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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 600x400, 0224-discover-launch_full_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2598439 No.2598439 [Reply] [Original]

live coverage of final discovery launch :


>> No.2598453

expected exact launch time :
4:50 (eastern)

>> No.2598455

My live coverage is my back yard.
Sad to see her go. She pulled her weight.
Pretty soon, America will not into space any more. Sad shit.
But herpa derp we can still fight dem turrists hoo-ah! Who cares about science and space when you have dunecoons to kill.

>> No.2598467

good night, sweet prince.

>> No.2598472

We will still have other space missions. There will also be two space shuttle missions after this one (Atlantis and Endeavor still have one left). This is just the last one for Discovery.

>> No.2598473
File: 23 KB, 625x260, f9_dragon_625x260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX the leading Private space company does not do tourism they are looking to make LEO cheep and to Beyond earth orbit

>> No.2598474

>Pretty soon, America will not into space any more

Pretty soon, America will not into space shuttle any more. Space, we still do. NASA does not have a monopoly on space travel either, you know.

>> No.2598477

Don't worry, SpaceX will pick up the slack.

Private enterprise ftw.

>> No.2598479

Godspeed space travelers

>> No.2598486 [DELETED] 

It's also on HDnet for anyone that gets the channel.

>> No.2598490 [DELETED] 

It's also on HDnet for anyone that gets the channel.

>> No.2598492
File: 91 KB, 1033x395, STS-118_damaged_tile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight.

They fixed a broken tile with a sharpie, after pulling a safety tape off a tile, that was supposed to protect the tile.

And now windows is fucking their computers.


>> No.2598497

Is the stream frozen for anyone else?

>> No.2598500



>> No.2598502

counting down till 5:00. It sounds like there's some sort of monitor problem. If they fix it, they'll go at 4:50, otherwise there'll be another hold placed until it is.

>> No.2598503
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>mfw no space shuttle formation flying on LEO

>> No.2598507
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>> No.2598509


>> No.2598518
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Today, we make history.

>> No.2598520


>Pretty soon, America will not into space any more. Sad shit.

The United States launches rockets into space once or twice a month. More per year than almost every other country put together.

>> No.2598526

>26,000 viewers and climbing

Watchers, I am proud.

Everyone else, you're fucking idiots.

>> No.2598527

Woo! Knew I could mosey over to /sci/ to find a link

>> No.2598530
File: 131 KB, 961x751, windows_error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't let you do that, Dave.

>> No.2598531

hold :-P if they dont get it in the next couple of minutes, they'll have to try again later (not today)

>> No.2598532

except no, the russians launch more.

>> No.2598536

We need a dedicated reusable craft though.
Rockets are so 1950s.

>> No.2598537

Oh fuck off the flight has been postponed indefinitely.

>> No.2598542
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>> No.2598545

range is GO - the RSO has given GO.

board is green, go for launch.

>> No.2598546

problem cleared! T-5:00

>> No.2598547

>some IT guy just got employee of the month
oh lol

>> No.2598552

33,000 viewers

Fuck yeah

>> No.2598553

still counting down...have has the problem been cleared?

>> No.2598557

why isn't all of /sci/ watching this?

>> No.2598558


>> No.2598560
File: 32 KB, 255x254, zhakarov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tank cap removed.

Two minutes!

>> No.2598561

40,000 people, multiple languages in chat room.

Eyes on America.

Also, that cap coming off was epic.

>> No.2598562

My body is ready

>> No.2598566

inb4 explosion

>> No.2598568

all systems go!
60 seconds!

>> No.2598569
File: 186 KB, 1262x854, 1288347912546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2598572

Is this the final launch of the Shuttle program or just Discovery?

>> No.2598574
File: 23 KB, 400x540, bart_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching this
>They're going into space
>I'm sitting here
>Going nowhere

>> No.2598581
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>> No.2598590

Just discovery

>> No.2598592


>> No.2598593


>> No.2598596

what the fuck was that thing

>> No.2598599
File: 221 KB, 800x780, 1291365594217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sky calls to us..

