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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2587767 No.2587767 [Reply] [Original]

-Disease free
-Till cum
-Infinite time
-Must suck a 100 or no pay
-Tax free

>> No.2587789

Is it full of fat fugly fucks or nice, well-groomed twinks and hunks?

A man needs to know.

>> No.2587792

I could learn to love the cock for 1 million tax free dollars.

>> No.2587793

HELL YEA (i gayfag)

Now the sciencefag of me says GFTO

>> No.2587800



>> No.2587808


>No Diseases

Pick one.

>> No.2587809

I'll do it for free

>> No.2587811

How big are they on average? 5 inch I can handle.

>> No.2587812


Random within the range of non-sick people.

>> No.2587817

But I don't have $1,000,000
Would you take an IOU?

>> No.2587820

I choke on small bones

>> No.2587832


They're all disease free, but the sizes and shape of these dicks are random because they will be multiple people sucking dick on a given day. The dick you may be getting are chosen at random from a pool of clean dicks.

>> No.2587841

No fair. If sucking 100 cocks is good enough for you, you don't get the money.

>> No.2587858

do they cum in my mouth? if so, do i have to swallow?

>> No.2587864


I'm sorry once you're giving a certain dick to suck you must finish sucking that dick until cum. If you can't handle a dick from 1-∞ inches I don't suggest you start.

>> No.2587872
File: 42 KB, 640x480, hard gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd do it


>> No.2587867

>Why a person wouldnt do it

The person has strong beliefs that doing this would be highly homosexual and doing it would result in something terrific (which is wrong). And that person would be stupid enough to believe that a million dollars is not worth doing that homosexual act, which is highly illogical.

>Why a person would do it

The person is not a slave of the opinions of others and not stupid enough to form an illogical illusion in which performing a homosexual act for not pleasure but money that will ensure an ideal future, is wrong.

>> No.2587877


>> No.2587879

I know, right? Bring it on bitches. Twinks on my line first.

>> No.2587948

yes. no questions asked.

>> No.2587957

This is about the only excuse you could have for sucking 100 dicks and still being able to claim afterwards you are not gay.

>> No.2587965

in a row?

>> No.2587973

I wouldn't suck a dick for $10 000.
I wouldn't suck 10 for $100 000
I wouldn't suck 100 for $1 000 000.

>> No.2587981

Because you're a faggot. Get out of here faggot

>> No.2587982

I used to suck my own dick for free, I probably did it at least 100 times. so yeah, probably.

>> No.2587989

Where do I sign?

>> No.2587990

Do I have to go and find these dicks, go through the work? Or are they provided on demand within reasonable limits?

If 2, then yes, otherwise no I wouldn't put myself through that.

>> No.2587998

Do they have to cum? Even so, I probably would.

>> No.2588003
File: 138 KB, 462x386, Nate River Near 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dropping by this thread to let you all know that it's essentially 4chan's version of "How to Eat Fried Worms"

You're all 4th graders at heart, and some even in mind.

Peace be with you.

>> No.2588011

We're going at this the wrong way, the unscientific way.

How would you suck a 100 cocks and get the money all the while never having touched another man's penor?

>> No.2588015


I'm a pure, creative mind blossoming with potential?

Aww, god DAMNIT!

>> No.2588017

can I repeat?

>> No.2588019


Through the use of a clone, android or by devising a clever scheme to get the money without sucking dicks.

Sounds like too much hassle though; I'd just suck the dicks.

>> No.2588021

if they don't cum in 10 minutes can I get an alternate?

>> No.2588029


sorry, i don't know why i said that hurtful thing :(

>> No.2588030


>> No.2588027

>Through the use of a clone, android or by devising a clever scheme
>Sounds like too much hassle
There is one here who doesn't belong.

>> No.2588025


No, you're a snot nosed, socially isolated fuck who has to resort to eating a bunch of worms in order to gain the attention of his peers.

>> No.2588023

As long as I can do it within the "blackout phase"

>> No.2588033

I'd rather make my money through more reputable means

>> No.2588034


The time and money it would require to devise such a plot or scheme far outweighs the mere hrs it would take to suck of all those dicks.

I hate to resort to economics here, but its true

>> No.2588042


You mean like signing away your freedoms to some company or stealing millions of dollars through irresponsible banking practices?

Just about everyone whores for money.

But at the same time, you do make a good point...know that I think about it..sucking 100 dicks would be kind of gay.

>> No.2588057 [DELETED] 

Go back to high school you pathetic sack of puberty

>> No.2588059

Go back to high school you pathetic sack of puberty

>> No.2588064

Given the additional restriction of total secrecy I'm leaning toward yes.

$1,000,000 USD isn't enough to retire and tell the world to fuck off. I'd probably develop severe substance abuse issues or an hero if it came back to destroy some sort of lifelong dream.

>> No.2588067
File: 48 KB, 736x736, thatguy (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy mouthwash

>> No.2588132

Like I said.

>> No.2588147

Engineers, all of you.

>> No.2588509

>fuck yeah

bring on the dicks!