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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2594521 No.2594521 [Reply] [Original]

1.What I Majored In

2. What I Expected

3. What I Got

>> No.2594524

1. Math

2. Abstract theories and shit

3. See number 2

>> No.2594529

1. Computer Science

2. Maths

3. Java

>> No.2594537

1) Biochemistry

2) Endless amounts of useless information, some serious knowledge, laboratory skills and entrance to medical school

3) See 2.

>> No.2594548

1. Recursion

2. See above

3. See above

>> No.2594558

1) aerospace engineering
2) actually being a fucking astronaut or making FTL travel like star trek
3) 3 degrees in fluid mechanics, 20 extra pounds, and a blood pressure problem

>> No.2594564

1. chemical engineering
2. badass salary and mad props
3. conservation of mass and energy

>> No.2594570

1. Math
2. Proofs and applied statistics
3. Proofs and applied statistics

>> No.2594572

1. geophysics
2. easy crap, no math
3. double major in math, spend most of my time doing math

>> No.2594581

1. Economics
2. Just a BA, work at an insurance company or whatever
3. The keys to the world

>> No.2594584
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>exercise science
>gym teachers

>> No.2594588

Damn bro :(

1. Undecided

2. AHA! That's what I want to do!

3. I still have no fucking idea.

>> No.2594589

1. Computer Science

2. Programming

3. Math

4. JMP 3

>> No.2594590

1. Business

2. Lots of money.

3. Lots of money; BORING AND FUCK. No real skills. Did a 1 year a post-bacc in math while still working. Doing a 1 year no-name master in math now. PhD or bust...doing it the long way.

>> No.2594591



This made my day.

>> No.2594593


2. compex formulas and proofs. Complete understanding of the most beautiful laws of the universe.

3. Applied addition :\

>> No.2594601

>he still thinks a phd boosts his career chances

>> No.2594608

1. Mechanical Engineering

2. Battlebots

3. lots of bros, keggers, and general debauchery. possibly a drinking problem

>> No.2594610

1. Anthropology and Computer Science

2. Fun.

3. Fun.

>> No.2594611

heh, fyi, i stated it that way more to just be funny. i enjoy the hell out of my work =)

but i definitely am not the ripped, healthy undergrad i once was...

>> No.2594622

1. Women's studies
2. Pussy and ass all over
3. Hipsters, easy classes, typical dyke-persona chicks who are actually interested in my penis, my articles being published.

As a side note, I'm also minoring in statistics and do reporting work.

>> No.2594647

Johnny Greentext missed the point. Math: feels good man.

>> No.2594653

1. Pediatrics
2. CP
3. CP

>> No.2594655

1. Physics.
2. Working for NASA.
3. No jobs in Physics. Enlisted in military. They're always hiring.

>> No.2594675

1. Economics
2. Understanding of how markets work with minimal math
3. Math everywhere. Ideas summarizing the entire free market system, how to exploit it, and how to analyze and quantify human factors

I never knew this shit would be so interesting. I took it for the enormous paycheck, but now I feel like I'm a God with all this knowledge. If money is power, I feel that economics is the gateway to greatness.

>> No.2594679

Seriously? Women's studies?

>> No.2594692

>yfw economists dont actually make money but study it
>yfw you can't control the market
>mfw money is nothing after death

wow so delusional. going to a degree for money is sure way NOT to make money cos youll be bored as fuck, im glad you enjoy economics but protip: economists dont earn that much, contrary to a popular belief

>> No.2594702

Is women's studies just people complaining about men and blaming men for every problem? Or is there more to it?

>> No.2594710

>women's studies
>study women
>study how to get women
>study how to pleasure women

Where do i sign up

>> No.2594713



>> No.2594727


Yeah, but if you play along with blaming all the other "douche" men, but don't act like a fag and can be handy then they'll gobble it and you.

>> No.2594732

Not the person you're asking, but in my experience, it isn't like that at all. I took a women's studies course at Berkeley for GE credit. It was quite interesting. It was really more about performance art, women in art, etc. than any specific issue in society. The teacher also explicitly said that the class wasn't about men or blaming men for anything, and she was quite true to her word. It was an interesting class, but obviously is a joke of a major that will land you a job at McDonald's.