>> No.2598601


There's only so much maintenance you can do before it becomes unusable.

Alright! Now we have a lottery for the right to name the new shuttle. Great fundraiser.

*The launch of the USS Fucknuts*

>> No.2598602

Shitshitshit what was that?

>> No.2598603

Always makes me smile

>> No.2598604


>> No.2598606

Godamnit, I hope there's a recording of this. I just got in.

>> No.2598608

We can feed a bunch of fucking mexicans illegally crossing the border, and give them free education, but we can't spend far less than that to build more shuttles.
Fucking hell.

>> No.2598609

One of the few remaining reasons I love America.

>> No.2598611



>> No.2598614


Yuros are you even trying?

>> No.2598615

ahahaah they're lightting cigars, Brilliant!!

>> No.2598624
File: 397 KB, 637x498, curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the curve of the planet?

>> No.2598626

14,000 mph, 3x gravity.

I'd weigh nearly 660 pounds. Fuck.

>> No.2598629


Out of the top of my head I know Vandenberg launches around 10-12 a year.

A minimum of 6 non-shuttle rockets out of KSC. Plus the Shuttle launches and SpaceX Falcon rockets.

>> No.2598631


>> No.2598634

You really believe that?

Illegals get no welfare, and are according to most economic measurements, helping the economy of the southwest.

>> No.2598639


>> No.2598640

Just once I'd love to have hundreds of tons of explosive fuel strapped to me and be sent into space.
I feel like Gene Starwind at the beginning of Outlaw Star.

>> No.2598642

nice CGI effects..

>> No.2598643


its called rocket exhaust

>> No.2598645

ahaha look at them smoking those cigars!

>> No.2598646


>> No.2598647

>the livestreamers light up cigars while commenting


i LIKE These guys

>> No.2598650
File: 260 KB, 597x339, Discovery grand finale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MECO was fucking beautiful, with the Sun appearing out of fucking nowhere blinding the camera as the spacecraft fluttered out.


>> No.2598657

I dont get it, what is it then if its not the surface of the earth

>> No.2598658

The shuttle project was amazing, but it was time for a change.

The shuttle needs to be replaced with a more modern cost effective spacecraft. While I would kill for another reusable spacecraft as they retain a identity that can't be matched, most likely we'll go back to the apollo days of disposable spaccraft

>> No.2598661

>Launch going well
>Holy shit this is so cool
>Weird flames behind shuttle

Holy fuck, I haven't been that scared with something for a while now.

>> No.2598662
File: 22 KB, 409x440, che.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light 'em up /sci/

>> No.2598667

Uh huh.
There's so much bullshit.
Useless wars killing civilians. Welfare. Pork projects. The DHS.
All wasted. We could be on our way to Mars one day, but instead, we gotta waste money killing arabs, feeding spics/coons, and a bloated police state.
Instead of funding science and technology.
Fuck this world.

>> No.2598669

>Nasa creates two new generation reusable lift vehicles

>> No.2598670


There are also small rockets that launch out of the Kodiak Complex in Alaska.

>> No.2598674

someone give be 1000$ so I can fly to Florida and see the last launch of Endeavour

>> No.2598676

There isn't really that much valuable stuff up in space except ego

>> No.2598677

So what's Discovery's mission this time around? Supplies to ISS?

>> No.2598681

We could go to Mars and kill people there too.
Hopefully the natives.

>> No.2598684

>shuttle failures
it keeps happening

>> No.2598689


Because spending billions of dollars on fighting sandniggers is very valuable.

>> No.2598690

So, yeah, lets talk about that chunk of insulation or whatever that came tumbling off during the flight. Isnt that what caused Columbia to go wrong?

>> No.2598692

There's more valuable there, than in the middle east or down in Mexico.
And welfare leech thugs are even more worthless.

>> No.2598695
File: 21 KB, 474x380, 100804_robonaut-2-twitter-international-space-station.grid-6x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2598699

who wants to talk about SEA DRAGON?
>550 tons into LEO
>shuttle carries 8 max

>> No.2598700


No, just to prove it can fly one last time without blowing up.

