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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 5 KB, 236x72, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2585089 No.2585089 [Reply] [Original]

Im starting to think that this board is infected with High schoolers

Solve this in terms of Y

and no this is not homework I got this out of an old algebra textbook

if you can't so that then you don't belong on /sci/

>> No.2585097

>implying high schoolers can't do this.

>> No.2585102


>"I'll pretend my homework is some sort of a really hard problem to "trick" people into doing it"
>implying YOU belong on /sci/

>> No.2585121

<span class="math"> y = \frac{ad}{2} + \frac{xd}{4} - \frac{ma}{2c} - \frac {mx}{4c} [/spoiler]

>> No.2585127

>Totally not homework guise!

>> No.2585139

>Solve this in terms of Y
Just wait until I boot up my cluster of 16 game consoles and start up Mathematica.

>> No.2585144


i dont even care.
we cant prove either way.

>> No.2585168
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>> No.2585174

inb4idiot but how exactly do you solve that in terms of y? there isn't even a y in the equation to being with

>> No.2585176

the first term is 4y
learn to read >.<

>> No.2585177

Wow. How long it took to evaluate this?

>> No.2585180

Did you miss the 4y?

>> No.2585181
File: 148 KB, 795x1192, 1296811761835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't belong on /sci/?

OP is a faggot

>> No.2585183

firstly I'd common denomintor the shit out of it, then cross multiply like a don, and finally subtract and divide all the shit that isn't a y.

effort doing it though.

>> No.2585184

15 seconds since i decided to use the select tool and drag things around for fun?

>> No.2585188
File: 192 KB, 300x377, bawww2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sweet jesus

>> No.2585194
File: 37 KB, 648x781, idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


idiots cant INB4
and you are an idiot.

>> No.2585203

.5ad+.25dx -.5am/c-.25mx/c

I think, cant be assed to check it though.

>> No.2585223

<div class="math">
y = \frac{(d - \frac{m}{c}) \cdot (2a+x)}{4}
y = \frac{1}{4} (d-\frac{m}{c})(2a+x)

Any 15-year-old can do this.

>> No.2585231

but fractions look nicer.
also, you need to put 'y=' on one side, or it isn't even an equation.

apart from that, you get the same as me >>2585121

>> No.2585239

<span class="math"> y = C + C_1 x [/spoiler]

finding out <span class="math"> C, C_1 [/spoiler] is left as an exercise to the reader

>> No.2585240
File: 2 KB, 126x126, ermnope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any 15-year-old can do this.

yes, but you cant.

the second line in the equation is wrong, you put an extra Y where there should not be one.

>> No.2585244

Yeah I started typing it out as fractions but hen I realized that when I got to c i would have /c/2 or /c/4 and that doesn't look nice.

But yeah yours is nicer. I just don't know how to use latex T.T

>> No.2585245

LaTeX is pronounced as Latex glove right

>> No.2585254

ive heard it said 'lay-tek' before though.

>> No.2585256

No he just messed up with the latex. Those are 2 different steps. He didn't put a space between the 2 equations

>> No.2585263

I've generally heard it pronounced "luh-TEK", but here are some options.

>> No.2585267
File: 3 KB, 83x125, zn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should learn the basics. it is useful.

with ['math'] brackets around. use:

here is a list of other symbols.
e.g. \pi makes the symbol for pi.

e.g <span class="math"> \pi [/spoiler]
and you can double click on any line of latex to see the code for it, so you can learn to replicate it.


>> No.2585268

The correct pronunciation, as Wikipedia will probably beat you over the head with, is Lay-tek. "tex" is actually written in Greek, τεχ. χ = chi = pronounced /kh/.

Why are Americans always so confused by other languages?

>> No.2585271 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 240x99, math answer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its actually

>> No.2585276

You beat me to it. So I'll just provide source


since word LaTeX is derived from TeX, pronouncing it the same as in "latex glove" is terribly terribly wrong and you would sound like an idiot if you'd ever say it aloud

>> No.2585277

he is still an idiot.
the next line was rewriting the whole thing, but just changing a 1/4 at the start to dropping a 4 down as a global denominator instead.

...totally unnecessary.

>> No.2585281

scratch that, reverse it.

>> No.2585285
File: 2 KB, 230x98, math answer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually

>> No.2585297

Proof if you don't believe me

>> No.2585298
File: 2 KB, 126x101, srisly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and no it isn't

>> No.2585303
File: 69 KB, 480x318, dense mofo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...so c = d then?

fucking learn to read properly!

>> No.2585316

God damn it

My biggest problem in math is writing shit wrong

Shit gets annoying

if I didn't have a shit working memory I would have a 100% on everything

>> No.2585329

meh...if c was d your algebra working was all fine...

>> No.2585331

Are you upset about the fact that I find the second form more pleasant?

What did you call me again?

Nice try, swapping the c for a d.

>> No.2585338

<span class="math">y=\frac{(2a+x)(cd-m)}{4c}[/spoiler] works too.

>> No.2585344
File: 52 KB, 473x480, handshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man

>> No.2585382

OP here

Yes thats correct

>> No.2585404

y = (2a + x)(cd - m) / 4c