>> No.2594744

1. Nothing

2. Nothing

3. Unemployed.

>> No.2594746

Nuclear engineering

Building nuclear bombs and shit

Graphs, graphs everywhere

>> No.2594750


>> No.2594753

Or maybe as a professor teaching Women's studies ?

>> No.2594756

1. enology

2. drink wine all day eerrr day

3. actual work

>> No.2594763

1. Nuclear science

2. $50kpy + beer

3. Free sunglasses

>> No.2594773

1. Computer science and math dual major
2. Computational math, applications in finance and biology
3. Actually got into cryptography and data mining. It's really interesting stuff. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys the complexity of math working in harmony with computer science.

>> No.2594780

Nuclear Engineering sounds so fucking cool, why can't majors match my mental image of them?

(I pictured a scientist cackling madly as he watches a hydrogen bomb destroying a city. But I suppose that's not a skill that's in demand in today's job market.)

>> No.2594785

1. Physics and Astronomy


>> No.2594789

1. Electrical Engineering

2. fucking shit up with electric bolts of doom

3. PSpice, PSpice everywhere

>> No.2594803

1. Dual major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2. Career in the relatively (1980's) field of Robotics Engineering
3. No way to pay for school, ended up working instead -- no degrees at all. Shit sucks, man.

>> No.2594812

1. Mathematics
2. Abstract fundamentals and well-paying applied skills
3. Tutoring undergrad, teaching as a grad, and loving all the strange nuances of math as I look further into my subjects

>> No.2594843

1. History and Economics
2. Reviewing the folly of mathematically modeling and manipulating human behavior for profit throughout time
3. Confirming my preconceptions by analyzing delusional people like >>2594675

>> No.2594846

Actually, It can be. Theres a huge shortage of people in the defense industry with the know-how of creating atomic weaponry. If you wanted that as a career path, you could probably do that if you wanted too.

>> No.2594859

Having the know-how is one things. Doing anything with it is another. I think that's the problem right now.

>> No.2594861

>Political science
>Learning how people think and how the government works
>Trash. Every class was a worthless waste of time.

I switched to engineering a year ago and luckily I had decided to pursue a minor in math when I started my undergrad. If everything goes as planned, I should finish up in another year and a half.

>> No.2594865

*one thing

>> No.2594866
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>> No.2594885
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>> No.2594894


>> No.2594909

1. Physics
2. Math
3. Sometimes a particle in a box isn't in the box.

>> No.2594919

1. Neuroscience
2. Analyzing neurodegenerative diseases
3. Falling into depression as I interview the mentally ill

Seriously, this stuff is not for the faint of heart.

>> No.2594922

People saying no jobs in physics must not realize that a BS in Physics means nothing. You need a PhD to be taken seriously.

>> No.2594925

1.What I Majored In: Engineering technology

2. What I Expected: Engineering for dummies

3. What I Got: Engineering that you do, not that you theorize

>> No.2594933

Guy who is majoring on nuke e here.
You got source on that? It would be great to know that what you are saying is actually true.

>> No.2594942
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>> No.2594957

Major implies a bachelor's degree, which is what the OP asked for.

>> No.2594958

1. Physics
2. Interesting theoretical physics

>> No.2594974


>> No.2594976

Please tell me you're being honest.

Because that would be fucking sweet.

>> No.2594979

1. Medical Physics
2. Blast people with radiation
3. blast people with radiation.

>> No.2594980
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>> No.2594999

1. Chemistry
2. /sci/'s approval
3. Misery

I'm going to switch to something better, possibly MechE.

>> No.2595033
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>> No.2595075

1. Chemical engineering in nano-materials

2. improving nano-science in Singapore or South East Asia

3. Teaching English in Bangkok and cannot pay of student loans

>> No.2595102

Is that you, Sean?

>> No.2595125

Majors: History and German

What I Expected: To study things I enjoy and learn a lot more about those subjects

What I Got: Exactly what I expected

Fuck yeah.

>> No.2595138


That is my name, who are you?

>> No.2595139
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God damn it why are people saying this shit is hard

>> No.2595161
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>> No.2595163

1.Computer Science
3.Chinese peers

>> No.2595174

Because, while you'd expect college students to be above-average, they're mostly just as stupid as every other group of people (on average).

