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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 278 KB, 607x687, moneyless9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2611266 No.2611266 [Reply] [Original]

Round eye people, I have a question:

Why so bad at math? ^__^

>> No.2611270

Hey slitty, why so bad at social?

>> No.2611275
File: 34 KB, 423x302, orthodox-jews-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, what was that you were saying?

>> No.2611279

white guy, stop pretending to be asian

>> No.2611278

With tits like those, you don't need math.

>> No.2611284

At least I know that my eye isn't round, any way you see it.

>> No.2611288

Well soon enough all asians will be bad at math.

>> No.2611285

Funny that a woman would ask someone that.

>> No.2611293

The conecpt of "math" is vague and undefined. A better question would be why are you shitting up this board?

>> No.2611308
File: 21 KB, 400x300, tumblr_lgqt6baakq1qf2g0ko1_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewfag here, coasted through math up to MV calc and lin alg.

>> No.2611325

Are you Ashkenaz or Sephard?

>> No.2611332
File: 64 KB, 913x605, 1296362118009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im doing mathematics major i just notice the class is 60% asian and im male

>> No.2611333
File: 5 KB, 236x72, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine then

Find in terms of y Chink

>> No.2611349

y= (2a+ x)(d - (m/c))
u mad?

>> No.2611355

phew close one

>> No.2611360
File: 1 KB, 149x37, y = ((2 a+x) (c d-m))(4 c) and c!=0 and 2 a+x!=0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2611370
File: 25 KB, 207x160, wine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a slit-eyed white guy who's terrible at math

I can't even divide arithmetically.

>> No.2611372


>> No.2611406

Because good at grammer ^_^

>> No.2611408

who is the girl OP?

>> No.2611410

You forgot multiplying the numerator and denominator both by 2.

>> No.2611414

Why are all the important mathematicians European/american

and not Asian?

>> No.2611435

Asians can only apply a theory.
They can't create it. They have little imagination.

>> No.2611433

That's because of the rising middle class in china, everyone sends their kids to the US for quality schooling. It isn't about race, there are just lots of Chinese students emigrating to the US.

>> No.2611442

same thing:
<span class="math">\frac{(2a+ x)(d - (\frac{m}{c}))}{4}=\frac{(2a+ x)(\frac{cd-m}{c})}{4}=\frac{(2a+ x)(cd-m)}{4c}[/spoiler]

>> No.2611456

>Little imagination

>> No.2611462

Holy shit, I can't stand how fucking ignorant /sci/ has gotten.

>> No.2611492

What? I'm not a /new/fag but i agree with him, asians do have little imagination.

>> No.2611496

It's what Tiger Mother parenting does to children.

>> No.2611516

Okay, I admit they do have great imagination for inventing stories involving sex and female teens dressed as animals.
But that's about it.

>> No.2611521

Are you for serious?

Have you actually met an asian raised by the SLEEPING WONT MAKE YOU DOCTER YOU STUDY NOW parents?

Emotionless and bland like robots.

>> No.2611527

plenty of creative chinese ppl

>> No.2611538

Because we use both sides of our brain.
Seriously, asian are smart but they lack creativity; and after having dated an Asian girl, I can tell you that the lack of creativity in bed too becomes slightly boring after you've come up with 30 positions/new ideas and she cannot think of anything at all that could spice up things a bit.

>> No.2611554

Name three scientists before the 1900s who changed/advanced science forever and are asian.

It's a fad. I can name probably one asian scientist off the top of my head who's famous, which is that guy from The Universe TV show on the history channel.

>> No.2611562

Talented, yes. Creative, no.

>> No.2611565

Do you know where the Kama Sutra comes from? Asia fool.

>> No.2611574 [DELETED] 

The availability of black powder to propel projectiles was a precursor to the development of the first solid rocket.9th Chinese Taoist alchemists discovered black powder in a search for the Elixir of life; this accidental discovery led to fire arrows which were the first rocket engines to leave the ground.

>> No.2611573

>Implying there are not stupid asians. Implying model minorities do not overachieve. Implying there are not more asians than europeans inhabiting this planet. Implying race is real and has a biological basis. Implying you are not a 14 year old living in your moms basement wearing a DBZ t-shirt fapping to furry porn.

>> No.2611579

lol, this is on sci.

wtf lololol

>> No.2611575

Of course there are. They have tens of millions of creative people. But thats a drop in the ocean when the rest of the population are boring robots. Over a billion bores makes the ten million creative citizens utterly unremarkable.

>> No.2611577

Indians are more middle eastern.

>> No.2611584

>Jet propulsion only took off, literally and figuratively, with the invention of the gunpowder-powered rocket by the Chinese in the 13th century as a type of fireworks, and gradually progressed to propel formidable weaponry. However, although very powerful, at reasonable flight speeds rockets are very inefficient and so jet propulsion technology stalled for hundreds of years.>>2611554

>> No.2611588


>Implying indians are not more culturally related to europe than east asia.

ever hear the phrase indo-europeans

>> No.2611591

Paper, Gunpowder, Ceramics all came from Asia. Each of these things require quite a bit of knowledge and understanding of science.

