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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 279 KB, 2132x2263, 1297844401619 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2616805 No.2616805 [Reply] [Original]

FACT: People that have scholarships, financial aid, or loans paying for their tuition are all unintelligent, socialist leaches that bring the college down and are a plague among the education community and don't deserve to be there. If you can't afford it, you have no right being there and your are ruining it for the rest of us. Please fuck off and die.

Thank you.

>> No.2616813
File: 15 KB, 614x604, 1298090183702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unintelligent ... leaches

>> No.2616818

Someone missed out on their scholarship and can't afford to go otherwise.


>> No.2616819

That hurts OP. Also, learn to write.

>> No.2616821
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>> No.2616828
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>> No.2616830

>your are

>> No.2616836
File: 64 KB, 454x454, 1276513250713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor people don't belong in the college. I'm not interested in paying for their education just because they could have some slim chance of actually succeeding. We need cleaners and gardeners and fruit pickers. Leave college and university to those who come from families that are obviously intelligent enough to be able to afford their children with the best.

>> No.2616837

Ironic given that the OP is a regular troll of /sci/. I recognize that pic, or at least pics like it.

>> No.2616838

FACT: People that have rich parents, grandparents, or guardians paying for their tuition are all unintelligent, spoiled leaches that bring the college down and are a plague among the education community and don't deserve to be there. If you aren't smart enough to get scholarships, you have no right being there and your ruining it for the rest of us. Please fuck off and die.

Thank you.

>> No.2616842

FACT: People that cant spell leaches right are all unintelligent socialist leaches that bring the college down and are a plague among the education community and don't deserve to be there. If you can't spell leaches right, you have no right being there and your are ruining it for the rest of us. Please fuck off and die.

Thank you.

>> No.2616852

>Thinks he's hot shit because daddy pays all his bills.
Please fuck off and die.

>> No.2616855

Before you call me unintelligent for winning a scholarship that pays for my entire education, try doing my quantum physics homework.


Oh, and btw, cute pic.

>> No.2616863

>ITT: Libertarians belittling poor people as "unintelligent socialists."

At least you kept Ayn Rand references out of this thread.

>> No.2616868

anyone age 18 who's made enough money on their own to pay for college doesn't need college.

>> No.2616869

I'd rather do your sore pooper, if you catch my drift.

>> No.2616872

"Leach" as an "leech?" Or "leach" as in to spread gradually, which would be sort of true for the amount of "poor people" that go to college each year.

>> No.2616873

huh...that's funny...I thought taking taking out a loan and paying it back was...productive..

>> No.2616874

but I like going to college :(

>> No.2616875


I don't see the irony.

>> No.2616886

The intelligent should be housed/paid to study. Its a proper investment.

>> No.2616888

Fact: All of these "facts" are just opinions.

>> No.2616895

that's fine, if you're that financially adept you can do what you like.

I'm just sayin you don't NEED to.

>> No.2616898


>> No.2616906



>> No.2616910

Why not? Just because I'm financially adept doesn't mean I can get a job without an education.

>> No.2616913

leech off parents, not a socialist

earn scholarship through merit, socialist.

>> No.2616917

I never realized /sci/ had so many libertarians. Fuck off, OP.

>> No.2616921

If you were actually financially adept you'd know that you don't need a job, or want one.

People that can make money hire other people, we don't have an employee mindset.

>> No.2616928

The US has lots of Ayn Rand wankers. What can you do? No really, I'd love to know how to deal with such idiots, here and in real life. They make up a large portion of the Republican party.

>> No.2616934


Are you implying that loans are a socialist idea? Do you understand how loans work?

>> No.2616935
File: 187 KB, 816x1138, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more, looter

>> No.2616936

I want a job though, it's not a secure source of finance. Enough to pay the bills and tuition, but not secure or reliable, needs more security.

>> No.2616941

What a small dick you have, ginger.

>> No.2616944

>If you can't afford it, you have no right being there and your are ruining it for the rest of us.

total troll in here, I guess 90% of americans who use loans, scholarships and financial aid will never go to school because of this.

>college's choices and other funds' choice to give scholarships
>not the person's problem who applied for it.

>Union College of NY is now $52,035 a year to attend.
>Two year community in my town is $3,000 a year
>SUNY schools are now topping $18,000

>> No.2616946

scholarships awarded by private institutions, how is that socialism?

