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2627822 No.2627822 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We rationally discuss cannabis usage

I'm pro-legalization and decriminalization of cannabis; give me your best argument against completely legalizing it and I will try to counter it.

All I ask is that you set aside what you have been told and think for yourself before commenting.

>> No.2627860

because we should criminalize alcohol first

>> No.2627868

Already non illegal over here.

>> No.2627873

We should criminalize anything that drastically alters the mental state of the user.

Coffee and alcohol are included.

>> No.2627880

>drastically altered mental state
pick one.

>> No.2627881

If you don't bother anyone else when you do it, then go for it.

>> No.2627887

Because happy people don't buy cheap plastic crap to fill the void in their souls. We can't allow that to happen i'd lose my fucking job

>> No.2627888

the state should have the power to outlaw really dull things that make people boring

>> No.2627889

From falling asleep to awake, energetic as fuck, and more jittery than your mother's vibrator is pretty drastic

>> No.2627890

although i agree that alcohol is more dangerous, i don't believe it's the best solution when you consider the outcome of prohibition in the early 20th century. besides, what right does the government have to tell you what you can and cannot put into your body?

>> No.2627902

This isnt the argument you asked for but I'll say, I'm a fucking lazy pics of shit. And that's without cannabis. I get by. Just. With cannabis I'd be a complete fucking mess. that's why I won't be using any time soon.

So say whatever you want to that or don't. I don't really care.

>> No.2627911

I'm pro recreational and medical/research use and can't really think of a rational reason why it isn't legal (aside from business interests and drugs R the Devil).
For the record, I used to be a heavy user and it's only once in a while now.

>> No.2627914

you are living in the governments land
respect holy ownership or gtfo

>> No.2627923

the government is created by the people, ergo, what the people decide, they get.

the problem is reversing years of brainwashing and backwards education on the subject at hand. democracies are worthless if the citizens are uneducated.

>> No.2627924

Why the fuck does /sci/ get all these marijuana threads?

>> No.2627928

there is no slow-moving random board

i don't want my thread 404'ing in two minutes.

>> No.2627929


Coffee, no any caffeine product has ever done that to me. It does three things to me: gives me diarrhea, makes me pee a lot, and raises my pulse so high that I feel like I'm about to pass out.

The third makes the first two worth it.

>> No.2627939

get the fuck out hippies

>> No.2627940
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Pro alcohol. Just alcohol.

Whack fol the darn O, dance to your partner
Whirl the floor, your trotters shake;
Wasn't it the truth I told you
Lots of fun at Finnegan's wake!

>> No.2627976

The reason it is illegal is because big logging companies don't want to go out of business.

>> No.2627988

lol i hate when stoners say that

>> No.2627989

My pro-legalization stances in a nutshell:

it's a plant

more productive citizens due to not being in jail

sick people getting cheap relief

more freedom

less money spent by the federal government in fighting a failed war

cheaper paper from hemp production

happier, more relaxed populace

>> No.2627992

I think smoking pot is stupid and people who do it are stupid. That being said, it should be legalized. We spend retarded amounts of money "fighting" drug use, money that could be put to use so much better in other places. Smoking pot is less dangerous than many other drugs and substances. For instance, you don't hear about somebody getting high and beating their girlfriend, at least with pot.

The reason pot is illegal is because the powers that be can't profit off of it. Neither directly, through taxes or regulation, nor indirectly. Anything that allows you to derive pleasure that's outside what the State, or Church, or Man gives you is demonized. They want you to be able to derive pleasure only as they see fit. They want you to need them. Anything that frees you is considered bad.

>> No.2628015

big companies--you got that part right. historically, you may have been right about the logging companies, but now that technology has improved it is most likely pharmaceutical companies.

big pharm companies make money off patents. they can't put a patent on something that grows naturally, therefore, they keep it illegal to prevent you and me from getting relief. they'll try to patent certain synthetic chemicals from the plant, but it is the unique, natural combination of chemicals that works the best with little to no side-effects.

since they can't patent it they make the rest of us suffer.

>> No.2628020

>>certain synthetic chemicals from the plant

stopped reading here

>> No.2628022

You don't have to smoke if it's legal, dumbass.

OK. Goodbye to anti-depressant medications or most painkillers.

>> No.2628026

so they can't tell me NOT to put knives and bullets into me?

