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2604567 No.2604567 [Reply] [Original]

Massive, possibly forced, human population reduction is the only way to reduce or eliminate all the major problems faced by civilization today.

War, poverty, climate changes, resource consumption, abuse of power, disease. All become far more manageable and even containable with about 5 billion less people around.


>> No.2604584

no takers? I figured this would be a hot button issue.

>> No.2604580

nobody gonna disagree with you OP, how do u get rid of 5 billion retards though?

>> No.2604594
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Pic related. Or you could poison the water.

>> No.2604605


It doesn't matter, OP. Long term patterns of biology and evolution theoretically dictate that the human species is headed for a massive die-off anyway. Lack of resources being a key issue.

>> No.2604612

It's not controversial if everybody unanimously thinks you're retarded.

>> No.2604618
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You are correct OP. Let's start with you.

>> No.2604624

There are plenty of resources for humanity.

>> No.2604628
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The earth has enough ressources to provide everything 7 billions people need, and even a few billions more. Only if we accept to stop eating meat everyday, and to change our way of life. Look at the farmable area on earth and how many people there are right now... There is plenty of room bro.

Overpopulation is NOT the issue. The system is.

>> No.2604630

It's absolutely true. But a man lives by his principles, regardless of the consequences. The circumstance he finds himself in does not tell him how to live. I will not take an innocent life, even if it means forfeiting my own. That statement has thankfully never been actually tested, but it is one of my principles and unless I prove to weak to carry it out, it will not change. That should be the attitude of any dignified person. The Earth and humanity may be free falling into destruction (it's not, btw), but it must not turn us into mindless animals.

Unfortunately, that is probably exactly what would happen in the event. But that still does not warrant the taking of billions of innocent lives. Technological innovation is the only real option we have.

>> No.2604640




Develop a tractor beam and pull a bunch of metiors on a collision course with whoever you want to die (africa, china, india, etc), lulz when people think it is god punishing them

>> No.2604651

Except targeting one continent would trigger an ensuing impact winter causing mass famine for everyone on Earth.

>> No.2604654

Overpopulation was and is the main drive of science and technology.

Knowledge is the key for a sable population. Look at the birthrate now compared to 50+ years ago.

We are a reactionary species

>> No.2604658

You don't need to kill them, just stop them from having children

Distribute universal birth control (affects both men and women with no unwanted side effects) in all water supplies for about 30 years

>> No.2604668


>> No.2604673
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we have the ability to travel to new planets with my hyper drive.

they just want less people so they can be like LOOK WE're so hardcore evil, satan is awesome kekekela flying spaghetti monster kekela

>> No.2604697

So the slow and painful deaths of an entire species due to lack of resources is preferable to stop living by your principles ?

>> No.2604700

Are you a child?

>> No.2604719


No, not killing 5 billion people is. The circumstances that led to this issue were entirely out of my control. And guess what? I would suffer a slow and painful death as well.

>> No.2604747


So according to you it's preferable to let the whole species die with dignity rather than let part of it survive, wow you've got so much fucking honor in you you must've been a samurai in another life

>> No.2604748

scarcity is an illusion.

prove me wrong

>> No.2604784


You keep changing it very very slightly. The whole species probably would NOT die with dignity. It wouldn't be about their dignity. If I had a "kill-five-billion-people-to-avoid-the-death-of-the-whole-species" button, I wouldn't push it. I don't kill five billion fucking people, no matter what the consequences. A very very long process of overpopulation and environment/resource depletion killed the whole species, not me deciding not to push a button.

And really discussing it like this is completely pointless because this is totally implausible and untestable/unfalsifiable. Because of that, the connection to sound rationalism is broken.

>> No.2604804

Most population growth occurs in nations that lack modern economies. Conversely, industrialized nations have low birth rates, small families, and stable populations.

It seems developing third world economies would stabilize population while also opening up new markets for first world businesses.

And with developed economies, more individuals could specialize, resulting in greater economic activity and accelerated technological progress.

>> No.2604842
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can we institutionalize cannibalism? it can open up many other industries like sex slavery, breast milk and other dairy products, etc.

there are also some interesting reads in support of cannibalism

>novelab tastefully

>> No.2604851

We don't need to do anything. Birth rates are declining in all countries.

>> No.2604855


Guess I'll go ahead and get this out of the way.


>> No.2604887

>don't need to do anything
>still projected 9-10B by 2050

Yeah, no worries. No more population-created problems here on out.

>> No.2604897
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>> No.2604904


So your self-righteousness is more important than the survival of humanity? You'd let the whole of humanity die just because you couldn't live with any guilt and you could claim to have had no part in anyone's death?

