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2634886 No.2634886 [Reply] [Original]

What would the year 2019 be like in ways of science, technology, pop culture, and media?

>> No.2634889
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Furries everywhere

>> No.2634903

Iphone 11 is available.
Biggest sale of the century.

>> No.2634911

We'd probably have a few space hotels open to the general public.

>> No.2634920
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>> No.2634921

8 years from now? Yeah, no. You'll have to short LEO flights, like we do now.

>> No.2634931

More Facebook, more Twitter, more Apple junk, more bullshit on tv. Maybe a few new internet trends or fads, but that's about it.

>> No.2634960

You do realize we already have space hotels in orbit and one plans to open publicly next year. Can we afford it? Nope.avi It costs 4 million dolla.

>> No.2634969

He doesn't realize we have that now.

>> No.2635007


you mean that there are 2 uncontrolled pieces of space debris orbiting the earth right now?

1) they have not been deployed

2) they have no active orbital control systems (no thrusters)

3) the only systems capable of delivering any form of crew or other method of deploying them are controlled by Russia and/or the US...

only soyuz or the shuttle could be used to deliver PEOPLE and/or tools to those orbiting chunks of wasted money.

last time I checked, simple maintenance flights for satellites run about $40,000,000

>> No.2635020

>implying they're not owned by private enterprise.

>> No.2635028

Generalissimo Palin will have ended world hunger and built a space bridge to Mars.

>> No.2635029


soyuz and the shuttle?

no. they are not owned by private enterprise.

every single soyuz capsule ever launched has done so because the Russian government allowed it.

just because the mission patches and the money comes (in part) from the European Space Agency doesnt mean that Russia simply sells Star City and Russian rockets to them.

they are essentially renting russian property. Not even leasing it.

same with the space shuttle.
you have to be a serious retard to believe otherwise.

>> No.2635060

>he doesn't know the shuttle was retired.

>> No.2635066

We already have them, r-tard.


>> No.2635086


god damn you are a moron.

the shuttle has had its retirement date set back multiple times.

keep up with the news you fuckwit.

>he Space Shuttle was originally to be retired in late 2010, but has been extended until 2011.[5] The extension of the Shuttle Program into 2011 has led to Atlantis being manifested to fly STS-135, which is now intended as the final Space Shuttle mission in June 2011.[6]
this is the current news. they push it back monthly.

give it another 3 months, and the retirement will be pushed back for another mission...

and another....

and another....

and another....

do not expect to see the end of the space shuttle until there is a legitimate replacement being constructed (currently there are none)

at the very least, they may end up selling one of them, or the "blueprints" to a commercial entity.

I seriously doubt that the shuttle, in a similar incarnation to the ones we see now, will stop flying for another decade.

>> No.2635093

Cool source bro.

>> No.2635110


China is now the world's largest economy.

'Murica has gone broke. China's currency has increased and americas has devalued and everything made in china is 5x more expensive than it is to us now. This, in turn means americans are basically mexico level poor. We outsourced all our manufacturing knoweledge to China and can't manufacture shit.

Our "innovation" is bullshit. Google? Facebook? LULZ Apple?

that shit isn't innovation. China has its own google, Baidu. Search engines are not innovation. Social networking is not innovation. and ipads sure as fuck are not real innovation. there is nothing new about any of those.

dont belive me?




>> No.2635118

Then explain why the United States is still around, conspiracy fag.

>> No.2635135

How true is this story? Does this mean the US will cease to exist?

>> No.2635140

And what did China innovate lately?

Chinese Google is incredibly sheltered from the world.

>> No.2635142
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It means Aztlan, Cascadia and the Confederate States will rise up again.

>> No.2635152


1) a communist country (or "mostly" communist) like China cannot sustain itself in a micro environment

2) it needs outside influx of money to support construction of its own industries

3) everything manufactured in china that is sold in the US or Europe is subject to US or European laws.

4) that means when a US University professor develops a technique for the growth of thin films of high K dielectric, and a technique for uniform growth of sub 25 nm films....

and then makes it in china....

but sells it in the US....

Patent laws state that the AMERICAN GUY gets the money.

