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File: 133 KB, 356x498, the-great-global-warming-swindle1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2634246 No.2634246 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen to science and politics now that man-made global warming has been disproven? This new documentary is causing an uproar.


>> No.2634284

...and yet the outcome in nature will be a result of well understood physical mechanics no matter how many documentaries are made.

>> No.2634324

umm try to make sense

>> No.2634330

you must be dense if his sentence makes no sense to you.

you must be dense if you think global warming is "disproven"

I am the goddamn batman

>> No.2634331

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.2634332

This documentary contains falsified graphs and misinformation.

inb4 someone trys to tell me I'm wrong without even googling it.

>> No.2634339
File: 25 KB, 555x337, global-warming-hoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2634340

prove it

>> No.2634346


These global warming skeptics are morons. Pay attention. Because this thread is going to explode
It's getting warmer. Period. The end.

You can argue about HOW MUCH of it is being caused by human activity, but you cannot deny that our global action have no consequence.

>> No.2634347

>derp derp ill pretend he didnt say man-made global warming

>> No.2634350

It's irrelevant either way, most of the important changes which would have come from Global Warming need to happen anyways.

>> No.2634351

your sentence is riddled with errors and on top of that you still pretend that global warming is the same thing as man-made global warming. only later to make the distinction in your post. youre a moron. man made co2 is like, what, 0.0005% of the gas in the atmosphere? and never mind the fact that it has almost no correlation to warming at all, instead it is solar activity which correlates.

>> No.2634363

>>make fun of someone else, make the same mistakes.

>> No.2634367

It's more like 0.02%.

Drink a glass of water that is 0.02% tetanus

>> No.2634371
File: 285 KB, 720x720, 2y3bJ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this:

>> No.2634373

no dip shit, co2 would be about 0.02%, but MAN MADE co2 would be much less. global warming faggot liberals confirmed for uneducated faggots.

>> No.2634374

Solar activity? Prove it.

>> No.2634378

>You can't say co2 can drive climate. It certainly never did in the past.

Wow, you made me snort 49 seconds into your movie.

This looks promising.

>> No.2634380
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Academic Scientists in 1970:

“We have about five more years at the outside to do something.”
• Kenneth Watt, ecologist

“Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”
• George Wald, Harvard Biologist

“We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation.”
• Barry Commoner, Washington University biologist

“Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction.”
• New York Times editorial, the day after the first Earth Day

“Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”
• Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist

“By…[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.”
• Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist

>> No.2634385

Regardless, it still harms the atmosphere.

>> No.2634386

i'm sure it does, if it is ABOUT THE FALSIFICATION OF DATA.

that's like saying a movie about the dangers of drug use is bad for containing depictions of drug use.

anyway, anthropogenic global warming has NEVER not been an obvious bullshit 'gimme monies' ALL HAIL THE MASTER RACE CANNOT BE SPOKEN ILL OF EVEN ON 4CHAN scam. 'cap and trade' is a universal tax with a manipulable market built in. a terrible, terrible idea.

>> No.2634391
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Sorry academics. I guess we now know that the real scientists are engineers.

“Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….”
• Life Magazine, January 1970

“At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.”
• Kenneth Watt, Ecologist

“Air pollution…is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone.”
• Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist

“We are prospecting for the very last of our resources and using up the nonrenewable things many times faster than we are finding new ones.”
• Martin Litton, Sierra Club director

“By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate…that there won’t be any more crude oil. You’ll drive up to the pump and say, `Fill ‘er up, buddy,’ and he’ll say, `I am very sorry, there isn’t any.’”
• Kenneth Watt, Ecologist

“Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.”
• Sen. Gaylord Nelson

“The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”
• Kenneth Watt, Ecologist

>> No.2634396

Swindle movie confirmed for bullshit.

>> No.2634397

And an inconvenient truth was misleading at every opportunity and had it's fair share of manipulated or biased data as well.

As long as this is a hot issue, it will remain fraught with bias to a degree which will make it impossible to determine wether AGW is a real phenomenon or not. We need something big to distract everyone so that some real, impartial research can be done.