>> No.2628029

> more productive citizens due to not being in jail
that is not the only method of enforcement
> sick people getting cheap relief
> more freedom
freedom is bad
> less money spent by the federal government in fighting a failed war
it's a war we want to fight
> cheaper paper from hemp production
> happier, more relaxed populace
a bit like alcohol makes for happy, relaxed families?

>> No.2628033

It's arguably as carcinogenic as tobacco, as far as I am aware, and can also lead to schizoid tendancies. If drugs such as tobacco are controlled, cannabis should be also.

Arguments based on the premises alcohol and tobacco are legal and more dangerous are invalid as far as I am concerned, for were either introduced as a drug today they would be controlled, as cannabis is.

>> No.2628035

synthetic cannabinoids? you've never heard of them? what do you think marinol is?

>> No.2628036

you're funny

>> No.2628039
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>> No.2628044

>from the plant
new poster, this isn't difficult to spot. When arguing in favour of a drug that doesn't hinder the ability to think rationally, try not to be ignorant

>> No.2628049

>> more productive citizens due to not being in jail
>that is not the only method of enforcement
And then there are useless fines that do absolutely nothing.
>> sick people getting cheap relief
Yes. It is a perfectly harmless antidepressant treatment and painkiller (in some ways).
>> more freedom
>freedom is bad
You're either a troll or a faggot.
>>less money spent by the federal government in fighting a failed war
>it's a war we want to fight
It's a failed war that is absolutely pointless.
>>cheaper paper from hemp production
>>happier, more relaxed populace
>a bit like alcohol makes for happy, relaxed families?
Alcohol is addictive and cause violent behavior/withdrawals in alcoholics. There is no such equivalent for marijuana use any more than there is for television.

>> No.2628060

Very arguably, because there is no legitimate study providing a concrete link between marijuana use and cancer. Many studies have reported an inverse relationship. It's surprising that so few people on /sci/ actually practice rudimentary science and do fucking research and evaluate their sources. You know the whole "1 joint is as bad as 7 cigarettes" bullshit? One study in Australia with - get this - 70 participants. 70. THAT is fucking laughable.

>> No.2628064

It's not made by people, it's made by the consent of the governed. If people are choosing this government in the hopes it'll protect the aspects they most value, they agree to be bound by its restrictions in consideration for the greater good.

>> No.2628065
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all drugs should be legal. and to complete it, the welfare state should be abolished, so no faggots can say that it will harm the fabric of society.

its your life. fuck you have the natural right to do with it the whatever fuck you want to, you will just reap the consequences. any law against this is tyranny. those who disagree are forever conditioned.

>> No.2628071

> and can also lead to schizoid tendancies

possibly, it is also argued that people with schizoid predispositions seek the anti-inflammatory relief of cannabis.

so you're telling me cannabis would not increase the appetite and decrease the nausea of cancer radiation patients?

>it's a war we want to fight
it's a war you're told to fight

>a bit like alcohol makes for happy families?
people smoke cannabis to relax, that's pretty much a given. alcohol significantly impairs peoples' judgment.

>> No.2628074

nice arguing there. also, citation needed on the inverse correlation studies.

>> No.2628078

I want to be the presidennt!

>> No.2628079

it was an apparent mis-communication, but the merit of the argument still stands. synthetic compounds are derived from the natural compounds of the plant. better?

>> No.2628082

>>possibly, it is also argued that people with schizoid predispositions seek the anti-inflammatory relief of cannabis.

Aspirin won't do the same thing?

>> No.2628084

A government has as much right to have a say in what you choose to put in your body as it does to have a say in what you choose to put in your mind.

>> No.2628085

>Why it's illegal I don't know, Aspirin's perfectly legal, but if you take fifteen of them motherfuckers, it'll be your last headache!
--Kat Williams

>> No.2628088

pedophile detected

>> No.2628092

there are different pathways in the body. aspirin targets prostaglandins, cannabis targets cannabinoid receptors.

get it?

>> No.2628093

Second that

>> No.2628099

>the welfare state should be abolished

>grow up with two siblings
>no father because he died in a crash
>no medical insurance
>mother works 11 hours a day, and on saturdays
>can't get promoted because her parents couldn't afford college or get a loan
>consequently can't afford college without support

Fuck your capitalism, equal opportunities my ass. No son of a hedge fund manager has to work in walmart

>> No.2628108

weed makes me think a lot.

