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File: 74 KB, 465x341, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2608059 No.2608059 [Reply] [Original]

Do you/have you ever taken adderall or a similiar drug for studying?
Was it effective/did it help?
How did you acquire it?
Were there any side effects/was there an addiction?

I'm curious. It sounds like just what I need.

>> No.2608066
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also interested, bump

>> No.2608067

it was very effective. It keeps you wide awake and clear minded and often happy. I got it from a friend with a proscription. The biggest side effect is that you get thirsty and because you are drinking more you end up going to the bathroom frequently which has been a problem in the past if i take it for a test.

>> No.2608073

samefag i highly recommend it. also if you are using it to stay awake you may crash and get very tired after it leaves your system

>> No.2608077

I've taken coffee on many occasions. However, I've always limited myself to a cup per day at most.

>> No.2608099

Ive been taking this shit for nearly 10 years now, and let me tell you, that shit is the quickening. Just tell me your age/ht/wt/sex and I can recommended a starting dosage.

Also, you'd have to be a pretty week minded fuck to get addicted

>> No.2608107


18, 175cm, 65kg, male.

Where do you get it from anyway?

>> No.2608123

you may want to start with something like a 30mg

as for getting it, I leave that up to you, you can either get it by Rx find you a dealer

>> No.2608230

Is it possible to get it online?

>> No.2608242

modafinil has been a huge help

>> No.2608243

My buddy and I scored some from a friend during finals week in December. Even though I stayed awake, it was really hard to focus starting around hour 36. My friend has had tinnitus ever since that night. He blames the adderall

>> No.2608269

Hey I'm 21, 179cm, 114kg. What dosage should I use?

>> No.2608872
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>> No.2609127

>>Ive been taking this shit for nearly 10 years now

>>you'd have to be a pretty week minded fuck to get addicted

oh the irony

>> No.2609621

ADHD fag here, legal shit.

Makes studying and school almost enjoyable. Keeps you awake no matter what the course. Increases your focus like mad. Only downside is the decrease in appetite, but it will help some fatties. Totally worth it for the grades. Keeps your mind positive too.

>> No.2609658

If you take adderall for ADD or ADHD and it makes you excel at school work about all other then you don't have ADD or ADHD. The point of the drug is to bring you to the level of focus as everyone around you, not 10 times above their focus level.

Have fun with your fake disorder.

>> No.2609662

"I've been drinking for 10 years now"
"But I'm not an alcoholic"

>>implying long-time abuse = addiction

>> No.2609682

Not sure if troll or just very stupid

>> No.2609685
File: 47 KB, 570x871, wtf-photos11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD when you're no longer a child?

>> No.2609778

I believe so, read about the diagnostic in about(dot)com

For those of you who've been diagnosed with ADD, did you see a psychologist or a psychiatrist?

>> No.2609811

Why shouldn't someone be allowed to take drugs to boost their natural abilities? Faggot.

>> No.2610524

bumpididy bump

>> No.2610545

Theres nothing wrong with admitting you're boosting your mental ability with a substance, BUT to say you have a disorder that requires said substance to bring you on to the level of everyone else when it really allows you to excel past them by a large margin is stupid as fuck as it shows you really don't have the disorder to begin with.

>> No.2610577

not op but idgaf, i want to be better then everyone else and i will lie, cheat and steal to get there as needed, just like everyone else in the world.

this drug exists and it leads to a better life.

>> No.2610604 [DELETED] 

>he thinks amphetamines should only be prescribed to people below average!

>> No.2610611 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 859x1043, paul erdos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, forgot my pic. one of the greatest mathmaticians to ever live, used amphetamines constantly

>> No.2610634

Very much so.
Go to doctor, take ADD test, do badly, get pills.
Dry mouth, insomnia, dehydration, the crash made me feel drunk without the euphoria.

>> No.2610646 [DELETED] 

Body reactions: You feel kind of flushed and your heart speeds up when you realize it's working. I did not eat at all. I wasn't really thirsty, but I did take sips of water once in a while because my mouth was dry as shit.