5) all the while, non-existent chinese environmental legislation are allowing china to become an ecological disaster unknown before in human history

6) in 10 years, it will be difficult to survive without breathing apparatus in 9/10 densely populated chinese cities.

7) in 20 years, the Chinese government will have to import fresh water to support their population because so much of it is polluted with heavy metals and teratogens from heavy industries like electronics and polymers.
hell, it is already the case that Chinese water utilities are supplied by foreign private industry.

this is not news. it has been the case for over 5 years now.

most of the south eastern parts of China are supplied by a French utility company.

>> No.2635154

What the fuck are those?

>> No.2635162

>he thinks China is still communist.

>> No.2635168
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>> No.2635183

Why the fuck would California and Texas go back to Mexico? Stupido.

>> No.2635195

I don't know it doesn't look like acid is falling out of the sky in this video. In fact the smog doesn't even look as bad as Los Angeles.


I have a simple theory when it comes to economics: eventually each countries standard of living will tend toward the countries average IQ.

government systems and economic systems may keep a country down (or up) for a while, but eventually IQ will win out.

>> No.2635197
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>> No.2635203


>china IS still communist.

If you knew anything about communism you would know:

1) in communist countries, people still buy and sell shit individually and generate individual profits.

in communist russia, people were given an allowance of a few hundred rubels per week.

they bought food/clothing/cars/entertainment at their own preferential location (they also had government supplied food, but that was secondary to the allowance)

2) in communist countries, commerce exists with the outside world.

the basic defining character is arbitrarily assigned to HOW MUCH you pay in "tax equivalent"

if the government (people) own 90% of all businesses (eg they own 90% of the "shares") and 10% is individually owned....

that is a communist country.

there are other obvious examples like the structure of the government itself, control of currency, real estate, propaganda, utilities, jobs, health care, etc.

in a "socialist" country, health care may be "paid for"....

but you can still go to any doctor you want, and receive treatment whenever you want.

in communist countries, you HAVE to go to the doctor, and you HAVE to go to a SPECIFIC doctor.

>> No.2635209


>3.52% to 97.54%

talk about standard deviation, lol.

>> No.2635212
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Larger circles.
Also do you not realize I'm trolling?

>> No.2635282

Will the US really fall like Rome did?

>> No.2635393

We stood for a 1000 years.

>> No.2635405

If you mean get attacked by barbarians and divided up into tiny pieces, never to return to notable power, then no.

If you mean stop being the dominant world power, yes. USA in 50 years time will be one of several powers on the world stage, perhaps the third most powerful country.

People who imagine that China will "take over the world" are a bit delusional, China's population is going to reduce while Americas is still growing quite quickly. America will bottom out at 500-600 million and China will reduce down to and stabilize 800 million or so.

Countries like Australia have a lot of room to grow because of how young they are, but will never really get more powerful on the world stage than, say, the UK is right now.

>> No.2635421

>thinks he can even seriously predict maximum populations of countries

>> No.2635423

>If you mean get attacked by barbarians and divided up into tiny pieces, never to return to notable power, then no.

>implying mexicans and niggers aren't barbarians

>> No.2635451

The United States is still the world's superpower.

This whole China bullshit is just that. Bullshit.

>> No.2635536

"I have a simple theory when it comes to economics: eventually each countries standard of living will tend toward the countries average IQ."
Wow, if you are trolling, I salute you sir... such multi-layed stupidity presented so confidently

Most interesting China topic right now: Chinese people eating more meat -> wheat prices rise for a few years -> Arabs whig out as their conditions start to suck hard enough for a revolution to be a serios prospect -> everyone thinks "Hm, China is quite oppressive, too" -> a troll on Boxun trolls -> Chinese government show who they really are -> Boxun troll gets a nomination for "moast epic trololol of year" award

>> No.2635546

-couple of derps there, guys.

>> No.2635563

So you think one of the worlds richest countries, Norway, does not owe its wealth to their Oil and Gas, but to the intelligence of Norwegians?