>> No.2628132

I would never smoke it because i really don't wanna mess with my brain.
But if other people want to do it, i'm okay with it. Just stay the fuck away from me

>> No.2628135

Well, my policy is that all crimes that don't interfere with another person's life, should be revoked. Drug use etc. = Okay
Murder/Stealing = Bad

But then we get into the situation that let's say, a meth head is pregnant, that meth head is now intruding in someone else's life. I haven't thought of a way for that to work yet.

And now you know what I think.

>> No.2628140

All drugs should be legal and state regulated and distributed, that's the only solution to end black market mafia and drug addicts.

>> No.2628145

hurrrr weed should be legalized durrr

>> No.2628148
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with welfare system gone, your mother won't need to pay more than she has to for security/insurance cause they will be privatized. Plus college loans will still exist and as the overall buying power of citizen increases, they banks will increase in number and give competing rates for insurances.

>> No.2628156

No, health care and college are things that will always be in incredibly high demand, which will allow them to set prices at however high they want. Competition doesn't apply.

>> No.2628167
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>> No.2628173

>The reason pot is illegal is because the powers that be can't profit off of it. Neither directly, through taxes or regulation, nor indirectly. Anything that allows you to derive pleasure that's outside what the State, or Church, or Man gives you is demonized. They want you to be able to derive pleasure only as they see fit. They want you to need them. Anything that frees you is considered bad.

What the fuck? Do you actually believe this?

>> No.2628175

why don't then run a cheap private health care communistfag

>> No.2628176
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Im not really arguing or proving a point or anything like that, but sense you seem to know so much about pot, I have a question.

On Friday, my friend smoked 3 pipefuls. She hadn't smoked for a few months. The dude who gave it to her smoked some with her. She wouldnt give me details, but after a little while, she started feeling anxiety.

She wanted to go outside badly. When we go out there, she started shaking violently and breathing weird. I felt her pulse, and it was extremely high. I figured it was a seizure or something. I was going to call an ambulance, but she took my phone and smashed it on the ground. She really didnt want to get in trouble if she was going to be ok. She said it had happened twice before (im not really sure why she did it again if it happened before...) and she knew how to make it go away. She kept going in and out of the house, drinking tones of water when she came in side, then went directly back outside. She puked a LOT of it up when she went outside.

After about 3 hours of this, I was seriously thinking she was going to die, but she wouldn't let met do anything. She eventuly caled down and talked to me for a few minuets, saying it felt like she was fading, and it was the wort feeing ever. She started saying she was going to die, but then would scream at the top of her lungs when Id get up to get help.

an hour later, she was ok again. She thinks shes alegic to the stuff, but I dont know.
What do you think happened? (It wasn't laced, we knew the grower, and everyone who had handled it.)

>> No.2628182

when the buying power is high, there will be more financial industries, like banks. so BANKS will compete for services.

>> No.2628185

Because it's impossible for me to afford the inflated price of medical school in America without making lots of money afterward

>> No.2628196


it's not for everyone. also if she has a heart condition its not advisable as it does increase your heart rate temporarily

>> No.2628201


>> No.2628206
File: 51 KB, 425x419, 1296113757312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Point, Counter point Thread on the legalization of marijuana
>Sound interesting, I'll check it out


>People opposing legalization make good arguments, but are prematurely dismissed as trolls (most likely by OP)


>back to browsing

>> No.2628224

I've come up with some of my best theories to life while high on marijuana, though it affects me a lot different than most. It doesn't make me happy, hungry or any of that, it just makes me realize that all that really matters is figuring out what life is about.

>> No.2628226


She doesn't have any heart problems that we know of. Also, she used to smoke it all the time, and this never happened. It only started recently.

>> No.2628231

There is no justification that "It is less harmful than alcohol", it's still harmful but it should be up to the user. Personally, I used to smoke daily for about a month at a time, sometimes taking a week off. Right now I'm in the middle of a week long break and I'm actually enjoying more shit. I doubt I'll go back to month long binges.

>> No.2628235

i get the same thing and i honestly don't know.

