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2625590 No.2625590 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/borgs. I got into a discussion over at sci and came to consider how you'd make the best possible sword with todays technology, of course ignoring that it wouldn't be very useful (So it's science, not engineering!).

It would ideally have to be completely rigid, very light, very sharp and with a powerful swing (Maybe telescopic?).

How would you go about it?

>> No.2625600

Dragon's Tooth Sword. Accept no substitutes.

>oh wait, today's technology

>> No.2625613
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>completely rigid
Hell no. The vibration would hurt like hell the first time you used it.

>very light
Depends on how you intend to use it. Every sword is used differently.

>powerful swing
If you intend it for heavy slashing and stabbing, yes.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2625661

>completely rigid
Hell no. The vibration would hurt like hell the first time you used it.

You don't grip a hammer tightly, nor do you a sword.

>very light
Depends on how you intend to use it. Every sword is used differently.

>powerful swing
If you intend it for heavy slashing and stabbing, yes.

It all boils down to maximum force per area without being sluggish. It's a tradeoff.

Get the fuck out.

Yes, I'm clueless. I imagined it might make for more powerful swing, multiplying hand velocity by distance.

>> No.2625681

What? A telescopic blade of length X is only going to mass a fraction of what a solid blade the same length will.

>> No.2625684

You couldnt get one completly rigid if you tried and you definitely dont want it overly light, it would have no power.

Regardless composites would be the way to go:
You want the edge to be hard and not wear down probably laser sharpened.
The body to be made to the right weight and flexability you want

Pick materials best for each part

>> No.2625691


and it will only be a fraction as strong, too


pick one

>> No.2625701

damascus steel, we dont know how to make it though

>> No.2625703

You need to specify how you plan on using the sword and what you plan on using the sword for including whatever the hell you're attacking.

Generally you'll probably be happiest with just a knife bayonet and use other equipment for purposes other than stabbing fleshy humans.

>> No.2625714

as a guideline hardness is disproportional to toughness. For the qualities you want for the edge and whole sword it would have to be composite

>> No.2625721
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>It all boils down to maximum force per area without being sluggish.

No, it doesn't. It boils down to intended application and technique. For example, a katana is designed for quick slashing where the blade moves longitudinally down the cutting surface. A broadsowrd is designed for thrusting and for cutting where the blade moves primarily perpendicularly to the cutting edge.

I have drawn you a rough diagram.

>> No.2625722

what about for slicing guns in half and also deflecting bullets

>> No.2625724

Make it out of diamonds.

>> No.2625738
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>> No.2625747

yes we do

>> No.2625749

tungsten carbide

>> No.2625779

Forge it out of an alloy of diamond and purified Dragonforce.

>> No.2625807

We could put in a synthetic grip so his hand never slips, coat the blade with superstrong, superslippery ceramic so it never gets stuck, a strong but elastic backing material, one extremely hard and sharp edge that can be exchanged after battle and one less hard and sharp edge in case the other gets too damaged to use during battle.

>> No.2625829


its a sword, ass-hat, of course we have the technology

>> No.2625836

Far too brittle, it would shatter if you dropped it on the ground

>> No.2625840

Are you naming the sword that I proposed "Ass Hat"?
If not, you're just being offensive for the sake of being offensive, in which case I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave this board.

>> No.2625842

The recipe got lost a long time ago, we have something similar now. Pattern welding is not the same

>> No.2625848

Even with all the tech put into that sword, a gun is cheaper and more effective.

>> No.2625853

yeah but its less ninja

>> No.2625856

So what, damscus steel is inferior to anything modern metallurgy can make

>> No.2625860

i'm not that guy, but your wrong, at least for the qualities mentioned in OP

>> No.2625858

>damascus steel, we dont know how to make it though
According to wiki, modern steel is stronger than damascus steel.

>> No.2625865

tensile strength is just one property, being light, being able to take a sharp edge, and being able to hold an edge are all equally important properties for a sword. no modern steel can equal damascus steel for the full combination of properties required in a sword.

its weird, but that ancient shit is actually still better for swords.

>> No.2625870

stronger means nothing in terms of material science when talking about steels
harder or tougher?

>> No.2625890

what's a telescopic blade? never heard it before

>> No.2625896


its like those police batons that start out short but then when they whip them out, they get longer.

>> No.2625915

>its weird, but that ancient shit is actually still better for swords.
You need a source for that.

>> No.2625921

ok right a sword that also a pen and a phone diamond edged and made of carbotaniumn and is also a torch that has a gun on it.


>> No.2625931
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fuck swords you need tha shark!

>> No.2625939
File: 80 KB, 311x1137, Sword_of_Omens_Complete_by_Mokavu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually if you could make this it would be well cool ok

they have powerful lights and lasers right? so why not put one of those suns of bitch in a sword and BAM sword of fucking omens

>> No.2625944

> stronger means nothing in terms of >material science when talking about steels
> harder or tougher?



