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2586704 No.2586704 [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill.......

Taking physics questions (if they aren't fucking retarded).


>> No.2586711

duz the fethur drop b4 the bowling bawl?

>> No.2586714 [DELETED] 

Are ohysical laws the same here on Earth as they are everywhere else in the universe?

How would I go about violating the laws of physics?

>> No.2586716

is the double slit test bullshit or does it mean anything at all

>> No.2586715

What field?

>> No.2586720

Please explain the annihilation of anti/matter. Which fundamental forces, if any, are responsible for this? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.2586725

To throw a ball, do you exert an impulse on it? Do you exert an impulse to catch it at the same speed? About how much impulse do you exert, in comparison, if you catch it and immediately throw it back again?

>> No.2586727

Explain Quantum theory :3

>> No.2586733

how is babby formed

>> No.2586736

what are quantum fluctuations?

>> No.2586744

Can a planet / object / whatever ever run out of gravity?
If not is there any way to harness gravity and use it as a source of free energy?

>> No.2586753

How does gravity work?

>> No.2586774

Wow what total shit questions

>> No.2586801

Just talk about something interesting. People who want to try and learn will read it; people without patience would leave anyways; any knowledge you have is readily available over the internet in the form of textbooks.

>> No.2586809

>>any knowledge you have is readily available over the internet in the form of textbooks.

>>implying he didn't discover anything

>> No.2586810


What do you expect when you don't specify a field. We can all read wikipedia you know.

>> No.2586819

is it possible to create or weaponize sound waves so that they resonate or vibrate at the same frequency as solids creating destructive interference? forgive the badly worded/assumptions. i dont know physics.

>> No.2586828

Would be on the internet in all likelihood?

>> No.2586823

Because when you discover something you certainly don't publish your findings. Right?
Should have expected this kind of stupidity from someone who uses >implying.

>> No.2586831

That should be, "someone who uses >>implying"

>> No.2586869

>>implying I wasn't being sarcastic

>> No.2586872
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The double slit experiment is a basic way to demonstrate the "particle-wave" duality of matter. Matter cannot accurately be described as either particles or waves alone. You must describe it as both.

Quantum Field theory does just that, it is the standard way we describe matter on a fundemental level. It allows for both "particle" and "wave" properties. The fundemental "character" of an object is not a "particle" or a "wave", it is a "field".

>> No.2586882

Does this description hold throughout physics? Where does it break down?

>> No.2586937
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Your question really doesn't make sense.

It isn't just the result of a particular "fundemental force". It actually is just basic Quantum Field theory.

Annihlation occurs because I get a "0" state for all quantum numbers in the collision. Everything basically "cancels out".

>> No.2586973

Why in the FUCK is the neutrino, a particle with zero electric charge, supposed have a magnet moment? Supposedly this follows from the Dirac equation, but I don't see it.

>> No.2587000

why should zero net charge mean no magnetic moments? fucking magnets have zero charge

>> No.2587008
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Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is actually a mathematical frame work. When "applied" is creates Quantum Electrodynamics, Quantum Chromodynamics, The standard model, etc.

I know there are some mathematical predictions as to when Quantum Field Theory may break down, but as to date we have never encountered a "limit".

>> No.2587030

Fucking magnets get their magnetic field from the movement and spin of the electrons within them.

>> No.2587033

You're forgetting your name Physics Guy!

>> No.2587045

Is there any way I could safely bring an object traveling at 500mph to an immediate rest without harming any occupants?

Assuming they were human.

>> No.2587049

How would you determine the physical relationship between the x-ray absorption spectra and the local bonding co-ordination of atoms?

>> No.2587054

What would happen if the sun was replaced with a black hole of the same mass ?

>> No.2587062

I'm still unclear as to how babby is formed.

>> No.2587075
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Sure, that is basic Solid State Physics (undergrad shit).

All you need to do is calculate the "resonance frequencies" of the object in question. If you are able to vibrate the object to match a certain resonance frequency, it may tear itself apparent (eventually). This shit has happens all the time, and the physics is pretty fucking trivial.

>> No.2587073
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>> No.2587080

Assuming this is some type of magical instant swap the earth would continue in its present orbit unchanged. Of course we would freeze to death.

>> No.2587089

If the sun supernova'd, we'd be frazzled.

