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File: 380 KB, 850x680, future-city-5-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2592714 No.2592714 [Reply] [Original]

What will the world look like 100 years from now? What is the political/environmental/economical/technological situation then? What will be the greatest achievements or the biggest damages?

Make an educated guess please.

>> No.2592720
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>implying that anyone in 1911 was anywhere close to guessing what 2011 would be like.

stupid question.

>> No.2592719
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>mfw Startrek.

>> No.2592728
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Something like this, probably.

>> No.2592726

>Make an educated guess please.
If I lived in the year 1900 and had tried to predict 2000, any possible guess I could have made would be utterly worthless.

1900 was before cars. 1900 was before heavier-than air-flight. How the hell could I predict the fucking Internet?

Even 50 years ahead is too far. We don't really know.

inb4 pie-in-the-sky futurists who pretend they know what will happen

>> No.2592730

There have been articles posted here from 50 or 100 years ago predicting the present. They weren't that far off on some things. Of course, most things they predicted never happened.

>> No.2592738

ill tell you what itll be like

barely any scientific breakthroughs will occur

fashion changes will occur, in massive amounts. price fluctuations of objects will occur. gadgets will become more and more compact/efficient.

but there wont be flying cars or some shit.

>> No.2592745

What kind of articles exactly? Could you post them here again?

>> No.2592748

>barely any scientific breakthroughs will occur
God damn, at least extrapolate from current trends.

>> No.2592751


Damnit OP, people cant predict an hour from now, let alone 100 years.

>> No.2592759

Not OP, but tell that to >>2592738

>> No.2592784

im just extrapolating from past trends

what scientific breakthroughs have happened in the past 100 years? we spent a shitload of money and time building a machine that...collides two particles together.

big whoop. derp de doop.

when we colonize jupiter, let me know.

>> No.2592790

This is the most obvious troll I've seen all day. Anyway,

>> No.2592792

>How the hell could I predict the fucking Internet?
By good luck and lots of imagination. Jules Verne predicted the submarines and moon missions.

>> No.2592794

genetic engineering, custom babies, choose eye color, height, weight, intelligence, super resistent crops
elimination of disease
500 yr life expectancy
super computers the size of a grain of sand
colonization of moon, mars, titan

>> No.2592812

>what scientific breakthroughs have happened in the past 100 years?
general relativity
quantum mechanics
expanding universe
big bang theory

>> No.2592813


>> No.2592817

futurism is an artistic movement from the early 1900's , some of them describe our current state fairly acurrate.

Now, i believe that in 100 years our society would look pretty much the same from the outside i.e Our cities, roads, infrastructure in general.

But there're are going to be massive changes on the efficiency of our cars, commercial buildings, houses, public transportation systems etc..
Culturally, would be unrecognizable, "radical" values of today would be the norm in tomorrow. Sex, drugs and other current taboos would be rather trivial discussions.

We might see some improvements in biology, therefore improvements in biomedical engineering and genetic engineering, mostly to deal with diseases or other small issues. Space travel would look pretty much like it looks today. Now it seems rather trivial to set up 100 years.. i think the only way we would see a dramatic changes in our society like the ones seen during 1920-1960, would be only if we manage to commercialize fusion and get it to be more cost/efficient than Hydrocarbons. If we do so, i would expect to see dramatic changes in every aspect.

>> No.2592822

uh...those are all theories. im talking about tangible breakthroughs. physical evidence of progress.

>> No.2592830


Our computers are about to become the size of a pen

>> No.2592836

technological breakthroughs? yeah, there were none in the 20th Century...

>> No.2592840

lol. A scientific breakthrough cannot be anything other than a theory. Maybe you mean technological breakthroughs. Not the same thing.

>> No.2592842

Those are even MORE plentiful than the major scientific revolutions. I'm not going to spoon-feed you.