>> No.2616949

It's a charity. All charities are socialist.

>> No.2616954

What if a college offers a full scholarship to come to their school because they find someone that the school really wants?

Yea ok the school that has 50000 a year fee and you're calling it a charity

>> No.2616956

So, you're saying that the government ought to intervene to prevent some kinds of voluntary individual transactions?

Or are you saying that even laissez faire systems have some elements of socialism?

>> No.2616962

Howard Roark had a scholarship

>> No.2616964

If it's money that's simply GIVEN to another person, it's a charity, which is socialist.

>> No.2616965

Jobs aren't secure, though that's a common illusion.

example, I employ a fair number of people. If I fall upon hard times, do you think I'll lose money, or will I lay off some of my people and do their work myself? Or lay off some of my people and make the others do their work?

their jobs are far less secure than mine, and I don't do much of anything.

>> No.2616975

lol wut

are you trying to regulate what an institution can and can't do?

it would really piss of libertarians if, when granted all this freedom, people decided to act all "socialist"

>> No.2616983

>some very odd definition of what socialism encompasses
so the state should tell us we cannot give away money? statist

you know communist states outlaw charity, as the state is meant to provide

>> No.2616987

this is a nonsense

charity is the opposite of socialism, where the state provides everything. with charity private institutions and individuals freely give, or not, as their wish decides

>> No.2616990

And the people that do are a threat to capitalism, which would be a threat to freedom and liberty. Charities are a threat to these for such reasons.

But it's still stealing money from someone else, and supporting socialism and thievery if the person decided to do it themselves as well.

Charities steal and give to another, which is what socialism does.

>> No.2616992


>> No.2616997

>HEOA act is passed
>value of college education decreases
>college fees increase
>good jobs requiring degrees decrease in number or increase standards
>gibbering retards can now get a bachelor's in almost anything practically for free
>taxpayers oblivious to the monster they've helped created

>> No.2616998

>deluded or troll

if i give my money away, who am i stealing from.

>> No.2617003

>implying i'm going to shit here and listen to that word-slurring slovenian commie nut

>> No.2617004

" threat to capitalism, which would be a threat to freedom and liberty" capitalism =/= freedom and liberty. They aren't even similar concepts, just related.
"stealing money from someone else, and supporting socialism and thieve" Your definition of thievery is so narrow, it probably doesn't even include theft from top down, such as undervalued wages, or external costs.
"Charities steal and give to another, which is what socialism does." confirmed for moron.

>> No.2617005

Yourself and/or the person you stole/earn the money from, socialist.

>> No.2617006

Oh lols. This is what Ayn Rand idiots /actually/ think.

Really? Stealing? The voluntary exchange of money is stealing? That's so inconsistent with all ideas of minimalist states and laissez faire philosophies that it's not even funny.

He has to have been dropped on his head as a baby.

>> No.2617007

>And the people that do are a threat to capitalism, which would be a threat to freedom and liberty. Charities are a threat to these for such reasons.

you know you've just said that freedom is a threat to freedom.

what you have is whole bunch of prejudices masquerading as a philosophy

>> No.2617008

You keep using that word...

Voluntary Aid(some would say investment) by private citizens !=taxation

>> No.2617009

>confirmed for retard

>> No.2617011

It is taxation, stealing, and a charity if it's just GIVEN to someone else. An investment has a return, taxation/charities do not have a return.

>> No.2617014

Only socialists and liberals and democrats are retards, not capitalists and libertarians.

>> No.2617016

You mean if your parents can't afford it....no kid has the money for uni.

>> No.2617017

lmao, he is more capitalist then you.

>> No.2617018

so earning money is theft? sounds like socialism

and stealing from myself (how does that work) is theft? sounds like socialism too, where the state owns my money

you are the most socialist person here

>> No.2617020

Oh yes, OP, I'm sure YOU worked so hard for the money.

>> No.2617021

oh my lord, do you think educating someone is an unproductive process which produces nothing of value?

>> No.2617023

>People williningly giving thier money to others
Sounds like socialism to me 0/10

>> No.2617026

you are not a libertarian.

you believe a state should intervene to force people not to give money away.

>> No.2617029

Earning money from a job or investment is capitalist, elsewheres is socialist and thievery and oppression. Giving away your money is socialist and a charity, which are both thievery and oppression, and also supports the ideas and threaten the freedom of an economy and country.

