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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 253x343, btwiek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2586102 No.2586102 [Reply] [Original]

sup /sci/

/r/inng the picture of "oh fuck i love cocks"
where it is a cartoon version of OP with cocks in his hands.
/b/ failed me.
not /sci/ related i know, and i apologise, but please help me and i'll be really really nice, and wont troll etc etc.

also, ill take the version with aether sh00ped onto it if any of you have it.

>> No.2586148

come on /sci/, help me out?

>> No.2586158

I have it. But I hate you.

>> No.2586176

I fucking loled

>> No.2586201
File: 7 KB, 245x180, pleasssssseeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooo!! come one please just post it.
what have i ever done that was so bad??

>> No.2586221

EK, you know I worship your fuzzy ass and all, but I don't save pictures of dicks on my computer.


>> No.2586233

they are cartoony dicks.
just black lines drawn on MS paint.

come on, somebody must have it (who doesnt hate me and isnt being a jerk! :( so... bump)

>> No.2586240
File: 93 KB, 450x337, kitchen-before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Behead those who insult EK

Oh noes!

>> No.2586243

show your tits

>> No.2586244

lol, its just a joke image.

some radical muslim sh00ped.

>> No.2586251

Disregard everything, i sucks cocks

>> No.2586259

>the version with aether sh00ped onto it

>> No.2586264

Helping a tripfag..mh....mhhhhh....NOPE

>> No.2586268
File: 209 KB, 891x564, youraloser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm. nope
wtf is this?
trade tits for op-loves-cosks image?


...i think if i wait long enough i will find the image without having to resort to such debauchery.

...post image out of goodness of your heart pl0x?


BAHAHHAHAHAAA!!! fucking LMAO, i just saw my captcha, fucking hell i am screen capping that.

the captcha is mocking me... :D
and trolling me.
its fucking "you're" god-damn troll-captcha!

>> No.2586270

start a fake aether thread.
wait a couple hours.

>> No.2586276

yeah show your tits

>> No.2586280

this is neither science nor math, however it is both >>>/b/ related and retarded tripfaggotry

>> No.2586286


>> No.2586282

not bad advice... i can get the image eventually, i was just gonna make a sh00p right now and try to be funny in a different thread...ah well, fuck it.

>> No.2586289

I've been on 4chan for about three years now. I have seen some outrageous attention whores, terrible posts and overall incredible tripfag idiocy. But you take the crown, I seriously haven't seen a tripfag that contributes so little to a board. I come to /sci/ daily and have never, ever seen you post something that improves the quality of threads. The worst part is that you're not even a troll.

No, I'm not mad, I'm not upset even. The most intense emotion I have ever felt from being provoked by you is mild frustration.

>> No.2586291


i know EK's old trip, not the new one though..

>> No.2586297

saged & reported

>> No.2586298
File: 24 KB, 482x329, kitchen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROTIP: Post kitchens to make her Angreh and drive this retarded tripfag back to /b/.

>> No.2586299

oh and i'm not gonna explain shit

>> No.2586301
File: 117 KB, 320x240, Captain Barbossa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm disinclined to acquiesce to you're request

>> No.2586309

i'm not even offended, that just is not true, so i dont give a fuck.
im a successful troll, when i want to be, and ive helped out in loads of threads. its a lie to say that i have contributed nothing.

>> No.2586313
File: 34 KB, 427x320, ek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whiteknighting in a 404 thread.

>> No.2586316
File: 39 KB, 475x512, potc_003-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you'll be dining with the crew, and you will be naked

>> No.2586317
File: 12 KB, 241x230, 1297728603167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? Well... fuck you too.

>> No.2586326
File: 144 KB, 400x600, yourawesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i fucking love you anon! :D


and you are seriously fucking awesome!
all my blessings upon you :)

>> No.2586323

homework threads should be banned
it does not count as a contribution
posting in religious threads too..

>> No.2586333

i bet you have small tits

>> No.2586351

ive no problem with dining naked ;)

hahaha! suck it, faggot. u mad that not everyone in the world is as much an arsehole as you?

i have no problem with homework threads. if someone genuinly wants help and is willing to learn, then i am happy to help.
and religion threads are sometimes interesting if they have a certain angle, rather than a vague "god is/isnt real' cliche'd angle.