>> No.2592843
File: 61 KB, 1000x750, end-of-the-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2592844

internet, ipods, iphones, mechanical sex dolls, the rabbit, priuses, jet engines, space shuttles, space stations, nuclear power, nuclear bombs, internet porn, 4chan, etc

>> No.2592852

out of all of those the only decent ones are nuclear related or space related. the rest are shit and useless in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.2592854

Rocketry, Tv, Radio communications, Radio astronomy, Electron microscope, The integrated circuit, Microprocessor, Satellites, Automation, Robotics, Flight, Fertilizers, GMOs, vaccines, Internet.

among many others

>> No.2592859 [DELETED] 


Transistor and integrated circuits (which inevitable lead to cheap micro-computers)
Mastering the heavier than air -flight
Mastering of nuclear fission.

Then the obligatory breakthroughs that have been utilized for decades now and which have been covered up in black projects by the government.

Faster than light travel
Limitless free energy

That's all.

>> No.2592860

Don't forget the fleshlight.

>> No.2592871 [DELETED] 


Transistor and integrated circuits (which inevitably lead to cheap micro-computers)
Mastering the heavier than air -flight
Mastering of nuclear fission.

Then the obligatory breakthroughs that have been utilized for decades now and which have been covered up in black projects by the government.

Faster than light travel
Limitless free energy

That's all, the significant ones.

>> No.2592875


Transistor and integrated circuits (which inevitably lead to cheap micro-computers)
Mastering the heavier than air -flight
Mastering of nuclear fission.

Then the obligatory breakthroughs that have been utilized for decades now and which have been covered up in black projects by the government.

Faster than light travel
Limitless free energy

That's all, the significant ones.

>> No.2592882

>out of all of those the only decent ones
The universe is not here to impress you. GTFO.

>> No.2592884

Who could forget? Such a beautiful masturbatory revolution

>> No.2592886

>the internet
Full retard

>> No.2592889
File: 30 KB, 470x315, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2592894

China has taken over the world

>> No.2592897

.. at least to the degree that the US has now.

>> No.2592903

personally i think the world will be a collection of radioactive creators.
but maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.2592906
File: 54 KB, 344x650, dr-manhattan-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>radioactive creators.
You called?

>> No.2592925

It'll be the same with a bit more technology. Shit never changes.

Oh and I'll see y'all in 100 years - we gonna live that long.

>> No.2592943

>implying life isn't radically different than it was 100 years ago...

>> No.2592948



>> No.2592956

more importantly, will there be more niggars or less niggars?

>> No.2592968


>Implying the trivialities really make a difference

100 years ago we were born, we to school, then went on to further study or got a job, found a partner, got married, had sprogs, died.

Same shit 100 years from now.

>> No.2592981

And... that bores you? You want that to change somehow?

Kill yourself.

>> No.2592983


Can't really see many reasons why not...but hope's a bitch sometimes.

>> No.2592986

More, both on an absolute and a relative scale. But a greater proportion of them will probably be in Africa.

>> No.2592991
File: 63 KB, 500x350, po_warf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failing infrastructure, society slowly sliding backwards in terms of standard of living, the first stages of a new dark age underway. Pic related.

>> No.2593001


it's always darkest before the sun comes up.
and by sun i mean blinding nuclear light.

>> No.2593008

>A Lebanese soldier stands next to a crater following Israeli airstrikes at the main crossroads in southern Beirut, Lebanon.
Nice cherry-picking. Though perhaps you meant the photo to be illustrative rather than supportive of your scenario.

>> No.2593019

Why the fuck would we build a tower that looks like a fucking drill

>> No.2593013

I'm still interested in these radioactive creators

>> No.2593034


#History - "Management of soil fertility, however, has been the pre-occupation of farmers for thousands of years."
again, nope.

>> No.2593036
File: 22 KB, 550x368, walt-disney-hall-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egotistical architects, and the people who pay them. We already have plenty of those.