Listen to this guy.

>Forge it out of an alloy of diamond and purified Dragonforce.

The strongest metal known to man.

Think we have a contender.

>> No.2625994
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> harder or tougher?
you cant do that with steels unless it is really poorly manufactured and non-uniform. You have to trade one for the other. Its either hard and brittle or soft and tough

And before you go for the nano-engineering arguement, we cant yet engineer metallic structures on the scale of the ones formed by tempering

>> No.2625995


>> No.2626000

some shit with carbon nanotubes, and a monomolecular glass edge or something.

>> No.2626001
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>Listen to this guy.
thank you

Sure, if the thread had been "design a sword that is better than a gun", but Op specifically said, and I quote: "ignoring that it wouldn't be very useful".

So in this case you should take your gun and go clean it a million times while we post on-topic.

And on damascus steel:
>Although modern steel still outperforms these swords, the microscopic chemical reactions may have made the blades more resilient for their time. Other experts are unsurprised, and expect to discover such nanotubes in more and more relics as they are looked at more closely.


So they were extremely good IN THEIR TIME.

I can see how that could be useful in ending a fight extremely fast, by accidentally ripping open one of your major arteries while the opponent looked on, dumbfounded.

>> No.2626002

i was always a fan of the mono-molecular blade spooled in a fake thumb prosthetic and ready at an instant's notice

>> No.2626004
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>It would ideally have to be completely rigid

I think I don't have to read this thread after this

>> No.2626010
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>> No.2626020

Spear + shield is still superior to sword.

>> No.2626024

inb4 light sabre


>> No.2626044


A lot of thing is "superior" to sword, After all sword is "lot of situation" weapon.
But I still prefer the polearms

>> No.2626048

Whoo, trips! It means I'm right. Titanium or some shit. I dunno. I'd just buy a gun anyways.

>> No.2626061

That's an ideal. I'm just saying that flexibility isn't a desirable attribute.

You have to make a compromise. It has to deliver pin-point force and not break.

This sounds pretty rad.

>> No.2626070
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>That's an ideal. I'm just saying that flexibility isn't a desirable attribute

>> No.2626158

>Sure, if the thread had been "design a sword that is better than a gun", but Op specifically said, and I quote: "ignoring that it wouldn't be very useful".
>So in this case you should take your gun and go clean it a million times while we post on-topic.

Ignoring the existence of modern weapons makes sword fags even more idiotic.

To make this discussion more meaningful, there needs to be some examples of a target to use the new sword against, and other weapons to compare against. Otherwise, just asking "how to make the best sword" is kind of meaningless.

>> No.2626179


ignoring that gunfags will never use more they gun than the swordfag his sword makes the gunfags even more pathetic

>> No.2626195

And you insist on posting off-topic. While your post might be logical in another context, it's not in this one.

Also, kinda douchy of you to post off-topic and then when someone tells you off, you say your off-topic post isn't a bad thing.

>> No.2626199


>> No.2626233

beryllium alloy--about half as heavy as titanium, but even stiffer and stronger. it is not easily weldable though :(

and expensive as fuck-all, but you didn't say it had to be affordable

as a side benefit, it is also a highly-rated carcinogen in humans! even a minor cut could be fatal ,,,, after a few years maybe

mostly it is used for jet engine parts

google "beryllium bicycle frame" for further reading, and astonishing prices

>> No.2626259

One of the drawbacks of extremely stiff materials is extreme fragility. You could make the cutting edge from beryllium, but the backing material would have to be something strong and elastic.

>> No.2626335
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Suppose you're right. Without a context or reference, anything and everything will be pointless. We need a target for our sword (or alternate weapon).

First off it needs to provide crowd control. Like a bayonet might, but as a dedicated weapon. Lethality isn't important, but deterrence is.

Protection. Ability to deflect blows (and other attacks I suppose. Remember it's not enough for the sword to be bullet resistant. The bullet needs to hit the sword).

Lethality, damagepotential. Abiltiy to disable a wide range of combatants, ranging from humans up to, and preferably including vehicles and tanks.

Conservation. Minimal weight, ammo expenditure. Maximum durability. Practical in any environment. Also potentially disposable.

>> No.2626359
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, futurama.s06e10.720p.hdtv.x264.immerse.mkv_snapshot_14.38_[2011.03.01_20.51.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a chainsaw sword?

>> No.2626376
File: 354 KB, 1134x822, big_fucking_heavy_piece_of_steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crowd control
How about a detachable-from-belt scabbard that can act as an electric prod?

Just use a shield, or my patented BFHPS-technology (pic related).

A very sharp blade is able to penetrate non-plated body armor with relative ease.

>the rest
This is just V1. We'll add those as tech allows the development of V2 and onwards.

>> No.2626386
File: 115 KB, 1208x652, cap_quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad. How about\

Shields provide protection. If it could be weaponized somehow.

