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File: 26 KB, 300x300, smartwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2610097 No.2610097 [Reply] [Original]

I dislike other females. Meaning, I'm seriously sexist toward my own gender. This got me wondering if there are evolutionary aspects at play (though most of this has got to do with environment fml).

Not conflicting though, I believe there are exceptions and that I am one of them.

Pic related, it's a rarely occurring scenario.

>> No.2610114

reveal your mammaries already

>> No.2610110

ITT summary was eaten.

ITT: discussion about the inferiority of females

>> No.2610116

You're just a lesbian; nothing to worry about.

>> No.2610128
File: 14 KB, 300x358, Bropenhaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I believe there are exceptions and that I am one of them

Of course you do.

Read Schopenhauer's "On Women" there are some parts that are a bit ridiculous but he's spot on about women their inclination towards cunning as an act of self defense.

>> No.2610148

as much as alpha males have to fight for mating rights with females

females also have to fight for the right to have the alpha fuck em up the ass and then piss on thier face and film it.

basically as a woman you are constantly gauging who is prettier wide hips have a big factor as women with wide hips are scene to be more able to bare children. which is why some men like wide hip girls when they are horney and skinny girls when they are not.

so you as a woman have to factor this in.

women are the most competitive species there is more so than men in many ways. because wheras a mans competive nature ends when he has had children and become old a woman still keeps those facotrs in them for creating succesful nests and also child rasings.

theres more to it than this but this is 4chan and i only have a little bit of space to talk

read a book

sociology and sexual dynamics would be a good place to start.

>> No.2610173

You're not alone OP. Read this.

>> No.2610188

I highly doubt that. The female body isn't very exiting.

Of course I do.

I will see to that book, however I must point out that I'm basing my views (of myself and the female gender on general) on more than just observation. I've read multiple articles of gender differences, taken more than enough of test (one of which was conducted by a professional of psychology) and compared.

You had good points, however (saying this to you and everybody else):

I'm not particularly interested in my own case. See the ITT summary and discuss more general points.

>> No.2610196

There are terrible people in both genders, with very few exceptions.

Welcome to humanity. Please don't overstay your welcome.

>> No.2610201

A misogynist is someone who hates women as much as other women do.

>> No.2610229


I find psychological tests to be terrible except for determining VERY basic things about a person. But you said you didn't want to talk about yourself so I'll respect that.

The main thing that led me to misogyny is the utter lack of loyalty that women display, and in some cases are proud to display. I've also had some discussions with women in which they take horrifying pride in their ability to manipulate men, as if it is some sort of noble pursuit.

>> No.2610247

so you are a woman with no friends?
and its because other women suck....
and you are perfect.....
Now we know why you don't have friends!

>> No.2610311

Is this "terrible" evolutionary advantageous? I guess it depends on what one sees as terrible though.

Indeed. From what I've seen, the qualities you described are apparent even in children. Girls seem to play in a more emotional level than boys. When I was working in a daycare center (during high school), I witnessed many "hostage situations" with toys. Girls manipulated each others through play. At the same time, guys were playing race with their cars or wrestling.

>> No.2610321

jewish lesbian detected

>> No.2610327

Congratulations, you just described a regular /sci/entist (if you disregard the "woman").

>> No.2610343
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>> No.2610413
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>> No.2610469
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>> No.2610503
File: 39 KB, 600x300, Fat_rip_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todd Goldman is a plagiarist! Throw rocks at him!

>> No.2610509

Don't worry. I'm a women and I hate other women, too. It seems like the entire female gender is obsessed with everything trivial and couldn't do 100/10 in their heads if you asked them to. Contribute to society? Fuck that, let's go shoe-shopping!

>> No.2610516

somebody make a "Jews are stupid, throw rocks at them" shop?

>> No.2610521

>I'm a women

>> No.2610531

Excuse my typo. Kinda distracted at the moment.

>> No.2610544

you just sound like you have an inferiority complex and are willing to shit on the rest of your gender to try to gain some small modicum of respect as "one of the guys"

jus' sayin

>> No.2610549

Why do you dislike other females?

