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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2593811 No.2593811 [Reply] [Original]

So tell me /sci/, how impossible is it that aliens are visiting earth or that UFO sightings are real? I think it's all bullshit too, but I'd like to hear some people(who know what they're talking about) explain why they're not.

>> No.2593828

For one, the likelyhood that two separate forms of intelligent life would form close enough to contact each other within any reasonable amount of time is unlikely.

>> No.2593847

[Citation needed]
Basically we have no idea. Everyone wants to guess that it is unlikely but what if there is life everywhere?

>> No.2593851

So how small is the chance of life forming on a planet considering what it takes to make life and how much of it is around?

>> No.2593859




This is my only problem.

If there is an alien species capable of traveling across the cosmos, they would not care to talk to us just as we don't care to talk to ants.

Sure, they might be visiting, but it's not going to concern us for a long time.

>> No.2593862

physics tells us that space is fucking vast and travel in it fucking difficult


>> No.2593893

your telling me you wouldn't talk to ants if you could?
that shit would be awesome
what you got against ants man?

>> No.2593894

Not the same guy, but think about it.

The universe is 14 billion years old. Life on earth is only a few billion. Human life, however, has only been sentient for about 100,000. Now look at how much technology we have now and how much energy we've learned to harness compared to back then.

What are the chances that another sentient life form would should up within that same gap of time while not being something completely beyond our recognition, and what are the chances of us going out into the universe and finding life that is more advanced than pondscum?

The problem is that even if there is life everywhere, it's still horribly unlikely that the interactions between us will be any different than a person talking to a tree.

>> No.2593896

>If there is an alien species capable of traveling across the cosmos, they would not care to talk to us just as we don't care to talk to ants.
[Citation from aliens needed]

>> No.2593904


Obviously my argument is predicated on a lot of bullshit, but so is this entire thread.

captcha: learned Rician

>> No.2593909

I guess what I'm saying is that the state of existence in which humanity lives in is extremely temporary in the long run. It's like expecting two people 3 blocks away from each other with no communication to jump at the same moment with in a minute, while only jumping once.

>> No.2593932

See your problem is you assume "aliens" are just as retarded as us. They could have completely unfathomable technology that violates the tiny grasp we have on observable physics they could do anything. Honestly if you think about it, no one knows and it is just as foolish to dismiss it as it is to embrace it.

>> No.2593942


Would I attempt it? Maybe once.

My point was that in the state that they exist, communicating them would not be even vaguely interesting. It just wouldn't.

>> No.2593943
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>> No.2593955

If aliens do not want to be seen, and actually had the ridiculous technology to traverse galaxies, than why are so many sightings reported? Wouldn't they be advanced enough develop strong cloaking and such?

If they did want to be seen, why would they just fly a few miles above the atmosphere, and not just simply land of the White House lawn?

>> No.2593957



>> No.2593972


Well, the nearest star is 3-light-years away, and our tech can't come near light speed. So at best the trip would be decades long assuming that they happened to be close.

Biologically, you have to calculate the odds that a creature from another world could survive in Earth conditions (atmosphere isn't as big a deal as gravity BTW).

Of course, all of the above is academic if intelligent life is unique to Earth, or if we're the only ones to ever leave the homeworld.

>> No.2593974

I personally think "the aliens" are us... from the future. Why they keep dicking around here in the past is anybody's guess.

>> No.2593978


So I guess what I should have said was:

Aliens capable of travelling across the galaxy, or even the universe, would have nothing to learn from us, and therefore, would likely see very little merit in attempting to communicate us.

>> No.2593985

Crazy people are more receptive of reality

>> No.2593987

Everyone is cool with denying the existance of aliens right up until they get ass rammed by a probe-u-later

>> No.2593989

They may be "reported sightings," but they are the embodiment of anecdotal evidence. More likely than not, it is some sort of unusual weather phenomena or certain kinds of aircraft or other devices.

>> No.2593990



>> No.2593999
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So true.

>> No.2594004

Then why not capture and study us like we do ants? Or annihilate us because we have the potential to be pests?

>> No.2594042


What's to say they haven't? You're thinking on far too small a scale. We capture and study ants in small closed systems because it's resource efficient and that's really all the effort it's worth to us. They could absolutely be observing us as we do ants, they don't have to stick probes in our asses to study us.

But how much research do we really put in ants? How much is that teaching us about any part of the universe? How worthwhile is it?

