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2612922 No.2612922 [Reply] [Original]

gentlemen if i may have your time

we on average have around 70 year life span the first 20-26 years of our life we spend learning and developing the next 30 or so years we spend working and the last 20 or so we spend rioting

so my question is how come there hasn't been a push for a cure to aging? because i wanna live to see the day half life 3 comes out among other things like meeting out extraterrestrial neighbors

>> No.2612930

those old people just love to fucking riot!

>> No.2612929

If we stop aging, we need to stop reproducing too.

>> No.2612937
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i dont mind

>> No.2612944

my bad

>> No.2612947


because we cant do it lol

>> No.2612952

do you really want all the currently old peopple to leech off retirement forever?

>> No.2612961

man i really fucked up on this post didn't i

>> No.2612974


What if we reversed aging...


>> No.2612981
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>> No.2613002


Your pic should state down the bottom, "Only if you are rich"

>> No.2613008
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>> No.2613012


flying car bullshit from a group of people trying to justify their own personal quest for god-hood to the masses who will never be anything but disposable, short lived drones

>> No.2613026


dumber than fuck.

ever see riots because people are denied healthcare? NO

their will be no longetivity riots.

>> No.2613029
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you guys are kinda missing the point
i dont wanna fucking age and die
what would be the point of living forever if i live in a retirement home>

there are some animals out there that already have extremely long life spans and some that dont even age yet here we are the most advanced species on earth doing nothing but developing new ways to kill each other while masturbating on 4chan

>> No.2613038
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Don't worry bro, a new and glorious dawn awaits. not a sunrise, but a galaxyrise. A morning filled with four hundred billion suns.

>> No.2613047

>longevity medicines come out
>it leaks that pharma has been keeping the prices artificially inflated far beyond what the prices should be
>suddenly crowbars
I am a pro-gun control Australian citizen, and if this happened I would find a way to obtain high-powered submachine guns to storm the headquarters with others.

Live indefinitely or die trying.

>> No.2613058


you know exactly zero about longetivity research.

no one is working on making old farts live forever. every one in that field is working on making people young forever. seriously, you're dumb.

>> No.2613063
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what feild of science would one have to go into to study this? more specifically what major would you guys recommend

>> No.2613077


listen bro, you're a fucking idiot.

longetivity drugs are not going to reverse living shitty lifestyles, like smoking and being fatter than fuck. nobodies gonna riot over some "alzheimer's" drugs or a week(to month) long clinic treatment. you're not rich and you're never gonna get the longetivity drugs that exist today, let alone the ones that come out tommorrow....you're a plebeian, get over it

>> No.2613078

Age is just like any other "Disease" so you will. And it's only a matter of time before it's cured and it's never a problem, but it still doesn't make us immortal.

>> No.2613094

>listen bro, you're a fucking idiot.
Ad hominem
>longetivity drugs are not going to reverse living shitty lifestyles,
No, but it is likely that better lifestyles will come around the same time.
>like smoking and being fatter than fuck.
>nobodies gonna riot over some "alzheimer's" drugs or a week(to month) long clinic treatment.
That's because not everybody has Alzheimers.
>you're not rich
Intend to be.
>and you're never gonna get the longetivity drugs that exist today
What now?
>you're a plebeian, get over it
Ad hominem

>> No.2613102

Aging is a number of break downs in the body. In order to effectively stop aging, you would have to find a way to regenerate all of these systems in your body.

>> No.2613106

Manhattan Beach Project
Google it

>> No.2613114
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we grow until were about 25 then our body breaks down at 35-40 maybe this stall point in our growth could be a hint ?

>> No.2613129
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We will never cure cancer.

>> No.2613150


here's a simple fact that explains why "aging" disease will not be cured anytime soon, or even while the medical industry exists.

curing "aging" will eliminate >95% of all pharmaceutical profits. overnight the medical industry would collapse if "aging" was cured.

plenty of real anti-aging compounds have been researched, many from natural compounds, some semi-synthetic, which are all incredibly expensive and easily reversed by shitty lifestyles. excellent lifestyles and real anti-aging exist right now, just not for the plebeian scum that pollute the internets, like you asshats.

>> No.2613154

Forget our bodys, lets digitalice our mind and load em up into a robot.

>> No.2613186


Obviously they'd have control of the BIGGEST monopoly in the world why would they pass this up?

Then of course they could breach into other things, because as I say, not aging doesn't make you immortal. It'd open up a market to millions of other things death related.