>> No.2634398

I wonder how the world would be today if CFC producers were as powerful back then as oil companies today.

>> No.2634399
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Scientists don't really disagree on the matter; 97.4% of practicing climate scientists accept the global warming hypothesis:


That said, I can't really blame the general public for being skeptical. There is a LOT of money being spent on anti-GW propaganda. The anti-GW movement is political, not scientific. It's funded by a combination of right-wing extremists (the Koch brothers have given $42 million to anti-GW groups since 1997) and various corporations who would be harmed by environmental legislation (Exxon is one of the funders of the anti-GW group Heritage Foundation, for example).

>> No.2634400
File: 55 KB, 729x547, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping OC evidence against global warming.

This graph shows the distribution of DRY gasses in our atmosphere.
-It is difficult to measure the content of water vapor
-Water vapor however is roughly 50 times more than co2

>> No.2634401

I agree that we should do what we can to help the planet
But i don't want to spend $4 per freaking gallon
Seriously somebody is laughing all the way to the bank out of this

>> No.2634411
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Fuck year.

>> No.2634413
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>> No.2634415





>> No.2634416
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This graph simply shows what gasses absorb what wavelength of radiation.

>> No.2634418
File: 9 KB, 299x293, o_O ninja turtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is difficult to measure the content of water vapor
What's so hard about measuring humidity?

>> No.2634422

Troll harder

You think that you are the first one to notice that fact you can find on wiki.

You think people who have spent their whole life reaserching climate did nt knew it and account for it.

>> No.2634423

>>2634400 HURR water vapor!!

Are you goddamned serious? have some science, you moron:


>> No.2634424
File: 45 KB, 500x334, 1289350290364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute source
I like the part where you let us know that you are not a climate scientist and cannot possibly even begin to understand the complex systems involved.

>> No.2634428
File: 64 KB, 728x550, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last pic

As we can see, the amount of absorption of co2 is quite pathetic compared to water vapor. Co2 does play a role in the greenhouse effect, but it's in the little league.

My climatology professor was quite adamant that global warming was bullshit.

>> No.2634431

>making statements about something outside of their field of study.

>> No.2634435

"my climatology professor"

>> No.2634439
File: 43 KB, 651x733, 1288275240912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You're wrong. And your academic butt-buddies are wrong. And no matter what you faggots say:

1) CO2 will continue to be pumped into the atmosphere more and more veery year. If not by us then by the Chinese or Indians.

2) The world is going to continue to have earthquakes and hurricanes and droughts and floods like it has for millions of years.

3) The subhuman academic pukes will continue to cry that the apocalypse is nigh and they need more funding to save earth from the evil corporations! Oh Noes!

>> No.2634441


>> No.2634446


That doesn't make sense to me, global warming was a political movement during the Reagan/Thacher (corruption) period.

And it has been reintroduced again, not by a scientist, but by a politician.

>> No.2634448

name, and university where he works

>> No.2634449

I don't see whats so hard to believe about global warming
We've pretty much have made animals go extinct without even trying in the past. I think the same applies for our careless pollution

>> No.2634450

>>You are an idiot
Refer to the picture

AGW or NOT Steps taken to get off fossil fuels will benefit us in long term

>> No.2634452
File: 20 KB, 250x305, Methan bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

following in the tradition of dumbassery

>> No.2634457

>>2634399 Exxon is one of the funders of the anti-GW group Heritage Foundation, for example

Fuck, sorry; that should have been the Heartland Institute, not the Heritage foundation. Don't know how I got those two confused.

>> No.2634471

Besides global warming is just a "theory", if there was evidence proving global warming then why isn't it a fact?

>> No.2634472


>> No.2634474
File: 68 KB, 500x560, 1297501433336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we made the dinosaurs go extinct. Things don't just go extinct on their own by way of natural selection weeding them out.

You don't understand economics. You don't know what will benefit people in the long term you. If you did, you'd be rich, and not a bitch.

>> No.2634475

You are right man global warming is just a thoery(a guess).

