>> No.2636445

Shut up, buttmunch.

>> No.2636450
File: 703 KB, 2389x1564, apollo_11_lunar_module1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem world

Our system was used on our moon spaceships

made it harder to reverse engineer

>> No.2636541

Lol sorry, no. And it's a common sentiment.

>> No.2636571
File: 606 KB, 752x469, 1290513819728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Butthurt faggot detected

>> No.2636582

So you suggest arbitrarily using an imperial measure instead? what the hell is wrong with you, if everything else is in metric then weight should be.

>> No.2636588

Anglofags cannot into civilized metric system.

>> No.2636591

>be America
>Europe is pissed as shit that we're not civilized and translating our factories to SI
>Don't feel like re-rating all of our factories, costing tens of millions of dollars just because we didn't destroy our factories in an orgy of utter barbarism...twice
>Don't give a shit about Europe's opinion anyway
>enjoy my five-dollar footlong

>> No.2636594


That's because there are units of measurement between yards and miles that don't get used much anymore.

Also, metric is stupid because decimal is inferior to hexadecimal. I mean, if the scaling of units was based on a power of two it would be just be a matter of bit shifting. Of course, if we do that computers will end up switching to ternary to spite us or something.

>> No.2636600

You do know that in everyday usage when you 'weigh' something you are determining its mass right? And therefore kilograms are the correct unit. Unless you are seriously suggesting we use archaic imperial measurements or sell stuff measured in newtons.

>> No.2636601

Every science class I took has used metric and everything I have done relating to science has used the metric system. I have never even heard of a unit that is a thousandth of an inch.

>> No.2636609


>he doesn't know that of all the SI units only the kilogram is based off of something completely arbitrary!

>> No.2636616


Technically, weight should be measured in units of force. The SI unit for this is Newtons. However, I think if the confusion were to be removed, I think most people would rather measure the mass of things than their weight in the first place.

>> No.2636630

>Brits angry that we use a system they invented

>> No.2636632

Well thats what you do when you weigh something in everyday use, you find its mass.

>> No.2636636

when do we get base 12 metric?

>> No.2636639

... Why would you ever want that?

>> No.2636641

weight (N) and mass (kg) are two different things, my good man.

Weight = mass * gravity

>> No.2636645


Mass can be measured in any units you want as long as you account for the force of gravity.

I weigh 200 pounds on earth, 95 kg on earth, whatever. Same thing. My mass is 200/9.8 lbs and 95/9.8 pounds.

>> No.2636646

>95/9.8 kg

I meant to say.

>> No.2636652
File: 29 KB, 366x440, summerglau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you 'weigh' something you are determining its mass

>> No.2636662


Well a kilogram is the weight of 1 liter of water at 4ºC.

>> No.2636675

Got a non trolling response or are you just a moron?

>> No.2636673

Oh, so kilogram is weight?

>> No.2636691


Yeah, that's really arbitrary given that every other SI is based off of a physical constant of the universe. The meter is based off of the speed of light in a vacuum, the second is based off of atomic decay, etc.

Only the kilogram is based off of something that isn't a fundamental property of nature. Frankly it's intellectually dishonest to try and foist the kilogram onto the USA while portraying it as a "logical system." Not that it matters one iota because >>2636591 has it right.

>> No.2636693
File: 13 KB, 264x320, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you got a legitimate answer or are you going to keep pretending a kg is something it isn't?

>> No.2636723

It is still a logical system.

So you are suggesting we either weigh things in imperial units which is backwards or newtons which is absurd for every day use.

A kilogram is a unit of mass, in every day use when you weight something you are finding out its mass. Not a difficult concept.

>> No.2636739
File: 35 KB, 517x373, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, in everyday use when you weigh something you measure its WEIGHT. It's not exactly a hard concept.

Chucklefuck indeed.

>> No.2636747


Eh, not really. I mean, if you can't even come up with a good physical constant of the universe for mass then why should we switch from the pound to the kg? It's swapping one poorly defined unit for another. So the math is a little easier to to in your head, that might've been important back in 1962 when we didn't have pocket calculators embedded into devices that see daily use.

It's a meaningless fight. Standards are standards, it doesn't matter what standards they are as long as they're internally consistent.

>> No.2636766

Weight and mass are different. Weight doesn't exist in free fall/outer space

>> No.2636770

The imperial system isn't internally consistent. See OP's pic attached.

Kg and pounds BOTH measure weight/mass, depending on the application.

>> No.2636773

Your point?
If I weigh 100 pounds on earth, 1 kg = 2.2 pounds, then I weigh 45 kg on earth.

When I buy a bag of sugar, it weighs 1 kg or 2.2 pounds.

