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File: 127 KB, 1374x829, satbyrace1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2632133 No.2632133 [Reply] [Original]

Mean SAT Scores By Race/Ethnicity (2009)
1623 = Total Mean SAT Scores Of Asians
1581 = Total Mean SAT Scores Of Whites
1362 = Total Mean SAT Scores Of Hispanics
1276 = Total Mean SAT Scores Of Blacks

It is not just SAT scores, but in all fields of medicine, sciences, technology, etc blacks and hispanics are vastly under-represented.

Sauce : Collegeboard http://professionals.collegeboard.com/profdownload/cbs-2009-Graph-10_Mean-SAT-Scores-2009-College-Bo

>> No.2632151

lol, I outscored the average nigger back when the test was only 1600 points

>> No.2632150

Give 1000 asians, whites, hispanics and black people the SAME fucking education from day 0 and THEN compare results.

Only then can we talk about stupidity.

>> No.2632153


>> No.2632155

>mfw when I'm higher than all of them


>> No.2632161

Mildly unfavorable heredity combined with extremely unfavorable developmental environment = lower scores

>> No.2632164


black people and hispanics tend to live in dreadfully poor areas due to historical economic factors

their lower socioeconomic status prevents them from getting a decent education

therefore they fail at tests and continue the cycle of poverty

>> No.2632169

Aren't blacks in the US recieving the same education as asians and whites who also live in the US?

>> No.2632177

0 = Total Mean of people who give a fuck about SAT Scores

>> No.2632178


Absolute shite. There are just as many poor whites as there are blacks.

Black people are lazy, simple as. Asians are no smarter than whites, they simply enjoy studying more.

If black people put effort into education they would do just as well (on average) as everyone else. Because they believe the world owes them everything, they don't even bother.

Poor white mindset = "I really hate living like this. Time for me to try harder"

Poor black mindset = "IT'S WHITE MAN FAULT"

>> No.2632188

Are you trying to say that the average person is fucking retarded? Because i already knew that. Even the Asian average score is only 1623, wtf.

>> No.2632190

Tests are racsists

>> No.2632187 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 389x305, doctors1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not just SAT scores, but in all fields of medicine, sciences, technology, etc blacks and hispanics are vastly under-represented.

Blacks are 12.5% of the US Population, Hispanics are 15%, Asians are 4.5%

Total Physicians by Race/Ethnicity - 2006
Black = 3.5%
Hispanic = 5%
Asian = 12%

Sauce : American Medical Association (AMA)

>> No.2632195

Yes, and by law, women and men are treated equally. Reality is different. This starts basically with the parents view on education and goes on with their actual chances to recieve an actual education that isn't sub-par level.

>> No.2632196
File: 58 KB, 389x305, doctors1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not just SAT scores, but in all fields of medicine, sciences, technology, etc blacks and hispanics are vastly under-represented.

Blacks are 12.5% of the US Population, Hispanics are 15%, Asians are 4.5%

Total Physicians by Race/Ethnicity - 2006
Black = 3.5%
Hispanic = 5%
Asian = 12%

Sauce : American Medical Association (AMA)

>> No.2632197

I attend a top 20 school and major in engineering.

There are only a few black people at this university, even if it located in the south where a large part of the population is black. There are 3 main types I've noticed.

1) Athletes. These are tall, slave bred giants that roam the campus. They're only a few but they are hard to miss.
2) Fluff majors. In my floor there are 6 black people, they are ALL education majors.
3) Those in real majors (science related). These black people are very sparse in number, and the few who do make it are struggling about to drop out. They also seem to come from rich backgrounds and network really well so they can share tests, etc.
4) The sole survivor. This is the black man who emigrated from africa and tries very hard, but is a good student. I have seen only two of these people, but they do indeed break the stereotype and are usually on top of all the material.

>> No.2632199

Britfag here

What is a SAT? And what is a good score on a SAT?

>> No.2632206

I mean 4* obviously.

I'd also like to add that affirmative action doesn't seem to help them in college, it only helps them get INTO college.

>> No.2632211


SAT is a standardized university admission test with a very low ceiling. Good score is at least 2000 out of 2400.

