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2624069 No.2624069 [Reply] [Original]

'sup /sci/ what is the most efficient way to make light without electricity except fire?
Bioluminescent species raising?
Phosphorescent materials?

>> No.2624076


>> No.2624080

How does light work anyways ? I set something on fire, and suddenly it starts shootin photons all around. Fuck, where did they came from ?

And how do solar panels work ? Photons hit the panel, suddenly, magically, electrons appear. Dude, what ?

>> No.2624082

Phosphorescence requires an external energy source, such as with fluorescent lights.

In some cases this can be sunlight stored as chemical energy within the material itself. Output is weak and unreliable.

A bioluminescent animal could be possible, however it would have to be engineered as none that exist produce useful quantities of light. It would probably make more sense to just go straight to engineering chemiluminescent sources and cut out the middle man as it were.

Radioluminescence is another option, but far too dangerous for useful amounts of light.

>> No.2624088

>I set something on fire, and suddenly it starts shootin photons all around. Fuck, where did they came from ?

Black body radiation of gases.

>And how do solar panels work ? Photons hit the panel, suddenly, magically, electrons appear. Dude, what ?

Excitons form in semiconductor when light energy exceeds its bandgap. Excitons dissociate into hole & 'free' electron which migrate towards the electrodes, so you get current.

>> No.2624090

you know einsteins nobel prize was actually for the photoelectric effect

>> No.2624091

Coating something radioactive with phosphor works quite well.

>> No.2624092


Technically every source of light we can make or grow involves electrons.

If you add energy to an electron (eg: heat energy from oxidation) it jumps to a higher energy state, and will want to settle back down to a more stable state. In order to do this it discards that energy in the form of a photon.

A solar panel does not allow this to happen by "trapping" the electron and essentially funneling it into a circuit so that it instead becomes part of a usable current.

>> No.2624093
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>you know einsteins nobel prize was actually for the photoelectric effect


>> No.2624094
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For varying degrees of "quite well."

>> No.2624099
File: 258 KB, 711x600, radioactive light source markings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These things sure got expensive after that reactor had to shut down and fucked the supply of tritium.

>> No.2624106

Cherenkov effect.

>> No.2624108


"for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".

>> No.2624119

flourescence only requires outside light source (sun)
it's not too bright though , neither is bioluminescence

chemoluminescence can be fairly bright,..

electroluminescence doesn't require a lot of energy (current)but you do need a high voltage source

depends on what you are wanting to do

>> No.2624120

Hm, so my stupid question about light and solar panels wasn't stupid after all..

Thanks, I'll er.. google that a bit.

Yes. That still doesn't mean I understand it.

You are far easier to understand, and it makes more sense to me now.

My knowledge about physics is terribly limited, but I'm curious. Sorry about that.

>> No.2624170

>depends on what you are wanting to do
My goal is do find sustainables solutions for peoples who can't access electricity nor lot of money
They also must be able to do it themself
We've found a solution to every problems (aquaponic system for food, solar panels for heat etc) but light is still a problem without electricity and putting things on fire isn't sustainable

>> No.2624177

there's no sun during night

>> No.2624174
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>solar panels for heat
>light is still a problem

>> No.2624178


fire is sustainable if you use algae derived oil

>> No.2624187

is there any way to make light using a mechanical force?
Without using magnets nor complex system

>> No.2624189


Then make some simple batteries to store the energy, or just buy some because you sure as hell aren't building those solar panels you're using yourself.

Better yet, get or polish up a bunch of mirrors and build yourself a solar thermal electric generator. Melt some cheap metal salt in there and it'll hold that heat (and be able to make electricity) all night.

>> No.2624192


not op, but i think he is talking about thermal solar panels, which are just black tubes filled with water

>> No.2624196


You can still make a parthian battery at that tech level.

>> No.2624197

Yep that's what I'm talking about
>and be able to make electricity
Interesting, do you have links? The only way I know to make electricity require a magnet

>> No.2624203

wint-o-green lifesavers

>> No.2624202

Bioluminescent algae in transparent plastic globes willed with water.

Captured fireflies in glass-jars are sometimes used as weak lighting.

>> No.2624204

>>2624197 Interesting, do you have links?

>> No.2624212

From the description of your little project here, it sounds like your best options are moon/star light and fire. Or possibly sleeping at night.

You know, like what people in similar situations already do to get by every day.

>> No.2624224

>Or possibly sleeping at night.
This is supposed to be available everywhere and in my country you have 16 hours of night each december 21, peoples in similar situations don't sleep 16 hours...

>> No.2624237


Your thermal panels are going to work in reverse, then.

>> No.2624242

Define efficient

Also fluorescence

>> No.2624263

Good enough to light a room

>> No.2624277


>> No.2624284
File: 32 KB, 500x373, iswydt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to scientific sounding particles like tau leptons and shit? You so silly stringfags.