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2589675 No.2589675 [Reply] [Original]

So. Don't want this to be a religious discussion.

I'm an atheist

I'm circumcised because my dad is catholic.

Is there any scientific benefit for being circumcised? Yes I know you have less feeling and that isn't good. But are there any benefits?

And I want this to be strictly science. No religion.

>> No.2589678


>> No.2589677


>> No.2589683


>> No.2589681

One arguement for circumcision is hygiene.

>> No.2589684


Pretty much this.
You've essentially taken away a region where bacteria can get in and proliferate between the head and the skin.
With it gone, shit cant get stuck under there, and its easier to clean when it does.

Also, some girls prefer no foreskin.

Which makes me sad :(

>> No.2589687

If you never shower, circumcision is more hygienic. But since in modern society even the most slobbernly of people tend to shower at least once a week, this reason is null and void today.
But the reason why it was invented was to stop boys from masturbating.
And it didn't actually work.

>> No.2589691

makes it look bigger, smell better, and last longer. So mostly the benefits are for your partner, not you.

on the plus side, it makes it easier to get laid, and then get laid again.

>> No.2589702

This is what virgins actually believe.
The hardest part about getting laid is getting consent, the rest is just a formality.
If she's like 'ew I don't fuck circumcised/uncircumcised men', slap her and leave.

>> No.2589704

Girls tend to prefer a circumcized penis for purely aesthetic reasons, but there's no functional sexual benefit. In fact, I read in a recent article that a circumcized penis, while supposedly having "less feeling" is actual more prone to early ejaculation because you are stimulating an area which is supposed to be shielded, i.e. you are stimulated a very sensitive area at the head of the penis. Definitely sucks for masturbation though I would imagine, see as you're rubbing raw, immobile skin.

In terms of cleanliness, well, yes it is "easier" to keep clean, but unless you're buttfuck retarded there's really no difference in cleanliness between a circumcized and uncircumcized penis. Just pull it back and scrub when you're in the shower.

Basically it comes down to which one you prefer the look of, or your partner. But really it doesn't make any functional difference.

>> No.2589710

meh, I'm almost 40, married twice, have two kids, and have bedded a little more than 80 women.

I love sex, and I talk to women about it. I have a fair idea of what works. consent is important, but it helps to look and smell good.

>> No.2589712

A haircut for your penis!

>> No.2589713

If it's about cleanliness, why not take off ear lobes, nostrils, fingernails, or any other place that isn't necessary but where bacteria can gather? It would serve just as much purpose and make religious fags a little more consistent.

>> No.2589732


ITT: virgins.

>> No.2589737

Such things are easily achieved by personal hygiene rather than removal of skin.

>> No.2589742


Stated Reason: Medical and cosmetic benefits, the former highly dubious, and the latter merely subjective.

Actual Reason: Penis Chauvinism, wanting your child to have the same penis as his father.

Ultimate Reason: Sand people trying to eliminate masturbation and sexual pleasure.

Not that I have a problem with circumcision per se. I mean, anyone who is an adult who wants to engage in body modification, whether it be tattoos, or piercings, or circumcision, or whatever they like, can do it. But mutilating the genitals of an infant is bullshit.

>> No.2589745

You can't get phimosis or have adhesions if you're circumcised.
So, 75% of guys have jew-dicks and consequentially, sex ed says nothing about foreskin and men can go their entire lives without knowing this is a problem.

I'm still glad I wasn't circumcised. My doctor recommended it and I asked if I could keep as much foreskin as possible. Foreskin, especially in small amounts, is basically a masturbatory aid.

>> No.2589747

could be true, I wouldn't know any different. My experience is with American women mostly, and the majority seem to prefer cut. Looks and cleanliness are the two factors they mention most. I'm pretty old though, perhaps younger womens are changing their opinions on what is essentially a matter of style.

>> No.2589750

Either clean it, or chop it off.

>> No.2589753


>> No.2589758

This is only important if you are a virgin. Seriously. If you get a girl to fuck you she is not going to stop unless you have a vagina for a dick. Being uncircumcised gives you more pleasure. Being circumcised gives you the benefit of aesthetic pleasure (US).

>> No.2589762

most of the women I've fucked I got into bed by showing my dick though.

I learned at an early age that if you can get a woman to ask to see your cock, and you aren't hideous, she will eventually want to try it out. Not sure if it's because of how it looks, or because I'm obviously easy, but it works.