>> No.2598701


>> No.2598704

Oil access is valuable, having allies in the region is valuable. Those are both politically tangible things, whereas putting people into orbit (something we've done a hundred times) is just penis waving

>> No.2598706

yes but quit being a faggot. the shuttle was to high up for debrie to damage the shuttle now stfu

>> No.2598720



>> No.2598721

Point one, their oil is running out.
And point two, if we didn't go around pissing other nations off we'd have no need for allies there.

>> No.2598722

small liberation event at

4 minutes 30-40 seconds.
A piece of foam from the ET bounced of the belly heat shield. This should not be a problem however, because there is no longer any aero load that makes impacts dangerous. Still, something to look at.

>> No.2598723

So let me get this straight. They're shutting the shuttle program down? And they're replacing it with...

>> No.2598738


>> No.2598740

Space tourism and boyscout projects.

>> No.2598751

> aero load
Oh so there was no air sweeping the debris forcefully into the heat shield tiles?

>> No.2598759
File: 111 KB, 900x673, 1297352650633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Science fiction!

>> No.2598766


>> No.2598768

>mfw they use our tax money on paying for a server to view this junk
>mfw they know it cost tons to send people up yet they still do it
>mfw nasa don't just give all their funding to the military were the money is needed.

>> No.2598769
File: 78 KB, 600x900, science-russian-rockets-soyuz-soyuz-tma-9-launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With this.

>> No.2598773
File: 227 KB, 1260x934, Foam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small liberation event at

4 minutes 44 seconds.
A piece of foam from the ET bounced of the belly heat shield. This should not be a problem however, because there is no longer any aero load that makes impacts dangerous. Still, something to look at.

>> No.2598796

they don't know yet
having little to no funding isn't helping. all the funding is going to
>middle east crap
>various welfare and social security systems

to be honest, the best thing nasa could do it put some serious thought into space elevator technology and deployment, it would be incredibly cheap to maintain and put stuff into LEO. the problem is R&D being kind of costly

>> No.2598802

Big ass rocket and a multi-purpose crew exploration vehicle.

There planning on going beyond LEO again

>> No.2598818

Come crawling back like the little bitch that you are when the asteroid is coming.

>> No.2598825


wtf! He's standing so close to it

>> No.2598833


The United States will launch 24 more rockets this year. Most of them will launch out of CA, and FL, with some from VA and AK.

The one that is intended to replace the shuttle will launch on December 7th. It will be a man rated Falcon 9 rocket from SpaceX out of KSC.

also wtf is up with this 4chan shit. its taking me like 5 minutes to post.

>> No.2598834

except constellation has been cancelled, finally. It was the biggest failire in nasa planning, ever.

The plans now? pay the russians for soyuz, boost commercial ( spaceX / ULA / Orbital ). Perhaps in 5-10 years something like a shuttle tank with rockets underneath it, 2nd stage + payload on top.

and for fucks's sake boot ATK off the team. That liberty FUCKING stick is an abomination.

>> No.2598837

Wasn't the Constellation program cancelled?

>> No.2598851

Originally they were going to replace it with the Ares, but that was so far behind schedule it hadn't even started after 5 years, and was already several hundred million [maybe a billion?] dollars over budget. So it got scrapped.

More funding was given to private spaceflight like SpaceX, meanwhile ATK and a few other companies essentially stole half a billion from NASA to continue making the canceled Ares rocket, all thanks to Congress delaying action on a budget item.

Now there are plans for a new heavy launch vehicle, which, if NASA is smart with who builds it, [e.g. not ATK] should be finished before the Ares was planned to be finished.

In the likely event that this new rocket goes overbudget and behind schedule though, SpaceX will be there to fill the gap with their private rockets.

>> No.2598856
File: 29 KB, 256x352, 879889546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw a stupid redneck believes an asteroid is coming.