I don't see how you can't grasp this.

Is this HONESTLY what they teach Americans in school? That kg measures ONLY mass? If that's the case, then even "smart" Americans are pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.2636783

Who says I'm American, penisbreath?

>> No.2636789

>Standards are standards, it doesn't matter what standards they are as long as they're internally consistent.
>incorrect use of comma

Why isn't this problem corrected in Americans by the end of high school?

>> No.2636794


Mass is not weight. They are two different properties. Kilograms measure mass and are often used to define the weight of an object because they are directly related but there is indeed an actual unit for weight, called the Newton.

>> No.2636796

Your IQ points us in that direction.

>> No.2636797

Are you seriously this stupid?

>> No.2636799

mil(s) has ALWAYS meant milliradians, not milli-inches. Milli-inches have never been used as a unit

>> No.2636800

>A kilogram is a unit of mass, in every day use when you weight something you are finding out its mass. Not a difficult concept.
this means that your mass measurement depends on the value of gravitational force, so it's not exact
everybody sosnooley

>> No.2636810

We don't measure things in Newtons even though weight measures Newtons.

Does your bathroom scale give you F = ma? No. It gives you a number - in kg or pounds.

>> No.2636815

r u nuts? mils = mililiters

>> No.2636816


Yes and it's a reasonable stopgap but to say it is "the" weight measurement just lying.

>> No.2636824

>"the" weight measurement just lying.
Einstein looks at you as at shit

>> No.2636825

It gives us KG as a weight in the terms of EARTH GRAVITY, which means it is F=mg inside the scale, but then divide by g again, to give us the "weight" in a measure that is understood by "everyone" (except americunts).

MASS (M)=KG, no matter what.
you illiterate fucks

>> No.2636827


It's just a semantics issue caused by the fact that mass can be used int he same was as weight in any situation where gravity can be taken as a constant. If you want people to take the distinction more seriously, I suppose the best thing to do would be to help develop space travel so that differences in gravitational force become a common enough issue for language to adapt to it.

>> No.2636841

I see they are still not answering the fact they suggest either using backward imperial units or newtons in every day use, both are clearly absurd. Kilograms is used in everyday life to measure the mass of objects, people call this weighing. Why do people have an issue with this.

>> No.2636856

it's not semantics, it's equivalence principle. you measure weight, but due to this principle mass = weight.

>> No.2636874

... It is semantic.
Go back to first grace physics

>> No.2636884

They teach physics in first grade?
Holy fuck, and there I was learning about addition and verbs.

>> No.2636922


Such is education in the USA.

>> No.2636927

... No, that's what Norway's like.
Grow up, and don't try to steal my post.

>> No.2636931

Education in Norway really sucks. It is possible, that it is even worse, than in USA.

>> No.2636941

The American length measurements may be arbitrary, but the SI length and time units are circularly defined. A meter is defined as the distance light travels in some fraction of a second, and a second is the time light takes to travel ~30e8 meters.

An OK compromise would be to take inches and extrapolate a system from there with exponents of 1000 - nanoinch, microinch, milliinch, inch, kiloinch, megainch, gigainch etc.

>> No.2636947

Every system of measurement has its own uses, no matter how arbitrary they may seem.

If everything was measured in one system, life would either be horrible for the particle/astro-physicist, or the common man. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

P.S., you measure your energy intake of food in Joules do you...?

>> No.2636958


I don't measure my energy intake because I'm not a fat fuck who can't control his lust for food.

>> No.2636966

How would life be 'horrible for the common man' if imperial was buried like it should be? Are you trying to imply metric units are somehow inferior to imperial for daily use.

>> No.2636971


no its not

>> No.2637005

I can't believe this argument about weight and mass.

If you guys had an ounce of common sense you'd realize that weight is a function of mass and that for every day use, Kilograms can be and is used as a unit of weight. In unusual circumstances, the "weight" of something can be described in comparison to what mass the object would have if it had the same weight on earth.

e.g.: This rock, which weighs 38 kilograms on mars, has a mass of 100 kilograms.


>> No.2637009


The imperial system has take its root into society, regardless of how seemingly stupid it is. Building codes rely on it, and many people understand it. If you remove it outright, and replace it with something foreign, that causes far reaching problems in the areas that currently use it.

My point was however, that OP suggested that the metric system is THE ONLY system worth using, which is bullshit because there are many systems that each have their own practical uses.

>> No.2637042

the fuck you smoking?
>This rock, which weighs 38 kilograms on mars, has a mass of 100 kilograms.
>weighs 38 kilograms
you cant fucking measure weight in kg, its NEWTON dumfuck
1kg on earth (its mass) = 9.81N (its weight )