>> No.2589785


What's your success rate? I can believe that as a percentage of total beddings, most of them were as a result of your crass technique; but I can't believe that the technique itself is usually, or even often, successful.

>> No.2589789

Are you literally interpreting what he said as just going up to women and getting your dick out?

>> No.2589792 [DELETED] 

I don't like it when people use the word mutilation for this. It's an obvious abuse of the pathos behind the word. True, you are modifying a part of a baby that has no say in the matter, but you're hardly debilitating him, and what's more it trivializes the word for when you want to talk about real bloody violence. You might as well "mutilate" your fingernails once a week, or "mutilate" your earlobes for jewelry, or "mutilate" the umbilical cord o a baby so it forms an "outie".

To clarify my opinion on circumcision itself: it isn't right. Because of the choice you take from the child. Not because the act of cutting (at least by some who's qualified) itself is terribly vicious. Which it isn't.

>> No.2589793


This is what he said.

>> No.2589802

I don't like it when people use the word mutilation for this. It's an obvious abuse of the pathos behind the word. True, you are modifying a part of a baby that has no say in the matter, but you're hardly debilitating him, and what's more it trivializes the word for when you want to talk about real bloody violence. You might as well "mutilate" your fingernails once a week, or "mutilate" your earlobes for jewelry, or "mutilate" the umbilical cord of a baby so it forms an "outie".

To clarify my opinion on circumcision itself: it isn't right. Because of the choice you take from the child. Not because the act of cutting (at least by someone who's qualified) itself is terribly vicious. Which it isn't.

>> No.2589799


If you consider female circumcision to be a mutilation, then you must consider male circumcision to be a mutilation.

If not, then sure, we can just call it circumcision.

>> No.2589804

Has your penis ever been infested with dirty stinky smegma?
If no, you have your circumcision to thank.

>> No.2589807

I only whip it out if asked, I'm not often asked. Of those that did ask, if I recall correctly I slept with all of them.

they were mostly one-nighters, and probably constitute ~2/3 of my conquests. I'd never try that tactic on a woman I was interested in for more than sex, and I'd never flash anyone that didn't want to see.

>> No.2589813


So it's more like an incredibly forward version of the 'the move', rather than a brag about your hypnotic dick?

That I can understand, at least.

>> No.2589817

The unanaesthetised removal of a piece of skin very rich in nerve endings isn't vicious?
It's torture.
But it's okay guys, the baby won't remember.

I agree though, it's still not the important point.

>> No.2589821


Like the man says; either clean it or chop it off.

I don't think I'd trade normal sexual function for the capacity to go a day or so longer without having to clean myself.

>> No.2589831

>So it's more like an incredibly forward version of the 'the move', rather than a brag about your hypnotic dick?

yes, though I got them to ask to see it by bragging about it. I brag, they deny, I offer proof. My dick isn't anything amazing, but chicks like to look at dicks.

>> No.2589839

> I'm circumcised because my dad is catholic.

No. You are circumcised because you are American.

>> No.2589845

If yes, you have not bathing for days on end to thank. I'm uncircumcised, and all you have to do is take a fucking shower. How difficult is that?

On a side note, I think all circumcised people would officially be recognized as amputees.

>> No.2589850

>I think all circumcised people would officially be recognized as amputees.

blew coffee out my nose!

where do I sign for my disability check?

>> No.2589874


Again, if your going to use the word, it's going to be for the emotional aspect behind it. Whether or not it's senseless sensationalism, or a legitimate description, depends on the situation. You should be honest in your judgement. Is the boy in a safe, sterilized environment? Or is he a kidnapped 16 year old getting his junk hacked at with a sharpened stone?

Also Female circumcision is an umbrella term that actually covers a variety of acts - from cutting off the clitoris, to removing all external genitalia. There are a lot of different variables that play into it - culture, environment, etc. Just because the procedure has the same name doesn't mean it has the same circumstances - indeed they can be wildly different. You don't have to treat both the same.

>> No.2589930


It is fair to say that the mildest things called circumcision in the female are not as bad as male circumcision, while the worst are far worse.

But the principle is the same. Parts of the genitals are cut off for, at best, aesthetic reasons.

Compared to the examples in the earlier post; cutting fingernails is not mutilation because they regrow, the cutting serves a function, and it is voluntary; earlobe piercings are not mutilation because it is voluntary and it causes no loss in function; cutting the umbilical cord is not mutilation because it is necessary for the survival of the child (I assume).

