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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2607273 No.2607273 [Reply] [Original]


Do any of you pay attention to how you dress?

>> No.2607304

nope. I wear jeans or cargo pants and a hoody or jacket.

my only goal when dressing is to blend in, and err on the side of being slightly more casual than average, so I don't have to think about how im dressed at all. I don't want to wear clothes that make me self consious.

>> No.2607303

outfit is irrelevant(unless in a situation where your life depends on it)

>> No.2607312


>> No.2607314

Not really, as long as is doesn't look like total crap.

>> No.2607320

Clean shirt, new shoes
and I don't know what I am gonna do.
Silk suit, black tie,
I don't need a reason why.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
cause every girl is crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

Gold watch, diamond ring,
I ain't missin' not a single thing.
cuff-links, stick pin
when I step out I'm gonna do you in.
They come a runnin' just as fast as they can
cause every girl is crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

Top coat, Top hat,
And I don't worry cause my wallets fat.
Black shades, white gloves,
lookin' sharp, lookin' for love.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
cause every girl is crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.

>> No.2607327

Of course I do. I take great care to wear pants and a shirt every day.

>> No.2607331
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Only when I go to weird events and fetish clubs, otherwise it's t-shirts and jeans.

Pic related, it's what I wore to a party last week (I'm a dude)

>> No.2607338

I care about what I wear myself, just not what others think I look like. It's more important to satisfy myself than the image others have of me.

>> No.2607347

I do not have much of a fashion sense, so I need to pay extra attention to make sure I wear proper outfits. I never wear anything daring, but the basic rules keep me dressed well.

>> No.2607348

I dress well so I can pick up crossdressing scientists and have argumentative buttsex with guys like this.

If you haven't argued science with a cock in your ass, you haven't lived.

>> No.2607353

Not particularly. Except that I hate smelling bad, so I try to change my clothes enough to prevent that

>> No.2607354


A wise man once told me: "smell your jeans every couple months, and wash them if you smell anything."

Words to live by.

>> No.2607356

>diamond ring
No man should wear this.

>> No.2607362


/sci/ confirmed for neckbeard virgins.

>> No.2607367

A little bit. I at least pick out dress shirts to wear for the day, and try to keep my hair clean, as well as shave everyday that I go out in the public. Oh and I add some cologne, but that's less about looks though.

>> No.2607371

Dude, it's the lyrics to a ZZ Top song.

>> No.2607372

Silly ugly person.
If you have natural good looks the clothes you wear are unimportant.

>> No.2607376


Alphas don't shave every day.

>> No.2607380

>people actually believe this

>> No.2607382

Bad clothing style can invalidate whatever good looks you have. Women are more attracted to presentation than just looks alone.

>> No.2607384

I'm good looking. I wear t-shirts and jeans almost exclusively.
I've had sex many many times.

>> No.2607385

Men care about her looks, women care about how dresses.

>> No.2607386

Everyone knows that retard. But quoting song lyrics hasn't been funny/cool/interesting/etc. since we were sixteen.
Just stop it. Your underage is showing.

>> No.2607388

1). No you haven't
2). T-Shirts and Jeans are a common clothing style among men

>> No.2607390
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confirmed /b/tard

>> No.2607392

oh shit, you've had sex many many times? Fucking baller. Sorry I came at you.

>> No.2607396

>>2607386 implying im mickey

>> No.2607397

Doh ho ho, I most certainly have. But it's ok, you don't have to believe me, I don't particularly care.

Anyways, if there's nothing wrong with t-shirts and jeans, then why did >>2607362 quote >>2607327 as an example of a neckbeard virgin?

>> No.2607401


>> No.2607402

I once saw johnny depp wearing jeans and a t-shirt

>> No.2607407


>Implying >>2607327 said anything about jeans and tee shirts.

>> No.2607408

Nowadays I don't dress up as much as I used, since no one seems to care and caring for certain articles of clothing can be time-consuming. I still to keep my outfits tasteful and stylish though, and most of my items in heavy rotation are ones that travel and wear well, namely a grey mtm motorcycle jacket, jeans and oxford shirts.

And here's some links for people who want to learn how to dress well:


>> No.2607409

They pants and shirt, not T-Shirts or Jeans, Mr. Virgin.

>> No.2607422

Prettymuch the same thing. But if you want to be technical, then tshirt + jeans is a subset of pants + shirt and therefore logically inherits the property of the wearer being a neckbeard virgin.

>> No.2607414

art of manly is also good for dressing help

>> No.2607420

I don't see how this relates to your or my post.