>> No.2626391
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gentlemen. /tg/ knows the answer for all your questions. May I present you... the DRILL RAPEIER

>> No.2626411
File: 381 KB, 664x1000, The-Sword-Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sword-gun, obviously.

>> No.2626422

unless it has automatic reverse, you're gonna kill one dude and then fight hand-to-hand

>> No.2626441


it's for wh40k
'nuff said

>> No.2626453

Of course it is. To be wielded by some space-elf or a blue space-japanese communist.

>> No.2626548

who said it would need an edge?

the sabres and rapiers of the middle ages are usually agreed upon to the the "best" choice for dueling between humans, because even though they don't to huge amounts of damage with a strike, they can move the fastest

the swordsmen of the middle ages already knew all about earlier types and chose not to use them. there must have been a reason.

if you had to fight a pantheon of animals in the Coliseum or something, that would be different,,,,, but others have already pointed out that the best kind of sword really depends on what you expect to be fighting

ive never held a piece of beryllium myself, and may never get to at what it costs

>> No.2626562

Even if it just has a point instead of an edge, it can still snap, and you end up with a VERY dull dagger in hand.

>> No.2626585

How about an explosive-tipped lance?

>>crowd control
How about a detachable-from-belt scabbard that can act as an electric prod?

Sure, but it's not much of a deterrent.

Just use a shield, or my patented BFHPS-technology (pic related).

Yes... yes! It's certainly good protection (potentially far better than body armour).

A very sharp blade is able to penetrate non-plated body armor with relative ease.

Suppose you could also carry a gun. Let's focus on improving the BFHPS design. The problem with shields is remarkable harmlessness. Suppose spikes and sharp edges, but its still far from a viable weapon.

>> No.2626609

What about a graphene sword? It could be 1 molecule thick on the edges, and light as shit. And it's extremely conductive so maybe add in something like a tazer? You might want it spray-painted or something so you could see it clearly though.

>> No.2626617

>spikes and sharp edges, but its still far from a viable weapon
How about integrating about a hundred shotgun-barrels into the BFHPS, arranged in rows of fan-patterns, which can be triggered one fan at a time. You coul use any regular shotgun rounds, meaning you could use less-than-lethal rounds, buckshot, birdshot or slugs according to the situation. Recoil would be manageable by either standing the BFHPS on the ground or the 'H'-part of the name.

>> No.2626675


>> No.2626683
File: 18 KB, 548x420, zoidberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shotgun shells aren't science :(

I suppose it'd work decently. Alternately could we use it to amplify sound for a demoralizing effect?

>> No.2626700

It was my invention in an earlier thread, see pic:

But now the proposition was to make it more practical. Since shotgun shells are available nearly everywher in the world, they are a more-easily replacable powersource for the EnhancedBFHPS™ than a high-capacity battery.

>> No.2626722

i know, i just like the results.

>> No.2626747

lol, sorry, I thought you were confused

>> No.2626755

so the conclusion is that the best sword is a big fucking heavy plate of steel?

>> No.2626770

The edge is going to wear out too fast to be of practical use.

>> No.2626852

My conclusion is that a shield is excellent for protection, which goes without saying. If it could be made into an effective weapon as well, the sword would be beaten.

Even if just to supplement a weapon carried in the other hand. Shrapnel(shotgun shells) or sound amplification would both be nice (No idea if the latter is viable).

>> No.2626863

a big fucking heavy plate of steel with a crowd control loudspeaker then?

>> No.2626869

Slightly curved, seramic, ruber grip, steal handle.

Light, wont set off metal detectors (if you remove the handle) easy to use, easy to mass produce. A staple for any ninja army.

>> No.2626892

>Light, wont set off metal detectors (if you remove the handle)
but you can see it via xrays

>> No.2626929

So the ceramic is destroyed on impact to disperse the force? (I'm not very familiar with ceramics). How about mixing in carbon fibres and add a backing of kevlar?

I was thinking a good shield should be angled like tank armour, but perhaps that would make it take up too much space.

>> No.2626947

You slide it in your pant leg.
It could also have a removable metal rod inside the blade, increasing in density to make for easy swinging.

>> No.2626981

I was talkig about a sword, not a shield.

>> No.2627011


Oh! I'm too full of myself. That would be good. Very simple. Why would the handle be made of steel though? And wouldn't it shatter easily?

>> No.2627065

>why would the handle be made of steel?
A little bit of weight is good, otherwise it feels strange to swing.

>wouldnt it shatter?
I dont know, Ive only seen ceramic knives, sorry

>> No.2627145

>A little bit of weight is good, otherwise it feels strange to swing.
The weight should be concentrated on the blade and not the handle. Otherwise, it won't swing well at all.

>> No.2629308
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morning bump

>> No.2630718
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>> No.2631770


>> No.2632536
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