Circumcision is mutilation by my lights because it is not voluntary (in the cases we are discussing), and it is accompanied by a loss of function, the sexual sensations in particular.

>> No.2590006

Say, for example, if I had been circumcised as a child. In this hypothetical example, I'm also 25 years old, and despite my WELL above average sexual performance, I still have premature ejaculation issues. How would I possibly get around this issue? Hypothetically, the girl I regularly make sweet love to loves what I do, but I still feel like I could last longer.

Please help. I know I can do better, but my parents were victims of Lutheran indoctrination, and I was the unfortunate collateral damage.

>> No.2590021

well which one would u want to suck more OP.... then that'll be your decision of which is better

>> No.2590031

There's some evidence that it reduces the transmission of some diseases, probably because it's easier to keep clean, but that evidence is not conclusive by any means yet. My advice to you, either way, is to learn to like the one you've got, and not sweat it too much. I'm almost 29 and I've never heard a woman say anything about my penis one way or the other with regards to it being circumcised. I think most normal people who are going to see your dick aren't really going to care very much about it.

>> No.2590032

Pro: Slightly less risk of AIDS if you don't like condoms.
Cleaner if you don't bother to shower

Con: Much lower sensitivity
Masturbation is harder and less fun

>smell better
And vegetarianism makes your cum taste nicer.

>> No.2590046

>Slightly less risk of AIDS if you don't like condoms.

Are you fucking serious
What kind of backward education did you get

>> No.2590051



>> No.2590069
File: 20 KB, 528x450, 1285923821613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conclusion 10: Promoting circumcision for HIV-positive men is not recommended
>10.1 Based on the current available evidence, male circumcision is not recommended for HIV-positive men as an intervention to reduce HIV transmission to women.

>> No.2590071

Hey, I'm just repeating the arguments made. I've seen people literally argue that you should circumcise all boys in case they end up going to Africa and start having unprotected sex.

>> No.2590073 [DELETED] 

>Pro: Slightly less risk of AIDS if you don't like condoms.
I don't even know what to say to such stupidity and misinformation. This makes even the most extreme Islam-fags look reasonable.

>> No.2590075

yes, though aquisition of HIV is reduced by >50% in cut vs uncut men.

I'm not the anon you were questioning, I just can't believe anyone hasn't read this stuff by now..

>> No.2590078

>consent is important

I'm glad 4chan has come to a conclusion on this

>> No.2590098

>be circumcised
>masturbate without lube, no rawdick, enjoy immensely
>ejaculate when appropriate
>never get pinched

extra flap is extra, inconsequential operation is inconsequential, etc

cut it, don't cut it. in a first world country, it makes no difference. enjoy your time-wasting anti-religious butthurt.

>> No.2590107

>no smegma
>last longer in bed
>be alpha as fuck

>> No.2590116

ITT: Jews defend their mass mutilation of the American public.

>> No.2590113

>no smegma
>implying showers do not exist

>> No.2590120

>implying 98% of the 4chan community can locate the shower in their house

>> No.2590128



>wants to last longer to please a woman

>doesn't care that naturalfags have sex that lasts longer and feels better

>can't admit he is a survivor of child abuse and genital mutilation

>> No.2590131

But it does reduce the risk of infection for HIV negative men, as long as they don't go "Fuck yeah, I'm circumcised, now I'll have sex with this filthy filthy whore without a condom!"

>> No.2590133


ok. threads over.
this has literally been said more than five times this thread.
smegma is there or it isnt. just because you can wash it away does not mean it doesnt exist.
not the fucking point

to others entering the thread,
here are your valuable posts. read them, and don't contribute to this cancer again.

>> No.2590138

I've only ever had smegma when I was in the military. I didn't shower for two months. The amount of white stuff, which thinking about it now might have been lint, was less than half the size of an uncooked grain of rice.

The smell was unbearable though.

>> No.2590144

I think any dick would stink after two months without a washing.

>> No.2590153

ITT: Jews get u mad after being called out for their pseudo-bullshitery defense of mass mutilation of the American public.

>> No.2590220

>I'm circumcised because my dad is catholic

nobody has pointed out this doesn't make sense? catholics (e.g. south america and eastern europe) don't circumcise.

>> No.2590245

who gives a shit?

>> No.2590258


>> No.2590261

Technically, it's not pseudo-bullshit, it's just plain bullshit.