...just noticed i spelled "you're" wrong in the image filename without even meaning too...i mnot gonna troll my fucking self...ill correct that now

>> No.2586357

lol, lucky guess.

im not even bothered, i dont need big tits, they'd just get in the way, and my athleticism would suffer for them.

i mean they arnt hideosly small...probably just slightly below average size...but still quite normal looking.

>> No.2586366

pic or it didn't happen

>> No.2586369

Posting in HW and religion threads is contributing to the degradation of the board, not its betterment.
I see you go to /b/, which was pretty obvious, and you should probably stay there. You can solve as much HW questions and post in as much religion/shit tier philosophy threads as your heart desires there and hell, those people are dumb enough so they may actually consider you "intelligent" which is everything you want anyway.

So the question is, why do you even come here?

>> No.2586374

EK is cancer, can we get rid of it?

>> No.2586398

The only way I can see that as possible if we collectively make an effort to remind her(/him) of the fact that she is cancer every time she makes an attention whoring post. With enough persistence, she may eventually get it through that thick skull that she is not actually as smart as she thinks she is, and is in no way contributing to the discussion.

>> No.2586409

lol, i dont need approval for my level of intelligence from random people on the internet, i know how intelligent i am, and i am content with it.

>So the question is, why do you even come here?
to amuse, and to be amused
to learn, and to educate
to troll, and to lol.
...and to be inspired!

you can't

>> No.2586432
File: 5 KB, 125x98, 1281830411742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is better

>> No.2586444

yeah, but I couldn't find that one with a five second google search...

>> No.2586448

requesting greater zoom please?

>> No.2586454


bull-fucking-shit!, you cant find "oh fuck i love cocks" with a google search.
believe me, i fucking tried!

>> No.2586459

is this aether?

>> No.2586464

yahoo search with the filter off.
"op sucks cocks"
then click images.

I told you I don't save those kinds of images

>> No.2586475


Yes, problem. But what can I do~ actually honestly I think EK is a pretty cool guy who /sci/ can collectively abuse, I mean, what would /sci/ be if we didn't have a weekly "kill yourself EK" thread derail?

a better place

>> No.2586479
File: 34 KB, 510x468, 1292718630276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We refer to him as "cock guzzling fag", not sure what his tripname is.

>> No.2586482


>requests larger size
>calls it zoom
>frequently post pics that are like 25 pixels

get the fuck out...

>> No.2586486



>> No.2586489

>lol, i dont need approval for my level of intelligence from random people on the internet, i know how intelligent i am, and i am content with it.

Then why do you use a tripcode? Most tripfags think they are better than the rest of the people here and they feel the need to distinguish themselves because of it. Think about it, objectively. You could be doing the same thing you're doing now as anonymous, the only difference is that you wouldn't be an "internet celebrity" in your mind.

>> No.2586490
File: 752 KB, 1280x1024, untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2586491
File: 17 KB, 306x308, rageface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


google fucking fails me, and then yahoo has it on the first motherfucking page!
yes i mad!

>> No.2586525

yes, that's aether.

>the only difference is that you wouldn't be an "internet celebrity" in your mind.
lol, i dont think like that.
but i like using a name. i like people to know if it is me posting, rather than have me blend in and any one of the anon posts could be me.

huh...google has if.
...for fucks sake...

>> No.2586539

>but that's his point you fucking idiot.

>> No.2586572

>rather than have me blend in and any one of the anon posts could be me
it's called the anonymous society
then why don't you post on a regular forum where you can register and not bother writing captcha with every post..
you're missing the whole point on what 4chan means...

>> No.2586581


I officially hate you now. Your only chance at redemption is tits or gtfo forever.

>> No.2586592

lol ive had his discussion before, and i am too lazy to repeat myself here.
tl;dr tripcodes DO serve a valid purpose, and i like using it.
i /threaded ages ago. the threads purpose is served.


>> No.2586603
File: 12 KB, 100x142, interesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's not forget the TITS and GTFO option

>> No.2586621

Psychology major here, your life must be pretty miserable.