I don't think it's possible to take a freshman course in anything where the subject matter is hard. Professor can make it hard if the tests are obtuse or they can't teach, but the courses are inherently simplistic. They're meant to be.

>> No.2595195


I think E&M can be pretty hard if you've never done it in high school. Certainly a lot harder than classical mechanics.

>> No.2595208


made to be easy enough to pass, but hard enough to weed out students who do not study/care: 10x more true for science majors. I learned that the hard way, spent an extra year in University with another $50,000 added in student debt

>> No.2595211 [DELETED] 


>> No.2595212

-Math/Statistics double major

-doomed to become an accountant or math teacher

-job as a biostatician for Johnson & Johnson


>> No.2595227

>>Culinary Arts (what a joke)
>>cooking, more cooking, learn spanish, become alcoholic by my 30's
>>3 years and $75k+ worth of debt later I lament the fact that I could have gone to U of A with most of my expenses already taken care of but no...precious little anon was not allowed to leave mommy's sight and was forced to go to the goddamn Art Institute up the street.

Fuck her. I'm happier being a poorfag in another state and attending community college than I would ever be working as a McManager (that's the best a B.A. at AI ever got me) and living with my ignorant whore of a mother.

>> No.2595232

1. Biology: Genetics
2. Lab works, indoor clean lab work with samples and data.
3. Fucking sampling out in the field sampling bears. FUCKING BEARS.

>> No.2595235

2. Interesting and insightful discussions about the nature of life and reality.
3. Suddenly cannabis, cannabis everywhere.

>> No.2595238

Why did you let your mom decide where you go, especially if it's more expensive?

>> No.2595255
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>Computer Engineering
> Building computers, learning about computers
> Math. Math everywhere.

>> No.2595262

Sounds better than the lab :D You get to meet and give hugs to cuddly bears!

Don't forget your mace! (But seriously? Bears?)

>> No.2595267

1) Physics and Astronomy

2) Research team or a teacher!! :D

3) Legal Assistant $95k

>> No.2595271

1. Chemical Engineering

2. Building chemical plants/oil refineries

3. Minor in petroleum engineering. Worked on liquid/SC CO2 thickeners. $2 all you can drink beer parties from AIChE.

>> No.2595273

1.Computer science
2.Lots of maths
3.Not that many maths
Feels good man

>> No.2595275

Legal Assistant? Lolwut?

>> No.2595281

1. MIS

2. no clue

3. Work from home programmer $48k salary

>> No.2595291


Fucking love AIChE!

>> No.2595312


damn, we didn't get beer at our meetings!

>> No.2595323

1. Fine Arts/Illustration
2. People who are dedicated to their artwork on a technical scale for the moment, work hard at improving said skill, and love art history in general
3. Pretentious hipsters that think they're deep. Everywhere.

I'm literally quitting because I can't stand the people in my humanities and social science classes. Thank god I'm only a semester behind my science/math sequence so I can jump right into orgo and calc II

>> No.2595326

If you are not hung over the next day you were doing something wrong.

Most of the people in my major are retards. I just go to the parties because it is impossible to get blackout drunk on $2 any other way.

>> No.2595337

so true. one of my most difficult classes, though i do blame the professor.

>> No.2595338

2.Working on research teams
3.Ripped apart by an intrinsic field subtractor

>> No.2595365

> 1. Physics
> 2. Interesting theoretical physics

Is this becoming a popular troll tactic on /sci/? Or do your colleges really have such terrible physics programs?

>> No.2595388

1. Chemistry
2. Make breakthrough discoveries
3. Meth

>> No.2595391


Oh Hai, Walter White.

>> No.2595409

Mechanical Engineering.

Making machines.

Differential Equations. Differential equations EVERYWHERE.

>> No.2595439

Are jobs in physics really that hard to come by?

>> No.2595481
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1. Farm Management
2. to work for myself, help save the world and increase awareness of our natural surrounding coupled with bouts of not giving a fuck
3. so far so good

>> No.2595504
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1. Mechanical Engineering
2. A job
3. Nothing

>> No.2595567

That picture made me LOL.

