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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2611526 No.2611526 [Reply] [Original]

The term sin is widely renown but often overlooked, and people consider sin to be entirely personal; this is not so, for sin effects everyone and everything equally. Consider the world one lives in and what factors are most important for survival, and then one would be able to see what actions can be considered good and evil. A senseless man who burns trees for fun is a sinner, for all life relies on the roots that came before, and by committing this act he would be affecting a wide expanse.

Humanity has a choice between two ultimate and inevitable goals: a tropical paradise and desolate wasteland, these are the good and evil configurations of nature; but unlike others in the animal kingdom, Man has attained the knowledge of sin. This allows him to aim for the greater good, as he may destroy or consume nature in light of building something more helpful. For example, it is sin to cut down a tree, but if it was to build a home then it would be for the greater good. This also means that there is a greater evil, which is the prospect of extinction for both nature and humanity.

The mass-waste produced daily is polluting the very source that bore and bred us, and although it may not seem like a problem at this moment in time, for the future generations it will be. Nuclear weapons are built by governments and oil is drained from the Earth by the rich and powerful; soon enough negative repercussions will incur, and the world will see great turmoil. Man cannot survive without the resource to do so; if the tree of life and the fountain of youth are compromised then revolutions must take place. Children come first in every situation, so one must think ahead to determine if something is in danger or not.

>> No.2611533

Oh shit it's john egbert

>> No.2611535

zomg /co/ invasion

>> No.2611762
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>> No.2611771
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>the term sin
>expect something about trigonometry
>hurr durr religion
>my facial expression upon realising that this thread is in fact pure shite

>> No.2611786


>implying that eating shellfish and working on saturday is a heinous crime

>implying that the asshole who supposedly created all the natural disasters in history deserves respect

>> No.2611792
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I was thinking trig when I first saw it too.
At first I OH BOY OH BOY'd.
But then I