>> No.2617030

"[I'm a] complicated communist..." -Slavoj Zizek

>> No.2617033

you've kind of proved the opposite, you are so retarded you don't even know what libertarianism is

>> No.2617034

No one said that, just that people shouldn't give away their money to taxes or charities, otherwise it's oppression and socialism.

>> No.2617036

But, but... socialism is the use of force by the state to redistribute wealth. It is a form of theft. Voluntary giving is not made under the threat of force, and it is not theft.

What is so confusing about this?

>> No.2617039
File: 137 KB, 593x893, Atlas-Shrugged-Movie-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what's everyone's opinion on the upcoming Atlas Shrugged movie?


>> No.2617042

No, I'm intelligent individual that is smart enough to earn and keep his money. I am a capitalist, someone who is intelligent and deserves life and wealth, unlike socialists and liberals.

>> No.2617043

who is money earned through a capitalist job, then given away, stolen from?

it is impossible to steal from yourself, so who?

>> No.2617047

The person that worked for it, not the socialist who stole it.

>> No.2617049

>deserves life and wealth
lol entitlement

>> No.2617050

it's interesting how this position so powerfully contradicts the ideals of democracy

>> No.2617052

Only the capitalists and libertarians deserve entitlement, not anyone else. Anyone else are pretty much threats to freedom and liberty.

>> No.2617053


No, You are an Idiot.

>> No.2617056

>If you can't afford it you're unintelligent.
responding to troll

>> No.2617061

Democracies are socialist by nature, puts the power to virtually everyone, instead of the top ones that earned it through hard work.

>> No.2617062

but not smart enough to understand that your political philosophy is basically tyranny, not capitalism or libertarianism.

fine, many right wingers are similar, though, like you, they pay lip service to notions of liberty.

>> No.2617064

no you're not.

I'm a liberal, a social democrat, and I make far more money in a year than you ever will.

it's funny how broke people justify their greed while wealthy people look for ways to give back. that's actually how we measure our success, if you ever get there you'll know why.

>> No.2617071

My political philosophy is of libertarianism and capitalism, and seeks to eradicate any threats to it and freedom and liberty, which would be anything like socialism, charities, and thievery. Last three are all threats to freedom and liberty.

>> No.2617075

a very socialist idea that.

>> No.2617076

You just admitted you're a liberal and a democrat, all your posts are unintelligent, oppressive banter, thus anything you say is invalidated.

>> No.2617077


DDdaaawwww....OP is mad because all the smart kid from the middle class are doing better than him.

Looks like living easy off of daddies money all your life isn't really working out too well for you now is it?

>> No.2617081

It's not socialist because entitlement is earned. If it wasn't, it would be a charity, which is socialist.

>> No.2617082

no, you are dumb enough to think that, but it is tyranny.

you would do well in china, where a socialist state insists upon capitalist behaviour

>> No.2617083

yes but I think that you're ignoring the fact that a great many people in history have been placed in power simply because they were born to someone who was already in power. This is also how it works in capitalism.

>> No.2617090

No, tyranny is the opposite of freedom and liberty. Libertarianism and capitalism is the same as a freedom and liberty, thus not tyranny.

>> No.2617091


that's an obvious troll looking to make liberals/dems look bad. there is no WAY you could sincerely hold liberal values if that was your real opinion, they're pretty much contradictory.

>> No.2617092

Everyone in this thread is so horribly trolled.

But it's okay, I think. Liberals want to believe their opponents are this dumb, because a real debate might actually be hard. So they convince themselves that this troll is a real opponent. He's not the troll 4chan deserves, but the troll 4chan needs.

>> No.2617097

List of /sci/ approved reasons why laissez faire economics is bullshit.

It's not stable. Assuming equal wealth starting point, small perturbations would result in wealth inequalities. Once we have that, the wealth inequalities would compound due to the finitely available resources, until we arrive at a situation where a small number of people own everything, which is fundamentally indistinguishable from a dictatorship. In fact, laissez faire economics is a threat to freedom.

Absolute private property rights are not morally justifiable. The principle person in private property theory is Locke. Locke made the argument that absolute private property rights in the sense of Ayn Rand are justifiable because one person's ability to collect private property, and even waste private property, does not infringe someone else's ability to acquire private property. However, we live in the real world where land is finite, and all farmable land is currently owned by someone.