>> No.2628237


if you present the case of individual liberties, and apt government intervention in personal affairs, the dangers of the drugs become immaterial. it does not matter how good or bad a thing is as long as it is a personal, non-intruding activity: the government has no right to control personal behavior

>> No.2628241
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America is fucking FAT and legalization would lead to increased usage which will cause people to eat more and get fatter.

>> No.2628242

Well the stereotype that it makes you lazy and stupid isn't really true. If anything, I used to work harder/be more dedicated on homework when I was high. Physics actually made more sense and I would be the only one in class to get all of the homework questions right, even though I was high. I got 2150 on my SAT's after smoking everyday for a month. So it doesn't really lower your intelligence. However, I ran into the problem of sleep. I started staying up later and later in order to smoke and it became a habit quickly. I started to get three hours of sleep/night and started fucking up. The weed also started becoming stronger and stronger. All the mids dealers got arrested and the headies dealers just kept peddling more expensive, stronger, shit. Eventually I stopped because I needed to get a normal sleep schedule, and the weed was becoming too strong for it to be helpful anymore. If weed were legalized and regulated, I wouldn't have had to stay up till 2:00 AM to be safe and I could have gotten the right strength for it to help me.

also fuck drug tests

>> No.2628245

Haha, check out these fucking cuckold pieces of shit beg for their freedoms.


Like dogs.

>> No.2628249

I have a sleeping schedule like that without the weed

>> No.2628250

If it was one instance, could've just been some shitty weed. That shit wouldn't happen if it were legal and commercialized.

>> No.2628256

most likely alergic reaction...i have seen this in someone i know as well.not so bad as u describe however

>> No.2628268

I started getting the exact same thing over a year ago. It will happen every time she smokes now. I have no idea what causes it though.

>> No.2628269


illuminati wannabe nigger.

>> No.2628284


Its a panic attack, nobody has ever died from an allergic reaction to cannabis (Maybe asthma though). My friend who works in the ER gets kids in there all the time suffering from panic attacks after they smoke for the first time. I actually got a string of episodes that randomly came up even though I had been smoking for about a year before.

>> No.2628286
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shit, man. Shes going to hate giving it up.

>> No.2628296


then thats one scary ass fucking panic attack

>> No.2628305


nope, its happened twice before, and the other dude who smoked it was fine.

>> No.2628315

Yeah they can get REALLY scary. I went to the doctor for mine, I didn't know what was wrong with me. I would lay in bed for hours shaking and feeling like I was suffocating. You just have to tell yourself that its all in your head and none of its real... Throwing up can also be a symptom except I've had friends throw up from taking too big of a bong rip.

>> No.2628329


hmm. Well is she doomed for it to happen every time now, or is there a way to make it stop?

>> No.2628334


It seems my argument is irrefutable so pot must forever remain illegal.

>> No.2628340


My best advice is to just give it time, the only sure way to stop one if you are in the middle of one is to take an anti anxiety like xanax or something. I thought I was never going to be able to smoke again. I would wait at least 2 months before trying it again, and try it with a smaller hit and gradually get high.

>> No.2628355

"it's a harmless plant" is the only argument you need when supporting legalization.

think about it.

>> No.2628391


also, can it happen the next few days, but not as bad, with her not smoking any?

>> No.2628405

The anti-drug movement was started by Reagan during the Cold War because he felt that it made people too happy and peaceable and that they couldn't intimidate the communists that way. That negligent 'drugs are for losers I don't care what you say,' attitude that many Cold War kids have today is a result of that government propaganda and the war on drugs.

In reality, it's pretty safe. It's probably no worse than tobacco, and definitely not worse than alcohol. It's got value in medicine AND industry, and the market if legalized would generate tax revenue for the government rather than costing it money.

And of course it should still be regulated, restricted to adults, not allowed while driving, ect.

>> No.2628410

It can happen to anybody at any time, really. I wouldn't tell her to expect it. Just carry on with with regular daily activities.

>> No.2628432

my argument:

If cannabis is legalized, how do i exercise my choice NOT to smoke it when walking past someone that is?

>> No.2628443

What are you retarded? Just the same way you exercise your choice not to smoke cigarettes when someone walks past you that is smoking one.

>> No.2628454

wow calling me retarded, thats a good start!
i also believe tobacco should be illegal btw.
how do you propose my personal airspace can be protected?

>> No.2628466


Protect it yourself. Are you really that passive that you need someone else to protect it for you? The world isn't your personal army you know.

