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File: 23 KB, 380x353, stephen hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2623778 No.2623778 [Reply] [Original]

Why are geniuses such assholes?

Pic related

>> No.2624064

If you were that smart (Or smart at all) you'd be an asshole too. Especially if you couldn't move 99% of your body.

>> No.2624084
File: 35 KB, 399x388, sdvsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there will never be a Stephanie Hawkins, there will never be raep time 24/7.

>> No.2624101

>Especially if you couldn't move 99% of your body.
i dont know much about hawkins but he must obviously be butthurt about his problem and angry at people and life

>> No.2624109

Most people are assholes.

>> No.2624110

Because they run out of patience for idiots.

>> No.2624115

If he's so smart, why doesn't he devote his time to curing whatever is wrong with him?! Also, Einstein wasn't an asshole. He seemed pretty cheery.

>> No.2624122


It was a bit too late to change his major to medicine.

>> No.2624123

>>2624115 Einstein wasn't an asshole.

Read his letters to Max Born.

>> No.2624132

You'd need to be able to move yourself to be able todo the experiments/be a doctor but i'm sure he'd volunteer for them.

If i'd be him i'd kill myself seriously i couldn't stand the frustration and the horror of not being able to move my body. His whole life has got to be like a sleep paralysis nightmare

>> No.2624134

Pretty much this.

>> No.2624141

got a link? i don't want to pay for an entire book...

also. before i read, how's he being an asshole?

>> No.2624149

If you were surrounded by comparatively stupid people you would be an asshole, too.

>> No.2624162

post them here please

>> No.2624163

These are both correct.

If you are a genius. you most likely see everyone else around you as stupid/retarded compared to you.

and i don't know about you guys. but most people treat stupid/retarded people like shit and are assholes to them.

Also if stephen hawkings was an asshole to me, i wouldn't even care. bro has a reason to be pissed 24/7

>> No.2624171

Let me put it this way, OP...

When's the last time you enjoyed the company of someone with Downs instead of feeling disgusted by them?

>> No.2624199

Implying Hawking does anything other than compile every else's theories and make a sweet profit.

>> No.2624249

How is Hawking an asshole? Or is this a troll thread?

>> No.2624252

'Intelligence doesn't exist - it's composed of many different factors. Some may be very good at reasoning yet seem immature. Others can be good at mathematics yet suck at verbal comprehension and reasoning, and so on.
People with Down's usually have all of these factors impaired, but it's rare to meet people who have all of these factors on a very high level.

>> No.2624258

it's a troll thread.

>> No.2624270

Thought so, but wasn't sure (Einstein mentioned that his son shouldn't have been born in his letters)

>> No.2624283

Sure. I'm not saying geniuses aren't assholes. I'm saying most people are, but geniuses seem to be worse because of two things, greater scrutiny and contrast.

If Joe Q. Public beats his wife, it's almost a matter of course. If Genius K. Elvin does the same, it seems worse.

>> No.2624553

i;m not a genius how the hell should i know.