Externalies, tragedy of the commons, and natural monopolies.

People are not perfectly rational.

People's time horizons differ.

Acquiring information is not free.

Cost barriers to entry are usually not insignificant.

Free Markets ala Adam Smith, not to be confused with laissez faire economics ala Ayn Rand, are only approximations of the real world due to the finite, and usually small, number of buyers and sellers.

Am I missing anything? I think that's most of it.

>> No.2617098

i'm getting federal grants, subsidized loans and grants from my $50k/year private liberal arts college. u jelly op?

>> No.2617107

Liberal colleges don't even deserve the word "college" in their title. It's pretty much contradictory and untrue.

>> No.2617121

You do know that capitalism is horribly anti-freedom, liberty and all these values you hold dear.

Ayn Rand's utopia can only exist if every person is incredibly moral and logical or with a pseudo-communist backdrop.

>> No.2617125

a quick google would tell you that libertarianism is not against charity

and it is very against people like you telling others they can't do what the fuck they like with their money, including give it away

>> No.2617126


and yet i'll be making 10 times as much as you because our large and loyal alum network will help me land an awesome job. jelly yet?

>> No.2617128

If it's anti-freedom, then it's not capitalist or liberty. Morals are subjective.

>> No.2617136

the first rule of business is to find a product or service that helps others.

your politics are middle-class, you're not a capitalist. You think you are, but you're not.

as long as you concentrate on your needs and ignore the needs of your clientelle base you'll never be more than you are. A child admiring giants but never understanding them.

>> No.2617138

But charities are against libertarianism, and in fact threaten the freedom libertarianism provides.

>> No.2617140
File: 10 KB, 200x240, Ramanujan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off and die you son of a bitch

>> No.2617143

>liberal arts
still true though.
0x10 = 0

>> No.2617149


Your assumption is that people who give to charity do not want it given to people who "do not deserve" the money.

The people who give the money are perfectly aware of where it is going. They want this. I don't think you understand this concept that they actually /want/ the money to go to the poor people.

Freedom is being able to do what you want with what you want. Can you not understand that you are limiting freedom?

You can shout buzzwords all you want, but at the end of the day you restrict freedom, and therefore do not stand for liberty.

>> No.2617150

nope. they threaten nothing of the sort. your compulsion does though.

and how do you explain all these libertarian charities?


>> No.2617158

They're not real libertarians then, they threaten freedom through such actions, they threaten capitalism.

>> No.2617167

you are against freedom, and against libertarianism. you are worse than a socialist, you are a statist pretending to be a libertarian.

>> No.2617169


Oh you.

>> No.2617171

They're stupid, oppressive fucks if they actually want their money to go to the poor and undeserving. That's just illogical and threatening.

>> No.2617173

you are the fake libertarian

and you are 14 yrs old

>> No.2617174

Why do you link capitalism with freedom, why?

>> No.2617180



>I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.2617182

No, I am an individual and libertarian that knows his rights and the rights of others. I am the complete opposite of statism, I don't give away to charities or any socialist ideas, I support freedom and liberty and capitalism this way. Statists, socialists, and charities do not.

>> No.2617186

true, I get my political views from my parents, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. they make almost 25k/year together, they're the backbone of this nation.

>> No.2617191

Which freedoms do you value the most?

>> No.2617192

Because it's the only ideology that provides a free market and freedom, nothing else, only other forms of capitalism, like libertarianism or laissez faire economics.

>> No.2617193

you keep saying "capitalism."

I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.2617194


He's going on the assumption that capitalism is a synonym for freedom. He's obviously talking a load of bollocks.

>> No.2617196


>> No.2617201

What do you mean by free market and freedom? Which freedoms do they provide, how does it make the market "free"?

>> No.2617202

It's the act and ideology of freedom and free markets.

>> No.2617211

Beacuse anybody can do what they want as long as it doesn't oppress others with something like a charity or socialist ideals.

>> No.2617212

What freedoms does it provide you?
freedom to piss in your garden or what?

>> No.2617214

a word you demonstrably fail to understand.

ask daddy how much money he's made before you adopt his ideologies. If it's less than a million every 8 years, he knows nothing of capitalism.

