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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2627271 No.2627271 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.2627273

The internet is like a big city; you have every strata of society on display for all to see. The depraved and indifferent, the average and reasonable, and the batshit insane. dealwithit.jpg

>> No.2627283

God-like trolls

>> No.2627284

Retarded. But they're hurting literally no one and causing no harm, so I have nothing against them.

>> No.2627285

Protip: It's a troll site, just like that Baptist forum. It's not serious. There's nothing to discuss.

>> No.2627286

I suppose his way of dealing with it is to discuss it. dealwithit.scr

>> No.2627300
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>he saged

>> No.2627306

The Flat Earth Society was founded decades prior to the internet. Not everyone with a stupid opinion is a troll.

>> No.2627308
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please tell me this is trolling here

>> No.2627311

Not only can you see the curvature of the earth from space, but you can see it from really tall buildings and planes as well.

Basically, there are, a) some small group of people who are retarded enough to believe the earth might actually be flat, and b) some medium group of people who are just fucking with the stupid people can claiming to believe the earth is flat when they know it's a load of horse shit.

>> No.2627318

Eratostenes would like to have a word with them.

>> No.2627322


one of them even pays for the hosting

>> No.2627329


It's a common misconception that Eratosthenes was measuring the circumference of the Round Earth in his shadow experiment. Eratosthenes had simply assumed that the earth was a sphere in his experiment, based on the work of Aristotle. He was actually measuring the diameter of the Flat Earth (distance across), which is a figure identical to the circumference of the Round Earth (distance around).

We can use Eratosthenes' shadow experiment to determine the diameter of the Flat Earth.

Syene and Alexandria are two North-South points with a distance of 500 nautical miles. Eratosthenes discovered through the shadow experiment that while the sun was exactly overhead of one city, it was 7°12' south of zenith at the other city.

By sheer math, 7°12' makes a sweep of 1/25th of the FE's total longitude from 90°N to 90°S (radius).

Therefore we can take the distance of 500 nautical miles, multiply by 25, and find that the radius of the Flat Earth is about 12,250 nautical miles. Doubling that figure for the diameter we get a figure of 25,000 miles.

The earth is physically much larger, of course. A circle with a diameter of 25,000 nautical miles across is simply the area of land which the light of the sun affects, and represents the area of our known world.


>> No.2627342


The Flat Earth Society also officially disbanded a few years before the website was created.

>> No.2627345

Clearly they haven't heard of occam's razor.

>> No.2627350

i fucking wish the earth was flat shit would be so cash i would totally go to the end of the earth and look over into space and be all like yeah!

then i would get a bungee jumping rope and jump off it and then make it a tourist attraction.

it would be fucking awesome.

actualy i wish there was more magic in the world like real magic not science technology magic but like discworld type magic

this site is a good mixture of trolls and wackos and trolled people

i might join but then i have 4chan so w/e

>> No.2627363

>Hot air balloon
>Knowledge of Intermediate level Trigonometry

So has anyone informed the flat earthers that anyone with all of these can prove the earth is round on their own time? Or did they already do it and the flat earthers claimed that the government uses satanic magic to skew the results of anyone who does this experiment.

>> No.2627369


They claim that it's an "optical illusion" and then fail to explain exactly how.

God tier trolls.

>> No.2627374

Every experiment or evidence that disproves the flat earth theory is a conspiracy.

>> No.2627378

Can someone explain to me where they think the earth ends at?

>> No.2627389

Have you gotten into hot air balloon and done it? I am guessing no. You are just believing what you are told.

>> No.2627394

And it came back from the dead under new leadership and with the OP's website. Seriously, people like Tom Bishop and Daniel Shenton have been proponents of this shit for years. They're dead serious about it, and certainly not just trying to troll like the Landover Baptist guy.

It's true, however, that most posts on that board are by people who are either just taking the piss, or playing devil's advocate.

>> No.2627399


>> No.2627426


Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - Flat Earth

>> No.2627445


>> No.2627452

Q: "If the Earth's acceleration is constant, wouldn't it be traveling faster than light eventually?"

A: The equations of Special Relativity prevent an object with mass from reaching or passing the speed of light. Due to this restriction, these equations prove that the Earth can accelerate at a constant rate forever in our reference frame and never reach the speed of light. Click here for an in depth explanation.

>implying the speed of light is relative to reference frame, not the frequency.

that's where they goof'd, they're working off a physical fallacy

>> No.2627453


So it's basically creationism except instead of "magical Jewish zombie did it" they claim the earth is flat.


>> No.2627506


>> No.2627554
File: 29 KB, 705x300, flatearthedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2627584


Troll of the year. All years.

>> No.2627774

the earth isn't flat, but it IS a little over six thousand years old. at least, this level of it. there are six other concentric spheres within it, all of them but the inner-most bearing life. earth, the seventh level, and all life on it, was engineered as a disguise by the fifth-level people. there are also people from the fourth-level, but that's it, the second level supports only very simple life and the other levels simply never evolved intelligence. the fourth-level people remain unaware of the nature of their world, but the fifth-level people are out and about in the universe at large, and truly amazing beings (the 'greys' and 'arachnids' well known in UFO lore; they are not 'humanoid', we are 'greyoid'.). the fifth level animals are mostly the form of deep-sea creatures mixed with dinosaurs. life is much simpler on the lower levels, the second bears some sparse colonies of single-celled life, the third bears that plus some basic multicelluar life forms. it is a subject of debate among the greys if their own early exhibitions inward may not be responsible this. at the innermost level the pressure and heat is so intense nothing can survive.

>> No.2627886

cool story bro