>> No.2628486

Besides what the fuck kind of irrational retard cares if the person next to him is smoking a substance, what the fuck does it have to do with you?

>> No.2628489

Hurr durr

You weed smokers are always, "Hey man if it doesn't hurt anybody else it should be okay" and then when it hurts somebody else you say "Hey man defend your own airspace"

>> No.2628494

He was invited by the "cool kids" to hang out at some kids house whose liberal parents had left for the weekend.

My brother, always a moral and thoughtful individual, wanted to attend because it was one of those massive house parties that he'd never been to.

Well, as was later recalled by some of his friends at the party, he was pressured into smoking marijuana. He ended up smoking the entire pack of marijuana cigarettes.

Not long after he went into convulsions and started foaming at the mouth. The people at the party held back calling 9/11 for almost 10 minutes.

When the paramedics finally arrived they could do nothing to save him.

The autopsy revealed he had 3 times the lethal dosage of THC in his blood.

But I'm sure everyone here will deny my story and the fact that my brother died after smoking that illegal narcotic.

Sage and reported for illegal activities.

>> No.2628495

so i have to wear a particle mask so other people can smoke cannabis? doesnt seem fair to me.

my point is simply that if it was legalised there would be widespread use in public which could contaminate children and those that choose not to consume it. we know cannabis is potentially harmful to the developing human brain.

marijuana is indeed a harmless plant with many beneficial effects, but why should people that wish to refrain be exposed to it? heroin users dont stick a needle in me as i go past.....

>> No.2628498

If you're that much of an asshole about not only marijuana smoke, but tobacco smoke, then buy a fucking oxygen tank and breath that all the time, you whiny cunt.

>> No.2628500
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do it faggot

>> No.2628504


It's a moot point.

Smoking it in public will be illegal regardless. It'll probably be something like being able to smoke it in a private residence and in certain businesses. Hash bars and cafes and whatnot.

>> No.2628508

If marijuana were to be legalized it would have so many restrictions on it. Read California's prop 21 and what the laws would be...

>> No.2628512


How did you deduce that I'm a weed smoker? And who the fuck is it hurting? Being able to smell someone smoke weed next to you won't hurt you at all. Besides you're the baby who needs his "airspace" protected. If you care that much, protect it yourself. Your mother won't always be around to help you, you know.

>> No.2628515

people like you need to smoke it the most, jesus christ.

>> No.2628521

Do you seriously think walking past someone smoking marijuana will have some kind of adverse affect on you? Are you that fucking stupid?

>> No.2628537

thats not the point. its an abuse of my own choice not to smoke it.
seems to me im mostly getting abuse rather than a reasonable debate..obviously canabbis usage makes people agressive and antisocial

>> No.2628577


>mfw when I already said I'm no cannabis smoker

Your argument works both ways then, making it illegal is an abuse of another's choice TO smoke it. See how your shitty your argument is? Using either of those arguments is fucking stupid. By the way, how ironic of you to ask for a reasonable debate then go on to use ad hominem.

>> No.2628584



Even the most generous laws proposed include some restrictions. Among other things, not being able to smoke wherever you want. People will be smoking in their own homes and in licensed businesses. If you don't wanna smell it, just avoid these places.

>> No.2628592

I think the counter point is twofold. People are smoking weed and the majority of people would prefer a legal option.

Secondly, it would reduce income for illegal organisations while also increasing income for the government.

All in all, it's a win/win situation. The government would likely use some of the increased revenue in the same way as they do to combat Tobacco smoking.

>> No.2628593
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If I were to meet you, I'd blow all of my smoke in your face.

>> No.2628596

if you don't like it, just walk where there is no smoke? remember, you have the entire world to walk, what gives you the right to walk near them and complain about what they do on their own time?

>> No.2628597

not at all, a cannabis user can do it in their own home this satisfying both parties. this would be ok with me, my fear is that if it is "legallized" every smoker will relish the chance to go somewhere public and blow smoke in peoples faces with a big smile

>> No.2628599



>> No.2628610

replace cannabis with masturbation to get a good thread

>> No.2628616


>logical fallacies everywhere
>strawmen everywhere
>irrational fears
>waa waaa who will protect my airspace?
>can't spell, no proper grammar
>retarded arguments

How bout we stop replying to this idiot?