>> No.2611583


>> No.2611596

Kamasutra was 'invented' in a time when asians didn't raise their childs to become robots.

>> No.2611599

* Immigrants from Asia are smarter than the general Asian population
* Asian mothers are culturally more willing to force kids to do things they don't like (which for most people includes math)

>> No.2611605

[Citation required]

>> No.2611603

Wrong. Those Asians scooped their "innovations" from the Europeans.

>> No.2611602

Fun fact: The Kama Sutra was written by a virgin.

>> No.2611601

True, it comes from India, but that was like 1800 years ago. Look at India now... pretty much the same as East Asia (which is what Americans refer to when they talk about Asia). By the way, are you British?

>> No.2611610

You want to give names? Paper and ceramic have been around long before China's use of them.

>> No.2611611

Westerners aren't able to identify famous scientists/artists/writers in a non-western culture? Color me shocked!

>> No.2611617
File: 68 KB, 220x238, hindu-gods-vishnu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, there are fucking blue people in outer space.

We need to unite and stop fighting about the color of our skin.

>> No.2611619

>Immigrants from Asia are smarter than the general Asian population

I guess you've never been to chinatown. It's full of stupid immigrants, and I'm not talking about them not understanding English. They don't have common sense.

>> No.2611621

>Westerners aren't able to identify famous scientists/artists/writers in a non-western culture? Color me shocked!
Confucius wasn't a scientist, dumbass. Also, the only Asian scientists who are famous are from Unit 731

>> No.2611637

Confucius was probably a non-Asian foreigner who brought Western ideas to China.

>> No.2611659

>Also, the only Asian scientists who are famous are from Unit 731

Made my day

>> No.2611661
File: 80 KB, 472x471, 1294207277821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



assume there are blue people in outer space.
how are we going to get along with blue people if we can't get along with red, black, brown, yellow or white people?

stop being the cancer that is tearing humanity asunder.

>> No.2611705

im not bad at math, i fully comprehend the mathematics involved in proof of Poincaré conjecture

>> No.2611716
File: 53 KB, 500x248, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how are we going to get along with blue people
"We bombed that planet for three days straight. Not one stinkin' xenos body. That smell.... "

>> No.2611749

why so bad at posture bitch

>> No.2611761


Tits weigh her down.

>> No.2611764

>mfw my Analysis course(before I dropped down) was primarily white.
I also go to U of T.

>> No.2611774
File: 35 KB, 586x407, 1266961331882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Cauchy was bad at math

>> No.2611810

It has to do with eye shape. Seriously, google it. Asians are better at math because they lose most of their eyesight from having slanty eyes, thus making them horrible at judging distances and lack basic depth perception. So, to make up for this, evolution gifted their brains to be great at figuring out angles and shit by doing geometry in their head. So from an early age, instead of relying on basic visual cues and instict, their brains are instead rewired to see the world via sines and cosines so to speak.

>> No.2611822

> Seriously, google it.
homeopathy works, seriously, google it.

>> No.2611833

Jewfag here, we're the old good at math stereotype, and I shockingly don't suck at math.

It's amazing what growing up in a culture that thinks it's just as good, if not better, to be a mathlete as an athlete can do.

>> No.2611862

what the hell is so hard about math? its just applying the same procedures over and over again. mathematical abstraction is just modeling something complex in terms of the relationships between a few parameters, nothing hard

jesus christ you guys need to get real, computers can perform math with a near 0% error rate. its simple.

>> No.2611865

i want asian girlfriend

>> No.2611905

my half brother told me all the asians at his school are like robots

and he's half chinese

>> No.2611925


my step-brother teaching english in s korea told me the same thing

>> No.2611929


Here's my problem with it. When your professors demand that you show every single step of your work, an answer for one problem can easily reach half a page of jargon. It's pretty easy to make a mistake somewhere in there unless you're as fluent in mathematics as you are in whatever language you speak (which is unlikely because you have so much more practice with the spoken language).

>> No.2611945

So, is somebody going to tell me who the spoiled whore in the OP's picture is?

>> No.2611949

you just have to write down every step of your reasoning. You learned the procedure once in terms of ALL of its steps, so you just have to produce that again when you solve a problem.

Also don't forget about your negatives.

>> No.2612028


You're missing the point. Mistakes are inevitable.

When is the last time you made some grammatical or spelling error when writing, typing or speaking something? Usually you can find where you screwed up pretty easily because you're much more comfortable with that language.

It's not so easy to "proof-read" your work in math because you simply are not as comfortable with that language. Even stuff you wrote five minutes ago is going to look like gibberish.

This is from the perspective of a normal, non-math-inclined chemistry major. ymmv.

>> No.2612097
File: 27 KB, 500x436, interracial-couple-white-asian-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why so bad at math?
cause we don't have enough time to study and do your women

>> No.2612114
File: 28 KB, 376x282, super-computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People, I have a question:

Why so bad at math?

>> No.2612491

we have a lot of asian gangsters in my hood