>> No.2587092


then why mention the zero charge? that was my beef. zero charge is immaterial. the fact they have mass is the issue

>> No.2587097

If heat is the movement of particles, wouldnt sitting in front of a fan warm you up instead of cooling you off?

>> No.2587111 [DELETED] 

There are tons of ways, there is a whole field about this shit


So, it really depends on what spectroscopy method you want to use (have available)

If I had my choice, I would probably use XAFS

>> No.2587113

Because fucking magnets are composed of particles with electric charge. Neutrinos (as far as I know) are not.

Why would mass produce a magnetic moment?

>> No.2587120
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There are tons of ways, there is a whole field about this shit


So, it really depends on what spectroscopy method you want to use (have available)

If I had my choice, I would probably use XAFS

>> No.2587121


>> No.2587125

The fan doesn't heat the particles up that much (it does transfer some energy, obviously, but a negligible amount). Rather, it just causes more particles to strike you faster, so there's more collisions of cool air particles with your warm body particles. So the energy gets carried away from your body faster.

>> No.2587143

how is light polarized by stessed materials

>> No.2587155
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>immediate rest

This actually cannot happen. Nothing can slow down instantly. There is always a time (albiet very very very small) needed to get an object from motion to rest. Define your time scale, and I will answer your question.

>> No.2587161

is it possible to build a vehicle that is propelled by the wind, but can go faster than the wind AGAINST the wind?

before anyone asks, yes i read it in wired.

also, if objects within the universe have a tendency to form a spiral shape (due to gravity), why does the universe itself, as far as can be observed, have a tendency to form into a chain-like construct? this is not a brain teaser i just really want to know what kind of laws are at work in a macroscopic scale.

>> No.2587171


one millisecond.

>> No.2587166

Yes. Speed doesn't hurt you, acceleration does. It matters how quickly you try to get to 500 MPH. Also, if you're trying to do this on the surface of the Earth, there's air resistance, and even a little pebble kicked up at your windshield is now a little pebble going 500 MPH.

>> No.2587173


>> No.2587184
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The universe is constantly making shit out of nothing, as well as destroying shit into nothing (on an quantum scale). We call this stuff vaccum fluxuations.

>> No.2587193


You are just proving what I said earlier (>>2586810). You didn't answer the question (>>2587049). Einstein liked the field of electromagnetic interaction with matter and he would be disappointed by your attempts to talk down at high schoolers.

>> No.2587219
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I anit doing the math for you, but I'll get you started.

initial speed = v

your slow down time = t

g = gravity 9.8m/s^2

n = number of g's you will experience

n = v/(g*t)

Then look up what the human body can handle (and compare). Note, it depends on the time you experience the g's, as well as what direction they are in.


>> No.2587226

Scroll down to the last page. You're interested in EXAFS.

Physics Guy acts like it's an opinion based decision, fuck no it's a science based decision.

>> No.2587228

two reasons

extended standard electroweak theory

transition of the mass eigenstates

>> No.2587280
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When it comes to that shit, it really depends on your material, and what you have available (what syncrotron you are using, or what lab equipment you have).

Given any material there are usually many techniques that will work.

Examples of some techniques.

XAFS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-ray_absorption_fine_structure

EXAFS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EXAFS

XANES: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XANES


>> No.2587288

After a star uses up its hydrogen>helium fuel and supernovas, where does the hydrogen for new star formation come from?

>> No.2587296

Those techniques aren't interchangeable. You get different information from different techniques (oxidation state, coordination number, etc).

>> No.2587308

Does mathematical notation dissolve the integrity of real world observations?

>> No.2587318

is all the energy in the universe quantized?

>> No.2587336

How many hydrogen atoms would you need to get a total energy "output" of 500 KJ (By the means of nuclear fusion)

Also, How many Uranium-235 atoms would you need to reach a critical mass, (Density of 19 kg/dm3 under normal pressure)

This is questions from physics 1, second grade, High school.

>> No.2587341
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Anyway, gtg

Thanks for the questions /sci/

>> No.2587423


That is much closer, a warm welcome to the discussion. What physical model would you use for trying to quantify the local bonding arrangements in XANES? Her research used simple MD simultations in order to fit the XAS. I know about these programs but how would you distinguish the local bonding property arrangement contributions in XANES spectra specifically?