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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2595609 No.2595609 [Reply] [Original]

why do engineerfags and sciencefags rip on each other? aren't both two labels on students of science anyways, where scientists delve into deeper knowledge to advance civilization for generations to come and engineers use what we know to improve life now?

i know engineerfags who come in just for the money, and i think they are faggots and have no respect for such scum.

what thinks sci

inb4: "engineering school = cockfest" "physics major = 30K/year"

>> No.2595628

From what I can tell, the "PhD in ____; any job I want; 300k starting" threads and "engineers are gay, etc." are some variety of running gag on /sci/. I wouldn't take either too personally.

>> No.2595640
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Because engineers are derivative hacks that plug and play formulae discovered by their intellectual betters.

Pic related, he's like an engineer paragon, latent homosexuality and all.

>> No.2595651
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One day, not too long after the formation of /sci/, I remember a thread of some /sci/entist bitching about engineers. Less than 10 minutes later, nearly every thread was being spammed with LOL ENGINEERS ARE GAY

It stuck.

But hey, at least it isn't Install Gentoo.

>> No.2595680

I myself became a chemical engineer to help people in parts of the world who need it the most. Doing okay so far, and have presented at the Conference for water purification in Singapore a few times.

I feel like all the science majors go very hand in hand with each other. After all, our ultimate goal is to improve the quality of human life, advance mankind, and fix the problems of the world; all the while making things that are just very damn awesome!

At the universities I have gone to, I never see the science majors and graduates rip on each other much... however we did rip on all the liberal-artsy majors more than I am proud to admit to..

oh, and business majors who become so for the money/ easy degree. about seven years back, I worked summers part-time for a company doing customer service, and I made more on my bonuses/hourly wages than the full time business majors who graduated from schools like BU or Tufts.

also improved their office a bit, fixed the coffee machine, etc...

>> No.2595692

It's kind of like Army/Navy rivalry (also Japanese/Chinese). To an outside observer, both scientists and engineers are one in the same. But don't you dare say that in front of them.

>> No.2595752


I can actually agree to this one, despite my disposition. Being a Scientist also comes with a lot of pants-on-head-retarded pride. If I had a dollar for every graduate science major who had their head up their ass about something (pride related to their field), I would have exponentially more wealth.

Which is part of the reason I left my job teaching university/research in the states, and went directly into my own private research/development in Asia... but even though I get to chose my employees, The same pride exists everywhere (Though taking that pride from interns never gets boring).

>> No.2595764

What if I said I am majoring in aerospace engineering because I want to work on spacecraft?

>> No.2595772
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>> No.2595773

Pretty much, /sci/ formed. Months later it was determined /sci/ was mostly engineers. Along with the religion war spam, engineer trolling was attempted. At first, it was subtle things, like "Here is a list of musics for the different field to listen to" and buried in the middle was "engineers - Justin Timberlake, Lady GaGa, Justin Bieber" and knowing it was a subtle and clever troll made it kind of hilarious.

And then one or two idiots figured calling engineers gay and spamming gay porn would be better, rather than tiresome.

>> No.2595775

I don't get it. Engineers make and design things, but often engage in scientific research. Scientists theorize and experiment, but often design and build new devices. It's a false dichotomy as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.2595783

THIS, so much this. We don't hate each other, and in fact some of us ARE the same, or prefer to further specify the KIND of scientist/engineer/whatever they are. But jokes are funny, so the jokes continue.

>> No.2595794

i agree. the head of the ee dept. in my school is a physics phd and some of work being done in ibm in quantum computing research is being led by engineer friends of my physics professors. just more examples how its not correct to categorize the two professions as different in my opinion

>> No.2595802

Somewhat related - I was a physics major as an undergrad and now I'm doing a PhD in an engineering department.

Although the research is pure physics (we publish mostly PRLs) I still feel like I betrayed my Physics brethren. It's also kind of strange having to deal with a lot of Engineers/Applied Physicists. People really do have a different outlook depending on how they were "raised" (even when you study the same fucking phenomena).

>> No.2595807

I want to major in materials science to create things. Is this win?

>> No.2595827

Can you give some examples? I'm in a nuclear engineering program, and have noticed that a lot of our grad students and professors started off in physics.

>> No.2595831


yes it is; if your any good when you graduate, look into research. nano material specialists are the future of this field, give that a look

>> No.2595868


Very true. I started off in Chemistry (only for one year), and then switched to be an engineer. even though later chemists get their graduate degrees in chemE, The way they grow up is so different, and you can tell who started as a ChemE, and who transfered.

But we all get along anyway, converts always welcome.

>> No.2595899

Engineers are talentless hacks.

Fuck them.

Oh wait. I'm an aerospace engineerlololololololololololololololololol

PHD in astro-physical mega-engineering = 10^(100^100) / year starting pay bitches.


>> No.2595920

I just started a environmental engineering technology program at my local community college because the job grow is suppose to be high for the next few years. I figured I could get a job afterwards and be to get a bachelors. Good plan, or did I just fuck up?

>> No.2595928
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>local community college

>> No.2595939


Fuck you.

>> No.2595941

I'm an EE grad, and I have only once ever heard anybody openly* scoff at engineers or physicists or mathematicians or whatever outside of 4chan, and that person was a guy who reference Penny-Arcade and Slashdot and xkcd and stupid shit like that in class.

* Not that they don't hold some disdain, they just know how to hide their power levels, so to speak.

>> No.2595963

pretty good plan.
environmental work booms when industry booms, but it also never really dies down because both local and federal governments do tons of it as well.

I've made a ton of money in environmental work, and I'm never short on work. If anything I tend to turn down jobs for lack of time or interest.

>> No.2595970

The only "scientist" I've ever met who said anything bad about engineers was a fat, short, chinese guy who spends most of his time spouting 4chan memes, cosplaying, and being a talentless "photographer". I think he was a bio major or something like that. He also is undoubtedly browsing /sci/ right now.

>> No.2595982

>fat, short, chinese, 4chan memes, cosplay, "photographer", bio major
Bet he was a UCI student.

>> No.2595988

Sometimes we have disagreements, but we can all agree on our disdain for socialists, psychiatrists, economists, etc.

>> No.2596002

Actually now that I think about it engineers and computer science people were shit on really harshly, but not by scientists or mathematicians.

It was by all the political science/women's studies/sociology people who were ludicrously left-wing and tried to guilt trip me personally because they had this view of all engineers as being greedy conservative libertarian ayn rand dealers of death who just want to make bombs to blow up poor palestinians with or something.

>> No.2596005

Greg if that's you I'll kill you.

>> No.2596017

hahaha, i hope it's you.

i'm not greg btw.

>> No.2596021

We don't hate engineers. They just have to accept themselves and their love to the cock.

>> No.2596028

Some smug, argumentative international studies fuckshit twat asshole who constantly tried to pick stupid ridiculous fights with me showed me this and I almost came to actually beating somebody up for the first time ever in my adult life.


He lives in, no fucking shit, Palestine right now doing god knows what. He was ten times more annoying than the worst weeaboo, except he was all into half-assedly learning arabic from terrorist propaganda the same way weeaboos do with Japanese and anime.

>> No.2596030
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Engineer here. I love cock, but only when it's attached to a "woman".

>> No.2596046

here it is, he used to play these fucking videos at loud volumes around the dorm and even in the library

>> No.2596053


god damn your engineering marvels, you nazi escapee pseudo brazilian fucks

>> No.2596060
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>> No.2596065
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