>> No.2613196

And what happens when one out of the hundreds of companies just decides to go ahead and release a cure for aging anyway?


>> No.2613210

People who say that companies are "suppressing X" or "hiding Y" or "fucking everyone over with Z" are generally irrational.

Companies aren't evil (malevolent). They're just in it for the money.

>> No.2613213

companies profit margin leads them to supress technologies which hurt their profit margin

>> No.2613244


This is the biggest lie in the world. Curing aging would save billions in health care costs for countries that care about its citizens. Those countries are doing scientific research, all of it made public, all independently across thousands of universities. Even if someone did come across the cure and then bury it all the work that led up to the discovery is public record and it would just be a matter of time until someone filled in the gaps and recreated it. Idiots make the same argument for cancer.

You're saying that thousands upon thousands of unaffiliated scientists whose entire id hinges on recognition and success would all unilaterally conspire against their own goals and sabotage science just for hush money?

That is beyond absurd.

>> No.2613247


this is very true, but its not so much "supress" as simply don't release all of their own research. i mean who believes that any private corp releases all of its research? not boeing, not HK, not monsanto, not merck... major corporations release exactly the research that increases profits, nothing more.

>> No.2613249

Bullshit. I leads them to EXPLOIT technologies which will hurt OTHER people's profit margins by improving theirs.

>> No.2613256


And anti aging would increase their profi..

>> No.2613271


do you honestly think a scientist is going to come running out into the streets, going "look ma i cured aging!"

there is a ton of evidence for numerous compounds, many natural products and some semi-synthetic, that reverse and prevent every aspect* of what we know as the aging process and exactly ZERO scientists have come running out into the streets with their knowledge

*(individually, no one compound does everything)

>> No.2613281

this argument is dumber than shit.

they'd sell one drug that would make obsolete nearly every other drug they sell, and that if it was too expensive people would riot over. yea real good for profits.

>> No.2613289


And you're getting this from where?

>> No.2613296

sciducks fantasies defying reality!

>> No.2613304

You won't life forever, deal with it. Egocentric fag

>> No.2613312


So what would be the point of creating it if they were not to release it? You really think they would just use it on themselves? How ignorant are you?

>> No.2613327


they'll release it as an obscure "alzheimer's" drug that is not covered under any insurance plan, with zero advertising or "physician education" (whatever you need to call it) and then sell it successively for millions down to several thousands first to the ultra rich then all the way down to the super rich over a course of several years

>> No.2613330


Where did you buy your tinfoil hat?

>> No.2613334

>dying is an act of humility DERP

>> No.2613335

ps. its not going to be a one shot deal, it is something you will either need to take daily or some kind of yearly(regular scheduled) clinic treatment

many people seem to think it will be like a vaccine or something, this is definitely false

>> No.2613344

Egocentric to want to not die? Our ego is what powers are species, get your head out of your ass you pseudo-Buddhist hipster. If it's selfless to die then kill yourself for Mother Nature.

>> No.2613356

WHY DO PEOPLE STILL USE FLYING CARS AS AN ARGUMENT? Flying cars are physically possible just horribly impractical. People suck at driving on the road, do you really want a drunk driver crashing into a skyscraper? It's a horrible idea that would only happen if they were driven by computers.

>> No.2613366


thats what the metaphor currently means, something that is possible but is just a horrible idea or incredibly impractical

>> No.2613377

Who cares if old people medicine becomes obsolete? Should anyone give a shit if all of the profits from heart and diabetes drugs goes down the shitter? If it's obsolete, it's obsolete.

>> No.2613400


the people that care are the companies that make a living selling "old people drugs",

they also happen to be the same people most likely to find the "aging cure" that would obsolete their own products.

hence, they have no reason to release the research that would make their entire product line obsolete

>> No.2613410


They'd be replacing their current products with probably the most life changing history making thing that's ever existed on Earth. How they are fucking themselves over by selling it is beyond me.

>> No.2613416


apparently a middle school understanding of profit is beyond you

>> No.2613417

By your logic TV's would never have been invented because they made the ratio obsolete. Technological innovation yields profits, it's not in the company's interest to remain stagnant. (Unless they're obtaining government subsidies) In a free market, where any company can start up at any time, companies need to have top researcher to stay ahead of the game. If someone discovered immortality, they would HAVE to release it, simply so another company couldn't gobble up the patent first.

>> No.2613426


No I'm just not wearing a tinfoil hat.