>> No.2632218


SAT is penis length measurements which is largely used in the 90s and is largely ignored by modern academia. Sometimes it's used by old government farts who like to brag about education reforms.

>> No.2632221


>real majors

Most science courses are absolute bullshit.

>> No.2632225

>Absolute shite. There are just as many poor whites as there are blacks.

Black people are lazy, simple as. Asians are no smarter than whites, they simply enjoy studying more.

Yes. And this is merely a result of the prevalent socio-economic dynamic in black / asian communties. That is "what makes blacks stupid", in regard to OPs question. There is no "dumb gene".

>> No.2632226
File: 94 KB, 930x627, physics1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not just SAT scores, but in all fields of medicine, sciences, technology, etc blacks and hispanics are vastly under-represented.

Blacks are 12.5% of the US Population, Hispanics are 15%, Asians are 4.5%

Employed Science Doctorate Holders by Race/Ethnicity
White = 82.3%
Asian = 11.9
Black = 2.8
Hispanic = 2.7%

Sauce : American Physics Society

>> No.2632232

>starts basically with the parents...
Then it is not the education system's fault. Blacks and whites start off equal. Whites end up as successful businessmen, blacks end up as drug dealers. And don't tell me it's the society's fault for discriminating blacks and denying them proper education and jobs. That's just bullshit.

>> No.2632236


>critical reading

This seems a bit stupid. What if someone is only able to do maths and has no writing ability at all? Or if someone is planning to go into Law, or History or something? Why do they need maths?

Seems completely flawed to me.

>> No.2632246


The maximum score for each of the subtests on the graph is 800, for reference.

>> No.2632248
File: 86 KB, 900x607, physics1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not just SAT scores, but in all fields of medicine, sciences, technology, etc blacks and hispanics are vastly under-represented.

Blacks are 12.5% of the US Population, Hispanics are 15%, Asians are 4.5%

Employed Engineering Doctorate Holders by Race/Ethnicity
White = 64.4%
Asian = 31.5
Black = 1.8
Hispanic = 2.0%

Sauce : American Physics Society

>> No.2632250

I'd like to add that it is in a large part their culture. Coming from a predominantly black high school I literally saw blacks pressuring others to skip class and brag about not studying at all or failing a test. Their culture is so under performing they've literally turned around and embraced it. If you contrast this with blacks who come from africa or europe and are not tarnished with nigger culture, they actually do much better.

>> No.2632251


Everyone should just stop trolling and watch


>> No.2632255

>Why is Blacks and Hispanics are so stupid
>So stupid

Wow, when you won't start a question like this, then maybe you'll be taken seriously by people with the slightest care for science advancement (or even human's advancement at all)

>> No.2632256

You are telling me that you would be the same person, if you had grown up amongst drug dealers and gang wars? If your parents had no objection to you dealing drugs? Don't give me that bullshit. Put a black kid into safe home, free from all that crap, with parents who know the value of a solid education - and you have yourself someone with the abilities and chances of standard white-guy.

>> No.2632260

Most Latin immigrants come here because they failed in their country
Otherwise they would have lived the good life in theirs instead of coming here and being forced to adjust to this country

>> No.2632261


Except all three sections are very easy (especially math), so if you can't do them then you really shouldn't be getting in to a great program. Also law requires an undergraduate degree first in North America, so your SAT score won't affect your ability to get into that.

>> No.2632265

There are two main reasons:

The first is that as an ethnic group, negores have the lowest mean intelligence.

However the second and more important reason is that negroes have collectively chosen a culture that is not effective. In what way is it not effective? It's not effective because it does not encourage or value hard work, it does not encourage or value academic ability, it does not encourage or value civil obedience, it does not encourage or value respect or social responsibility except within the black community. On the other hand the things it positively encourages are crime (including but not limited to drug dealing, gang violence, gambling), anti-social behaviour (including but not limited to a lack of respect towards women, threatening behaviour towards white authority figures and authority figures in general and racism towards non-black people) the music industry and sports.

This is the culture that the negro community collectively developed and adopted. on the other hand most asian and european ethnic groups adopted positive, productive, hard-working, moral cultural values.