>> No.2593040


they will be big.


how the fuck did you even i.d this picture?
I'm not the guy that posted it but my god that is fucking awesome.
do you watch to much news or something?

>> No.2593047

Illustrative, yes. A "This is what it will look like", not "this is why this will happen".

>> No.2593049

>Fertilizers? Nope
Haber process, bitch.

If you're going to over-generalize everything, cars aren't new either. I mean, it's just transportation. We already had feet for transportation, silly!

>> No.2593050
File: 283 KB, 1000x1980, ModeGakuenSpiralTowers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. Drilling for rain?

>> No.2593055

>how the fuck did you even i.d this picture?
>I'm not the guy that posted it but my god that is fucking awesome.
>do you watch to much news or something?

I know it looks awesome, but I found it through a reverse image search.

>> No.2593058

fair enough.
still, vaccination?

>> No.2593068
File: 4 KB, 126x122, 1268664821133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 years from now? No one can predict this. We can't even predict what life will be like even 5 years from now.

I'd imagine in 10 years life will be like an upgraded super realistic version of "second life" where we all live in a virtual world we can control with our mind.

Past that, god knows (singularity? nobody fucking knows)

>> No.2593075

We eliminated smallpox, and have almost elminated polio. Probably the first time in history that humanity ever completely eradicated a disease. It's even a horrifying, highly contagious, and nearly-always-fatal disease too (smallpox).

>> No.2593092

And smallpox wasn't a minor disease either, by number of cases.
>In the early 1950s an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year.

>> No.2593110

I can see two options;

1: The world is in ruins, after several nuclear snf inter-imperial wars and hundreds of civil wars, nothing remains but bandit salvaging groups here and there killing and eating anything they come across, including humans. It is a desolate wasteland that is scarcely habitable.

2: It's an egalitarian utopia, all class conflicts have been resolved and we live in the dictatorship of the proletariat (at least in a good fraction of all the regions of the world).

Either way, the technocratic capitalist society that most people imagine is impossible and socially absurd.

>> No.2593117

100 years from now:

1. Jesus Christ will reign on earth from Jerusalem.
2. A 90 year old will die, and people will console his mother that the child died so young.
3. Someone who will live over 900 years will be born. He will have hundreds of children.
4. Earth will have 900 years of bliss left, without any demonic forces acting against mankind.'
5. Good times.

>> No.2593124

>Either way, the technocratic capitalist society that most people imagine is impossible and socially absurd.
Sooooo.... you're saying that communism is one of the two inevitable stable optima, but capitalism is impossible in the future? OK. Zeitgeist much?

>> No.2593127

dude, the russians have stockpiles of smallpox, and the vaccinations were only good for 10 years.

no one is immune, and one of the most evil empires in human history has stockpiled biological weapons to use on their enemies.

>> No.2593132

The fact remains that the disease has been completely eliminated from circulation. And we can do it again if we need to.

>> No.2593138

>the russians
>one of the most evil empires in human history
Wake up bro. It's not the 60's anymore.

>> No.2593139

really? you think we're ready for an airborne attack of smallpox? you think we have 300,000,000 doses of vaccine leftover?


>> No.2593146

the teens will make the 60's look like a mormon picnic

>> No.2593150

and that helps us....how, exactly?

>> No.2593149

The russians have a stockpile of it?? Oh shi-

Oh wait... we do too.

Captcha: time/sec

>> No.2593153

Europe: A couple of dictatorships a way like the former (/ current) Middle-East.
North-America: A way like today's third world countries.
Middle East: Much more stable than today, however still struggling from ethnic and cultural conflicts, just like it always has been.
South America: Stable states.
East-Asia: Democracy's next step in evolution.

>> No.2593173

>airborne attack of smallpox
Yeah, you don't know as much as you think you do. At any rate,
The threat is there, but it would not be the end of western civilization, and Russia is not evil incarnate.