>> No.2590273

>Remove something that's unnecessary and only increase a persons neccessary hygiene maintence
>People bitch and whine about insignificant sensations like mongrels

>> No.2590277

>insignificant sensations


>> No.2590291

I don't really get how people are citing hygiene as a pro for circumcised vs uncircumcised. Do you guys shower once a month or something? If you shower regurarly and clean yourself properly, there is no benefit.

The biggest pro I would say is the aesthetic value in some countries. Where I live, boys are seldom circumcised, and foreskin is not considered 'gross' by women.

Sorry if this wasn't scientific, but I'm just baffled by the hygiene argument. I mean, if you want your child to have good hygiene, why not teach him to clean himself properly rather than going at him with a scalpel? No, the reason to cut is most often religious or societal norms or just family tradition.

>> No.2590294
File: 57 KB, 475x321, 1288269326250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything other than over-hyped and dull

>> No.2590310

>orgasms are dull

post a paypal for donations toward hiring a professional to do the job. you're doing it wrong

>> No.2590316

The showering argument is a straw man though...

Needs cleaned with the ability to be cleaned and doesn't need cleaned with the ability to be cleaned is what's being discussed.

Thus the only relevant counter points to the hygiene argument are the likelihood or impact of any ailments that result from not cleaning despite having the ability to.

>> No.2590321

Either circumcised or merely never had good orgasms and just used it as a quick dopamine release.

My face is filled with pity right now.

>> No.2590324

I'd rather electrocute myself.

>> No.2590330

There's a reason for that.

>> No.2590331

My face if filled with laughter right now because anyone who places value is just one step closer to the apes than I am.

>> No.2590357

The value is placed on the highly pleasurable phenomenal experience. It has nothing to do with intelligence. It's just a natural drug and there's no harm in taking advantage of it. Even if it's an evolutionarily coded adaptation which is to give us a goal (sex) which may result in reproduction, it doesn't mean there's no value in phenomenal experiences, otherwise people wouldn't do drugs or enjoy any forms of art and entertainment. Even the pleasure of solving an intellectual challenge is a phenomenal experience. If we had none of those, it would be much harder for us to have any goals whatsoever. Face it, these emotional biases are how we create our goals!

>> No.2590373

I completely disagree that it leaves you with less "feeling". On the contrary I would say that it is the opposite.

I personally and voluntarily went to a doctor and had a circ when I was 26, it was one of the best things I have ever done for myself.

Sure, a slight reduction of direct surface sensitivity of the glans has occurred. But, since the friction has increased many times over, the net effect is much greater sexual pleasure (both for me and for my partners).

>> No.2590374

>Face it, these emotional biases are how we create our goals!

Which makes you about on the same level as creationists.

>> No.2590381

My experience is that I have much better control over when to come now that I have been circumcised.

Better sex, better staying-power, prettier dick, more pleasure.... what more do you want in exchange for a useless piece of excess skin?

This is actually a scientific fact. But only protects the male.

>> No.2590385

>I'm circumcised because my dad is catholic.

Umm... Catholics don't circumsize.

>> No.2590415

The question is not how, or why, but howcum

>> No.2590451

>I'm circumcised because my dad is catholic.

>> No.2590460
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1285939554689s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my dad is a closet jew

>> No.2590474

Slightly less chance of infection.

But its not worth it really.

Honestly, its like cutting off your ears because they get wax in them.

You wouldnt do that would you.

>> No.2590482

give me a religious text advocating it and you'll get hundreds of millions of people going at it

but really, the thread potential has been exhausted a long time ago, let it die before it just devolves into people shouting at each other

>> No.2590486

>makes it look bigger, smell better, and last longer. So mostly the benefits are for your partner, not you.

>look bigger
Okay wheres the logic in removing part of your dick makes it look bigger?

>Smell better
Fair enough if the uncut man never washed, but everyone showers.

>last longer
While this is entirely down to the person, it is slightly true, as since the foreskin has so many nerve endings for pleasure, a cut penis will have considerably reduced pleasure, it will just be the glans, so with less pleasure you are less likely to cum quicker.

That would honestly suck, id rather please myself then then dumb chick i picked up to fuck.

You dont fuck them to please them do you? You fuck them to cos u enjoy it.
And with a partner, why should they have all pleasure and you have shitty numb dick, just be uncut and learn to last longer, seriously better than cutting off your nerves.