>> No.2617216

Protip: free markets are not laissez faire. They usually stand in opposition.

Protip: Adam Smith invented the term, and he was for progressive taxation.

>> No.2617220

Complete freedom to earn your own, nothing given away like socialist ideology or charities or taxes.

>> No.2617221

Now you see this isnt provided by capitalism thats provided by the constitution and the justice system.

>> No.2617222


Limiting what someone can do does not make them free. How can you not make this connection?

>> No.2617226

who do you earn from? what benefits do you offer them? None? then you earn nothing.

>> No.2617229

Capitalism does not provide that.

>> No.2617230

"free markets" is a misnomer. Adam Smith, when he invented and coined the term, intended "free" to mean many /independent/ players in the market. A market is free when there are many independent buyers and sellers. Without many independent buyers and sellers, the market is not a free market.

Econ 101. Really people.

>> No.2617233

/sci/ - News

>> No.2617234

Constitution and justice are a capitalist ideology.

No said anything about limiting, only liberals and socialists do. People just simply shouldn't do any liberal or socialist ideals like charities, because it oppresses people in general.

It wouldn't be capitalism if it doesn't.

>> No.2617238

/sci/.. the place where all the people who think they're smart hang out.
you niggers get trolled so hard.
OP is half right though too many people go to college.

But he should think of it like this, all the faggots who go usually are saddled with debt for the rest of their lives because they won't ever make the money back they think they will going.

whatever the whole thing is a scam. buy into I don't give a fuck. /sci/ always wants validation for doing something it knows is stupid, working really hard in school when no one will give a fuck when your done.

har har!

>> No.2617239

arbitrary circular logic.

are you 12, retarded or trolling?

you must be one of the three, you wouldn't be you if you weren't.

>> No.2617242

You do not understand what capitalism means or entails. Seriously why am I getting trolled so hard by you?

>> No.2617246


Which means a lack of total freedom. You are not making an extremely simple connection here.

>> No.2617248

>total freedom
There is no such thing.

>> No.2617250

which is why libertarian children are actually anarchists, and ultimately nihilists.

>> No.2617255

>conflates libertarianism, anarchism, and nihilist
You use those words, but you do not know what they mean.

>> No.2617256



>> No.2617257
File: 93 KB, 496x602, 1297544971925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Every single poster here is too stupid to know the difference between a "Libertarian" and a "Troll" and fall for the most obvious troll of all time ( saying private charities and scholarships are anti-free market? And you people think he's serious?).

>Everyone thinks "Libertarianism = Ayn Rand", when Ayn Rand herself hated Libertarians, and the real fathers of Libertarianism are Classic-Liberals such as Locke, Bastiat, Mises, Hayek & etc, and the Modern Libertarian movement is all about Nozick and Rothbard.

>In fact no one in here probably even heard of any of those men.

Goddamnit /sci/

>> No.2617258

Now wait just a second, there is nothing wrong with anarchists.

>> No.2617267

>/sci/ never heard of Locke
>apparently hasn't read my post here >>2617097

Ayn Rand may hate the label libertarian, but nowadays it accurately describes her views, and Locke wasn't really an extreme libertarian. I know that Adam Smith wasn't. I have read Wealth of Nations. Protip: He was for progressive taxation.

>> No.2617268

Well douche hole I have a 4.0 and I have financial aid. I hate just thouse who don't try, and those who make a loose although perhaps obvious connection. Although there is a connection same could be said for those who pay and drop out and don't try.

So lets just say I hate those who don't try and I hate how large sums of money are given away freely to those who don't try or don't deserve.

>> No.2617269


Capitalism does not mean what you think it means.

>> No.2617270


Classical liberalism is so vague that both modern liberals and libertarians can claim to be inheritors of the torch by using loose interpretations. Neither can claim to be the exact same.

>> No.2617272

sorry we all assume ignorance from others. It's a normal human trait

>> No.2617274

Libertarianism today is more closer to objectivism than it was when Rand was around.

>> No.2617276

>>conflates childishness, anarchism, and nihilism


>> No.2617277

Can you give me the tl;dr version?

>> No.2617280


Liberal - derived from the word "liberty" meaning "freedom".

>Thinks it oppresses people.


