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2613418 No.2613418 [Reply] [Original]


I am a healthily skeptical person. If there is any UFO theory or sighting that I may believe in, it is this. This is very calculated and would be extremely difficult to carry out over a couple of days, let alone one night.

No, I don't believe in ancient aliens. I don't believe the bible is an allusion to aliens. I don't even know if this is real. But damnit, it's probably the best proof we have.



>> No.2613424
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mandatory Carl Sagan picture, especially relevant because he is involved in the video.

also tl:dr, aliens respond to a binary code message by Carl Sagan.

>> No.2613435


>> No.2613440

Where's my tinfoil hat

>> No.2613441
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This CAN'T be real.

Why have I never heard of this?

>> No.2613449

Yeah I'm not buying it. Why would Aliens travel light years to write in corn fields? Even if we can't prove who did it doesn't imply >aliens

>> No.2613454

It almost had me, but the cartoony alien you'd see in a cheesy movie was just too much. I'm not THAT stupid to think aliens would really look like that.

>> No.2613457

~5:00, the message that looks like a CD... WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY COMMUNICATE IN ASCII/ENGLISH???

>> No.2613460
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>the message was in english

>> No.2613465

also why bother to encode and send all the characters for "conduit closing" rather than something useful

>> No.2613472

This video is full of retarded brain fucks.


It's like me traveling all the way from my country to yours, to simply do sign language when we can both completely speak and hear English.

>> No.2613474
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The most used language on the planet and the language of the most scientifically advanced and powerful nations


>> No.2613480


It has to do something with government suppression. I'm sorry, really, I'm a very rational person, but if the people found out there are actual aliums with far superior technology, panic would ensue. Therefore, the government suppresses this info, whether there is any or not, we won't find out.

>> No.2613486

[Citation Needed]

>> No.2613495


yes because our government has the power to suppress the truth of an ADVANCED civilization that's roaming around the galaxy with more power than ourselves. LOLK

I'm sure the aliums had a secret meeting with the government and said, "DW guys! You are pretty cool an all we will do as you say"

>> No.2613497

Confirmed for bullshit.

>> No.2613502


No. It's more like this:

You get a message in morse code from a lost civilization of highly advanced Mayans that continued to thrive after the Spanish came. Logically, do you:

a.) Go to South America to discover how far this civilization has progressed and communicate with them. However, showing off our highly advanced technology would scare them, so you slowly communicate in their home language, which you can hear through a variety of means, through signs, then language, then eventually...you see where this is going.

b.) lul idc

Besides, if their technology is truly far more advanced then ours, their coming here relative to our transportation means would be similar to us going to South American relative to the native's transportation means.

>> No.2613501

There is something called diplomacy.

>> No.2613509


Fallacy, friend. I never said any of that, in fact you are fabricating words to support your own argument due to your lack of perceived flaws in my assertion. I never said that the government had communicated with the E.T.'s, in fact if they have or haven't, we wouldn't know. And they wouldn't have had to anyways.

If these "aliums" are to us and we are to apes, then they would be rational enough to deduce that if they instantly came down to earth shock and awe style, people would panic and Thunderdome may become a reality. If they came all the way out here to observe us, I doubt they would want us to go extinct before they could actually learn from us directly, or vice versa.

>> No.2613512

Notice how it's only the non-chemists who say that silicon is a good enough basis for life.
The truth is that it's just not reactive enough.

>> No.2613513

>have incredible technology
>travel numerous light years to communicate with other civilizations
>get there
>don't contact anybody, or make your presence known
>make crop circles that could be easily dismissed as fake and unreliable
>holy shit shit aliens, are you even trying?

>> No.2613514


So giving them the idea that they are real but letting them sit their and dwell over it? Why bother?

Be better off waiting till we are up to their level unless they gave us a message for hope.

>> No.2613518


And yet life has found ways to use Arsenic, a poison to us, as a replacement for Phosphorous. I'm sure you would be saying something similar 10 years ago about Arsenic as a backbone of life, had science not discovered such an organism.

Citation Provided.



>> No.2613523


i always thought people say "silicon based life" were referring to AI or computers or something like that

ps. i'm a chemist

>> No.2613524

itt retards who think the only possible way to make a crop circle is to fly here and do it manually

>> No.2613527

>I don't understand the paper.
As someone who actually understands;
1. They only found around 3% of the organism's genetic code to contain arsenic.
2. The actual measurement method was flawed- it was done by mass.
3. The proteins they found were to stop the arsenic from killing the organism rather than use it as a DNA backbone.

The think with arsenic is that it's TOO reactive. For DNA you need unreactive systems- As-O bonds are a lot weaker than P-O bonds. P-O bonds are among the strongest chemical bonds in the universe, hence their use in DNA.
Any arsenic based life- even if it existed, would be completely killed off by the pure phosphorus based life early in it's evolution (like before even an early cell was formed).

>> No.2613528

>have incredible technology
>travel numerous light years to communicate with other civilizations
>get there, intelligent enough to realize that hyper advanced technology descending into Earth's atmosphere and into human hands, who tend to be corrupt and rape everything they can get a hold of, MIGHT be a bad idea, therefore slowly make humans aware of their presence, as a frog will jump if it's tank goes from 0C to 100C, it will not if it gradually raises.
>holy shit aliens, you aren't retarded like some people on earth!

>> No.2613531


i once heard a physicist i know mention that some scientist showed how crop circles were made from plasma discharging in the upper atmosphere, but i never really found a source, or if he was trolling me

>> No.2613533

>holy shit you don't actually exist!
If aliens actually found us and saw we believed in aliens, they'd laugh and leave.

>> No.2613534


I lol'd so fucking hard, brofist

>> No.2613535

Microfag here
>as a replacement for Phosphorous

Please don't make it look like it replaces it fully. That's just dishonest. Also that has nothing to do with discussion of silicon and it's reactivity.

>> No.2613538
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>> No.2613546


Well, let's put it this way.

You are a microbiologist. You discover a microbe that is holding a sign that says "hi lul iyam a microbe", that has successfully created a pyramid out of tiny specks of dust.

You can either: a. Say fuck it

b. Win the Nobel Prize and observe this fascinating organism

You can either