>> No.2613427


Apparently a primary school level understanding of economics is beyond you.

Google: "competition". INB4 "monopoly", research extends beyond the borders of the US.

>> No.2613432

No u.
Think of this. They can sell the cures for aging to many more people than just old farts. 30-50 year old people will buy them, too.

>> No.2613431


Hmmm let's see now. I have created a product that would make everything else in the field obsolete, I'd gain the monopoly and control it all, but no I'll keep it to myself because I'll lose money. HURRRR DURRRR

>> No.2613468
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>You won't life forever

>> No.2613510

Flying cars already exist- they're called aeroplanes.
And drunk drivers crashing into skyscrapers already happens.

Drunk on religion. Well actually that's a lie. They were drunk on the horribly oppressive regime they thought they were trying to overthrow. Way to shoot the messenger.

>> No.2613586

curing a condition is a noble but pennyless endeavor. keep them dumb and sick and you can be king.

>> No.2613600

We live life in caution so we may arrive safely at death.

>> No.2613601


Cure them all and become a god. Your move.

>> No.2613667

>because i wanna live to see the day half life 3 comes out

>Gabe Newell sat in his office replying to the fan emails in his inbox. In a few minutes he was to meet with Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime to discuss a new development and licensing deal for the 3DS. There was a knock on his office door. By the time Gabe had spun his chair around and wobbled to his feet, Reggie had already entered his office and was shutting the door behind him. Gabe grabbed and shook Reggie's hand. Reggie eyed Gabe's round, plump body. He licked his lips ever so slightly. "I am Reggie Fils-Aime. I'm about fucking asses and taking dicks." He undid his belt and trousers, letting them fall around his ankles. He wore no underwear. Gabe began salivating as he saw the Haitian man meat swinging bettween Reggie's legs. Reggie boasted, "It's like an N64 controller: it's made for 3 hands." Gabe's eyes grew big. "I think my dick have been playing Team Fortress 2, because it wants your ass for a hat," Gabe said while removing his own pants. Then Gabe lifted up his sagging stomach, showing Reggie his massive valve. "I call it Episode 10, for obvious reasons." "It might be more appropriate to call it Episode 12!" marveled Reggie. "In any case, I hope, unlike 3, that this Episode of actually releases." "Oh it's ready for release," Gabe smirked, "but I'll need you to work on it a bit first." Reggie spun around, sticking his anxious buttocks towards Gabe. "My body is ready."

yeah, I just delayed it by another million years. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.2613812


>> No.2613832

the fuck is this?

>> No.2613867

>average lifespan 2000 years ago = 20s
>average lifespan 300 years ago = 35
>present day average lifespan = 77.9

yeah, we've done nothing to combat the effects of aging....

>> No.2613983

Oh christ I can't believe we're still stuck on "Big Pharma would block all progress and hoard all information on curing aging" here on this board. If Big Pharma could solve aging it would be the most profitable thing they ever invented. It might be the most profitable thing invented, ever.

>> No.2614019

Only reason flying cars didn't happen was that it wasn't safe to have that many people flying around.

>> No.2614026

Current research suggests that cancer isn't even a true mutation, it's more a reversion. Basically 'healthy' cells have a limiter to prevent them from growing like cancer does, while cancer cells limiters have been lost/degenerated with age/damaged in some other way.

>> No.2614029


People in the ancient world lived just as long as we do, the numbers are off because of very high rates of infant mortality / death by violence. Assuming you survived to adulthood and avoided going to war, you could reasonably expect your "three score and ten", probably in considerably better health than you or I manage today.

>> No.2614035

>completely discounting the fact that people died from diseases as benign as the flu as little as 100 years ago on a regular basis

>> No.2614046


Disease was much less of a problem in pre-urban societies. Even the biggest ancient cities seldom had more than 5,000 inhabitants, virtually a village by todays standards, and while the death rate in cities has always exceeded the birth rate, it didn't start to really get bad until the medieval and early modern period.

>> No.2614050

They're actually getting on with it pretty well, problem is there is no real traction on prevention/cure for dementia, so tomorrow's world is going to be a pretty lulzy place, ruled by a clique of hyper rich, senile perma-teens.

>> No.2614060


I saw an article on that to. They also said that the different variations of cancer could be cured using the same methods, meaning cure one, cure them all.

Don't worry OP, soon medical science will advance so fast that it could extend your life by a year and in that year figure out how to extend it again.