Anyways all that being said, I definitely don't think it's the worst thing you can try but you have to be extremely responsible about it. I can see it being extremely highly addictive. Just because of the success i've had with it. I would like to have that success all the time, but like i said about the immunity, you will grow immune very quickly and I bet within a week if you used it to study every day you will become dependent on it to a certain degree. I forget exactly what the come down was like, wasn't too horrible. Oh but yeah i didn't mention and it goes without saying: But you will NOT be able to sleep for a long time after taking it. So if you have an exam tomorrow at 9am, and you take it at 5pm the day before, you will be fucked and not be able to sleep for at least 12 hours under normal conditions. This is okay if you are able to write exams on zero sleep, like I have done in the past, literally an all nighter, but most people I know value sleep more than anything when it comes to writing exams so it all depends.

>> No.2610638


What an autist.


>> No.2610640 [DELETED] 

I've taken it a few times. 30mg from some retarded psychopath 13 year old girl who my friends knew. Then when she disappeared I got some again from my friends gf. That was a lesser dosage, i think 20mg.

It DOES work. But you build immunity to it extremely quickly. As in, if you take it on Friday it will have some great effects, but taking it on Saturday the effect will be greatly decreased and on Sunday if you take it it may be almost pointless.

So therefore I've only ever use(d) it once a semester. I actually did not use it last semester at all so it's been since I think late July since i've used it.

Okay effects: Take it on an empty stomach for best effects. Combine it with the adrenaline of knowing you're shit's due, and you will not be able to take your eyes off your book or whatever. I first used it to write a history paper. I know, that was the first and last time i've ever taken a history class. But I read an entire book in one sitting. Well it was an essay compilation and a total of about 70 pages. I paraphrased every single paragraph in the book, you know, with a pencil on all the margins. I have the book with me right now and it's pretty intense. Super efficient studying. Damn, every single paragraph is paraphrased, and i used the covers to write notes as well. It's called David Herlihy's "The Black Death and the Transformation of the West"... I know quite a lot about the plague now haha.

Anyways i've used it twice for math, which is also pretty good. Have a long long set of problems and the solutions, did them all. Learned a bunch of concepts pretty deeply in one sitting.

>> No.2610648

simply taking one helped me do alot better in class. it is a wonder drug.

>> No.2610656

I bought piracetam and lecithin for a choline source.

Not really taking it religiously but before studying I take 2.4mb of piracetam and 2x1.2mg lecithin(1.2mg gave me a headache). Only tried it once and haven't noticed a huge effect.

Any other piracetam users with advice?

>> No.2610654

Yes OP. I actually have ADD though.

I'm on a low dose (because my doc doesn't want me all zonked out) of Vyvanse, and the only thing I notice while I'm on it is that if I start something I finish it. Usually I get distracted or bored in a matter of minutes, but I can study/clean/whatever without needing to get up and do something else.

Totally worth it.

>> No.2610677

How to fake add test?

>> No.2610679

I liked to pick a homework night once a week where I would pop some Addy and get all my homework done in the next 8 hours. Worked great.

>> No.2610683

also, how to pronounce adderall?

>> No.2610691

google adderall pronounciation

>> No.2610697


>Implying you're not doing it anymore.

When did you stop and why, and for how long did you do the once a week homework night?

>> No.2612265

>fake disorder

>> No.2612311

Can anyone tell me why is there so much focus on ADD in USA but not in Europe ??What would be adderall alternative on European market ??

>> No.2613699

>Common stimulants include Ritalin, Dexedrine, Concerta, Metadate, Focalin, and Adderall
I guess some should exist in Europe, I don't even know if Adderall doesn't

>> No.2614219

I've taken it twice before, when I had a workload around finals that would have been near impossible to finish normally. If you don't have ADHD, the focus you have while you're on it is pretty intense. I didn't care about anything other than what I was writing. You won't get hungry because you won't give a shit about eating. I realized around hour 11 of writing that my stomach was growling *very* loudly, but all I cared about was working. Like someone else said, though, you have to be committed to doing your work before you take it because if you start browsing 4chan or something while you're on it, you'll blow 4 or 5 hours without even realizing it.

It keeps you completely energized for some pretty long periods of time, so sleeping is an issue. (I actually found it was easier to fall asleep while I took it, though, because it made it possible to shut off all the background noise in my head for once).
So it'll keep you clear-headed and awake for however long it takes to finish your work, but the crash after it wears off is pretty brutal if you don't force yourself to sleep. Definitely not something I would recommend taking regularly, but if you're desperate then it's an option. Once you've taken it, though, it's going to be really tempting to take it again when you've got a heavy workload. That quiet concentration it gives you is hard to resist when you're struggling through a massive stack of articles.

As for how I acquired it, I had a very generous roommate with ADHD.