>> No.2594038

nigguh you talking like you know
but you don't know shit. you aint never talked to an ant before
maybe they know all kinds of shit. maybe they know so much they just don't bother talking to fags like us cause we always asking stupid questions

>> No.2594040

If ants, however unintelligent, had an intelligible language, we'd most definitely be interested to speak to them.

>> No.2594065



But they don't.

Language, however simple, opens up HUGE realms of creativity and communication, and an ant that could effectively communicate would not exist or live in the way that an ant does.

>> No.2594100

By far the most reasonable assertion is that intelligent extraterrestrial life has never visited Earth within the span of our species' existence. And by "reasonable", I mean in agreement with evidence and requiring the fewest and most supported assumptions.

>> No.2594104

So humans, because they speak, already live the way they would if they could speak. That is at the same level as potential aliens, no matter how advanced they are.

>> No.2594118


We can teach chimpanzees sign language.

Take five minutes and really think about that.

Then come back and reassess your argument.

>> No.2594134

> We can teach chimpanzees a trick that involves sign language.


>> No.2594141

Humans created their language independently. The analogy you're trying to imply, implies that aliens would have to teach us intelligent speech.

>> No.2594142
File: 82 KB, 853x480, irrefutable proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So tell me /sci/, how impossible is it that aliens are visiting earth or that UFO sightings are real?
I think at this point, it's pretty much impossible to calculate the probability of alien visitation, simply because we don't have enough information about the entire fucking universe yet to make any halfway accurate estimations in this regard.

What's for sure, however, is that 100% of all the evidence *for* alien visitation that's been put forth so far, has been either demonstrably false, unverifiable, or otherwise worthlessly inconclusive. So, personally, I see no good reason to stray from the rather reasonable assumption that alien visitations are not taking place at the moment.

>> No.2594148

We can't. Stop talking shit.

>> No.2594154

We can't. Stop being so stupid. Why are you so stupid?

>> No.2594165

Troll detected.

>> No.2594166


refer to:

Thank you, the three of you, for being the only non-retarded people in this thread.

>> No.2594174

Taking offense to something I said? Spit it out. I'm all ears.

>> No.2594197

< Humans don't have enough information about the universe.
The Universe isn't even proven yet.
It's a theory, moron.

>> No.2594212

>>2593828 For one, the likelihood that I'll ever learn how to properly spell 'likelihood' is unlikely.

>> No.2594221
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>> No.2594225


It's noteworthy, however, that not even .000000000001% of the "evidence" has been proven true.

If you're asking for demonstrable proof that something specific didn't happen, you're on the wrong board and the wrong track of mind. We don't do that.

Trolled hard, etc.

>> No.2594237


Disregard, I suck cocks and am incapable of reading.

Either that or your post is strangely worded. I'm not sure which.

>> No.2594242

>2/10 Trolls never learn.
>Nice try though bro.

>> No.2594243

I think you should re-read my post *very carefully*. If you still think your response applies at all, please explain how.

>> No.2594257

This, and also, wouldn't it be much more interesting if we never found life elsewhere? Maybe we are the only life that ever arose? That would be the biggest mystery of all and the most interesting. I'd rather have that than aliens

>> No.2594265

Maybe it was unnecessarily wordy, but yeah, I pretty much said the exact opposite of what you seemed to have interpreted into it.

To sum it up:
Our understanding of the universe is still fairly limited, but in my opinion, the assumption that aliens are *not* visiting us is still the much more reasonable stance to take at this point, due to the complete and utter lack of evidence for it.

>> No.2594278

Is it possible? Certainly.

But we have absolutely no solid evidence supporting that they have arrived, so it is stupid to assume so.
I don't think humanity gives itself enough credit. What if we ARE the unfathomably intelligent super-species?

>> No.2594326

It may be possible that they "see" the world in another way.
Maybe they are seeing things above UV or IR spectrum, or they may be able to "see" gravity wells of every object and thus identifying them.
they may be cloaked, but for them.
it's like using invisibility in water against sonar. this shit just doesn't work.

>> No.2594347

Maybe the aliens are always hiding simply because they're afraid of us, because they're total pussies. FOOD FOR THOUGHT, IS NOT IT?

>> No.2594403

Or maybe they are too offended by the levels of stupidity and arrogance (etc.) our society exhibits.

>> No.2595718

>If there is an alien species capable of traveling across the cosmos, they would not care to talk to us just as we don't care to talk to ants.

I totally 100% agreed with this post intill this spot.

How the FUCK do you know what they would and wouldn't be interested in? Your making the same gigantic type of assumption that you were JUST arguing against making. Someone could just as well assume that they are as eager for contact as we are, regardless of their tech level.