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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2598964 No.2598964 [Reply] [Original]

Why is weed (nature) illegal, when you self-proclaimed scientists can cut down trees (nature) without our permission?

>> No.2598990

because you are our slaves

>> No.2598995

Because you post on /sci/.

If you stop posting in /sci/, people would stop cutting down trees.

Also, move to Amsterdam. Weed is legal there after sundown.

>> No.2598996

Just submit. It'll a lot less painful.

>> No.2598997

And by "slaves" we mean you are free to do our every bidding.

>> No.2599006

Scientists do not create drug laws, nor do they cut down trees. Now stop being a cunt.

>> No.2599020
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You need a BsC to become a logger now?

And scientists made weed illegal?

Fuck it I'm gonna go chill on the moon for a little while and sip PBRs with Teddy Roosevelt while shooting nebula wyrms.

>> No.2599021


or the rest of Holland for that matter

>> No.2599034
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>Amsterdam, Capitol.
>Holland, Country.

>> No.2599042

Hemlock is nature, too. Amanita phalloides is part of nature, too. Hell, so are the hippos that will eat you alive! I hope you don't believe that nature somehow equals good, as though nature was designed by an intelligent being with your interests in mind.

Weed is not as bad as other illegal drugs, but it still is unhealthy for your brain and for physical person. I believe there has been enough clinical evidence to support the negative effects of Cannabis, and we must abandon the "Reefer Madness" scare tactics of yesteryear. In a scientific sense, Cannabis is unhealthy and should be avoided.

In non-scientific terms, should Cannabis be illegal simply because it is unhealthy? I don't think that's what the legislators had in mind entirely--they were (and are) more afraid of Cannabis (as well as other drugs) causing violent or pervasive behavior that affects society negatively. As we know, most of these concerns are baseless; the violence over weed is usually over its sale, and only criminals get hurt in those situations. Also there is the religious element which wants everyone to get high only through religious experiences, as well as a standard of purity to which they want everyone to abide. Personally, I think weed should be decriminalized but not legalized (i.e., you can still go to jail for selling it). But this is outside the scope of /sci/.