Anyway, this is off-topic. The point is that the elimination of smallpox in the wild is one of humanities greatest triumphs, and it happened in the last 100 years.

>> No.2593176

the smallpox virus is very interesting. it was discovered that somehow, it had replicated human genes and spliced them into itself. this is goddamn freaky, and how and why it did this is to my knowledge hitertho unknown. so it's definately valuable for research.

>> No.2593177

wheeee, we eliminated smallpox, except for the massive stores held by the major powers involved in the cold war, which is heating up rapidly.....

yeah, that's some accomplishment. oh, and people still have polio, just not in your neighborhood.

>> No.2593178

>Implying the U.S. won't unite the world into a glorious utopia.

>> No.2593179

You seriously talking about Russia starting WWIII, and using biological weapons? lolno

We've already agreed that biological weapons count as WMDs, and will be met with the use of nuclear weapons. That's why we've been able to give up our biological warfare program.

>> No.2593182

>Middle East: Much more stable than today, however still struggling from ethnic and cultural conflicts, just like it always has been.
I don't see the Middle East not collapsing after oil is not the world's energy source anymore.

>> No.2593185

>the cold war, which is heating up rapidly....
Delusions everywhere

> people still have polio, just not in your neighborhood.
I never claimed it was eliminated. Only almost eliminated.

>> No.2593221


only the parts of the middle east dependent on selling oil will collapse.

and even they will take their time given the crazy amount of money they are making.

>> No.2593357

yes, because Iran would never destabilize the middle east, with the help of mother russia fueling her nuclear ambitions

oh wait

>> No.2593363

"almost pregnant" = "almost eliminated"

>> No.2593516
File: 182 KB, 632x357, Try2004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to a Discovery Science Documentary, the Japanese proposed Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid could be complete sometime in this decade, most likely 2110.

>> No.2593570

hmmm there will probably be a huge reining-in of the internet. There will probably be a lot of censorship as AI tech becomes capable of monitoring everyone in real time. It'll be done as part of a moral crusade.

The gap between the richest and poorest will get bigger. While there is a lot of optimism regarding technology and falling birthrates, the means of production remain in control of private cabals who work, if not concertedly so, in their own best interests.

Expect to see major deregulation. This will be irreversible; companies are not limited by country anymore, so no government will be able to tell them to fuck off and act right without risking losing their tax base to a foreign power. Corporations will become sovereign entities. They will not, as sensationalists claim, become militarized. It's a waste of capital when other deals could be made.

Expect more of the things you buy to be cheaper, more mass-produced. Expect them to break more easily and not last as long, requiring you to buy more products. Consumption becomes all-important. Even governments will implore you to do so.

On the plus side, many technologies will as a matter of necessity reduce their impact on the environment. We will almost certainly have electric cars. Solar energy, at least in the long-term, seems like a pretty low-hanging fruit.

>> No.2593596

>sometime in this decade, most likely 2110
I slept through a century? Again?

>> No.2593629

>>2593570 They will not, as sensationalists claim, become militarized. It's a waste of capital when other deals could be made.
Also, a lack of an actual population base to draw from makes this impossible barring some sort of robot army.

>> No.2594386
File: 4 KB, 145x130, 1269660490424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jules Verne(b1828) predicted the submarine
>The first submersible with reliable information on its construction was built in 1620 by Cornelius Jacobszoon Drebbel, a Dutchman in the service of James I of England

>> No.2594406

Things will get better, or not.
Things will be cheaper, or not.
Certain things will happen, and certain things won't.

Virtual Reality Porno.

>> No.2594494
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>Sex, drugs and other current taboos would be rather trivial discussions.

Barbarous radically conservative third-world'ers are flooding into the West at the same time the native populations are aging and shirking. Statist collectivist trash like China are rapidly rising in power. The next hundred years will see a massive fall in both social justice and social liberty.

>> No.2594512

Weren't we talking about the world in 100 years?

>> No.2594523
