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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2619073 No.2619073 [Reply] [Original]

Compute the derivative of:



>> No.2619078


>> No.2619077
File: 11 KB, 593x164, derivetive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure is wolfram alpha in here

>> No.2619083

Thank you.

>> No.2619081
File: 129 KB, 750x778, EK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2619085

Just do it piecewise

so computer the derivative of <span class="math">tan(x^3)[/spoiler] then the derivative of <span class="math">14x^14[/spoiler] and so on

Protip: Use the chain rule for the third term, and the product rule for the 5th term.

Assuming you are differentiating with respect to x

>> No.2619102
File: 8 KB, 256x198, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was no inb4 in original post
>EK being stupid again
>probably about to claim I got trolled

>> No.2619109

fuck you. EK is awesome.

>> No.2619115
File: 27 KB, 429x410, 1286630889578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is most likely not going to have sex with you, stop being a goddamn white knight.

>> No.2619121

yeh of course she isn't. that doesn't stop her being awesome.
and i'm not even white-knighting.

>> No.2619131
File: 3 KB, 209x215, 1295035013524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The similar writing style suggests samefag.

EK, if that is you, samefagging (especially if obvious) is the best way to get people to dislike you. Posting good content and debunking arguments entirely is far more effective.

>> No.2619157

i wasn't samefagging, wtf?

similar writing style? wtf? most people type like this. its called english.

>> No.2619160

No capitalization of each sentence and irregular use of apostrophes.

>> No.2619162


>> No.2619166

what irregular use of apostrophe's?

>> No.2619173

I have noticed when you type you miss out apostrophes, enough for me to make a note of it.

>> No.2619185

>implying i miss out apostrophe's


also, my name and trip is permanently on. so i dont samefag.

>> No.2619198

>of an apostrophe

>> No.2619217

it means multiple apostrophe's

>> No.2619252

No it doesn't. The plural of apostrophe is apostrophes.

OP: Look at wolframalpha.com. Use its awesome power of differentiation wisely.

>> No.2619256

No, she is correct.

>> No.2619259


im not an idiot, i got an A in english, and i know that adding a letter S to the end of a words means multiple copies of it.

troll harder.

>> No.2619266

EK is a femanon?

i think i'm in love

>> No.2619270

yeh me too.
She is so awesome.

>> No.2619274

You... but...
Someone got trolled here. Probably me.

>> No.2619286

no it was me being trolled.

just inurdaes pulling his regular old bullshit on me, im used to it.

screw this, im outta here.

>> No.2619335

>criticize you for the first time ever
Damn, I tried giving you many chances, but seriously, harden the fuck up.

>> No.2619339
File: 73 KB, 755x1255, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You make these pictures about yourself, that's. . . slightly gay. Furthermore these "inb4s" of yours are failures, only time inb4s are victories, it's like going on a medical board and someone says "I've got a headache, which pill to take?" Then someone says "inb4 paracetamol". Well that's no victory, that's a fucking failure by the faggot who thought he was wisecracking with such a redundant comment.

pic related too.

>> No.2619340

" 's" only denotes puralism in the case of numbers or letters, not whole words
(ex: YMCA's, B's, 1900's, B-52's)

>> No.2619351

*fucking YOUR shit up

>> No.2619379

>math --> grammar


>> No.2619939
File: 4 KB, 128x117, trollface..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm back.

..only 2?
thats a poor haul...im ashamed of myself.

>> No.2619951

>implying EK isn't a neckbeard virgin pretending to be a girl

>> No.2619956

Nah, she posted pics of herself a while back.

>> No.2619966

EK on here is just like Niggerman420 was on /mu/
Most of the time they are shitty trolls, and then sometimes actually contribute to the board. I assume they both forget to drop trips for these periods of being useful

>> No.2619990

nice double doubles.

And maybe they just forget to drop their trips when they troll...

>> No.2619994


she isn't a shitty troll. She pretended to be jewish for about a half hour and trolled an entire thread to the ground. (Posting anonymously, and then finally revealing herself as EK)

>> No.2620627
