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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 50 KB, 369x480, drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2587780 No.2587780 [Reply] [Original]

Can everybody learn to draw? Is there any scientific research on this topic? Examples of people who were shit tier in drawing but became god tier or atleast goodtier after alot of practice?

>> No.2587803

What you're suggesting is stupid. Wanna learn how to draw? Draw!

>> No.2587801

>Examples of people who were shit tier in drawing but became god tier or atleast goodtier after alot of practice?
Every "good tier" and "god tier" artist.

>> No.2587810
File: 50 KB, 320x240, 1265470105827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP just wants to learn how to draw furry porn well.

>> No.2587826

With practice I think a person could become what most people consider pretty decent. Just doing things like paying attention to proportions, shading, and a couple of techniques for making interesting drawings.

A lot of what makes a good drawing can be learned. Going past that will require talent and lots of time however.

>> No.2587835

>So your not good at something?
>I know, just get better!
>Another problem solved, thanks to being a faggot

You're being a faggot

>> No.2587837


>> No.2587838

Drawing is for artsy gayfags. Do math and you will be godtier of everything because everything is mathematics.

>> No.2587851
File: 22 KB, 300x332, strichmaennchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea..it doesn't really get much further then this

>> No.2587857

This thread makes me happy and sad

Happy I prefer to work with ceramics and no one can tell that I';m not very good at it since all they see is a cup or a vase

Sad, that I really wanted to learn how to draw well and never decided to get into it

>> No.2587862

Look at the first Penny Arcade
Then look at the latest Penny Arcades.

That is what 10 years of drawing every day will get you.

Of course, there are other comics like User Friendly that show that some people can draw everyday for 15 years and get worse.

>> No.2587875

If you're still alive, then it's not too late to start.
Are you still alive, still alive?

>> No.2587892

Wow this thread is so fit for /ic/. They may be sick of threads like this but...
Draw reality then distort it into style.
Accept critique and don't take anything personal.

>> No.2587912

Ceramics is awesome. Especially any class involving the potter's wheel. The class is always predominately women. They wear light, loose clothing on account of the exertion and kiln proximity. They're always leaning far forwards and doing things with their hands that spark the imagination.

I need to sign up for another class.

>> No.2587916

Asking people who already are able to draw if everyone can is not really helpful
i was asking for the science behind drawing and creativity
Not everyone can be a rocket scientist but a rocket scientist would tell you you can with alot of practice because he's speaking from a subjective perspective HE CAN with a lot of practice be one.

inb4 rocket scientists telling me everyone can be a rocket scientist

>> No.2587933

people itt are missing a big part of op's post..... HE IS A FUCKING FURFAG!!

>> No.2587949

The science behind it? People become better at things they practice and have an incentive to become better at.

It is how all learning works. For things like drawing and other creative tasks it is its own reward. One difference in human is that we tend to plan far ahead. It is what makes a person strive for excellence even though currently they are currently failing horribly.

First you have to get past the "This sucks, I quit" phase, then you have to get past the "This is good enough, I'll stop trying to hard" phase.

The problem you'll have discussing this kind of thing here is that it falls into the realm of psychology and /sci/ is biased against it because it has not been a science for the vast majority of its time as a discipline but it is slowly changing to be more so.

>> No.2587952


Anyone can be a rocket scientist (barring mentally handicapped), though not a lot of people are dedicated enough. People don't do well in math in high school and say "Oh, I'm just not a math person." But that's just an excuse to give up on something hard.

In the same respect anyone can be an artist. It's easier for those more naturally inclined because they get a lot of positive feedback, and it's harder for those less naturally inclined because their art looks like shit so they just say "Oh, I'm just not an artistic person."

>> No.2587968


The book, "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain," tries to do this. I don't know if there's any actual scientific basis for it.

Drawing is like a language, except most people only know a few words they can't pronounce correctly. "Good" artists just draw from a larger vocabulary because they've drawn those shapes before.

>> No.2587986

Everyone can, but everyone is not able to. People who are unable to ask the ones that can.
>Not everyone can be a rocket scientist but a rocket scientist would tell you you can with alot of practice because he's speaking from a subjective perspective HE CAN with a lot of practice be one.
Then disregard advice.

>> No.2587997

Actually Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain does have good advice and techniques, but its nothing special.
The attempts at giving a psychological explanations are just horrible. If I remember correctly, it said to "turn off the left hemisphere of the brain".

>> No.2588062
File: 3 KB, 126x108, sci five.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potters wheel

fuck yeah

>> No.2588079


You just made we want to double major; CompSci & Ceramics

>implying they even offer any classes with pottery

>> No.2588232
File: 43 KB, 467x599, 467pxlebrun_selfportrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A long time ago I was on another forum that posted a link to a forum about art. It featured a guy who started with stick figures, and he couldn't even draw a cube in good proportions using perspective. 10 years later, he was producing work like the picture I provide. I really wish I had the link, but you have to take my word for it. It can happen.

Just draw a cube. It's the first step...