>> No.2635573

well then explain japan. they have 100 million on a tiny little island with no resources, yet they have one of the highest standards of living.

they also have an extremely high tax rate, and for most purposes are basically socialist, since most of the largest companies are either owned or started by the government.

how does this happen? traditional economics, can't explain this.

you're an idiot if you think a retarded nigger sub-saharan african country will every be anything other than a shithole, regardless of what economic bullshit policies they institute.

>> No.2635585

ITT: most of /sci/ fails at geopolitics and economics

>> No.2635590

>economics faggot detected
>mfw economics faggots actually think their bullshit theories work in the real world

>> No.2635593

>Protip: economics is full of holes. If you believe ecnomics isn't 70% bullshit with 30% truth, then you are gullible idiot.

>> No.2635595

Look up things, don't just guess. Tax burden in Japan is 27.4% of GDP. It is very low. For example in USA it is 28.2% and in France it is 46.1%


You treat economy as a creationist treats science.

>> No.2635598

>Japan's individual income tax rates including local taxes are among the highest tax rates in the world. The effective top marginal tax rate is around 50%.


>> No.2635602

You should be able to understand why percentage of GDP matters when comparing countries.

>> No.2635603

>look at highest tax rate countries
>Denmark, Sweden, France, Belgium, Norway, Austria, Finland
>correlates nicely with highest standard of living countries

>Lowest tax rate countries
>Equlatorial Guinea (Lowest IQ country in the world), Oman, Libya, Chad
>very low standard of living nigger countries

economics: 0
troll: 9001

>> No.2635605

>The tax rate for an individual in 2009 is between 5% - 40%
way to contradict yourself. I'm impressed /i

>> No.2635606

The top is > 50%?
I pay 56%, not even top brah.

>> No.2635608

not that guy, but hi tax countries following the "scandinavian model" usually top standard of living AND life quality tables.

>> No.2635610

have to factor in sales tax/VAT, duties on fuel, cigs, liquour, etc, any social security, etc. for total tax take

if you think income tex is total tax take then hurrr duuur

>> No.2635611

>Tax burden in Japan is 27.4% of GDP. It is very low. For example in USA it is 28.2%
>very low

don't bullshit, its not "very low" its almost exactly the same as the US, and it is higher than most countries.

also, even though they are slightly below the US, they get more value out of it, because they don't spend trillions on stupid wars, or trillions more on bailing out their financial system, or trillions on healthcare for fat rednecks, or ineffective educational systems, because they don't have as many stupid dumbass rednecks, nigger, mexicans, and dumbass texan presidents, like we do in the US.

see what I mean about IQ eventually winning out?

>> No.2635612
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These countries used to have rather low taxes until mid sixties. They got rich during these times. They were rich (and relatively richer) already before they started their high tax thing.

Got to go now so I won't be able to respond.

Good read about Sweden would be this - http://www.johannorberg.net/?page=articles&articleid=151

>> No.2635614
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This guy will die...

>> No.2635613

that goes for all other countries too idiot

>> No.2635616

Why do you lie? Japan's tax take is among the lowest among developed countries.

>> No.2635619

>they got rich during this time

lol, thats not how stuff works. countries don't just "get rich" and save up money that the can spend later.

>got to go now
Sorry for disproving your economics in 1 fell swoop bro.

>> No.2635620

Now let's look at debt to GDP and suck my dick.

Borrowing yourself into a higher standard of living, rofl.

>> No.2635622

These tax increases correlate with the establishment of the welfare services that create the high standard of living that these countries are known for.
not rich->happy->productive

>> No.2635623

Either this time of the day is slow for /sci/ or you fags really don't know one of the greatest statesman of the world.

>> No.2635624

Not up to expectations.

>> No.2635625

Hooray for Singapore.
you happy now?
Go back to bed now, the adults are talking.

>> No.2635628


>> No.2635630 [DELETED] 

englighten us.

>> No.2635633

>voodoo economics

>hey man lets just steal all this money, pay our cronies half of it, then push it into some bullshit "programs" and everyone will be rich! Yay!

>> No.2635636

who cares? everybody dies.
Besides Hsien Loong is more than capable to take up the legacy. I, for one, is not worried at all.
More importantly, what is the TAX LEVEL of Singapore?

>> No.2635635

Built a successful city-state in the middle of a volatile region.

