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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2603694 No.2603694 [Reply] [Original]

Why do atheists have such a low self esteem and a deniel of default moral values.
Who do you guys think you are to know better?

Things you know for sure should be the things to rely on.
The fact that you are the appearance of a human being including a world around you is one of verry few facts that could be considered absolute truth. This is the highest form of knowledge to reality and this is what should compose your worldview. Mysticism and thought has been the default point of view of human beings for millenia.

Of course sceince and logic are important aspects of modern society, but they are not the only and defenetly not the last truths. A worldview based on logic, in an unlogic world is doomed to fail anyway.

ps. Lack to the belief in a God == Lack to the world around you

>> No.2603697


>> No.2603704

Troll line. Post below and your a double nigger and just got trolled. Also the game.

<span class="math">\underline{\bf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}[/spoiler]

>> No.2603753


>> No.2603907


>> No.2603936

I see that picture and the trip, and just stop reading.