>> No.2617288

Unfortunate many people who self identify as liberal in the US aren't concerned with freedom that much anymore. "Progressive" and "socialist" would be better self identifiers. As an example, the self identified "liberals" are still largely ignoring the censorship issue (God damnit Obama, why the fuck did you nominate Kagan, seriously wtf?), and the self identified "liberals" are against gun rights.

>> No.2617298


>Thinks that the names of political ideologies reflect the current beliefs of people who identify themselves with them


>> No.2617299


OP buttdestroyed

>> No.2617309

I call myself liberal, I own a pile of guns and hate PC speech.

granted, you're often correct, but don't make the mistake of treating a diverse group as homogeneous. that's the current most common problem on both "sides."

>> No.2617311


He managed to get quite a long thread out of a hideously obvious troll, so I don't think the thread went too badly for him.

>> No.2617315


>> No.2617321


Most people who call themselves "liberal" (at least in the US) would call you conservative.

How does that make you feel?

>> No.2617327

Rand isn't a capitalist.

She's a fascist.

>> No.2617342

I guess it's true when they say /new/ lurks /sci/ now.

>> No.2617344

Yep, sadly.

>> No.2617351

From my end, you US fags are all conservatives.

>> No.2617356

I'm actually abit ashamed to have taken part in this :/

Politics should not be discussed anonymously.

>> No.2617359


My point was: Most of you never ever read Libertarian Theory, only some Ayn Rand lines, and are falling for the most obvious troll of all time. Stop falling for trolls so easily.
And although Rand does have an influence on the Libertarian movement, people act as if she was the Libertarian Queen-Bee, and Libertarians are all Nihilistic Egoists. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Locke wasn't a "Libertarian", but he was the father of Classic-Liberalism and his theory regarding private property is the father of the natural-right Libertarians ( such as the Rothbardians and even Objectivists).

No one ever said Smith was a big Laissez-Faire man, and in fact Rothbardians dislike him ( Smith's labor theory of value fucked shit up a lot...). But he is regarded as a good pro-market thinker, because his anti-protectionist views and his account on how people cooperating in search of their own individual interests is good did influence Classic-Liberalism a lot.

In the end, people who have never read Bastiat, Hayek or Mises shouldn't be speaking of Libertarianism. This included most Pseudo-Libertarians who are common on the internet.

>> No.2617366

/bow to you good sir

>> No.2617367

I have tons of liberal friends, we differ on some things but agree mostly on broad rights with responsibility.

I generally don't harm people, so I don't worry about laws preventing felons or wife-beaters or crazies from having guns.

I don't like hate-speech laws because I think people should be judged by what they do rather than what they say. others would prefer to prevent harmful actions, I don't think that's possible. however many liberals suffer from a blindness similar to that of many conservatives. There's a pragmatic middle ground.

I call myself liberal because neo-conservatives are trying to conserve an ideal that never was american. this country was founded on some very liberal ideologies, and benefits most when we have a balance allowing the greatest amount of freedoms tied to the greatest possible individual responsibility, including responsibility to those that can't make it on their own.

>> No.2617378

I prefer it to be anonymously, so no one knows how much of an idiot I am when it comes to politics.

>> No.2617386
File: 14 KB, 300x330, duty_calls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I knew it was a troll, and yet I argued anyway. Sorry. Just a simple case of duty calls.

>> No.2617430

Yeah thats the point, If you are not going to make an effort to not be an idiot and think of others and your arguments through, then arguing is pointless.

>> No.2617433

goddammit forgot to sage

>> No.2617452

op, it sounds like you didnt get in. were you working to hard in high school to afford college then let your grades slip?

>FACT: you aint so smart

>> No.2617563

Its a good thing your end is coming from the perspective of and entire continent with its head up its own ass.

>> No.2617570


You were born into wealth.
You have no idea how to make it, only maintain.

Therefore, anyone who learned themselves how to make it, will be more successful than you at any given point in their life.

>> No.2617611

Not op but I feel his pain. I completed the curriculum of my school for a bachelors in 2.5 years instead of 4. My aid was "supposed" to last me 4 years at the school. My advisor recommended that I do a simultaneous masters (with the bachelors). Now Financial Aid dept tells me that my aid doesn't apply. They are just fucking around with school rules and interpreting them however the fuck they want. To make matters worse, my parents won't even pay for my school. I have to take loans every year...

>> No.2617627

my face when I use my GI bill to pay for college
You jelly, non veteran?