>> No.2610569



>> No.2610570

>This got me wondering

It's called competition and jealousy. It's not complicated.

No, you aren't different.

No, you aren't feeling something else.

>> No.2610584

That guy has a nice butt,’ ‘He’s so carved,’ ‘he’s so buff’ ‘sooo fine and sexy body’ and they could go on and on with more and more expletives, more and more graphic, to the everyday comments anyone within earshot observes listening to women conversations. We’ve all heard them, everyone of us. So what’s the problem? Disrespect? Of men. True, men disrespect women, and that’s no news, and everyone knows it. But women are much much worse. If we were to say the exact same comments, (gender roles reversed) We would be, (and are) labeled pigs, "typical male", scum of the earth, etc... If 90% of us hung up pictures of topless girls, and scantily clad girls in our highschool lockers, like 90% of all highschool girls do, but male pictures, we would again be labeled again as a chauvinistic pigs, we were disrespecting women, we only wanted one thing, etc... Yet women do this, with no reproach. Basically if we treated, and spoke openly exactly like women do about guys, we would be labeled as we are, yet thousands times worse. Double standard. So, to counter it, we should do exactly what you’ve been claiming you demand. Equal rights. We will now judge you (girls) like you would judge us, if we made similar comments.

>> No.2610585
File: 98 KB, 484x720, 25817_388396539882_692754882_3767099_8082841_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A significant percentage of us guys will NEVER will falter to the derogatory level that women speak of men. Much, much higher than the percentage that one will ever find, of women refusing to make comments of such about out gender. But we should and will point out the inequality, the double standard, and our personal disappointment upon someone that is so focused on equal rights, and yet refuses participate. Women truly want to have their cake and eat it to. Yet, if men do try to uphold equal rights and point out these belittling comments, women will loath and us. WHY??? Because we tried to treat women the same as they treat men, if we made similar comments! Equal Rights? You (girls) claim you want to be treated equally, but that's just not true. You want special treatment, and to do anything you want to, and not be responsible for it. Women want the rights, but not the responsibility. You want the ability to disrespect guys, but not suffer the labels that you yourself would put on other guys, who would make similar, yet not as graphic comments. It’s true when it says, Some guys are different, but all women are alike.

>> No.2610601

nice pasta mate

>> No.2610618

No, it's purely cultural.

Funny how people on /sci/ try to get evolution to excuse whatever they do/think.

>> No.2610642

I hope this is copypasta, because whoever wrote that is seriously deluded.

>If we were to say "nice butt", "so stacked", "sexy" We would be, (and are) labeled pigs, "typical male", scum of the earth, etc...
Well no. That's really common and widely accepted.

>> No.2610655

I come from a very progressive family, and I never throughout my life viewed women as inferior. It really took 3 years of university before I became a misogynist. Once you start questing political correctness you are kind of forced to make some rather controversial concludes.

>> No.2610953

Mostly because of my family, I think. Divorced mother and 3 sisters who have many qualities that are.. well, not very pleasant, especially when it comes to my mother (to clarify it a bit: my mother has children with three different men and two of my sisters have cut ties with her). Never had a proper real-life father figure, so in stead I grew up watching action movies and later on, scifi. Male dominated genres.

I've grown up to value features that men are more likely to have, like logic. I like natural sciences and dislike things such as shopping and gossiping.

Though the writer just sounds butthurt, I do think that females are given rights that males don't have. Too much is justified by being female. Not to say that it's all thanks to feminism though.

>> No.2610993

>I do think that females are given rights that males don't have.
Hm... such as ?

>> No.2611079

Not legal rights, of course. Perhaps a poor choice of words.

For example, at school. Disturbing class is more serious when it's done by males. I've also been browsing a female dominated forum lately. The common conception is that men are pigs when they objectify women while women do the same in the next thread. If it's done irl, men are pigs, women are just having a "girl talk".

I'm not American though. I don't know how it's over there.

>> No.2611113

Now that I think about it, I've never witnessed someone saying that men are pigs (or equivalent), except as a joke.
But I'm not american either.