>> No.2595570

I respect that

>> No.2595575

Yea dude you should have known better. There are so many unemployed mechanical engineers right now with decades of experience in the field, laid off during the recession

>> No.2595602


I have the following pieces of software (in full, no virii) installed on my computer:

Siemens PLM NX
Creo Elements
Autodesk AutoCAD
a very generously low estimate is that the total combined value is ~$10,000.

though some of that stuff can go for a lot more in a large enterprise environment (the Siemen's Software is used by Porsche/VW, MB, BMW, Fiat/Ferrari, etc)

>> No.2595613
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>> No.2595616

1. microbiology

2. job at a place like monsanto

3. calculus, calculus everywhere

>> No.2595618


no. but only naive fuckwits think that Theoretical Physics is a great line of education if you want a job.

seriously, about 99.99999% of all theoretical physics Ph. D. (astrophysics, HEP, etc... NON "real world" application based mathematical physics) NEVER EVER EVER get jobs in their field in industry.

they either switch into a programming or electronics job...

or stay in academia for the rest of their lives.
there is no in between. Engineering companies do not hire physicists who calculated the free electron density of a neutron star, or the probability density functional of a Pi meson.

>> No.2595625



what did you have to solve some first order linear differential equations with a bunch of equilibrium/steady state assumptions?

how sad.

>> No.2595631

Type into google "Shortage of nuclear scientists" Theres this boston globe article lamenting how nobody wants to build atomic bombs anymore for the U.S. government.

>> No.2595644

>Theres this boston globe article lamenting how nobody wants to build atomic bombs anymore for the U.S. government

Wha....but that has to be the worlds most awesome job.

>> No.2595647
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my school puts pretty much everyone who goes into the science college into mandatory math until they fall off.

I am not saying its horrible, but it isn't what I expected.

>captcha related

>> No.2595659
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>> No.2595660
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1. Cognitive Neuroscience

2. The matrix

3. The matrix

U MAD?!?!?

>> No.2595664
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>> No.2595686

Most people have an ethical issue doing that though. I for one, would have no issue designing smart bombs that generally kill "bad" people, destroy infrastructure used by an enemy that wants to kill us. I do however, have an issue with building something that is designed only to cause mass casualties. I think we're a bit more refined than that.

Besides, from what I've read up about that career field (I was contemplating on getting a PhD in nuclear chemistry), the pure bureaucratic bullshit you deal with in that job is terrible, because:

1) you have to live life with a top secret security clearance; the amount of freedom you give up is an enormous amount (and in my opinion, unacceptable).

2) If you work for LLNL or LANL (where they construct the things), your run by a company known as Bechtel, which from what i've heard, operates more on a profit motive than a technology advancing one (again, from rants that people have posted from working there on blogs).

#3 You need a PhD, which automatically won't be the most pleasant part of your life.

It would be an interesting career field, but the amount of bullshit would be immense to get into it.

>> No.2595696

Oka, so what's your plan to save the world

>> No.2595711

by acting like god and doing nothing and slowly influencing the world with bullshit

>> No.2595712
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See, I have no problem designing and constructing WMDs because I understand and appreciate their role as weapons of deterrence, not weapons of war.

>> No.2595717


lol wut ??

I'm studying polymers and inorganic materials ... But probably gonna end up with nano-materials .. Always heard just great shit about it ..??

How did you manage to fuck this up ?? It's not like you have useless diploma or shit ??

>> No.2595725
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>> No.2595741

I have no face for when I'm a physics major waiting to hear from graduate schools and my back-up plan is becoming a novelist and writing science fiction.

>> No.2595746

Comp+Psych here, my plan is to write novels (already started), then get a programming job if that doesn't work out.

>> No.2595749

1. Chemistry

2. Fucking FMA!!!1

3. TISE and bullshit curly arrows ¬¬

>> No.2595759

I thought about doing chemisty but it's just so bohring. To each his own I guess

>> No.2595762


> 3. physics - rigour + curly arrows


>> No.2595781
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>> No.2595808


Well it is my own fault. Married a girl there, thought i could take a year off to teach, found out no one in asia would employ me for engineering after a one year gap (not even singapore), and decided to stay because I make enough money to support myself, but my loans will not be paid off for another fifty years. I enjoy teaching though, but maybe i gotta head back to the states >_>

>> No.2595839


>> No.2595846



>> No.2595848


>> No.2595854



>> No.2595912

Get back to /b/.