>> No.2634476

troll harder communist

>> No.2634478


>Skin cancer, skin cancer everywhere.

>> No.2634482

Global warming is seriously why I hate most people.


I hate you fucking whiney little bitches who do nothing but bitch and whine about possible apocalypse scenarios. It's not like we've been trying to predict the end of the world for years and have been successful..

>> No.2634483

Nope. Actually I do know what will benfit people in long term.

And its not fossil fuels.

>> No.2634484


>> No.2634485
File: 118 KB, 947x801, 1269130367365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>ludicrous argument regarding dinosaurs regardless that it is widely accepted that a meteor wiped them out.
>you don't know what will benefit people in the long term. that's why you're not rich.
>long term investments. rich now.
>how does i economics.

Oh god, this thread, so much derp.

>> No.2634487

>>2634446 And it has been reintroduced again, not by a scientist, but by a politician.

Al Gore might have popularized it in the public eye, but the theory has been quietly gaining acceptance in scientific circles for decades. Right now, you're about as likely to find a biologist who doesn't believe in evolution as you are a climatologist who doesn't accept the GW theory.

>> No.2634493


>What's so hard about measuring humidity?

On a small scale it's easy, but we are talking about the entire atmosphere......


I simply referred to it as evidence against global warming, not conclusive proof.
The fact that you all made conclusions before i had even finished posting shows how scientific your analysis of the data was.

>> No.2634494

After only about a minute, I lost count of how many lies were told. I'm assuming they're lies, though it's quite possible most of the quotes here are taken completely out of context.

>> No.2634496

>>you don't understand economics
oh god

>> No.2634501

>>2634493 The fact that you all made conclusions before i had even finished posting shows how scientific your analysis of the data was.

Wait, the fact that we proved your argument wrong is proof that we aren't scientific?

Does that make sense in retardese?

>> No.2634502

Notice how the GW propenents only use arguments to authority? Quoting engineers doesn't prove anything. Why don't you post evidence which actually proves GW? Oh right...


>> No.2634511

>Scientists speak about the world getting colder.
>It stops getting colder and getting hotter instead.
>Same freak out as in the 70s-80s.

People are so stupid it hurts.

>> No.2634514

YOu have got it man. You have disproven AGW through a 4chan thread. A noble prize In (chemistry,physics,peace) awaits you. Go publish a paper.

>> No.2634521

Holy arbitrary cutoff point, Batman!

By which you mean you're just like everyone else, having only analyses of risk: "Whatever" and "OH JESUS FUCK I'M GONNA DIE". Living in an arid country I've got good reason to be concerned about increasing drought frequency even if I'm not going to set on fire every time I leave shade.

>> No.2634523

>>herp derp the atmosphere is only made up of .02% blah we only contribute even tinnier
dude, chaos theory. Small, very small changes in initial conditions can make vast changes on a large scale. I don't need to "scientifically analyze your data" to know you're full of shit.

It's like arguing that since the sun fuses 4 million tonnes of matter every second, there's now way that it could be older than 6000 years and still be "burning".

>> No.2634528

>>2634502 Notice how the GW propenents only use arguments to authority? Quoting engineers doesn't prove anything. Why don't you post evidence which actually proves GW?

There's no nice way to say this, so I'm just gonna come right out with it; the average person is not informed enough to be able to judge the validity of raw scientific data. You cannot have an informed opinion on something as complex as climate change without taking AT A MINIMUM college level courses on it.

>> No.2634530


The average IQ of most GW proponents is close to that of creationists, they literally have no critical thinking skills, at all, ugh, how can they be so stupid? It's sad really, that people like this exist, it really annoys me how the credulous masses actually think GW is real.

>> No.2634532


I have studied global warming at a graduate level, have you?

>> No.2634539

All of my physics Profs are global warming proponents. Many of them have multiple doctrate degrees. So thier IQ is comparable to creationist.(Not making athourity argument just pointing out your idiocy)

>> No.2634540

Anonymous is always qualified.
have a published paper on GW? Link.

