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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 93 KB, 660x532, raindrops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2600703 No.2600703 [Reply] [Original]

Just found this game and... it's crazy addicting. google lumosity; you have to make an account. Post scores

>> No.2600723

5010 points, 29 per minute, 95 total, 96% overall, 73% under pressure

oh god that was scary

>> No.2600745

starts off so easy and then all of a sudden fffffff
i wana see /sci/'s avg
>124 per minute

>> No.2600748

It's like this.
>This is fucking easy.....
>a bit later

>> No.2600820

anyone else tried?

>> No.2600833
File: 36 KB, 717x430, Samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2600834

6500 Points.
I am so bad at subtraction.

>> No.2600925

I tried the Speed Match one first
Reaction Time: 544 ms
Accuracy: 100%
Total Correct: 60
7490 points

>> No.2602265
File: 29 KB, 358x436, raindrops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that had a very fast change in difficulty

>> No.2602291
File: 29 KB, 365x431, RaindropsII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay I did much better on my second try!

>> No.2602299
File: 73 KB, 819x538, firsttry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level.

I'm 19 years old. No formal schooling.

Captcha: itever oxford

>> No.2602313
File: 21 KB, 495x453, Yourlevelwhereisitnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602372
File: 21 KB, 475x436, Rightherebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602590


>> No.2602617
File: 127 KB, 819x460, owned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


19 year old genius on amphetamines.

Get the fuck on my level bitches

>> No.2602629

Nice shoop, faggot.

>> No.2602657

My god, why did I laugh so hard.

>> No.2602661

you're not the only one

>> No.2602664
File: 68 KB, 664x544, Failface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First try v_v

>> No.2602753
File: 1.16 MB, 1554x1014, 1291748752845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumosity Recommends
Be social: Interacting with others supports cognitive health by exercising diverse areas of the brain.

>> No.2602762

I live in isolation and never socialize with people. I haven't had a real conversation with anyone in many, many years in an offline context.

>> No.2602780
File: 67 KB, 664x544, fail2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second try, did even worse this time.

brb, an hero

>> No.2602800

Third try, got super pissed off because of mistypes (I had the right answer but didn't type it out right) and just rapidly entered wrong answers in rage mode.

>> No.2602803
File: 66 KB, 664x544, Fail3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid reCaptcha & flood detection

>> No.2602823

4th try. Still terrible, partly due to mistypes again.

At least I have the fact I didn't sleep at all through out this entire night to blame.


>> No.2602896

Jesus Christ. you should do some affirmation before you dish out your answers. It might cut on my equations/min but my accuracy is always >95%

100% under pressure here

>> No.2602910

anyone know if this shit actually helps/makes you smarter?

>> No.2602930

Are you asking if doing math makes you better at doing math? I'd say yes.

>> No.2602940

i mean just in general... smarter.
i go went to their "our findings" page and found a whole lot of claims without statistics. It's how cheerios improves your cholesterol... by .0000001%... I want to know if this will actually help

>> No.2602955

I'm sure it does. Your brain is just like a muscle. Using it makes it stronger and better. I used to be horrible at arithmetic. I could do crazy integrals and solve complicated algebraic equations in my head, but for some reason I had a mental block when it came to arithmetic. You ask me to solve for x and I can give you an answer quickly, but you ask me what's 42-36 and I have to sit and think for 30 seconds. So I spent alot of time improving myself in that respect, learning tricks to doing mental math quickly, and now I can square numbers faster than you can write it on paper.

>> No.2602992

Speaking of which, here is my trick for squaring any double digit number really fast.

Let's take a number, say 33. 33^2, is not someone one generally knows off the top of their head, but look at this neat trick.

(33 - 3) * (33 + 3) = 30 * 36

33^2 - 3^2 = 30*36

33^2 = 30*36 + 3^2

No you can see that doing 33^2 is simpler if you do 30*36 +3^2. You may say that's harder, but it actually isn't. All you really have to do is 3*36, append a zero to that, and add on 9. 3*36 is simply 108. Add on the 0 so that 30*36 is 1080 and then just add 9 so 33^2 is 1089. Simple.

The trick is, so take any number squared, and add and subtract a single digit number such that you have some number ending in zero times another number, then add of the square of the number you added and subtracted.

17^2 = 20*14 + 3^2
52^2 = 50*54 + 2^2
96^2 = 100*92 + 4^2

A bit of practice and you'll be squaring numbers like nobody's business.

>> No.2603013
File: 67 KB, 664x544, decent5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, just ate oatmeal, chicken noodle soup, two sandwiches, cream of wheat, and two smoothes. After spending most of yesterday and the entire night hungry and dehydrated, that is no longer a problem (for now). Despite not sleeping at all tonight, at about 9:45 AM I have tried again for the 5th time. My score has been decent now.

>> No.2603020

woops replied to the wrong post...

>> No.2603037


do i have to pay, faggot OP?

>> No.2603150

You do not, faggot anon.

>> No.2603180

you should work on it more. my 5th time was at 12k

>> No.2603215
File: 34 KB, 323x225, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First go, playing casual, hungover.

Play it again later.

>> No.2603219

they really need a rankings list for this game. how else will i know where i fall?

>> No.2603229


2nd go
40 per min.

Will go for at least 60 later. Bed tiem nao ggbbnnxoxo

>> No.2603247


lumosity is paid, fuck that shit.

>> No.2603287


No it's not. There's a premium account option which you don't have to pick.

>> No.2603386

ive done it 8 times and consistently do 37 equations per minute.

Absolutely no variation.

>> No.2603412

I got only 3500 points :(

I love math, but damn I'm slow

>> No.2603470
File: 88 KB, 648x488, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, it has been so long since I was in school... I suck now.

>> No.2603528
File: 67 KB, 664x544, woot6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th try. So much better! Got past the 5k mark.

Most of the mistakes where because I typed in a correct answer but the bubbles popped and I entered it and it failed.

>> No.2603535

Oh dear, that's really good.


>> No.2603637

bump for more scores