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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2610405 No.2610405 [Reply] [Original]


If I win the lottery tonight, I will drop my Business administration degree and go pure math. Wish me luck and give me suggestions on which specific math to major in (complete noob at math here)

>> No.2610415

Obvious Answer


>> No.2610423

Never going to put your management skills to use with a math degree. Do mech eng or economics.

>> No.2610427


I want to go with a more pure math. stats is a lot of application

>> No.2610429


but you see, if I win the lottery, I'm just going to go get a bunch of degrees for the rest of my life.

So I figure I would start out with math because its the most applicable to the other future degrees I would get afterwards.

>> No.2610445

What you should do is get an education and start a business. Power > knowledge

>> No.2610449

Let me put it this way:

If you have even the slightest notion that you MIGHT win the lottery, then you will absolutely crash and burn in a mathematics degree.

>> No.2610461

>complete noob at math here
no shit, you entered the lottery.

>> No.2610470
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>mfw it happens


>> No.2610485


>> No.2610499

>wants to do math degree
>thinks he can win the lottery

>> No.2610574


funny troll is funny.