>> No.2634543

How does it feel knowing in twenty years, the science is all going to change? Because it will. That's how it happens. Thirty years ago, the theory was that the earth was freezing. And the science at the time perfectly supported it. But they were wrong. And you will be too.

>> No.2634556

>Notice how the GW propenents only use arguments to authority?

An Appeal to Authority is a perfectly valid argument, IF the authority you're referring to is accepted as an expert in the field in question:

>We must often rely upon expert opinion when drawing conclusions about technical matters where we lack the time or expertise to form an informed opinion. For instance, those of us who are not physicians usually rely upon those who are when making medical decisions, and we are not wrong to do so.


And we do it because you the average layperson does not understand climatology well enough to be able to tell whether the actual evidence for it is compelling or not. It's a highly technical, scientific field.

>> No.2634557

By perfectly supported it you mean they claimed a Ice age was coming in 20,000 years(which is still belived to be true).

>> No.2634554 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 518x800, poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will happen to science and politics now that evolution has been disproven? This new documentary is causing an uproar.


>> No.2634562

>>the science will change
>>30 years ago the science...
stop right there. Show me this "science" 30 years ago

>> No.2634565


These reports that the chlorine in CFCs destroys the ozone lair are nothing more than charlatans with a political agenda.

Our research actually shows it INCREASES the thickness of the ozone layer by 15%.

Sadly, people are being force fed these lies by the media, and any criticism against them is met with derision and even outright mockery.

>> No.2634569
File: 23 KB, 461x382, GlobalCooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read this:


>> No.2634571


>> No.2634573

OK. This is going to be a bitch, but I will search for some Internet information that I can share. Unfortunately, it is from the 70s and 80s, so it is all in printed form. I would say go look it up at your local library, but I'll see what's on the Internet.

>> No.2634577

Didi everybody here come out of alex jones school of science.

>> No.2634582


You're already getting beat

>> No.2634589

20,000 years? No. They were predicting much sooner.

>> No.2634590

Please link to actual papers.

>inb4 articles that qoute mine

>> No.2634593

[citation needed]

>> No.2634596

As an oldfag, I find this frustrating to read. Please go read something published in the 70s and 80s on the subject.

>> No.2634600

>>2634543 Thirty years ago, the theory was that the earth was freezing

It actually wasn't, that was a myth. See:


Even in the 60's, the vast majority of scientists thought warming was more likely than cooling. Since then, the evidence for global warming has grown to the point where the only reason people deny it is a) they're ignorant of the research, b) they're conspiracy theorists who think it's faked, or c) they're paid to deny it.

>> No.2634605
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All of your physics professors are probably all socialists too, even though those theories have been, continue to be, and always will be proven much more inefficient and oppressive than free markets.

Your professors are self important and ego maniacal idiots. Sometimes they're useful idiots, but mostly just idiots.

>> No.2634607

>Implying all hot-topic documentaries don't do the same thing.

>Implying it isn't the point of a documentary to sway the viewer to a specific viewpoint.

>> No.2634615

Not dinasaurs
Just tasmania tigers, certain breeds of wolves, dodos, certain tropical frogs and whales, tigers and black rhinos are all endangered because of people

>> No.2634617

Ego manical idiots. Stopped reading thier.

>> No.2634621


Global warming denialism is the new "cool" conspiracy theory. Kinda like how in the 90's everyone thought JFK was assassinated, then in the early 00's everyone thought the moon landings were faked.

In ten years time, everyone will think Nixon was secretly from Venus, or whatever the popular conspiracy of the moment is. It's just the way our minds work.

>> No.2634626
File: 70 KB, 700x853, guysguys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is terrible and everyone here should feel terrible.

>> No.2634627

Yeah everyone knows economists know more about than environment than scientists that based their careers about things such as studying the environment and weather

>> No.2634630

No links to any papers yet

>> No.2634632

Gentlemen, are you aware that climate change deniers use automated software to give the appearance of being multiple people, even when it's just one or two actual humans? They set up different "personas" with fake backgrounds (facebook pages, twitter accounts, etc.) to give the impression of being real. A single person can appear to be tens or even hundreds of people online. It's entirely possible that on all of /sci/ there has ever only been one or two climate change deniers. You'll probably notice how slightly formulaic their arguments and posts are. They tend to focus on a limited set of key words.