>> No.2607424

kids, you have a lot to learn about women
if you ask them they will tell you yes
but that's because they don't know what they want
they'll chat on you with the dirtiest, smelliest and drunken bad boy they see

looks are what counts
if you don't look like a man
it doesn't matter how you dress, you talk, or act
you'll look like a joke to them
and the funniest thing is that they go for jokers like you when they can't get the thing they want...

>> No.2607428

and heres a link for people who want to know how to dress like fags:


>> No.2607429
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>> No.2607435

Pants and Shirt are broad terms, and mean just any form of pants and shirts. Jeans and T-Shirts are specific terms, and directly mean jeans and t-shirts. This is basic English.

>> No.2607444

Exactly my point. So you are either agreeing with me.
If a property is associated with a set of objects, and then you take a subset of that set, all objects in the subset will have that property.

>> No.2607446
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I went to /fa/ before, and was not impressed. Most of the people on that board are idiots and think that wearing monochromatic asymmetric drapey clothing automatically makes them cool, or simply have no idea of how to dress well.

>> No.2607454

im self conscious by nature. Its a fucking curse. I just cant help it. also explains why im socially retarded

>> No.2607455

Not to mention the anorexia. Oh lawdy, why would anybody sane want to be that damn skinny?

>> No.2607457

No, it is not your point, and you are wrong. There is no subsets here, just broad terminology and specificities, and how they either associated or not associated to average perceptions and experience.

>> No.2607460

Also worth checking out:


>> No.2607465
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I don't know how I could make this any simpler for you.
You are either a fool, or trolling.

>> No.2607476

You realize how much smaller the "t-shirt and jeans" is within the "pants and shirts" graph, highly the differences the terms are in a capacious and categorical manners. Otherwise it would be cherry picking and grasping at straws, sometimes even an anchoring effect.

>> No.2607478

I've always been a slob on my free time and dressed OK for work. Dressing in god-tier suit for interviews and special occasions.

Then I started trapping and as a side effect I became even better dressed as a male. Instead of my wardrobe being shit male clothes + good male clothes. Now I have good female clothes + good male clothes

>> No.2607483

Listen, it's easy to prove mathematically that I'm right; Hell, I've already done it informally.
Since you keep insisting and won't listen to reason I'm just going to ignore you and sincerely hope that someone so ignorant is just a troll

>> No.2607486
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It seems that they believe most women are attracted to men wearing super skinny jeans.


>> No.2607488

Do you actually go out in public dressed as a female?

>> No.2607493

>god-tier suit

Elaborate? I don't think I've ever seen one before.

>> No.2607500

The argument is about grammar and semantics, and you're comparing to mathematics, which [logically] highlights how little you know of each subject, and rather proves lesser debating skills.

>> No.2607505

damn that guy looks classy. but if you dressed like that in the US, everyone would think you were gay, without exception.

>> No.2607506
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>> No.2607507

Only if you were white, or Asian, and dressed like that.

>> No.2607508

sadly not. I've yet to perfect my crossdressing art and aquire the necessary balls to go out in public. The positive effect here was that the CD wardrobe crowded the shittest-tier of my male wardrobe for chilling around the house upping the overall quality average.

It's just a particularly well-fitted and well maintained suit. Coupled with nice shoes and a selection of ties and shirts (note the importance of cufflinks on the sleeves) and a basic sense of hygeine and grooming.

>> No.2607510
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>> No.2607515

This is so fuckin stylish.

I want one.

>> No.2607522
File: 237 KB, 500x647, matthewfan20091022_0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC he's an attorney in Philly.

and on that subject...

>> No.2607521

>Black pants
>Black shirt
>Different color of shoes every day


>> No.2607532

My entire wardrobe is blue jeans, black T shirts, gray/white/green sports jackets, and assorted hats.

Not much variation really.

>> No.2607539

Woah! Do these come in other colors?

>> No.2607557
File: 131 KB, 1600x1600, 33720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do more than watch the throne. Walk towards it. Seize the crown from the aged & heavy head it rests upon. Turn the page on the old you, and write what you’ve always known has been written for you. Because. No one else will do it for you.


haters gon hate

>> No.2607665

I wear a hoodie, and cargo shorts. I live in AZ, hence the shorts and after wearing cargo for so long I can't go back, because I miss the pocket space.

>> No.2607744
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>> No.2607757

Not when I go outside, no.

But I do like to dress all pretty when I'm at home.

>> No.2607804

Are you Iranian?

>> No.2607837

whatever my hand gets from the drawer.