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2627966 No.2627966 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys i'm curious what you all think about the concept of "fate" or "destiny"
i apologize if this is the incorrect board for this, but i want YOUR opinions not other 4chaner's

do you feel that there is a path chosen for us already? or do we choose our own paths?

i personally follow the idea that life in general is just a roll of the dice, and complete chance/coincidence when shit happens. so no, i don't believe in fate.

what about you guys?

>> No.2627994

No because quantum mechanics.

Also, take this crap to /phil/ OH WAIT MOOT IS A NIGGER.

>> No.2628066

Stupid concepts invented by people who don't want to accept the fact that the universe is mostly random. People like the idea of fate and destiny because it keeps them under the delusion that they have some kind of purpose in life. It's also easier for the average person to understand than to try and explain to them that the only reason they exist is because of a genetic lottery combined with millions of years of evolution. The relevance of most of our existences will become nonexistent after we die. Ten thousand years from now maybe a few people alive today will still be in the history textbooks, and even then they will be a slight blip. Obama may get a few short sentences for being the first black president. Assuming civilization doesn't collapse, gaming will still be around so Miyamoto may get a small blurb for his hand in Nintendo's revival of the game industry from it's crash. Other people like Lady Gaga and Madonna will have their names on a LIST if they are LUCKY. Scientists will all be forgotten except maybe Stephen Hawking even though he doesn't do shit.

Purpose is relative.

>> No.2628080

>Stupid concepts invented by people who don't want to accept the fact that the universe is mostly random. People like the idea of fate and destiny because it keeps them under the delusion that they have some kind of purpose in life. It's also easier for the average person to understand than to try and explain to them that the only reason they exist is because of a genetic lottery combined with millions of years of evolution. The relevance of most of our existences will become nonexistent after we die.

Pretty much this.

>> No.2628127

You start out on some certain trajectory. You can alter that trajectory to some extent.

>> No.2628136


Get out of my head! But really I agree with this 100%. People are desperate for a "meaning" and spend a lot of time convincing themselves of things to support that need.