>> No.2634636

>whois realclimate.org
Environmental Media Services (EMS) is a Washington, D.C. based nonprofit organization that is "dedicated to expanding media coverage of critical environmental and public health issues".[1] EMS was founded in 1994 by Arlie Schardt, a former journalist, former communications director for Al Gore's 2000 Presidential campaign, and former head of the Environmental Defense Fund during the 1970s.

>> No.2634640

sho is retarded in here

>> No.2634642

yes because watergate was disproved after kubrick died

>> No.2634644

So public health issues are a huge conspiracy funded by al gore to ensalve mankind.

>> No.2634648

OP, the people that pay me to conduct climate science are the same people that pay you to deny it.

enjoy your gas prices supporting my work, I get paid far more than you do.

>> No.2634652
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This thread

>> No.2634657

JFK was assassinated
Oswald was brainwashed by the CIA to take down Kennedy since he indirectly lead to the hippy revolution with his speech (ask what you can do with your country) and the fact that they didn't trust him because he was a "liberal"
Later on the government conspired with Richard Nixon with the watergate scandal so that he would be reelected and keep the Vietnam war going

>> No.2634659

You may have noticed that on websites with real scientific information, the sources of the information are given so that people can verify it themselves and check out the details.

>> No.2634676

>>2634642 watergate

What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

>> No.2634681

>real scientific information
(that a researcher can't get fired for publishing)

>> No.2634694
File: 4 KB, 126x117, 1298255708275s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lawdy lawd the science world is run by evolunist, socialist, global warming proponents

>> No.2634704

that's the point. what do the moon landings or nixon being from venus have to do with global warming?

>> No.2634712

>>2634632 Gentlemen, are you aware that climate change deniers use automated software to give the appearance of being multiple people, even when it's just one or two actual humans? They set up different "personas" with fake backgrounds (facebook pages, twitter accounts, etc.) to give the impression of being real. A single person can appear to be tens or even hundreds of people online. It's entirely possible that on all of /sci/ there has ever only been one or two climate change deniers. You'll probably notice how slightly formulaic their arguments and posts are. They tend to focus on a limited set of key words.

Not sure if you're trolling, but this really does actually happen. I post occasionally on Fark.com (a news aggregate site), and they had a minor scandal a few months back when a few of their more prolific posters were found to be paid to post.

>> No.2634718

universities are controlled by the elite who own oil companies and the fed. global warming makes them richer.

>> No.2634720

The whole water gate fiasco happened when Nixon tried to spy on Democrats in order to use information agaisnt them so that he would remain in power.
The once who uncovered his plot though were the journalists, which means the government was behind it as well and was supporting Nixon.

>> No.2634725


Nothing, the point is that sometimes a conspiracy will catch the public's imagination and become popular. For a while in the early 90's it seemed like fucking everyone was positive JFK had been assassinated by the CIA.

>> No.2634729

and what makes you think he wasn't?

>> No.2634737

logical fallacy: pretense of gnosticism

>> No.2634739


... because the CIA would have done a less shitty job of it? JFK nearly survived because Oswald was such a crappy shot.

>> No.2634743

I am pretty sure not I am friends with many reaserchers my self.

>> No.2634754

he was. it was a fucking coup, the CIA/mafia (same difference, the CIA is the 'crime guild' of the US government) took over everything after. and maintain that control today.

what the shit? two headshots with one bullet is a shitty shot? gtfo.

>> No.2634755
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>>All of your physics professors are probably all socialists too, even though those theories have been, continue to be, and always will be proven much more inefficient and oppressive than free markets.

actually now that I think about it, if we just deregulate enough, won't the free market solve global warming for us? like it solves all other social and economic problems in the world?