>> No.2628622
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Not until I blow all of my smoke in his face.

>> No.2628625

ahh thank you, my fears are indeed justified and real. im not an idiot just because im against what you personally want...

>> No.2628633
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Nah. You're a whiny cunt, though.

Smoke. Face.

>> No.2628640


sure it's immoral to blow smoke in your face, but you can't arrest me for not being nice.

>> No.2628642

He is Godlike and I would prefer his daughters to yours.

>> No.2628647

> implying that the intersection of non-nicety and illegality is empty

>> No.2628660


No, you're an idiot because your arguments are chock-full of logical fallicies and strawmen. The other things are just outlined to ridicule you.

>> No.2628668

then i win, as all my points have been proven by others right here in the thread.

im off to smoke a joint, cya

>> No.2628675

This thread is moving too fast now.

The best argument against legalization is one that proposes cigs alcohol caffeine etc should also be illegal.

The problem with this argument is where do you stop? Candy? Hamburgers? French Fries? These things are all addictive, all terrible for you, all make you lazier, and all make you fat. Also they put strain on the economy because the people that over indulge in these weigh down (pun intended) medicare when they turn 65 b/c of their diabetes, hypertension etc.

It seems to me the most logical solution is to legalize all drugs, and have better education for our children. DARE programs have become counter productive (My DARE program told me that people regularly die the 1st time they smoke marijuana). Educate children about the real harms involved with use of these drugs, so that when they turn 18 they know what they are getting themselves into. I have evidence of this, but I believe part of the allure of drug use is it's illegality.

As far as the welfare state argument, this is bad. I agree that people on welfare should not be able to use the money on drugs, but to completely get rid of it is misplaced. Perhaps there needs to be more programs similar to food stamps, like Rent stamps and car payment stamps... just a thought

>> No.2628685


She's allergic to cannabis, or a component in cannabis.

Or she's a new smoker and got greened out. When you smoke too much you get greened out and begin throwing up. The anxiety is a common side affect of cannabis and may not show in some people.

>> No.2628691

Same poster. I meant I had no evidence of that, sorry

>> No.2628693

That your a whiny cunt? Yes, we get it. Your points about blowing it in your face? No.

>> No.2628696

>>The anxiety is a common side affect of cannabis

harmless weed? i think not

>> No.2628717


Probably a troll, but I'll bite.

Anxiety is harmful? Anyway, most regular cannabis users don't experience paranoia or anxiety. It passes as time goes.

A word to the people discussing welfare / affording education, there are ROTC programs that pay for a full degree and more for a mere 4 years obligated service... AS A LT. You are getting paid to go to college and then getting paid (much more than the average infantryman) to lead a small platoon. There are also TONS of grants and scholarships, so I think not going to college because you can't afford it is a fallacy. There are options, you simply have to want them.

>> No.2628719


Its mostly harmless. Anything you ingest has side effects. Just like how advil and tylenol have side effects.

>> No.2628728

Legalization will lead to a new taxable income.

>> No.2628731


cool copypasta

>> No.2628733

Not income. Source. My bad.

>> No.2628738


Education would solve all of the problems associated with drugs.

>> No.2628740

Your head

>> No.2628743

There are a lot of grants/scholarships, but the financial burden of going to college is a hell of a lot more than just getting the tuition payed for. Working, for example, can be very difficult for people who are going to college. If you are a single parent, it's almost impossible to go to college and work... and everybody has to have an income.

>> No.2628746

legalisation will lead to more babies on welfare being born as cannabis is largely the crutch of the weak and poor

>> No.2628747

Such as?

>> No.2628763

I'm gonna need a citation on that one chief.

>> No.2628770

This >>2628746
is clearly a troll

>> No.2628786

My bad. I thought this board would be different.

>> No.2628792
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It will get more people fat, like fat dolphins.

>> No.2628793

Against: Car crashes from stoned people driving whilst stoned are going to increase. its already 50% of all crashes they need to develop a way of testing people for this in the same way as alcohol!

>> No.2628798

I can't prove it's a troll. I guess I have an optimistic view of people on this board... anything as retarded as that must be a troll.

>> No.2628800


too bad they do retard

>> No.2628806

Thank you, I needed a lol

>> No.2628825
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At first I was that's a wale not a dolphin.

but then I >pedolooga.jpg

>> No.2628827

You've been watching too much TV. What planet are you living on that you actually think 50% of car crashes involve marijuana?

