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File: 87 KB, 804x646, supr-exchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2635045 No.2635045 [Reply] [Original]

Bad prof rant thread, go!

Hello /sci/, so we have a new organic chem prof on campus. I don't know if it is because she wants to prove herself or what, but every week she keeps changing the rules to our lab report write-ups. She accused my lab partner and I of plagarism for turning in a report we worked on together with our names on it. Which is fine, if that is how she runs the program. However, she then turned around and FORCED us to turn over our IR spectra data so that she could make copies for the other groups who ran the experiment poorly and had no results.

In addition to this, we use a poorly written text book, so my lab partner and I have done research to ensure the best possibly outcome for our experiment. When she found out that we wanted to pipette a layer differently than the text called for, she yelled at us and said "Do it the way everyone else is doing it". To which we replied, "....but no one else is getting results". Her response: "I don't want to have to grade more than one lab report, so do not make any changes, I don't care what they are".

WTF. Tell me your horror stories :)

>> No.2635076

I'm not sure if you're lying or not OP, what's that website designed for reviewing Uni/college professors?

>> No.2635090



>> No.2635103


If there is a professional one out there for that, I'm not aware of it. The one used among students is ratemyprofessor.com.

The story is legit though. I'm just drinking some wine and relaxing after writing up a report for Orgo Lab 245 yo.

And if I was THAT bored and wanted to make shit up, I'd be over on /x/.

>> No.2635109

Thanks. Now what is the name of your professor?

>> No.2635115


Did you miss "new" prof on campus. This is her first semester. She isn't going to appear herp derp.

Your curisotiy is a bit strange. You must think you know me or who I'm referencing.

>> No.2635116

Soooo it's my econ prof's first upper level class, she taught intro macro last semester.

She's extremely young and good looking. She was noticeably nervous for the first couple weeks. Shaky voice, some stutter problems. Wasn't happy with her mic level, always had to ask if we can hear her and stuff. When something goes wrong, like her PPT not opening up right away, you could see her start to panic almost immediately. Some things were scary bad, she was mixing up basic fundamental review things, telling us some wrong information in class and then had to sent out emails correcting the mistakes she made in class.
Now she's gotten into her groove and the class is going nicely; no more shaky voice, took command of her lectures instead of letting dumbasses ask too many dumbass questions. The end.

>> No.2635129


Cheers. I'm hoping things go betterthanexpected.jpg with this prof myself. I've never ever had an experience like this, so I was baffled. The other classmates aren't as riled up about it as I am because they say they've had hell profs before.

>> No.2635147
File: 163 KB, 722x536, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I win this one.
This is an actual slide from a lecture.

>> No.2635160


LOL WOW. Is this basic chem?

>> No.2635167
File: 39 KB, 555x448, why_we_cant_have_nice_things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's an upper-level biopsych class. I didn't want to embarrass her by laughing or correcting her in the middle of class.

>> No.2635166


That looks like someone desperately tried to simplify the already simple concept of bond polarity.

Also, electrons are shared equally in ionic bonds herp derp.

>> No.2635173

Holy crap. If you don't mind me asking, what university do you go to?

>> No.2635185

I'd rather not say. It's not a community college or anything, but it's not Ivy League either. It's pretty mid-tier. I'd like to think this isn't an indicator of the average quality of professor.

>> No.2635187

I'm not a chem major, but this was how I was taught polar/non-polar compounds...

So, what are they really?

>> No.2635192

>Ex: NaCl

>> No.2635198

Ah yes, didn't notice that...must be tired.

>> No.2635199


The way I understand it. A C-H bond is NON polar and NaCl and H2O are CERTAINLY polar.

>> No.2635204


What size school do you go to that a professor is grading individual lab reports? Aren't there grad students for that?

Also, the thing with IR spectrum sharing isn't really the same as you two turning in identical lab reports. I think you meant that you turned in one lab report with both of your names on it, so she's an idiot for even calling that plagiarism, but wanting you to do individual work isn't the same as not wanting you to share spectroscopic data to make it possible for other people to do a lab report. Undergrad labs tend to be less about results and more about doing the associated assignments to learn how to do it better next time and how the technique is supposed to go.

Still the thing with the pipette is stupid, so long as you wouldn't have required equipment to be brought you specially for you.

>> No.2635213

>>10 week + finals week quarter
>> Quarter Long Software Engineering Project
>> Split into 5 phases, Inro, Requirements, Design, Coding/Testing, Final Product

9 days to do coding AND testing. Software engineers/ real job people can I get a whoop?

>> No.2635219

All right then. I do hope it's not indicative of the prof's knowledge in chemistry.