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2622335 No.2622335 [Reply] [Original]

>In lab today
>Our lab can efficiently get oligodendrocytes from mouse epiblast stem cells in ~2 weeks
>Been working with human ES cells and directed differentiation trying to get oligodendrocytes
>Fastest generation time using human ES cells in the literature is ~100 days
>Searching the wells of my different experimental conditions taking pictures of their development
>Been searching and taking pictures for nearly 2 hours, seen a few promising things but nothing spectacular
>Really tired about ready to give up and just take a few snaps of my last well
>Just quickly scan over the well on 10x
>Nearly shit my pants, it's one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen
>It's only day 40

>> No.2622361
File: 82 KB, 360x278, mybrainisfullofbillionsandbillionsoffuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck.
Care to elaborate?

>> No.2622376

What do you want to know? I won't give specifics cause this could be some big shit goin down. I won't know more until I fix the cells and stain them.

>> No.2622409

I guess I just wanted a more detailed story because, well, growing a brain cell is a pretty big fucking deal. Shit man, congratulations.

>> No.2622414


Non/sci/fag here with a Bill Nye level love of interest in science here.

What does it mean when you can find an oligodendrocyte in less than 100 days?

>> No.2622427


Haven't you ever watched Resident Evil?

>> No.2622440

Without going into specifics one of the major goals of my thesis project is trying to differentiate oligodendrocytes from human ES cells quickly and with high efficiency. This is my first go at it and me and one of the RAs were just dicking around with conditions we thought would work. And whatever happened to this cell has caused it to beceome an oligo and now we need to figure out how to make it happen again.

It means that it is possible to do it faster, and now have to optimize it. We also do it in a different way than other labs have done/do it.

>> No.2622443


I'm with this guy, a primer on the basics behind the procedure would be nice, bumping in interest.

>> No.2622469

>basics behind the procedure

basically we're trying to recreate in a dish what happens during embryonic development. There are also a few other ways I'm thinking about doing it that I'm not going to divulge. We can do it with >90% efficiency in mouse but it doesn't translate well to human cells.

basically we want to go from ES cell, to neural stem cell, to OPC, to oligo, optimize it, and then get it to high efficiency

>> No.2622485

it would be hilarious if this turns out big

some scientific breakthrough is first told through 4chan

oh how the times have gone...

>> No.2622489


Could your process, if it proves to be the correct way to do this, be used in regenerative neural therapy?

>> No.2622491

so what do you do with oligos?

>> No.2622507
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>pic related

>> No.2622512

How fast do they develop naturally?

>> No.2622521

possibly. we have a mouse model to test it in. And if the way I want things to go works out well and we can generate these really fast then almost definitely and it will lead to several papers in top tier journals and I can write my ticket anywhere.

>> No.2622536

not positive yet, but I doubt i'll be doing anything with them most likely. Getting them to develop fast and efficiently is my main concern.

I believe they first develop at the end of the first trimester. So about 3 months. They also develop from the Subventricular zone from OPCs in adults after injury

>> No.2624575

holy bump batman!