>> No.2595922


How was that "/b/" dialogue?

>> No.2595940

What kind of pussy are you?
>U of A

Oh, I see. An Albertan.

>> No.2595969

Possibly Alabama

>> No.2595984

They have a university?

>> No.2595987

Arizona, Arkansas, there are a few "U of A"s.

>> No.2596011

What sort of fools do you take us for?

>> No.2596020


Are you joking? Any respectable business school requires at least calculus. Not saying its very hard mind you, just not what i expected.

>> No.2596034

>Implying first-year calculus is hard
The guy posted Schrodinger's equation like I'm supposed to believe business majors actually study. I sometimes feel like fraternities were designed to keep business students as far away from other students as possible.

>> No.2596042


Who was implying it was hard? I suppose it hard reading three sentences.

>> No.2596061

Interesting. I was under the impression most scientists and engineers in your field advocated for nuclear zero.

>> No.2598274

1) Law
2) Divorced Milfs + justice

>> No.2598785

Any Biology majors?

>> No.2599026

1. Computer science
2. 4.0
3. 2.69 (yea you can laugh)

>> No.2599041


No just kidding, I admire CS majors. I barely comprehend that stuff.

>> No.2599043

1. Political Science
2. Continental Congress
3. Special Ed

>> No.2599046

Eh, not a huge deal because CS isn't entirely dependent on GPA, unlike some majors. You can always do (notable) side projects.

>> No.2599048

It's more math than programming at my uni. I thought I was good at math until I had to do integral calculus and then a discrete math course.

>> No.2599055

> What I Majored In
Forensic psychology

>What I Expected
Easy, bullshit pseudo science

>What I Got


>> No.2599066

>Engineers, engineers everywhere
Why are you people so spiteful towards anyone that isn't either an engineer or in "hard sciences"?

>> No.2599077

>>1. Political Science
>>2. Continental Congress
>>3. Special Ed

Lol, I know. I sat in on a lecture in a Poly Sci majors class (because I got extra credit for it for my Poly Sci 101 GE class). Talk about a pack of dummies. Holy shit.

>> No.2599107

1. Law
2. Sex, girls, and drugs
3. Sex, girls, drugs, and tons of cash.

Yea I was gonna be an engineer but getting poontang was more important.

>> No.2599668

Which major would give me the most money for the least effort?

Lazy-fag here.
captcha: ofirp philosophy

>> No.2600575

>>>Intelligent people and an MCAT that was entirely based on intelligence
>>>Buncha faggots that care nothing of what they are learning it is only a means to an end (Med school) Everyone who has ever done well on the MCAT has taken 3000 dollars worth of classes, and Med school seems like a huge popularity contest.

Kept the bio major, added a chem major, just got accepted into a PhD program at a moderately respected school. Feels good man.

>> No.2600611

1. Applied math
2. Pure math, but gets you a job!
3. Calculations, CALCULATIONS EVERYWHERE. Not a lot of theory. Fuck this... I hate making a stupid calculation error... goddamn it why can't i be more careful!?!??! These small mistakes are making me depressed and wanting to stay away from the applied, outside world. Maybe that's the problem; I'm just afraid to face the moment and I shrink away into my subconscious mind, and let my mechanical hands take over, not thinking, not seeing the beauty of the work. I'm never in control, only passing. But I want to see the world.

>> No.2600635
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>> No.2600698

1. Physics (officially Physics & Astronomy)
2. A good jumping off point for either earth science or astronomy.
3. A data analysis job with the government for a few years, a master's in environmental/civil engineering, and currently a well-paying civil/env engineering job running models of rivers and dams and shit.

>> No.2600804

Holy shit that sounds pretty awesome.

>> No.2601341

pure math

cool ass rubber sheet geometry (algebraic topology/homotopy theory)

fuckin boring category theory up the ass...

>> No.2601352

are you fucking retarded? you really expected to study complex variables and strange attractors in first semester calculus?? go back to your faggoty engineering club, dork.

>> No.2601364
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