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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2590432 No.2590432 [Reply] [Original]

Have anyone ever asked themselves this question?
You are consciousness manifest in this body.
But why? and why in this body, in this world?
Why am I me?

>> No.2590438

You should try to look into Solipsism, personally I think it's a load of bull and that "concioussness" is merely a biological construct but hopefully you'll find something in there.

>> No.2590437

Why is not a question that science can answer. About you being you, however, that is a combination of genetics, environmental conditioning and the structure your brain has from those two factors.

>> No.2590444

Hey OP, actually none of us exist and you're the only "conciouss" being in existence, every thing else is a manifestation of your all-powerful sub-concious, a self induced delusion.
You are God.

>> No.2590450


>> No.2590470

>Why am I me?

>> No.2590473

You are the product of monumental cosmic events and their gradual cooling. It isn't a purpose, it's a reason. Purpose is subjective, as it conscious perception. You are only you because your matter happens to be currently arranged in a form that permits you to think it you are. As a subjective consciousness you are free to assign your own values onto existence and meaning, but keep in mind that these are subjective bias and not absolute truths.

>> No.2590475

hey gabe u fat piece of shit go work on half life 3, faggot

>> No.2590479
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>Why am I me?

Bullshit! Proof or it didn't happen!

>> No.2590493

You fucking faggots OP here.
I'm not asking what's the purpose of my life, I'm asking why is my concioussness attached to this physical body.

>> No.2590497


>> No.2590496

>and why in this body, in this world?
because a mind is a function of the body, not the other way around

>> No.2590499

Awareness isn't some sort of universal constant that's been plugged into your body, OP.
It's as real as you leg or scrotum, part of the universe that just is.
Heck, hasn't it been proved thatthe feeling of awareness is just the result of chemicals dancing around your brain?

>> No.2590505

It's better if you break it down like this OP:
Why is the sun here?
You can porbably rationalize the answer, the sun is a mass of incandescent gas, blah blah blah it is because it is.
Well, your sense of self can be rationalized just the same.
"I am a conciouss being, because this and that and that, why? because this and that and that" repeat ad nauseum and you've beaten existential crisis.

>> No.2590507

That's pretty cool and all but isn't it avoiding the question?

>> No.2590510

Yes it has


>> No.2590512

If you weren't you, you wouldn't ask this question. Also that fucking makes no sense. Of course you're you, why would you be your dog?

>> No.2590516
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Nope, that is actually answering the question.
How old are you?

>> No.2590520

Are you asking why you think you are not a philosophical zombie? Look up Dennett (everyone is one) or Chalmers (functionally equivalent systems experience the types of qualia; thus there are no philosophical zombies).
Which to me either means that we're all zombies or none of us are. Since internally I have knowledge which I cannot communicate in a meaningful way, I can say that I am not a zombie, but physically from a 3rd person perspective, there is no reason to believe anybody experiences any qualia at all, and such a conclusion only happens because we experience qualia. Of course, someone saying they experience qualia is consistent with how the brain works, so that's no proof that we are not philosophical zombies.

>> No.2590524

But isn't my scrotum (and therefore, it's presence within your mother's mouth) an universal constant?

>> No.2590526

Oh, and you think you are you because of your memories. There is no reason whatsoever that the illusion of continuity of consciousness is real, much less reason to believe so than the belief that qualia/phenomenal experience is real.

You are you because of your synapses.

>> No.2590532

Cool but how do I beat regular Crysis? I'm stuck at the part with the tentacled alien and am low on ammo, I'm too lazy to play all the way from my last save spot.

>> No.2590533

Old enough to do your mom.

>> No.2590535

This is the third thread on /sci/ that derails into "your mom" jokes.
I'm starting to believe this is a regular ocurrance amongst your brainy folk.

>> No.2590537

You misunderstand. Chemicals or even quantum effects are not the reason you have raw consciousness (experience qualia/phenomenal experience). Or what I meant to say is that they are the reason you work at all, but they are too low of a level of abstraction here and you can't really talk expect apparently non-physical things like phenomenal experience to be the result of chemicals or QM - they are the result of information processing in the brain, however that doesn't mean that those chemicals are your consciousness (if such a thing exists at all!). If qualia exists, it's probably because of information processing in general, not because some chemical says you have x qualia.

>> No.2590545
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>implying /sci/tards are 'brainy folk' and not just a collection of slightly-above-average-intelligence, socially awkward narcissists.

>> No.2590546

Why does existence occur?

Why aren't I a philosophical zombie?

How do I understand thoughts?

>> No.2590555

There are infinite combinations of atoms to compose a brain, but your specific combination is unique, let's assume u can convert ur brain atoms into a string, that string is you.

That's how i see it though.

>> No.2590556

Okay, why I am me?
Why couldn't my conciousness manifest somewhere else, in a different body?

>> No.2590560

I know it's hard to understand but AWARENESS IS NOT SOMETHING SPECIAL

>> No.2590566


to say it again differently: if your mind developed in another body, it wouldn't be your mind

>> No.2590567


>> No.2590574

Are you the same person you were 5 minutes ago?

>> No.2590573

your brain is a unique material structure in the universe that has an unique place , as part of the cosmos, nothing else can be you

>> No.2590577


nothing in the universe is the same as 1 second ago kid

>> No.2590580

there is a continuation of consciousness and the information content of my brain hasn't changed much, so I would say yes. Even more so since no core data has changed.

>> No.2590581

I realized this on the 2nd day of /sci/s existence.

>> No.2590586

That's unfortunate, considering the second day of /sci/ was the height of intelectualism considering what it has become now.

>> No.2590591


gg circular reasoning, lit. you are because you are because you are

is consciousness a function singularly derivative from physicality?

>> No.2590597

Yes. Change the physical characteristics of the brain and you change the charateristics of the mind.

This is not new. It has been known for at least one hundred and fifty years.

Body-mind duality is the domain of religion.

There is no mind without a body, but there can be a body without a mind.

Mind is nothing but software running on the hardware of your brain.

If you can't deal with it, then stop talking about it.

>> No.2590602


mind is not software

the mind is the hardware, you can't just see that hardware from inside, but you are it

>> No.2590617

Yes it is. It can be changed with simple addition of data, unlike hardware.

>> No.2590633
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Software is the social programming you receive until you are abour 25 years old.

>> No.2590636
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By that logic hard drives are software because you can change them with simple addition of data.

Learn 2 computer knowledge n00b

>> No.2590651


It's an interesting hypothesis - one implies the the other but one is not necessarily the sum of the other; configuration, composition or otherwise.

I feel this argument is; philosophy is to the brain as quantum physics are to the the table.

Both arguments are invariably true one way but unprovable in the other.

>> No.2590714

The physical change is negligible compared to the change in data. Your comment is irrelevant.