>> No.2628831

Stop crying that shit can't be your way, potfags.

If you really want it, Jenkem. Legal, stronger results than marijuana, but same outcome.

>> No.2628835

just feel like making a comment about the second hand stuff.
for me i cant breathe at all whenever there is scented shit (perfume,deoderant,smokes,etcetc). and the worst part about marijuana is that its so strong and the people who smoke it dont notice it themselves and it lasts long after they smoke too.
anyone who relies on drugs are faggots anyway

>> No.2628841

Everybody knows jenkem is a hoax, don't even try that.

>> No.2628843

50% of people on marijuana crash.

>> No.2628847


[citation needed]

>> No.2628856
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>> No.2628863
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ok, im a pussy, I admit it. I want to try weed, Im friends with tons of pot heads, and could get it easy, but Im a bit afraid. Is there side effects at all to it? reading this

didnt really help.....

>> No.2628867

First of all, the syntax of that sentence clearly said "it's already 50% of all crashes." So that...

And, I'd like to see some numbers on that. I don't know why I even say anything, because I know you don't have shit on this, but I'd like to see what you can produce.

>> No.2628875

I'm gonna make it really easy for ya. Pay attention.

1. Read up on marijuana yourself, choose whether or not to smoke, and stop being an indecisive puss.

2. Read step one.

>> No.2628877


You'll be fine, ask Carl Sagan.

>> No.2628878

You might whig out a bit the 1st couple times you try it, but after a while its pretty fun.

Honestly though, if you're happy without it, don't try it. It's easy to get hooked. Plus, unlike what some people in this thread say, when you're used to how it affects you, you can do anything while on it, and everything is so much more fun when you're high. Which is why I recommend, unless you are utterly depressed, that you don't do it.

>> No.2628883


so if I have depression, I shouldnt do it?

>> No.2628885

Just don't smoke TOO much, sometimes the effects take a while to kick in and the noobs think they need to smoke/consume more because of that.

If you're not retarded there won't be any side effects like that.

Read that, copypasta or not, the bad end was because he smoked too much of it.

>> No.2628888
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I smoked pot to be an edgy little shit and hang out with the "cool" guys. It was fun, but more often than not I would bad trip, feel nauseous as fuck and puke like pig. After said puking I felt perfectly fine though, intredasting.

>> No.2628889

Damn, and I was thinking on using it to fight my current depression, thx for the tip, bro.

>> No.2628890
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Like believing you can't get hurt?


>> No.2628892

Personal choice

>> No.2628898


While high:
Increased heart rate and blood pressure.
Dry eyes and dry mouth.
Euphoria and increased appetite.
Short-term memory problems and slowed reaction time.
Also paranoia and/or anxiety in some people. Mostly those with a history of schizophrenia.

Of course, all of this goes away within a couple of hours.

>> No.2628900
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>> No.2628904

It's up to you. I started doing it at a time in my life when I could barely get out of bed every day. Just smoking one bowl was enough to get me out of bed to get all my stuff done. One person in this thread said they can do physics better when they're high. I understand completely.

Basically, if you often think about killing yourself and have trouble functioning, this can be a way to help you get out of the funk.

Otherwise, if you're already happy, skip it.

>> No.2628905

>implying vitamins should be illegal

>> No.2628906
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>potheads claim it isn't addictive

>> No.2628908

HAHAHA, OMG, what the fuck was that.

Fucking stupid, haha.

>> No.2628915


While mentally addictive, it is in no way physically addictive.

>> No.2628929

This thread is full of fuck!
Here are some facts for all the people that have never smoked marijuana.
Get that through your fucking heads for fuck's sake.
If you see somebody tripping out after smoking the only thing that could have happened is that they have an anxiety attack or have really bad asthma.

Learn how marijuana used to be used and how it became under restriction in the US, in the process you will learn that it is all based off of culture. Because of shit like "Reefer Maddness" we have a bunch of negative associations with marijuana.
And back your shit up with SOURCES FOR FUCKS SAKE

>> No.2628956
File: 148 KB, 493x500, 1291953374023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking guy. It's some funny shit.


>> No.2628985

You should all just be conservative and hate it just because it's illegal. It's what makes zombie Reagan happy. The following people would agree:

