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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2601003 No.2601003 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

Do you smoke cannabis ?

If so, do you prefer Indica or Sativa Strains

also, why do you smoke ?

University student and graduates are only allowed to reply to this thread, no kids from HS or failure adults who roam this board looking for things to talk about at their shitty jobs tomorrow in an effort to sound educated.

Thanks :)

>> No.2601021
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I smoke after I work out

ultimate regeneration technique

>> No.2601019

Erreday, I definitely prefer Sativa but Indica is cheaper and there's more variety so I smoke more sativa, I smoke because I don't have much of a social life and I have plenty of free time after classes and schoolwork and I spend most of my time smoking with friends.

>> No.2601024

I only do it about as often as I drink, which is very rarely.

I prefer Sativa strains, particularly I love the psychoactive aspect.

And I smoke because it's a good way to release. But I prefer working out anyway to that.. But honestly smoking also stimulates me creatively sometimes.

>> No.2601022

fuck u

>> No.2601033

Do not smoke anymore, I enjoy being productive

When I did smoke I enjoyed a dominant saliva hybrid or pure sativA unless I had a realllllly heeeavvyyyy indicA

>> No.2601038

Since this board is a complete joke anyway:

IF I have a choice, I smoke Sativa if I want to be social, and Indica if I'm having trouble sleeping. I smoke it mainly because its pleasurable, and I can actually read when I smoke Sativa so that's definitely a plus, some times I study for exams high and my GPA has, in fact, gone up three semesters in a row.

>> No.2601053

if THC is what cuases the effects, then how is there a difference between two "strains"?

sure, one might have more THC, but then you could just smoke more of the one that had less and get similar effects.

>> No.2601059

there are multiple psychoactive chemicals in marijuana. Also different levels of THC

>> No.2601061


THC is not the only active ingredient in cannabis.

>> No.2601086

no preferance, i just enjoy the feeling of the high and the togetherness it brings.
all together weed helps hold me together from severe stress breakdowns

>> No.2601102


>> No.2601115

every person ive ever met who has said they used canabis, has been a dumbass.

i don't think its a coincidence.


>> No.2601117
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Sativa in the morning, Indica at night


>> No.2601128 [DELETED] 

...says the person who doesn't actually know how many of his classmates smokes.

You must smoke weed, at least, by your own standards.

>> No.2601131


...says the person who doesn't actually know how many of his classmates smokes.

You must smoke weed, at least, by your own standards.

>> No.2601132


>> No.2601150


I'll back this guy up. Every single person I've ever met who smokes has either dropped out of high school/college. If they're still in college they're hipster liberal arts majors. If they're in the sciences they never last and always drop out or change majors.

>> No.2601163

physics 4 years strong

see ya from the top :)

>> No.2601184

Funny. You of course have accredited statistics to back-up your anecdotal evidence, yes?

>> No.2601188
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>Four years in college studying physics
>Still hasn't graduated

>> No.2601197

show me one person who is an enthusiastic cannabis user, who is not a weird-looking permastoned dumbass.

>> No.2601200


>Implying I'm gonna waste my time on collecting stoner failure data.

>> No.2601216


your argument is invalid, go fuck a cow.

>> No.2601222

>implying there is data.

So basically, you're just a religious nutjob.

>> No.2601229

isnt four years normally what it takes to graduate?
sorry were not all law majors

>> No.2601234

your a fucking idiot

>> No.2601243

I prefer hash, it's got that whole spiritual body high going on. But when I smoke weed, it's northern lights.

>> No.2601250
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Agnostic Atheist, Mathematics/CS major.

Nice try though.

>> No.2601267 [DELETED] 

No, I'm referring to the quality of your anecdotal evidence as "religious".

>> No.2601271


No, I'm referring to the quality of your anecdotal evidence as "religious".

>> No.2601275

>just 1 person
>you really cant find 1 person?

>> No.2601290



>> No.2601576

i suppose i smoke cannabis every day

i don't know, whatever's in sydney, aust. usually good shit.

degree is LLB/BSc (medical science)