>> No.2590549

I think you have been misinformed. In a post-adolescence circumcision, one usually do not cut the skin closest to the glans. The cut is rather placed further up on the shaft, thus stretching and exposing the most sensitive skin. Which actually improves your sensation.

At the same time, the fact that the glans is now exposed in your underwear makes it less acutely sensitive (over-sensitive) which helps persons that tend to loose it prematurely.

So, to sum it up:
Post-adolescence circumcision = Awesome, epic win.
Natal circumcision = plain silly.

>> No.2590582

doesnt talk about the risks and drawbacks. I wouldn't consider that a reliable source of infomation

>> No.2590587

Maybe for a week before i turns to leather

>> No.2590585

You may want to think you're pure intellect, but you'll realize that many of your goals are actually directed by your emotional and reward systems, be it the desire to survive, the desire to eat, the desire to solve interesting intellectual challenges, the search for beauty and so on, wanting to have money (or whatever other thing). If you try to deconstruct any goal you will see that they end up falling back to more basic primal needs. Yes, even something as grand as having your goal to grant humanity immortality and having us spread to the stars or achieving a form of transhumanism, they're all reductible to current emotional and reward system adaptations which were developed through heavy use of your neocortex for reasoning them out.

It has been shown that people with damaged emotional and reward systems tend to be incapable of forming goals or making sound decisions which are not purely theoretical (involve them in practice). However, those that had the damage happen to them latter in life may remember earlier goals which were developed (and stored in their memories in their neocortex) when they didn't have that particular kind of brain damage.

I suggest you try to understand more about how the human brain works before drawing short-sighted solutions from it - you may even find that the reason why you want to ignore the actual way you (your brain) make decisions to be emotional in itself.

>> No.2590589


In my day people could actually identify trolls.

>> No.2590593

Basically even if you dont wash every day you still dont need to worry about having a cheesy knob.

Also you can celebrate passover (Exodus 12:48) and god wont personally come and kill you (Exodus 4:24)

>> No.2590596

America has the highest circumcision rates in the industrialised world and amongst the highest aids rate in the industrialised world

>> No.2590606
File: 28 KB, 409x350, igotthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main drawback in all honesty is the loss of sensation but that is rarely significant. If you have good hygiene there is no real benefit of being circumcised

>> No.2590611

Technically yes.

Since you expose the glans to the elements it becomes more hardened and thus decreases the chance for some(not all) STD transmissions. Most notably HIV(by a factor of two or so, decreasing the chance of transmission from vaginal intercourse from something along the line of 0.1% to 0.05%(yes: HIV is actually not all that infectious, but if you fuck around a lot without condom the odds stack).
It is also more hygenic in that your underwear works as an abrasive and removes everything that accumulates, but if you have a pair of hands and a shower it should not be much of a problem to do it manually either way.
It also avoids phimosis but that's a problem that can be dealt with if it would ever arise, true phimosis is relatively rare anyway.

So if you want to recklessly fuck everything that moves. Or have no arms. Then yes, it is beneficial. Otherwise not so much.

You also miss out on the fantastic experience of inflating the foreskin with a stream of water(shower/tap/hose), as such i would never trade the utility provided by a foreskin by the slight benefits of being circumcised.

>> No.2591018

I was born with hypospadias.

For some reason the treatment of this involved circumcision. But not for religious reasons, as my brother wasn't circumcised since he didn't have the defect.

But I can''t figure out if circumcision was necessary for the treatment back then or what.

>> No.2591024

To all those saying the loss of sensation is only slight, what about the fact that the frenulum is more often than not removed during circumcision and contains a shitload of nerve endings?

>> No.2591232
File: 60 KB, 800x600, sccap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give OP his troll points, and
<------- give him points for being the first to notice and make me laugh

>> No.2591554

Im uncut and can fuck my gf for hours, I guess I missed the memmo about early ejaculation if im uncut.

AND when you get a hardon when you are uncut, the forskin still retracts back over the head. (if you got a big enough penis). Not like you have a cap over the head all the time. So a cut and uncut penis looks quite similar when erect. So astetic reasons are also void. BUT I can pull my foreskin so it goes over the head when I mastrubate. Best feeling in the world

I have never encountered smegma, cause I know where my shower is.

And only americans lets someone cut away a part of your penis, and the jews. Rest of the educated world dont.

>> No.2591572

>babbys furst day on teh intrewbe

>> No.2591598

fucking troll

all you have to do is search for medical reasons for circumcisions. the pros outweigh the cons.