>> No.2598867


so much this. sea dragon would drop cost per pound of payload by like 75%, so mass production of space platforms and long distance missions not only becomes cheap but practical. you could probably ship the ENTIRE iss up on ONE dragon launch

>> No.2598873

i will laugh when the japanese build a space elevator before nasa manages to roll out it next line of rockets

>> No.2598889

>mfw people are capable of being this retarded
there are probably 5 or 6 asteroids that will impact the earth at some point in time. several of which we know about, the problem is the ones with really weird orbits we haven't started tracking yet

apophis could prove problematic, but we're lucky that it'll be giving us a huge 10 year head start to intercept it

>> No.2598922

As much as I love JAXA (and they have done some very good work), NASA has launched more missions in the last year than JAXA has in their entire history. Furthermore, JAXA's budget is only about $2.5 billion, about a tenth of NASA's.

If anyone beats us to build a space elevator, it'll be the Chinese.

>> No.2598979

there is a diffirence in progress instead of day to day, though. The japanese inovate really fast. Think solar sails, Hayabusa asteroid sample return, etc. the HTV is totally robotic - nasa hasn't done automatic robotic docking yet. Materials science in japan is way higher then in china; for an elevator, you need it.

>> No.2599004

>>2598922 it'll be the chinese


There's more chance of them building a carbon copy of the NASA shuttle than shitting out an elevator. I don't even think they could do the shuttle if they tried.

>> No.2599013
File: 51 KB, 512x380, Michael2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make nuclear pulse propulsion spacecraft. Make space colonization and imperialism possible because of the ridiculously high(2 million tons+) to LEO and the ability to go to Mars in two weeks. Fight awesome wars in space. Fight wars on Earth from space. Start living in space. Start mining NEOs for building material. Drop rocks on fuckers that don't like it.

"He who controls Orion controls the world"
General George C. Kenney

>> No.2599074

is it really that safe to be sending people into space with the sun spewing solor flares at us right now?

eg sun geting close to it's 11 year cycle

>> No.2599085

The ISS is in the space all the time.
So it better be.

>> No.2599091


Actually, the future looks bright!

SpaceX Dragon and Orbital's Cygnus are almost finished this year. Elon Musk has a personal mission to use Dragon to take astronauts to earth orbit and eventually Mars.

The second round of CCDev brought out more interesting proposals. Sierra Nevada AND Orbital both proposed new space planes (Dream Chaser and Prometheus), to be launched on Atlas V. And Boeing got more funding for CST-100 (Apollo capsule heritage). There is even a proposal to keep flying two shuttles, using the third for spares!

And after ISS is decommissioned, Bigelow is waiting in the wings to launch his inflatable space stations! Almost a dozen countries have expressed interest in renting time on his stations.

Ad Astra is almost ready to launch their VASIMR ion drive, one of the last missing pieces for economical exploration of Mars and the asteroids.

The space future is bright indeed.

>> No.2599111


Who drew up that design?

That gimbal is horribly under-engineered for over 2,000,000t of payload.

>> No.2599177
File: 124 KB, 700x947, 1200087151104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gimbal?

The entire bottom half is a pusher plate. The connecting bits are part of the shock absorber.

It doesn't twist around, it just moves in an u[/down motion so the crew isn't splattered by the acceleration.

>> No.2599262


That type of engine will not work for launching.

Also, no vectoring.

>> No.2599310

Humanoid robot on board to test robotic function in space. Robot named Robonaut 2, aka R2. nice.

>> No.2599314
File: 167 KB, 588x737, 1295926637227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This news gives me a robo-boner.

>> No.2599337
File: 76 KB, 649x662, 1200111073524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even talking about.

It was specifically designed for launching into orbit.

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3Lxx2VAYi8#t=23s

It uses [or would use] shaped nuclear charges for propulsion.

Unclassified documents on the project: http://www.mediafire.com/?xrd674kl16ia7y5

In case you want more technical details.

>> No.2599350

anyone else expecting this to happen?


>> No.2599404


>The space future is bright indeed.


Now they only need to test that fucking hyperdrive to see, will it work.