Now why would that be? Why would one ethnic group collectively decide on such detrimental, corrupt values while nearly all others collectively decide on positive culturla values?

Why, it would lead one to conclude that that particular ethnic groups was ismply worse than the others.

>> No.2632279


You can thank all the slave owners from 1700's for this. They thought they were getting a good deal, buying criminals and generally lazy africans as slaves. Who then got liberated and now keep procreating into even lazier and dumber kids, at the same time claiming every struggle as white man's fault. Black people in USA is basically Liberia on welfare.

>> No.2632275


they would love to have you

>> No.2632272

I pretty much agree with this.

>> No.2632291

piss poor family structure with virtually no family pressure to excel in education

turn that around and you have asians

>> No.2632295

White people vs. negroes. Which of those had the upper hand? Which of those, collectively, deemed the other as a worthless race? Which of these two put a lot of effort into making sure that people of this underserved race don't participate in intercultural societies?

And just think of the timescales here.

History doesn't allow for "what-ifs".

>> No.2632307


i honestly don't give a fuck.
it's the ignorant south the fucking pisses me off.
this is related:

>> No.2632309


Whites had the upper hand for a reason.

It's quite obvious, but I'll leave it to you to work it out.

>> No.2632313
File: 42 KB, 396x529, silicon_valley_diversity_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not just SAT scores, but in all fields of medicine, sciences, technology, etc blacks and hispanics are vastly under-represented.

Blacks are 12.5% of the US Population, Hispanics are 15%, Asians are 4.5%

Workforce in Computer and Math Occupations in Silicon Valley
White = 37.6%
Asian = 53.9
Black = 4.7
Hispanic = 1.5%

Sauce : http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_14383730?nclick_check=1

>> No.2632321

>Ignoring the fact they do worse than other people of different races in exactly the same situation

>> No.2632326
File: 117 KB, 807x649, silicon_valley_diversity_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not just SAT scores, but in all fields of medicine, sciences, technology, etc blacks and hispanics are vastly under-represented.

Blacks are 12.5% of the US Population, Hispanics are 15%, Asians are 4.5%

Workers in Computer and Math Occupations in the US
White = 70.3%
Asian = 15.5
Black = 7.1
Hispanic = 5.3%

Sauce : http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_14383730?nclick_check=1

>> No.2632330

>Which of those had the upper hand?
And WHY, exactly, did the whites have the upper hand? Because they were smarter. Whites build houses out of stone, rifles, ships and basically developed everything else we have today while negros were (and still are) living in mud huts and were using sticks and stones for hunting.
They had the same time to evolve into proper, intelligent human beings before they were invaded and rightfully got their asses kicked.

>> No.2632333


>Workforce in Computer and Math Occupations in Silicon Valley

ye but they are all Jewish so they don't count.

>> No.2632335

Technology. Head start thanks to favorable climate. Just don't kid yourself into thinking that you have the superior genetic material. You're lucky for being born in the right place and that a few people during the neolithic revolution started wandering to the northwest.

>> No.2632336
File: 345 KB, 661x642, o_O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart white person here:
Not my fucking fault. You didn't choose to be born a nigger and I didn't choose to be born as a member of the Master Race.

Deal with it.

>> No.2632350

>And WHY, exactly, did the whites have the upper hand? Because they were smarter.

So, Mr. Masterrace, how do you reckon the white people got so smart and those Africans didn't?

>> No.2632355 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 200x158, state___fed_pop_2000_census.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not just SAT scores, but in all fields of medicine, sciences, technology, etc blacks and hispanics are vastly under-represented.

Blacks are 12.5% of the US Population, Hispanics are 15%, Asians are 4.5%

US Prison (Federal and State) Population by Race/Ethnicity
Black = 43.91%
White = 34.72
Hispanic = 18.26
Other = 2%
Asian = 1%

Sauce : Department of Justice

>> No.2632363
File: 5 KB, 200x158, state___fed_pop_2000_census.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not just SAT scores, but in all fields of medicine, sciences, technology, etc blacks and hispanics are vastly under-represented.

