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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 379x295, murdered-couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2627012 No.2627012 [Reply] [Original]

The White race, or human excrement, is the most vile, wicked, hideous, satanic creature that has ever existed on Earth. Past and present they are responsible for most of the world's wars, slavery, colonialism, lynchings, mass murder, serial killings, rape, land theft, economic exploitation, hatred, lies, and every other evil deed possible. Travel all over the non-White world and ask the natives which "people" they hate most and the White devil will be the most common answer. It's a fact that they are the most universally hated. The pig-faced crackers on this forum are angry that their piece of shit of a race will soon thankfully be destroyed.

The only reason why the White devil was able to successfully conquer non-Whites was because non-Whites mistook them for human and gave them the benefit of the doubt. The White devil saw that some non-Whites were hostile to another and exploited this situation to their advantage. They would arm and assist one tribe to conquer another and kept doing this until the non-Whites wore themselves out and then they'd conquer everyone. Today, non-Whites, or humans, have become aware of this devilish tactic and so there is now unity to oppose the cracker. The White devil has never defeated any non-White nation since then. America was defeated in Vietnam. The Soviet Union was defeated in Afghanistan. America is being defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan and soon will be replaced as a superpower by China. The best way to exterminate all crackers is by a Black-led race war. The clean and honorable Blacks that raped, tortured, dismembered, mutilated, set on fire, and executed these cracker scum should be role-models for all non-Whites around the world.

Your time is up, whiteys.

>> No.2627021


oh, wait.

fucking moot

>> No.2627024

just change white with juice and i would agree

>> No.2627030

1, since I responded.

>> No.2627037

Afghanis are white

"Physically and racially, the Pashtuns are classified as Caucasians of the Mediterranean variant."

>> No.2627038
File: 188 KB, 500x500, 1285517087213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best way to exterminate all crackers is by a Black-led race war.

Enjoy trying to rally your racial "brothers." White Devil, Satan Spawn master race here with fully-fledged militaries; U MAD?

>> No.2627042

The juice race, or human excrement, is the most vile, wicked, hideous, satanic creature that has ever existed on Earth. Past and present they are responsible for most of the world's wars, slavery, colonialism, lynchings, mass murder, serial killings, rape, land theft, economic exploitation, hatred, lies, and every other evil deed possible. Travel all over the non-juice world and ask the natives which "people" they hate most and the juice devil will be the most common answer. It's a fact that they are the most universally hated. The pig-faced crackers on this forum are angry that their piece of shit of a race will soon thankfully be destroyed.

The only reason why the juice devil was able to successfully conquer non-juices was because non-juices mistook them for human and gave them the benefit of the doubt. The juice devil saw that some non-juices were hostile to another and exploited this situation to their advantage. They would arm and assist one tribe to conquer another and kept doing this until the non-juices wore themselves out and then they'd conquer everyone. Today, non-juices, or humans, have become aware of this devilish tactic and so there is now unity to oppose the cracker. The juice devil has never defeated any non-juice nation since then. America was defeated in Vietnam. The Soviet Union was defeated in Afghanistan. America is being defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan and soon will be replaced as a superpower by China. The best way to exterminate all crackers is by a Black-led race war. The clean and honorable Blacks that raped, tortured, dismembered, mutilated, set on fire, and executed these cracker scum should be role-models for all non-juices around the world.

Your time is up, juiceys.

>> No.2627048


you know who runs the military? A black man

checkmate whitey

>> No.2627054
File: 10 KB, 251x244, 1298252710147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2627064
File: 198 KB, 500x444, NATO its not fascism when we do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2627070
File: 21 KB, 472x530, 1288496479730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that the Commander in Chief is also half white, don't you?

Ignoramus, non-scientific or mathematical scum.

>> No.2627069

juice here

death to the genteel

>> No.2627089

I'm pretty sure gooks hate niggers alot more then us whities do

>> No.2627122


Minorities in the states are fucking spoiled. There's some real hate outside of the US

>> No.2627128

damnit moot why did you delete /new, it didnt erase /new it simply shifted them everywhere else, like shit hitting a fan.

>> No.2627173

I'm white and I do research for a black physics professor.
>U mad?

>> No.2627242

>/Stormfronters/, /Stormfronters/ everywhere

>> No.2627952

>mfw i see this thread on page 9

welcome to page 1

>> No.2627972
File: 29 KB, 300x250, ayran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if the blacks will be able to take on the Ayran. Come at me bro.

>> No.2628089


you know who's history you are falling back on to claim that europeans are the scourge of existance...european history. Oral traditions are not factually compelling and have no basis for quantitative anaylysis.

Also you obviously have idea about the constant state of war in historic Asia. They have history too. It is bloody.

sub saharan africa also likely had a bloody history but not on a european or asian scale. because 1) no states just loose networks of affiliated tribes 2) very primitive technology

>> No.2628144


>sub saharan africa also likely had a bloody history but not on a european or asian scale. because 1) no states just loose networks of affiliated tribes 2) very primitive technology

Depends on how you measure bloodiness. Obviously, there were no battles with 100,000 deaths in a single day and no gas chambers, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if, before the arrival of Europeans, a greater proportion of Sub-Saharan Africans were dying in tribal conflicts than Europeans or Asians.

>> No.2628152

sage this shit, please.