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2600258 No.2600258 [Reply] [Original]

I'm positive there are plenty of intellectual men in here that can try to answer me this. I really want to know your point of view on this subject.

Why are there living organisms? What purpose do they serve in the big picture?

>> No.2600269

why does there need to be a purpose, seriously

they just happened is all

something mixed with something else and then something happened and BAM life, and then other stuff and look where we are today

this doesn't mean you can't MAKE a purpose for yourself. Since, in my opinion, there is no real big grand purpose, that means that any purpose you make for yourself is just as legit as long as you can justify it.

>> No.2600273

We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.

>> No.2600278

>Why are there living organisms? What purpose do they serve in the big picture?

Molecules tend to do that shit when you give them a few billion years.

The "Big Picture" is an entirely subjective thing. If you think the "Purpose" of living things is to get the maximum complexity and information density (See posthuman), then living organisms are a very important step.

>> No.2600282

Yeah, wait until you grow up

>> No.2600287

this is /sci/. purpose is irrelevant

>> No.2600296

oh? what do you mean by that? I'm not trying to advocate nihilism here, just that there is no absolute purpose for existence in general. I have a purpose in life, and that is to succeed, etc. and other personal matters. But that purpose didn't come from some physical "law" of existence, it came from me.

>> No.2600297

Assuming living organisms have to well, be alive to ask that question.
You asking that question in itself is why living organisms exist.
Otherwise if there were no living organisms, that question could never exist.

>> No.2600302

And what exactly is this thing you call "me"?

>> No.2600305
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I believe God made them for his desires...

If not that, then it's a natural occurence that will run its course :p

>> No.2600310

well, it's me

>> No.2600318

But you say it like an idiot.

As for OP.

>> No.2600312

>Why are there living organisms? What purpose do they serve in the big picture?
There is no "why". Life just is.

Or if you mean "how life?" The answer is "because physics".

>> No.2600321

We are a way for the universe to get high.


Earth is the first plaint to develop life and our purpose is to find habitable plants and fuck like rabbits.

>> No.2600347

Wrong answer. The correct answer is: "I don't know and I never will, I'm a mystery together with everything else".

Too poetic? Deal with it~

>> No.2600351

what if I define me as me?

>> No.2600361

>living organism
What are you retarded?

>> No.2600363

Ask the sun if it cares.

>> No.2600374

why would I care about what the sun thinks

>> No.2600379

>implying there are no dead organisms

>> No.2600381

You realize organisms can die, right?

>> No.2600385

Along a long enough time line, anything that can happen will happen. Life is just what happens when the universe rolls the dice enough times.

>> No.2600389

Then its not an organism, just dead matter.

>> No.2600396

Why would the sun care what you think?

>> No.2600399

I don't know, why are you wondering?

>> No.2600402

>dead matter
matter can not die.

>> No.2600403

>implying it was once alive
>hence dead organism

>> No.2600405

what is the purpose of the earth? the moon? jupiter?
there is none

>> No.2600413

I'm trying to tell you that how the universe works and how you think it works are two different things.

>> No.2600415

Their purpose is to delude you into thinking this is not a test.

>> No.2600426

The sole purpose of life is to propagate sometimes called fitness. There is no bigger picture you stupid ass Christian

>> No.2600423

and why does that matter?

>> No.2600422

>Organism is something living, when it dies, no longer an organism, just dead matter
>Look up definition of organism

>> No.2600442
File: 23 KB, 362x372, 1298424929735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw you're not getting it

>> No.2600455

>implying you don't understand english and biology terms

>> No.2600456

What's the "big picture" you speak of?

>> No.2600463
File: 72 KB, 500x357, spiderman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2600467

preferably greater than a 1000 pixels by a 1000 pixels

>> No.2600468

>Why are there living organisms?
Because they can exist.

>What purpose do they serve in the big picture?
There doesn't have to be a purpose. There isn't one.

>> No.2600573


>> No.2600595

ITT: people who think everything is designed

>>/x/ with all the other creatards.

>> No.2600674

there is no purpose... organisms are just a bunch of atoms working together to consciously conserve information for no particular reason