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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 42 KB, 454x294, comp_grl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2601556 No.2601556 [Reply] [Original]

Just curious to know your thoughts on this /sci/: why are there so few female game programmers? I've been taking programming classes for the last two years and there's always been at least one other girl. Not so with game programming. I'm not trying to complain, the guys are perfectly accepting but....lol...am I going to grow a penis if I do this for a living? Pic related, its me.

>> No.2601561
File: 90 KB, 504x1005, 20100516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.2601563

Will you marry me?

Oh right, sage, unless you wish to expose your mammaries. If not, please exit the premises.

>> No.2601564

i do not believe that picture is actually of you

>> No.2601569

i don't think it's even worth asking for tits, i've seen the kinds of girls they have in cs

no thanks

>> No.2601572

because women are typically passive subservients who just look to follow the rules and find their place in the current paradigm instead of pioneering minds who seek to make new rules and rewrite or create new paradigms

>> No.2601598

Alright, I guess I'll just be using vector math to make blood splatter on walls accurately...but I suppose its better than talking about how to accurately apply eyeliner. *sigh

>> No.2601607

Programming, as you said, is highly male dominated. Game programming is a niche of programming. Hence, a smaller sample. With nothing in game programming attracting women at a higher rate than other types of programming, this thusly means less women?

>> No.2601614

there is a f ucking hot phd comp sci student at my school, she ta's our class

bitch is fucking smoking, and doesnt wear a brah.

>> No.2601616


I think it's this.

Could also be that programming is 'icky', although its becoming less so.

>> No.2601628


>> No.2601643 [DELETED] 

Is this in the US? If so, what state?

>> No.2601647

Second that.
And regarding hotness, there really is no correlation. The few girls in my other classes have been (imo) higher than average and some I'm sure most guys would think are notably hot.

>> No.2601654

Logical, but why is there nothing to attract them? Do girl games just...quite frankly suck?

>> No.2601660

programing fucks your brain up bad, you will not think like a normal human if you continue

quit ahead don't wreck your life

>> No.2601681


take it from a femanon in computational physics: let it go.
so there aren't any women. unless the men do something shitty, don't let it worry you. also, if you have a flexible sense of humor guys can make great friends.
programming is awesome, don't let something silly like demographics dissuade you from your interests.

>> No.2601682

oh my you're pretty cute for a programmer girl
please don't grow a dick ^_^

>> No.2601687


Probably not as bad as being an anorexic print model in LA, but I'm sure the logic loops the brain gets stuck on can make you pretty nuts after awhile. Plus I keep thinking I'm seeing fragments of how the universe it programmed. I guess its a spiritual brain fuck sometimes...

>> No.2601688
File: 44 KB, 270x200, rei-study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at my waifu she's going to be a physicist

>> No.2601694


>> No.2602086

You are going to have your own loyal following of sweaty, socially awkward men who go home and masturbate every night while thinking about you.