>> No.2634759

Are you shitting me?
He shot was unbelievable
He shot kennedy in the head yards away, while the car was moving and killed the front passenger as well

>> No.2634764

Obvious troll thread there are like 5 of these on /sci/ at this momemt

>> No.2634768

Not sure if sarcasm. We know that free market doesnt solve any problems if their is no money to be made.

>> No.2634770

>>2634759 He shot was unbelievable

His shot was lucky.

And Kennedy still nearly survived - he bled out on the operating table, but could probably had lived had he had modern medical treatment.

>> No.2634771


>> No.2634772

this is the "original" one.

>> No.2634776

>>2634754 it was a fucking coup, the CIA/mafia (same difference, the CIA is the 'crime guild' of the US government) took over everything after. and maintain that control today.

Note to global warming denialists; you guys sound just as crazy as this nutjob.

>> No.2634778

yeah, was just trying to discourage more FREE MARKET!!! libertarians from slapping their dicks about the thread

>> No.2634785

He's not crazy
Why do you think we went to the Iraq war?
Because of false intelligence provided by the CIA
The CIA were thugs at the moment they were created and are still thugs today

>> No.2634787

Yes. C)2 emissions is not a problem, but lets assume it is. No one lives in Antarctica because it sucks. People live in Arizona and in Minnesota. Really hot and really cold and yet there are millions of people living there. As far as all of those other problems you're talking about. It's impossible to end all suffering, but the closest we can get is capitalism. Capitalism is what has just recently pulled 200 million people out of poverty in China. It's what drives economic growth and that's what drives standards of living.

The world isn't perfect. Grow up.

>> No.2634793

/sci/ might want to google climategate.

>> No.2634804

Oh come on, at least it's reasonable to think an intelligence agency could stage a coup against its government. Those fuckers think a group of scientists are conspiring to take over the world.

>> No.2634808

Retard might wanna goggle climate gate verdict.

Paraphrasing" No fraud found"- British High Court

>inb4 legal system is owned by the communist and NWA

>> No.2634812
File: 36 KB, 251x250, 1283449330558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you take a glass and fill it to the brim with water, it won't spill. This represents Earth before man started spewing TOXIC ASS CHEMICALS AND GASES into the atmosphere.

Add that ONE TINY .02% drop that man adds and it overflows, and it overflows more than the drop you put in.

WHY CAN'T YOU FAGGOTS UNDERSTAND THIS? Just because we add only a small percentage of what naturally happens DOESNT MEAN IT SHOULD BE IGNORED.

>> No.2634816

i've read the hacked emails before they where removed from the internet so fuck you

>> No.2634830

>>i've read the hacked emails before they where removed from the internet so fuck you
>>removed from the internet


>> No.2634832

>Implying you have read all 1300 of them
>Implying you can make something out of them
>Implying you didnt just watched the fox news coverage of the emails

>> No.2634835

>But i don't want to spend $4 per freaking gallon

You spend $4 on gas because of bullshit; it has nothing to do with global warming.

>> No.2634841

You might want to actually read the emails, rather than just rely on what people say about them in the internet. If you read them in their full context, it becomes plainly obvious that there's no evidence of data manipulation.

>> No.2634844
File: 61 KB, 300x321, 1290255232672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AND WE MAKE A BETTER, CLEANER WORLD FOR NOTHING????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.2634856

well seeing how algore is the front man for the so called carbon tax.

with all the money he will be getting it won't be all for nothing. Also the carbon tax might make the recession go away

>> No.2634865

So are you fucking faggots actually FOR pollution? Why are you so agianst cleaning up the world?

Do you think we DONT pollute? Do you think we're NOT making multiple species of animals extinct every month? Do you really believe we should just throw our fucking sludge and poisonous gases everywhere?

WHY DO YOU THINK THIS SHIT? This is why global warming had to be inflated; morons need a "reason" to keep their fucking environment clean other than just to keep the fucking shit clean!

>> No.2634871

>Implying you can banish things from the internet.

>> No.2634883

>Besides global warming is just a "theory", if there was evidence proving global warming then why isn't it a fact?