Enjoy your false distinction between actively and passively killing people. If you didn't kill five billion in order to save the species, I'd accuse you of having killed seven billion.

>> No.2604933


Dat exponential function.

Don't forget that it is only a projection. Saying, 'the birth rate has evened out, so we'll be fine,' is obviously naive. But trying to make a projection on our current collected data isn't much better. The amount of variables in only one aspect of the population equation is astronomical. And yet they are still even affected themselves by further interconnected variables.

In other words, the probability of any projection being accurate is always, ALWAYS lower than we think.

>> No.2604934

then that makes you just as big a a douchebag as the guy you're criticizing

>> No.2604935

What the fuck, why is it necessary to kill people? Just sterilize the fuckers. Fuck, most people shouldnt even be allowed to have children.

>> No.2604950
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This thread is hitlerious. Lets get Alex Jones up in this bitch for some real lulz

>> No.2604965

Um, if anyone's acting self righteous it's you, the person who thinks that there are some people who's lives don't matter enough to survive. If you want a power trip go to Africa, the last place where a dictator wannabe like you can get away with it. Oh wait, even the shit hole 3rd world countries are rebelling against fascists like you. You're just a pretentious asshole who thinks he's got it all "figured out." The greatest danger from overpopulation is the panic caused by "the sky is falling" prophets lie your ilk.

>> No.2605009

Birth control is a far better alternative than killing 5 billion people. Not only would we have to deal with all the rotting corpses, but we wouldn't feel guilty.

Birth control just has to become the societal norm. Having a baby should be a huge thing, big families should be strongly discouraged. Damn Catholic Church.

>> No.2605014

*not have to

>> No.2605016

Now I understand why republicans and retards like Glen Beck are anti-science. Turns out many scientists are just authoritarian sociopaths. Way to improve our image after Josef Mengele, guys.

>> No.2605017


Well even if every couple had only one child, then that's already a step in the right direction. That would very greatly reduce the rate of population growth, and reverse it after two generations.

>> No.2605023



>> No.2605029
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>> No.2605144

We should just distribute universal birth control with no bad effects and only allow people with an IQ of lets say >110 to reproduce. We should get natural selection active in the human race again, and breed high-intelligence humans. Just a thought

>> No.2605193

>We should get natural selection active in the human race again
Hey guess what brosef, natural selection never stopped working.

>> No.2605219


People with high IQ's CAN be smart, but it doesn't mean they will be contributing to society.

Take my brother and I. Both technically "gifted."

Last test I took (3 months ago) I scored a 156. My older brother scored a 184.

My older brother, is a lazy, assmunching douchebag, whereas I work my ass of.

If you WERE to implement population control, it shouldn't be based on IQ, IQ scores are bullshit, they tell you how well and how quickly you can answer a few word problems, not how valuable you are to running a society, and not how smart you are.

My boss gave me a CORE test and an IQ test before he hired, me, went over my scores, as well as what he scored. The man has an IQ of 97, but he runs that business with genius. He thinks slowly, but powerfully.

TL;DR, IQ scores are bullshit.

>> No.2605236

But birth control is mass murder.

>> No.2605246

Prove me wrong retard

>> No.2605254
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<< mfw faggots in this thread are concerned about the survival of humanity.

>> No.2605313

more people=more money

>> No.2605318


Not that I agree with this, but this.

I am the smartest, least successful person I know. IQ of 176, pre-accepted into MIT and Cambridge, later denied following my abysmal leaving cert results.

I just have no patience or wherewithal, and I honestly don't know why.

>> No.2605334

"Church of Euthanasia"

google it

>> No.2605341

Poverty leads to overpopulation. How do we raise the standard of living in the third world?

>> No.2605355

Partly true. Today's problems would be contained and managed if an alternative economic system to capitalism came along and all the worlds people would have their own nation-state.

>> No.2605367
File: 10 KB, 393x251, 1295041588096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>War, poverty, resource consumption, abuse of power

Can most likely be mended by a complete overhaul of the economic system into a resource based economy.

>Climate changes, disease.
If the previously mentioned issues are mended due to the shift in systems, then our effort can go into finding solutions to the climate and creating vaccines, instead of investing scientific thought into building weapons of death and so forth. Sure, it's easier said than done, but it's nonetheless a feasible solution and quite possibly our best bet.

>> No.2605383


You cant, the earth doesn't have enough resources and we are too lazy to develop new technology to support a 5+ billion population where everyone has the standard of living that is enjoyed in the developed world