>> No.2635639

Except niggers are US citizens, and spics have a regular army. Are you stormfags even trying anymore? You used to have valid arguments now and then.

China's industrial revolution happened last century. It's a big country, with access to any resource they need to be a world superpower. And if you think about it, they are. They make your stuff, have a huge army, have nukes, and fought proxy wars in the past.

The only difference is that China, as opposed to the Western coalition with America at its core, isn't competent enough to stage events like 9/11 or fake reports about WMDs. Every province is doing their own thang, partially.

>> No.2635640
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>mfw I'll be able to tide over the recession with a decent job while the rest of the world suffers.

>> No.2635644

If we all just let LKY be the head of the UN, he'd probably solved the world's problems within a year by calling incompetent statesmen over to his office and giving them a lecture. Heck, just let him run the world.

>> No.2635646

see and this is where most econ-fags like Milton Friedman, prove themselves as not scientists.

instead of accepting the fact that empircal data does not conform with your theories, and thus you theories must be wrong, INSTEAD the econ-fag comes up with contrived reasons why empirical data is just an anomaly.


>> No.2635653

>thinks we were so competent we "staged" 9/11
>forgot what a massive waste of money and failure the war was and has been
>thinks the government did 9/11

typical econ-fag

>> No.2635681

I am back now. I don't think you disproved anything.

You claimed: Japan has very high taxes and based the logic of your next statements on this claim.

I showed you Japan has one of the lowest taxes among the developed countries and provided source.


You claimed high tax rate makes countries rich.

I showed Scandinavian countries had low taxes until the 60s and they were even richer then in this post. >>2635612 Read the Norberg's article. It goes into details.

In your latest post you claim "countries do not get rich". I think this is trolling or extreme idiocy. Countries do get rich if they have efficient industry clusters and optimized businesses.

Consider me trolled.

>> No.2635699


>> No.2635707

um it's nearly impossible to take empirical data from an entire state. there's too many variables.

>> No.2635714

>has no idea what empirical data is

>> No.2635719


>> No.2635722


>> No.2635736

- maybe cured AIDS
- silicon computers with 100+ cores
- financial crisis
- bigger TVs
- better smartphones
- very unlikely but maybe first mass production of electrical or hydrogen cars

>> No.2635758

I would like to know what would happen to transgender people... do we send them to camps?

>> No.2635792

Technology will continue to benefit them and maybe they'd be able to have a womb implanted within them so they can bare children. You mad?

>> No.2635848

-oil peaks

-walking has increasing regularity, obesity decreases.

-world population begins decreasing/stabalizing.

-lower class unrest quickly squelched by cheap digital media in western world.

-due to oil dependency infrastructure, america shrinks to mexico status, but living is chill. no longer the western worlds go to bulldog. oil shales more trouble than they are worth.

-resource wars just starting. over clean water, oil, and metals. keeps america somewhat high on the economic scale.

-western people start to inquire more about china. media chatter very common about their opinions on things, even when they pertain to china very little. west slowly ingrains themselves to make china new bulldog.

-fusion reactors, almost... still falls flat, for now.

-ai also falls flat.

-a bunch more private space flights like virgin galactic, fly in regularity. mainly from gov subsidies. cost to go to space actually increases, however. very little advancement. moon still untouched.

-basic internet is still cheap, fast, and uncensored (had to be to help keep people pacified). although torrents and massive downloading very regulated.

-lots more nudity on tv. culture is more accepting of it since the newer generation isn't as up tight about nudity.

-handheld phone/computers everywhere.

-more people non-religious.

-people still die at 80ish give or take.

>> No.2635863

Gigabit speeds are common across every nation
Khanacademy is a household name

>> No.2635882

> -fusion reactors, almost... still falls flat, for now.
Hard to tell, it may be too early.
> -ai also falls flat.
Too soon for it, but no, just improved AI, still need some 5-10 more years for general AI.
> although torrents and massive downloading very regulated.
Hell no, maybe torrents in some countries. massive downloading, no - I'd say more people get unlimited 100mbps internet instead.

>> No.2635893

Will they really be able to implant a womb?

>> No.2636115

Are you this dumbass?