Yeah. I know right.

And that gravity thing, THATS just a theory. Fuck that fake shit.

And continental drift. FUCK THAT SHIT. SHIT IS JUST A THEORY!!!


>> No.2634893

Global warming exists, there is no reason to argue against retards on the internet because lets face it, retards (trolls) will be retards (trolls).

I honestly hope people were trolling in this thread, because if not, I truly do feel bad for your lack of critical thinking skills.

>> No.2634896

>Get a new tax in place

>> No.2634902


>> No.2634915

>And we do it because you the average layperson ....

And exactly what makes YOU NOT an "average layperson"????

>> No.2634925

yes we are trolling. but it does suck we are going to die from global warming on dec 21 2012 :(

>> No.2634926

I think, global warming is real, just not caused by humans, at least not as much as we like to think to feel important.
Seriously, climate changes all the frucking time, it's natural, maybe we are accelerating it a little, but I doubt that(I'm totally open to evidence proving me wrong)

But I also think we must progress in better energy sources and shit because oil isn't eternal, and because it has other side effects besides CO2, who cares about CO2 when it also creates smog and shit that ACTUALLY damages you and every other living thing?

and well, it will surely be nice to have clear skies and water, even if just for the aesthetic value.

>> No.2634950
File: 70 KB, 400x398, u-jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I'm in Canada and global warming turns us into a tropical paradise.

>> No.2634965

>JFK nearly survived because Oswald was such a crappy shot.
>crappy shot
>from far away
>a moving target
>odd angle

You're an ignorant fuck. It's a wonder he was hit anywhere at ALL.

>> No.2634982

lmao fuck yeah!!!!

fellow canadafag here.

i wish it would hurry up it's been -30 for the past 4 days here in alberta edmonton

>> No.2634995

if you belive he was the shooter and that was the rifle used your the ignorant fuck

>> No.2635018

>believes in crazy conspiracy theory's based on no evidence
>but the guy hes replying too is the "ignorant fuck"

cool story bro.

>> No.2635027

belives everything he see's and read and i'm the ignorant fuck

>> No.2635033
File: 123 KB, 435x294, i0670e01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western Canadafag here. Winters aren't cold enough to kill off Pine Beatles any more. Goodbye forests and logging industry, I'll miss you.

>> No.2635034


Yes, because it was unsustainable before the industrial revolution. Everyone was starving before then.

I mean, who would believe such a thing?

(the only reason oil is still used is because oil companies own everything and can stop anything that can compete. The first MODERN electric cars were hushed; hundreds of electric car testers had them confiscated even though they were supposed to be able to own them. They rotted in a parking lot for 15 years. The oil companies took them away.

>> No.2635041

you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.2635051

Theres no reason to not believe it.

Or did you find some proof and evidence?

>> No.2635058

>Doesn't believe years of investigation and study by hundreds of people from different groups.

I bet you think space is blue!

>> No.2635069

Take a good look at the pre-industrial world.
Notice anything we have now that might be unsustainable if we spent all our money shoving ourselves back there?

>> No.2635091

your butt hurt
you wacth to much tv
space has no colour

>> No.2635524


some chiropractors call themselves "doctor", too .... what the fuck is your point exactly?

>> No.2635676

Free market is more anarchist.

>> No.2635682

>I have this documentary that totally disproves...
Cool science, bro.

>> No.2635693

Protip: Free Markets are not laissez faire. Laissez faire is about as far from free markets as Marx communism is from free markets. All 3 operate on quite fundamentally different assumptions, means, and goals.

Protip: Adam Smith, the founder of the term free market, was for progressive taxation.

>> No.2635705

maybe if we kill the scientists global warming will go away?
problem solved, faggots.

>> No.2635706

protip: people believe what suits them. this includes you and your opponents.

>> No.2635713

you didn't cite a single article or evidence.
lrn2science, stupid faggot.

>> No.2635759

Lol, state funding will get you anywhere.

>> No.2635763

i'm the place the citations lead to gaywad