Blacks are 12.5% of the US Population, Hispanics are 15%, Asians are 4.5%

US Prison (Federal and State) Population by Race/Ethnicity
Black = 43.91%
White = 34.72
Hispanic = 18.26
Other = 2%
Asian = 1%

Sauce : Department of Justice

>> No.2632381

Because they are superior? Blessed by God?
What kind of retarded question is that?

>> No.2632392
File: 183 KB, 894x694, 1276207279985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2632389
File: 15 KB, 244x225, 1277615625120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows a graph with means

>no standard deviations

>no standard errors

>no 95% confidence intervals

>he expects me to make decision off of arithmetic means alone


>> No.2632401

>Because they are superior? Blessed by God?
What kind of retarded question is that?

Not as retarded as yours, obviously. God? Really?

>> No.2632450

you can kinda understand why Hispanics underperform b/c most are recent immigrants and english is a 2nd language (although that doesnt explain why Asians do so well)
why do blacks (who have been in the US for generations and english is a 1st language) do so poorly?

>> No.2632470

Because it's been a history of abuse dipped with crippling arrogance and self-righteousness.

>> No.2632494

You ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer.
Clearly, the whites did better than the blacks. I'm not an expert on this subject so don't ask me for a reason.

>> No.2632521


>the whites did better than the blacks

What statistical test did you run to come to an objective decision?

>> No.2632550

op, if your argument is tantamount to "race in an indication of ___", then why would you not break down the hispanic ethnicity by race?


>> No.2632575

I think this is an old problem in the states. Blacks were brought in as slaves and when they were releashed they were pretty much broke, no money or land, but still had to do something to survive in a land that pretty much despised having them free. This means that they could almost never afford to seek any kind of higher or often even basic education.
It also meant that they had little to no access to many of the legal markets, both because they had no start-up money and they were not wanted by others already in those markets.
So you end up with a large community that has almost no education, no money or land, thats hated by most other people in the country and have no access to legal markets. Natrually this community is going to stick together since everyone else hates them and most likely they will turn to illigal markets to have some sort of income since they are ironically often less discrimminate that the legal ones.
This means they will get the attention of police and politicians who wish to put a stop to the illigal markets. That again means they will learn that the only way to survive in their community is to not trust the police or the government and instead just trust each other. That leads to them having their own rules within their community which operates basically in anarchy with the strongest members as leaders.

>> No.2632573

It's an American test that basically all high schoolers take. Many colleges require this, or the generally equivalent ACT.
Each of the 3 parts (Mathematics, Critical Reading, and Writing) are scored from 200-800 (Don't ask me why), and the test writers aim for 500 to be the mean score.

>> No.2632715 [DELETED] 

that sounds like every immigrant group that every came to the US

>> No.2632728

that sounds like what every immigrant group that ever came to the US did

>> No.2632740

yea, except blacks didn't have to pay for the boat ride over

they been freeloading the whole time

>> No.2632772



>> No.2633071

To the guys who find the SAT's to be an ineffective way to measure academic potential or whatever it does, Sweden's got america beat even here. With our "högskoleprov", intended to be taken at 19 years old, we have probably the most retarded measure of education available.

1/3 of your result is determined by your score at the motherfucking VOCABULARY SECTION.
The rest's decent, with sections devoted to reading comprehension both in swedish and in english, looking at graphs and doing simple logic.
That makes logic 1/6 of the total score and half that of the vocabulary section.

The funny thing? I could slack off the last three years in school because the score at this test is given equal merit as your grades year 10-12.

>> No.2633123

as stated in the OP, it just isnt SAT scores but this here >>2632196 >>2632226 >>2632248 >>2632313 >>2632363

>> No.2633167

I found it funny, so I shared it. I was not trying to discredit your arguments and have no interest in debating you since blacks are obviously underachieving in america by any meaningful method of measurement.

Now, laugh at 1/3 of the test being about vacabulary or I'm going to call you a racist for citing statistics you goddamn redneck trailertrash neckbearded piece of shit.

>> No.2633807

this joke of an rebuttal has been disproven countlessly by sociological experiments involving socioeconomic bracket, race of the parents, and more. they all point to one conclusion: the inferiority of blacks is hereditary